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6A 期末复习知识点总结


介词地点、方位表述near 离**近

far (away )from 离**(很)远直接接地点

I live near school. He lives far away from school. Arrive in 到达+大地方(国家、城市等) Arrive at 到达+小地方(车站、学校等)arrive in Shanghai arrive at the airport get to 到达+某地get to school. 到达那里”只能说

get there

reach 到达+某地reach school

Leave 离开+某地He will leave Shanghai.

方位词:方位词east / west / north / south / north-east / north-west / south-east / south-west AB 两地不相邻 A is north B.

Beijing is north Nanjing.

AB 两地接壤 A is on the north of B. Heilongjiang is on the north of Jilin.. A 包含B, B 属于 A B is in the north of A.

Beijing is in the north of China.


one 用来指代一个人或事物,而ones 用来指代一些人或事物。

定冠词the 用法:在球类运动前不加定冠词play football / basketball / tennis, 在乐器前必须加定冠词play the piano / violin, 在球类运动前不加定冠词watching television

数词、量词a few 只能修饰可数名词,与可数名词的复数形式连用,a few eggs.

a little


, a little milk.

频度副词always 、sometimes 、usually


提问How often? 例:How often do you go swimming? —Twice a week. 位置

系动词be 之后She is always kind.

行为动词之前She always helps other people.


She is always helps other people. (×) 一句话中不能同时出现两个动词。区别how often how many times


How often do you exercise? —Twice a week.

问”次数” How many times have you been there?



修饰形容词:He looks very happy.

修饰动词:The old lady is walking slowly now. 修饰句子:Luckily, he got the first prize.

次数副词一次once, 两次twice, 三次及以上: 数字+times


With **(与**一起)例:I ’ll go there with JIM.

With 接人称代词时,要用宾格。With me/him/her/it/us /them

表示具体的某一层楼用on+序数词+floor 。On the ground floor, on the first floor. 表示具体的某一天用介词

on 。On Sunday, On Sunday morning, On the Open Day.

the one on the left/right ,the one in the middle =the left/right/middle one.

some a lot of plenty of 既可修饰可数名词又可修饰不可数名词。当与可数名词连用时,只能与可数名词的复数形式连用

some eggs. a lot of milk.

Plenty of eggs.

Some any some 用在肯定句中,any 用于否定和疑问句中。I h ave some new books. Do you have any new books? I don ’t have any new books.

too many too much too few too little too many +可数名词复数Too many sweets are bad for your teeth. too much +不可数名词Don ’t drink too much cola. too few +可数名词复数you eat too few eggs. too little+不可数名词

You eat too little fruit.

fewer less more fewer (few 的比较级)+不可数名词less (little 的比较级)+可数名词

more (many 、much 共同的比较级)+可数名词、不可数名词You should have less meat, fewer soft drinks and do more exercise. 其他 a slice of /slices of; a tin of/ tins of;

a bag of/ bags of;

a piece of/ pieces of

a quarter of 四分之一

three quarters of 四分之三


by bus/bike/car/underground/train/ferry He goes to school by bus. take a bus/car/underground/train/ferry He takes a bus to school.

他的交通工具都能用take 来表示乘,但bike 只能用ride a bike

He rides his/a bike to school.

on foot 步行She goes to work on foot every day.=She walks to work every day.

现在完成时时间表达方式疑问句问内容What What does this sign mean? What kind of soup/fruit would you like? 问原因


Why do you like apple juice?

I like apple juice because ….


构成:have/has +动词的过去分词(1)表示动作发生在过去

,对现在有影响。I have read this book three times.



I have been in CHINA for three years.


have/has been to 去过/到过(现在已经回来) have/has gone to 去/到(表示现在还没有回来)

She has been to JAPAN. (她去过日本)

She has gone to JAPAN. (她去日本了)

have/has been in = have lived / stayed in 一直住在

I have been in CHINA for three years.= I have lived in CHINA for three years. already 已经/just 刚刚(多用于肯定句,放于动词前)。I have already been to Lily ’s home.(已经到了)I have just been to Lily ’s home.(刚刚到)

yet 迄今,还(多用于疑问句和否定句


Have you been to Lily ’s home yet? No, I haven ’t been to her home yet.

日期9月9日的表达:on the tenth of September 或on September tenth 几点钟

2点15分:two fifteen =a quarter past two 3点10分:three ten = ten past three 1点半:one thirty = half past one 2点40分:two forty = twenty to three


a.m.和p.m.来表示。at 10 o ’clock a.m.

顺序First,……Next, ……Then,……After that,……Finally,……Finally = at last = in the end
