



The air crackles with expectation in China’s tiny eastern town of Maotanchang ahead of the“gaokao”,the annual national college entrance exam.More than9million students are taking this year. The town is famous for a middle school that puts students through strict14-hour days in preparation for the exam,which is usually spread over two days.

This year about9.4million students will appear,the Xinhua state news agency said,roughly the same number since2014and down from a peak of10.5million in2010.The fiercely competitive test is seen as a key to social mobility and the best chance for school leavers to land a white-collar job.

Just40percent of students are expected to enrol in undergraduate degrees subsequently,however,Xinhua said,citing the

2017enrolment plan of the education ministry.

But the exception is Maotanchang Middle School,whose website says80percent to90percent of its students have won college acceptances since2010.

“My mother gave up her job and came here to keep me company,”said Xiang Licheng,a20-year-old who came to Maotanchang to prepare for a second attempt at the exam.He said the school had taught him endurance,among other life skills.“Every time I don’t feel like studying,I will not relax,as I see the hardship my mother goes through in caring for me,”Xiang said.

Restaurant owner Zhang Xunze said he moved to Maotanchang three years ago so his son could attend the school.“We thought life was too boring and had nothing to do.So we gathered some money and started this restaurant,”said49-year-old Zhang,whose business is a short walk from the school gate.

In the lead-up to the exams,students took part in incense-burning ceremonies to pray for good luck.They also released into the sky floating lanterns with“gaokao”messages.


1.What is Maotanchang Middle School’s special feature?

A.The number of students taking the exam.

B.The strict preparation period for gaokao.

C.The school’s favorable location.

D.The short time of preparation for the exam.

2.Why is“gaokao”so important to millions of students according to the text?

A.The nationwide exam is held only once a year.

B.It means the end of the three years’hardship at school.

C.It’s the best chance to get a good job in the future.

D.Only few of them can pass the exam luckily.

3.What does the underlined word“enrolment”refer to?





4.The author cites the two parents to show that.

A.parents spend a lot of time accompanying their children.

B.it was very boring to live and study in the town.

C.parents attach great importance to“gaokao”.

D.it’s a good choice to start business near the school gate.

5.What does the author think of“gaokao”?








1.crackle v.(像东西在火里燃烧一样)发爆裂声,噼啪作响

2.The town is famous for a middle school that puts students through strict14-hour days in preparation for the exam,which is usually spread over two days.

句子主干:The town is famous for a middle school.


3.fiercely adv.凶猛地;猛烈地

4.social mobility社会流动性

5.white-collar job白领工作

6.enrol v.(使)加入;注册;登记

7.subsequently adv.随后,后来;接着

8.cite v.引用;引述

9.enrolment n.入学;注册;登记

10.keep https://www.360docs.net/doc/1f9947916.html,pany做伴;陪伴

I will keep you company while you’re waiting.你等待时我会陪伴你。

11.endurance n.忍耐力;耐久力

12.go through经历(尤为艰难时期)

She was going through a very difficult time.她在经历一段非常艰难的时期。

13.lead-up n.(重大事件的)准备工作

the lead-up to the election选举的筹备工作


https://www.360docs.net/doc/1f9947916.html,ntern n.灯笼



2.Maotanchang Middle School六安市毛坦厂中学(MaoTanchang Middle School of Anhui Lu’an),位于安徽省六安市金安区毛坦厂镇,是安徽省示范高中,六安市首批示范高中。它以极其严格的管理和神话般的升学率而闻名国内,被人们形象地称为“高考工厂”。



