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八上英语周报答案 【篇一:英语周报八年级牛津(gz )综合复习参考答案】 class=txt> 第 2 版 词汇 、1. musicia n 2. ability 3. perhaps 4. inven tor 5. no tebooks 6. however 7. sudde nly 8. in tellige nee dollar 二、1. ability 2. i nven ted3. i ncludes 4. scie ntist sudde nly 9. cou ntry(side) 10. 5. 6. dying, dead 短语 一、1. in the countryside 2. to go / going for a walk 3. is famous for 4. am sure 5. is a great help 6. find out about 7. took pictures of 8. lear ned 二、1. will die out 2. is / was sure about 3. used to live, is used to livi ng 4. a type / kind of 5. look up 6. in the centre of7. huma n being 8. is made up of 句型 1. i ' m sure (that) you will pass the exam. 2. it ' s important for us to learn english well.

3. would you like some bread and milk?

4. some childre n are playi ng games. others are flyi ng kites.


一、1-5 cabba6-10 bdacc

二、1. nothing 2. somebody 3. everybody 4. everyth ing 5. nobody

6. anybody

三、1. is someth in g2. would you like / do you want someth ing

3. any, some

4. somebody / some one in terest ing

5. any


unit 1单元测试

一、1-5 adbca6-10 bccbb

二、11-15 dbdaa 16-20 cadcb

三、21-25 bdcab 26-30 cadba

四、31-35 abbcc

五、36. invention 37. even 38. anyone / anybody 39. human 40. born

六、41. some, others 42. such as 43. made, stop crying 44. the history of wool

45. it is clever / wise of

七、one possible vers ion

deng yap ing —a world-famous table tennis player

deng yap ing was born in henan prov in ce. she bega n play ing

table tennis at the age of six. whe n she was 15 years old, she

en tered n ati onal table tennis team. she trained very hard and was good at using her head to play. soon, she became one of the best players in the

women ' s team. she has won 17 world champi ons in all, and has bee n one of the best ten players in china, now she is regarded as one of the best players in the world. she is not only loved by the chin ese, but also by people all over the world.



一、1. amount 2. in structi ons 3. in stead 4. nu mber 5. wise 6. traffic

7. realize 8. promise 9. checklO. accide nt

二、1. gold 2. first 3. correctly4. fifty-fifth5. i ndian 6. realize 短语

r round 3. and so on 4. challe nged, to 5. copied dow n

6. developed into

7. led to

8. a long time ago

二、1. the rest of 2. follow, advice / suggesti on( s)3. the amount

of 4. nothing but

5. in this way

6. so that

7. make money


1. he promised not to be late for school aga in.

2. a long time ago, there was a river between the two villages.

3. i don ' t think she will come.

4. wouldn ' t you like some more coffee?

5. from then on, the prince and the princess lived happily.


、1-5 ddacb6-10 bccba

二、1. sec on d2. twen ty-first 3. twelfth 4. third5. twice
