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1.认真对待。。。。 2.被迫做某事

3.曾经,一度 4.每次,一次

5.证明是,原来是 6.为。。而牺牲。。

7.就。。来说 8.以防,万一

9.走极端 10.向某人提供某物

11.只要(引导条件从句) 12.盯着。。

13.打破沉默 14.喜欢。。而不喜欢。。

15.怀疑。。 16.显然

17.和。。有共同之处 18.有可能

19.和。。发生撞击 20.少量,少许

21.有机会做某事 22.恰恰相反

23.急于做某事 24.由。。组成

25.保护费 26.珠宝

27.轻微的 28.抛弃

29.勉强避开 30.驶往


1. Helen was much kinder to her youngest child than she was to the others, ______of course, made others jealous.

A. who

B. that

C. what

D. which

2. The mere fact _________most people believe nuclear war would be madness does not mean that it will not occur.

A. what

B. which

C. that

D. why

3. ________ energy under the earth must be released in one from or another, for example , an earthquake.

A. Accumulated

B. Gathered

C. Assembled

D. Collected

4.__________ with the picture, Mary tore it into pieces.

A. Dissatisfying thoroughly

B. to dissatisfy thoroughly

C. Being thoroughly dissatisfied

D. to be thoroughly dissatisfied

5. A man escaped from the prison last night. It was a long time _______ the guards discovered what had happened.

A. before

B. until

C. since

D. after

6.Many of the scientists and engineers are judged ________ how great their achievements are.

A. in spite of

B. in ways of

C. in favor of

D. in terms of

7.The police are trying to find out the _______- of the woman wounded in the traffic accident.

A evidence B. recognition C. status D. identity

8. What a lovely party! It’s worth __________ at my life.

A. remembering

B. to remember

C. to be remembered

D. being remembered

9. Iceland lies far north in the Atlantic, with its northern most tip actually ________ the Arctic Circle.

A. touched

B. touches

C. touching

D. being touched

10. Until then, his family _________ from him for six months.

A. didn’t hear

B. hasn’t been hearing

C. hasn’t heard

D. hadn’t heard

11. She never laughed, ________ lose her temper.

A. or she never did

B. nor did she ever

C. or did she ever

D. nor she ever did

12. _________ the calculation is right scientists can never be sure that they have included all variables and modeled them accurately.

A. Even if

B. As far as

C. if only

D. So long as

13. _________ you are familiar with the author’s ideas, trying reading all the sections as quickly as you can.

A. Now that

B. Ever since

C. So that

D. As long as

14. ________ that my head had cleared, my brain was also beginning to work much better.

A. for

B. Now

C. Since

D. Despite

15. Professor Taylor’s talk has indicated that science has a very strong ________ on the everyday life of nonscientists as well as scientists.

A. motivation

B. perspective

C. impression

D. impact

16. This will be a good chance _________ .

A. to learn from him

B. in learning from the workers

C. narrowly missed

D. missed narrowly

17. Some fish have a greater _________ for acid water than others.

A. tolerance

B. resistance

C. dependence

D. persistence

18. She was so angry that she didn’t feel like ________ a walk with him.

A. to have

B. having

C. to have had

D. having had

19. Mike’s uncle insists _________ in this hotel.

A. staying not

B. not to stay C that he would not stay D. that he not stay

20. We are all for your proposal that discussion ________ .

A. be put off

B. was put off

C. should put off

D. is to put of

21. if the world is to remain peaceful the utmost effort must be made by nations to limit local ________.

A. collisions

B. combats

C. contradictions

D. conflicts

22. The manager would rather his daughter ________ in the same office.

A. had not worked

B. not to work

C. does not work

D. didn’t not work

23. If you _________ the bottle and cigarettes, you’ll be much healthier.

A. take off

B. keep off

C. get off

D. set off

24. The face of the Moon is changed by collision with meteoroids, ________new craters to appear.


B、caused C、causing D、have cause

25. She didn’t enjoy reading is because the story had ______ ending.

A、so sad an

B、a so sad

C、so a sad

D、such sad