高中英语兴趣小组活动计划 一、指导思想 兴趣是学生的内驱力,引发学生浓厚的情感是学好英语的关键。小学英语学习缺乏语言环境,学生遗忘现象比较比较严重,出现学时会、用时忘的现象。长此以来,会导致一部分学生成绩偏差,慢慢对英语学习失去兴趣,影响老师的正常教学。课外活动是课堂教学的辅助形式,是课堂教学的补充和延伸。英语兴趣小组旨在激发学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生的听、说、读、写能力,帮助学生树立学英语的自信心,形成有效的学习策略,养成良好的学习习惯,丰富小学生的课余生活,同时也为他们今后的英语学习打更牢固的基础。二、活动重点: 增加学生的词汇量及常用的日常短语、句子,促进学生综合语言运用能力的发展。三、活动目的: 1(通过有效的课外活动,培养学生对英语及英语学习的兴趣。 2. 给学生一个良好的语言学习环境,以促进学生进行口语交流的欲望。 3. 进一步建设校园英语环境,加强学生口语交流能力,积极开展形式多样的英语角活动。四、活动对象: 高中三个年级学生,原则上各个兴趣小组人数不超过30人。 五、活动内容: 在具体操作上,有多种模式。教师可以听、说、读、写等几种基本机能为着眼点,以词汇、句型、语音、语法等为素材,融入情感和文化的小组设置模式。 (一)训练听力 我们可以建立“听力活动室”,采用磁带广播放听,也可采用人物现场说听。现场听,语音要标准、清晰,可单人说,也可双人、多人相声形式进行。 听的方式很多,如:听辨、听写、听拼、听读、听画、听填、听演、听并归 类、听并造句、听后描述、听后例举同类、欣赏外语影视等等,主要看我们如何恰

当地运用起来,运用得科学生动,比如:教词汇bird,可让学生听声声鸟鸣,辨音画出鸟的模样或例举同属禽类的chicken、duck等;教学fly一词时,让听音[flai],拼出F-L-Y,FLY“飞”,并作“张翼欲飞”状;而在高级阶段,可以力求情景化,选择内容生动、贴近生活实际的文段,先让大家听(例如:听主题为Learn to ride on a bike的文段,并适当配上了“车铃声”,同伴担心的 1 口气、欢呼声,自行车的摔落声等),而后开展各种诸如分析难点、学习常 识、抢答问题、完成习题之类的活动。 (二)训练口语 建议开辟英语角,现场布置一些挂图、轻音乐、实物,黑板上设计主题宣传画、简笔漫画来营造一种轻松、和谐、活泼的氛围。师生在这样的氛围中自由就座,活泼交流;或者让学生走人大自然走进社会,直接进行情景运用。 话题一定要以恰当形式提出,要能刺激大家说的欲望和热情:形式却可多样 化,可看图讲话、看图猜去向、听词讲话、听文段后评论,也可以人言亦言仿说、做游戏、讲故事、竞赛、排练短剧、演讲、复述、绕口令、讲笑话等。 英语原是一门活生生的表达和交流人们思想或情感体验的语言。如果我们能够充分协调运用眼口鼻的感知功能,那对于英语的学习可望有较大的提高。 (三)培养阅读能力 指导阅读,(1)要注重技巧的指导,要指导学生学会使用工具书,学会带着问 题有目的地阅读,学会泛读、精读、跳读等几种读法;(2)要启发思考,帮助分析材料,深入探究,把握文段大意;(3)提供给他们的材料应该是近水平而略高的,趣味故事、寓言幽默、名人轶事、各地风情、新闻报道、游戏、文学作品之类的材料,青少年喜闻乐见,可读性强,都在推荐之列:(4)要有计划地组织他们从朗读到默读,从词到文段,从同步材料到课外读物,从浅易到深难循序渐进去读,从而实现


短文填词 A Father and I left early.These shopping trips used to be.Mother’s business,so it was (不寻常的)for us to go into town 1.together.We waited for over an hour before the bus d up 2 finally.Father was polite and stood (旁边)while others 3. all climbed ohto it,so the time we got on,there were no 4.seats.We had to all the way into town.At last we arrived,5. cold and (疲惫).“I’m hungry,”I said.Father took me to 6. a r for lunch.We were preparing to visit my grandmother,7. who lived in a cold (北方的)province.So we decided 8 . to get some clothes.We’went from shop to shop,b shoes.9. It was very late we visited the last shop for my coat.10. B With the social development and progress, TV has become a necessity for people at home Nowadays,almost every family has a TV set,and a______ 1. ____________ everyone likes watching TV.TV has become ________ of our life. 2 ____________ TV has many _______,for example,it informs us of the 3. ____________ _____(最新的) news that is happening in the world;it can open our 4. ____________ eyes,e _____ our knowledge and also help us to see more 5. ____________ about the world.____ (然而) ,it also has some disadvantages.People 6. ____________ waste too much time _______ watching TV and their normal life 7. ____________ and work are _______(影响).To the children who spend too 8. ____________ much time in watching TV,it can do ______ to their sight 9 ____________ and health.So we should ______ (控制) the time of watching TV.10.______________ C. At 3:00 this afternoon, the teachers and students in Senior Three as well as our parents a_______ the grown-up ceremony 56. ___ __ held in the school hall, ____ theme is “Growth and responsibility”. 57. ___ ___ ____, we made an oath(宣誓), and then a student, representing all of us, 58. ___ made a speech, ____(表达)our thanks to not only our parents but also 59. ____ __ our teachers and talking about our g____ ideals. After that, 60. ___ some teachers and parents offered us their_______(祝贺) and 61. ______ expressed their expectations for our f_____. Finally, we watched 62. _____ wonderful performances p__ on by students from different classes. 63. _______ The ceremony was over, but it has made me _____ that I 64. __ __ have ______(成长)up and I am supposed to shoulder the responsibility 65. ___ ___ D With the development of agriculture and industry, more and more people are pouring into big cities, ________ causes so much 56.___________ trouble.__________the growth of the population, city problems 57.___________


