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VIII (50’s and beyond) integrity vs. despair old adult
Your College Years
Unit 1
Detailed Analysis
Text Analysis
Text Analysis
1. What does the author mean by developmental changes? Why is it important for college students to be aware of them? 2. Do you agree with the author that young adults are bound to go through an identity crisis? Is it necessarily a “dangerous” or “negative” incident in our life? 3. Why does the author emphasize the change in the way of dealing with knowledge as an important aspect of our growth?
2. identity: the qualities that make sb or sth what they are
• who you are; what strengths and weaknesses you have; how you perceive yourself as well as how other people perceive you ( self image and the image you present to others) Erickson: The identity is “a subjective sense as well as an observable quality of personal sameness and continuity, paired with some belief in the sameness and continuity of some shared world image.” Identity is highly relational.
peer groups, role models
partners, friends household, workmates mankind or “my kind”
fidelity, loyalty
love care wisdom
fanaticism → repudiation
promiscuity → exclusivity overextension → rejectivity presumption → despair
V (12-18 or so) adolescence
VI (the 20’s) young adult VII (late 20’s to 50’s) middle adult
ego-identity vs. role-confusion
intimacy vs. isolation generativity vs. self-absorption
Warming up
Check-on Preview
1. Give three translations of “意识到”.
2. Offer at least three examples of quotation that you can find in the text.
3. Define the following words: heightened (para. 3); observe (para. 4).
‫ ޜ‬Erik Erickson: (1902-1994)
Freudian ego-psychologist, “father of psychosocial development” and “the architect of identity.” According to Erickson, the identity crisis is the most important conflict human beings encounter when they go through eight developmental stages in life.
neighborhood competence and school
Erik Erickson
Eight Developmental Stages
Stage (age)
Psychosocial crisis
Significant relations
Psychosocial Maladaptations virtues & Malignancies
Erik Erickson
Eight Developmental Stages
Stage (age) I (0-1) infant II (2-3) toddler III (3-6) preschooler
Psychosocial crisis
Significant relations
Your College Years
Sigmund Freud
Unit 1
Erik Erickson
Sigmund Freud
‫ ޜ‬Sigmund Freud: (1856-1939)
Father of psychoanalysis, author of The Interpretation of Dreams, famous for his conception of the unconscious, libido, death instinct, the Oedipus/Electra complex, and structural model of human psyche.
personnel, occur, adolescence, adulthood
3. Syntax: long, involved sentences, e.g. paras. 4, 6 (During the course…)
Text Analysis
4. Techniques: • quotation, e.g.
Para. 1
Introduction: Key developmental changes occur during college years.
Your College Years
Bob Hartman
Your College Years
Unit 1
W arming up
B ackground
T ext Analysis R einforcement
Your College Years
Unit 1
Questions/Activities Check-on Preview Objectives
How do we make a quotation?
in…(source); according to…; sb remarks/observes/comments/points out/defines… • parallelism, e.g. words (para. 2): strengths and weaknesses phrases (para. 2): determined by genetic endowment; shaped by environment; influenced by chance events sentences (para. 1): 3 consecutive questions • other techniques?
Warming up
1. Understand the key psychological concepts.
2. Understand the structure of the essay.
3. Appreciate the formality of the writing style. 4. Learn about some useful writing techniques—quotation, parallelism.
trust vs. mistrust
autonomy vs. shame and doubt initiative vs. guilt
parents family
hope, faith
will, determination purpose, courage
IV (7-12 or so) industry vs. school-age child inferiority
The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud (Ed. J. Strachey with Anna Freud, 24 vols. London: 1953-1964).
Erik Erickson
Warming up
1. developmental changes: a psychological term which refers to the physiological and behavioral changes throughout the lifespan
Psychosocial virtues
Maladaptations & Malignancies sensory distortion → withdrawal impulsivity → compulsion ruthlessness → inhibition narrow virtuosity → nertia

Warming up
3. identity crisis: the difficulties, confusions and anxieties that one goes through when he/she is not sure who he/she is and what his/her purpose in life is
comparison Para. 3 is developed by __________. quotation categorization Para. 4 is developed by ____________ & ________.
Text Analysis
Para. 2: Identity crisis
Warming up
Warming up
1. What is the article mainly about? 2. How much do you know about developmental changes? What does the author say that strikes you most? 3. What is an identity crisis? Can you define “identity”? 4. Are there any other key concepts mentioned in the text that you know about or want to know?
Text Analysis
1. Genre:
expository essay, e.g. formal, serious, academic, educational 2. Diction: big, complicated, formal words, technical jargon, e.g.