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1. P_____ you are right, but we don’t know for sure.

2. The South China Sea Islands i_____ over 200 islands.

3. What a hot day! The weather report says it will be e_____ hotter tomorrow.

4. It’s raining hard. H_____ , I still want to go there.

5. I knocked at the door, but n_____answered. Maybe they were all out.


1. 我2001年出生,现在15岁。

I _____ _____ _____ 2001 and I’m 15 years old now.

2. 在市中心停车是很困难的。

Parking is difficult _____ _____ _____ _____ the city.

3. 我必须在这个月底完成这个项目。

I must finish the project _____ _____ _____ _____ this


4. 我们可以通过这本书来了解欧洲历史。

We can the history of _____ _____ Europe _____ this


5. 我们应该保护那些濒危动物,不然它们很快就会灭绝。

We should protect the animals in danger, or they will _____ _____ soon.

6. 我也不知道这个词的意思,你可以在词典里查找。

I don’t know the meaning of this word either. You can _____ _____ _____ in

a dictionary.

7. 这个箱子和那个一样重。

This box is _____ _____ _____ that one.

8. 有的学生在扫地,有的学生在擦窗户。

_____ students are sweeping the floor, _____ are cleaning the windows


1. 我确信我会通过考试的。

_____ _____ _____ I will pass the exam.

2. 因为乔丹加入了我们队,我们确信这次能


Because Jordon joined our team, we _____ ______ ______winning the game this time.

3. 要保证让真相站在你这一边,这样你的见


_____ _____ you have the truth on your side, and then your idea makes sense. 四选用some或any填空。

1. I want to buy _____ pears.

2. I don’t eat _____ meat.

3. Let’s go out for _____ fresh air.

4. There isn’t _____ milk in the bottle.

5. May I ask you _____ questions, Mr White

6. Would you like _____ coffee

7. He seldom got _____ plans.

8. — Is there _____ vegetables in the fridge

— No, there isn’t _____.

9. — Do you have _____ colour pens

— Yes, we have _____.

10. Could you please buy me _____ new



( ) 1. I couldn’t think of _____ about this topic.

A. anything new

B. new anything

C. something new

D. new something

( ) 2. These days I am very happy because

everything _____ well.

A. go

B. goes

C. are going

D. was going

( ) 3. There is _____ bread in the kitchen.

Would you like _____

A. any; some

B. any; any

( ) 4. — Who is in the shop now

— _____. The shop is locked and it is

empty now.

A. Somebody

B. Anybody

C. Nobody

D. Everybody

( ) 5. Let’s ask _____ to help us find the way.

A. someone

B. anyone

C. everyone

D. no one


1. The light comes in t_____ the window.

2. The watermelon is a t_____ of fruit.

3. I think David’s suggestion will w_____ .

Let’s do as he suggested.

4. There are many big a_________ in Guangzhou, such as the Canton Tower.

5. I enjoy the beautiful v_____ of the

beach in the starlight.


1. 我很累。我想要一些东西来振奋精神。

I’m very tired. I want __________ __________ __________ me up.

2. 我五岁的时候开始弹钢琴。

I __________ __________ the piano when I was 5 years old.

3. 空气和水对植物来说很重要。

Air and water __________ very __________ __________ plants.

4. 看,那个小孩正在那儿拍风景。

Look, the child ________ ________ ________ ________ the view there.

5. 这里没有观光车,我们得爬上山顶去。

There is no sightseeing bus here. We have to _____ _____ _____ the top of the mountain.


1. 散步对健康有好处。

2. 这个录音机看起来像块手表。

3. 不要把图书馆里的书带回家。

4. 对于婴儿来说,爬出窗外是很危险的