杨玲 一、举办英语歌唱比赛 1、比赛目的:寓教于乐,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,丰富学生课余文化生活,创建良好的校园文化氛围。 2、比赛时间:每月月底 3、比赛地点:学生活动中心 4、负责教师:杨玲 5、总策划:杨玲 6、策划小组:高一英语组 7、特邀评委、嘉宾:高一英语组全体教师 8、参赛要求: (1)、所有参赛歌曲均为英语形式,演唱时间控制在5分钟以内。 (2)、参赛选手自备演唱歌曲配音碟。 (3)、演唱歌曲内容要求健康向上。 9、赛程安排: a主持人介绍赛程和比赛规则 b评委嘉宾介绍 c参赛选项手依次演唱 d评奖、颁奖典礼 e主持人宣布比赛结束 10、奖励办法:以颁发证书为主要方式 二、举办英语演讲比赛 1、比赛目的:为了进一步加强英语的学习和交流,提高同学们学习英语的积极性,给广大英语爱好者提供一个展现自我,提升自我的机会和舞台,“英语沙龙”决定举办一次英语演讲比赛。 2、比赛时间:每月中旬 3、比赛地点:学生活动中心 4、负责教师:杨玲 5、总策划:杨玲 6、策划小组:高一英语组 7、特邀评委、嘉宾:高一英语组全体教师 8、参赛要求: (1)、所有参赛作品均为英语形式,演讲时间控制在5分钟以内。 (2)、具备完整的演讲稿,并要求上交。 (3)、演讲内容要求健康向上,真实细腻地反映人生理想,奋斗目标,自强自立,校园生活等。 (4)、演讲时需脱稿演讲。 9、赛程安排: (1)每个人比赛时间5分钟以内。(1分钟自我介绍和4分钟自主命题演讲) (2)a主持人介绍赛程和比赛规则 b评委嘉宾介绍 c选手进行自我介绍、自主命题演讲、即兴演讲和当场回答评委老师的提问 d评奖、颁奖典礼


[关于小学英语阅读短文]小学英语阅读短文大全 在英语学习中,阅读是人们获取英语知识、提高英语水平的有效途径。英语阅读既是重要的语言技能,也是重要的学习技能,是发展其他语言技能的基础和前提。小编精心收集了关于小学英语阅读短文,供大家欣赏学习!关于小学英语阅读短文篇1 People will make a lot of friends during their lifetime, the more friends they make, the more capable they are. Some young people are proud of having many friends, but only the true friends deserve us to care about. The person we make must be positive to life. He will set the good example to you and help you to be a better man. The bad friends will make you perverted, especially for the teenagers, they can’t make the right judgement and are easy to follow others, so the friends are very important part of their lives. Once they make the wrong friends, they will do the bad thing. So we don’t need more friends, just the right one. 人们会交很多朋友在他们的一生中,他们交到越多的朋友,就越有能力。一些年轻人为拥有很多朋友感到自豪,但只有真正的朋友值得我们在意。我们结交的人必须对生活积极向上。他给你树立榜样,帮助你成为一个更好的人。坏的朋友会让你堕落,尤其是青少年,他们不能做出正确的判断,很容易跟随别人,所以,朋友是他们生活非常重要一部分。一旦他们交友不慎,就会做坏事。所以我们不需要更多的朋友,只需要好的朋友。关于小学英语阅读短文篇2 There is a story that an old woman always feels unhappy, because when the sun comes out, she worries about her daughter’s business, because the girl sells umbrella. But when it rains, she stills feels unhappy for she worries about her another daugher’s business. People tell her to change his point of view, when the it is fine, she can feel happy about her second daughter’s business and when it rains, she can be happy about her first daughter’s businss. In that way, she will be a positive woman every day. We can’t change the fact, but we can treat things in another way, so that we can be positive all the time. 有一个故事,讲述了一位老妇人总是感到不开心,因为太阳出来时,她担心女儿的业务,因为女孩卖伞。但下雨时,她仍然感觉不开心因为她担心她的另一个女儿的事。人们告诉她可以改变观点,当天气好时,她可以为她的第二个女儿的生意感到开心,下雨的时候,她可以为她的第一个女儿的生意感到开心。这样的话,她每一天都会是积极向上的。我们不能改变事实,但我们可以用另一种方式对待事情,这样我们就可以变得积极。关于小学英语阅读短文篇3 In English, the word about color can reflect different emotions. Blue and grey mean bad mood and red means vitality. A new research found that people are easily affected by the products that are in colors. For example, when students see the red color in the blackboard, they feel not eased. The candies which are packaged in green often not sells well and the food will not considered to be packaged in blue. The rule that color has something to do with people’s mood, so the wise manufacturers make use of this rule to catch people’s attention. They choose the color that pleases customers and make more profits. 在英语中,有关颜色的词可以反映出不同的情绪。蓝色和灰色意味着坏心情和红色意味着活力。一项新的研究发现,人们很容易受到产品不同颜色的影响。例如,当学生看到黑板上的红色,他们觉得不放松。包装是绿色的糖果往往不是很畅销,食物不会用蓝色来包装。颜色与人的情绪有关这是规则,所以聪明的制造商会利用这个规则去抓住人们的注意力。他们选择颜色去取悦客户,创造更多的利润。关于小学英语阅读短文篇4 The products that are labelled with the words “ Made In China” can be seen everywhere. These products refer to be manufactured in China and they contain both the material and cultural


高中英语作文学生需要课外活动 学生需要课外活动 Students need enough sports and activities to do physical exercises and relax, but in some schools they are not given enough time to do outside activities. It's harmful for students' growth. Teachers ask students to spend most of their time on studies. But when they feel tired and bored, students can't concentrate on studies. They are in bad health. It's necessary to give students enough time to do outside activities. After good relaxation and rest, studens will work harder. Pay attention to students' health and growth. 学生们需要足够的运动和活动来锻炼和放松,但是一些学校没有给予学生足够的时间从 事课外活动,这对学生成长是有害的。老师为了让学生得高分,要求他们把大部分的时间放在 功课上。但是当学生疲惫厌烦时,就不能集中精力学习。他们的身体也不好。 给予学生足够的时间从事课外活动是很必要的。休息好和放松后,学生会更加努力学习。 请关注学生的健康和成长。 Students need enough sports and activities to do physical exercises and relax. But in some schools they are not given enough time to do outside activities. It is harmful for students' growth. In fact, teachers should know how to attract the students' attention. It is necessary to do outside activities. When students feel tired and bored, they can't concentrate on studies. Some students are unhealthy because of little activities. Please pay attention to the healthy growth of the younger generation. 学生们需要足够的运动来锻炼和放松。但在一些学校学生没有足够的时间从事课外活动, 这对学生的成长是有害的。事实上老师应该知道怎样使学生专心上课。从事课外活动是很有必要的。当学生们累了,烦了,他们就不能集中精力学习。一些学生的身体不好,是因为锻炼少。 请关心年轻一代的健康成长。


(课外)高中英语阅读短文之《高考》 阅读短文并回答问题 The air crackles with expectation in China’s tiny eastern town of Maotanchang ahead of the“gaokao”,the annual national college entrance exam.More than9million students are taking this year. The town is famous for a middle school that puts students through strict14-hour days in preparation for the exam,which is usually spread over two days. This year about9.4million students will appear,the Xinhua state news agency said,roughly the same number since2014and down from a peak of10.5million in2010.The fiercely competitive test is seen as a key to social mobility and the best chance for school leavers to land a white-collar job. Just40percent of students are expected to enrol in undergraduate degrees subsequently,however,Xinhua said,citing the 2017enrolment plan of the education ministry. But the exception is Maotanchang Middle School,whose website says80percent to90percent of its students have won college acceptances since2010. “My mother gave up her job and came here to keep me company,”said Xiang Licheng,a20-year-old who came to Maotanchang to prepare for a second attempt at the exam.He said the school had taught him endurance,among other life skills.“Every time I don’t feel like studying,I will not relax,as I see the hardship my mother goes through in caring for me,”Xiang said. Restaurant owner Zhang Xunze said he moved to Maotanchang three years ago so his son could attend the school.“We thought life was too boring and had nothing to do.So we gathered some money and started this restaurant,”said49-year-old Zhang,whose business is a short walk from the school gate. In the lead-up to the exams,students took part in incense-burning ceremonies to pray for good luck.They also released into the sky floating lanterns with“gaokao”messages.


华亭二中农村少年宫“英语沙龙(English Salon)”社团简介主办单位:高中英语教研组负责人:吕晓燕 一.社团简介 为丰富实验中学校园文化,提高我校高中部学生整体英语水平,提升英语素养,高中英语教研组特举办英语沙龙俱乐部,定期进行英语沙龙和英语能力强化学习活动。通过各种英语活动给同学们提供一个交流英语与学习外国文化的平台,营造良好的英语学习氛围,丰富活跃校园文化生活,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,同时给同学们提供一个展示自我风采的舞台,同时丰富大家课余生活,加强师生、成员之间的沟通交流,培养合作、竞争意识,提高技术水平。 二、社团口号: Passion!crazy! To be better! D on’t be shy ! just try ! never say die ! 三、活动内容: ⑴话题讨论类: a.每次提前准备4到5个话题由大家选择,然后根据话题作自己的见解,在组织语言的同时提高自己的口语能力,同时还可以了解到最新的信息(每次社团的宣传部将提前公布下一期自由谈论话题)。 b.ask and answer; c.group discussion; d.sharing; e.与外教、英语教师交流。 f.free talk:在这一环节中,自由选择自己的语伴,自己喜欢的话题,用英语畅快的交流。 ⑵娱乐互动类: 一些简单的英语互动游戏既可以让大家学到英语知识,还可以在高度集中的状态下轻松一下,这不失为一种调节气氛的好方法。 a. 猜单词:一位同学准备一个比较简单的单词(可以是有关生活中比较常见的人或事物)该同学描述其特征或是其含义,让别的同学来猜。该活动旨在提高描述者的口语表达能力和猜单词的同学的听力能力。 b. 单词接龙:如果该组同学英语水平都还不错,就可以进行这样的游戏。 c. 学习谚语:各组同学收集整理好协会每天短信发的英文谚语,大家集体大声朗读,并对其所蕴涵的含义给予自己真实感受的英语解释。 d. 绕口令:搜集一些比较经典的绕口令,以比赛的形式看大家谁读得更快,更流利。 e. 读经典长句:搜集一些比较经典的长句,先划成几段作为一个节拍,一个人来读,其他人拍节奏,一次比一次快,读的同学也一次比一次快,直到读不下去的时候再换另外的同学。 f.pose show. g.英语原声电影经典对白以及经典情节现场模拟


Passage 1 My room This is my room. It’s small, but it’s nice. Near the window there is a desk. I often do my homework at it. You can see some books, some flowers, a ruler and a pen on the desk. On the wall near the desk there is a picture of Liu Xiang. I usually put my football under my bed. Of course there is a chair in front of the desk. I sit there and I cansee the trees and roads outside. 译文: 我的房间 这是我的房间。它很小,但是很漂亮。在窗户附近有一张桌子。我经常在上面做作业。在桌子上,你能看到一些书,一些花,一把尺子和一支钢笔。在桌子附近的墙上有一幅刘翔的图画。我经常把足球放在桌子下面。在桌子前面当然有一把椅子。我坐在那儿可以看到外面的树和公路。 ①near〔ni?〕prep.在……附近②of course 当然③road [ro?d] n.路,公路④in front of在……前面⑤outside [a?t?sa?d] adv.在外面 一、根据阅读材料,判断正误,用“T”或“F”表示。 ( ) 1. My room is big and nice. ( ) 2. You can see some books, some flowers, a ruler and a pen on the desk. ( ) 3. There is a picture of Yao Ming on the wall. ( ) 4. There is a football on the bed. ( ) 5. I can see some trees and roads outside. 二、根据阅读材料,选择最佳答案。 ( ) 1. I can on the desk. A. see the trees B. do my homework C. put my football ( ) 2. There is near the window. A. a desk B. a chair C. a pen ( ) 3. There is a picture of on the wall. A. Yao Ming B. Li Na C. Liu Xiang ( ) 4. I usually put the football .


小学六年级阅读理解 阅读理解一 My name is Tom. My birthday is June 2nd. The weather is sunny and hot. It’s my favourite season. On my birthday, I usually have a birthday party. Sometimes we have a picnic. Tomorrow is my birthday. I am cleaning the room now. My mom is making a birthday cake for me. 根据上面短文的意思判断下面的句子是否正确,正确的在句子前面的括号里打“√”,不正确的打“×” ( )1.Tom’s birthday is on Children’s Day. ( )2.It’s warm and sunny in summer. ( )3. Today is June 1st. ( )4. Tom’s mother can make a birthday cake. ( )https://www.360docs.net/doc/1f9947916.html,ually there is a bi rthday party on Tom’s birthday. 阅读理解二 Look!This is a picture of Mr.Brown't family. The man in a biack coat is Mr.Brown.The woman near him is Mrs.Brown,The little girl in a red coat is Sue. The tall boy behind her is Jim,herbrother.The family is now in China.Tomorrow is Children's Day.MR brown wants to buy some presents for his children. Sue wants a new skirt,but Jim wants a new bike. How happy they are! 1.Whose picture is this? ____________________________________________. 2.Where's the family now? ____________________________________________.


中学生英语口语比赛活 动方案 集团档案编码:[YTTR-YTPT28-YTNTL98-UYTYNN08]

关于顾集、王集、砖集、黄庄四中心校开展中学生英语口语比赛的 通知 顾集、王集、砖集、黄庄中心校: 为全面贯彻落实《义务教育英语课程标准》,深化联片英语教学改革,进一步加强义务教育阶段学生英语听说能力教学,不断提高英语教学水平。为此,我校专门制定了落实方案,根据落实方案的活动计划,为了激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生英语语感,充分调动学生学习英语的积极性,并给学生提供展示英语才能的舞台,特举行四校中学生英语口语比赛。 一、活动时间:2018年1月5日 二、比赛对象:顾集、王集、砖集、黄庄四校七、八、九年级学生,每年级限报2组(团体、个人都可)。 三、活动地点、内容 四、比赛形式及程序: 1、按年级抽签决定出场顺序。 2、比赛内容:题目自拟,可以为书本对话、课文,也可为课外读物。 3、比赛形式:情景对话、课文背诵、英语演讲都可,要求脱稿,时间在3--5分钟。 4、选手进入赛场后,按抽签顺序依次进行比赛。评委老师利用打分表进行打分,最后交统计老师进行成绩统计。

五、评分标准及评委组成 (一)评分标准(各项根据实际情况酌情打分): 按演讲内容、语言表达、流利程度、演讲技巧、仪表形象、时间把握、综合印象等七部分进行评分,满分为100分。 演讲内容:15分。充实生动、积极向上 语言表达:20分。语言规范,口齿清楚。发音标准,语调自然 流利程度:15分。脱稿演讲,口语自然流畅 演讲技巧:20分。表达生动,体态语言和表演技巧运用贴切 仪表形象:10分。衣着整洁得体,仪表大方 时间把握:10分。时间把握准确到位,时间控制在3--5分钟 综合印象:10分。由评委根据演讲选手的临场表现作出整体评价 (二)评委组成:每校抽调两名英语教师作为评委,依据评分标准参与评分,本校教师对本校学生的表演不参加评分。 六、评奖办法: 根据成绩按年级评出一等奖1名,二等奖2名,三等奖5名。 七、安全保障:各校除抽调两名英语教师作为评委以外,需再抽调两名带队人员,以保证学生安全。 八、其他未尽事宜,另行通知。 界首市顾集中心校 2017年12月14日


1. My name is Tom. My birthday is on 2nd of June. The weather is sunny and hot. It’s my favourite season. On my birthday, I usually have a birthday party. Sometimes I have a picnic with my family. Tomorrow is my birthday. I am cleaning the room now. My mum is making a birthday cake for me. 根据上面短文的意思判断下面的句子是否正确,正确的在句子前面的括号里打“√”,不正确的打“×” ( )1.Tom’s birthday is on Children’s Day. ( )2.It’s warm and sunny in summer. ( )3. Today is June 1st. ( )4. Tom’s mother can make a birthday cake. ( )https://www.360docs.net/doc/1f9947916.html,ually there is a birthday party on Tom’s birthday. 2. Look!This is a picture of Mr.Brown't family. The man in a biack coat is Mr.Brown.The woman near him is Mrs.Brown,The little girl in a red coat is Sue. The tall boy behind her is Jim,her brother.The family is now in China.Tomorrow is Children's Day.MR brown wants to buy some presents for his children. Sue wants a new skirt,but Jim wants a new bike. How happy they are! 1.Whose picture is this? ____________________________________________. 2.Where's the family now? ____________________________________________. 3.Who is the little girl in a red coat? ____________________________________________. 4.What presents do Mr Brown's children want to buy? ____________________________________________. 5.Which festival is tomorrow? ____________________________________________. 3. Betty and KittyBetty and Kitty are twins. They’re 12 years old. They look the same. But they have different hobbies. Betty likes collecting stamps. She has many beautiful stamps. They’re from different cities and countries. But Kitty likes growing flowers. The flowers are all very beautiful.Betty and Kitty both like reading books. Betty likes reading storybooks. But Kitty likes reading science books.On Sunday,they usually ride bikes to the park. They can play with their friends there. Sometimes their parents go there, too. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。( ) 1. Betty is Kitty’s sister. ( ) 1. Betty likes growing flowers. ( ) 2. Kitty likes reading storybooks. ( ) 3. They’re twelve years old. ( ) 4. They usually take a bus to the park on Saturday. 4. Lovely pandas’faces look like cats’, but their fat bodies and short tails are like bears’. Pandas are very lovely and they are friendly to people. People likes them very much.Most Pandas live in China. The


关于课外活动的高中英语作文 最有效的学习方法就是劳逸结合,懂得学习,更要懂得休息。对于你来说,你的课外活动怎样安排的?下面,是我为你整理的关于课外活动的高中英语作文,希望对你有帮助! 关于课外活动的高中英语作文篇1 My school encourages students to take part in out-of-class activities. After a busy day, it can help us to relax and build a healthy body. We usually take part in out-of-class activities on the playground. Some students play basketball, football and badminton. Some play Ping-Pong or swim. Besides, some students read books in the library. They think reading is also a good way to relax. As for me, I like running and reading. 我的学校鼓励学生参加课外活动。忙碌了一天,它能够帮助我们放松和锻炼身体。我经常在操场上进行课外活动。有些同学喜欢篮球,足球和羽毛球。有些同学喜欢乒乓球或游泳。除此之外,有的同学喜欢到图书馆看书,他们认为阅读也是放松的好方式。对于我来说,我喜欢跑步和阅读。 关于课外活动的高中英语作文篇2 Some students like to participate actively in after class activities. They think after class activities are an


第一篇Not a Small Problem Mr. Etha n was a very large man. He had a loud voice and a bad temper. He was not giant巨人,大力士), but he was much bigger than most men. Life was not easy for Mr. Etha n. He could seldom find clothes big eno ugh. His feet were too large for most shoes. In fact, wherever he went and whatever he did, Mr. Etha n had problems because of his size. These problems were so bad that Mr. Ethan stayed at home most of the time. Life was easier at home. The n one day, a frie nd said, “you spe nd too much time at home. You should go out more. There s a good movie at the theater . “lean' tsit in theater seats, Mr. Ethan said. “I' m too big. ” “That is no problem,” his friend said, "T ll buy you two tickets. You can get them at the theater whe n you go. The frie nd sent money to the theater for two tickets. Whe n the day came, Mr. Etha n put on his best clothes an went to the theater. “You have two tickets for me,” he said to the woman in the ticket office. “ My n ame is Etha n” “Oh, yes, Mr Ethan,” the woman said. “ Here you are, seats G4 and P12. I ' m sorry, you and your friend can tsit together because we are very full this evening . Poor Mr. Etha n. He smiled sadly, walked out of the theater and went home. 第二篇What a Nightmare Sometimes when a day starts off badly, it just keeps getting worse and wores as each hour passes. On days like this there is nothing to do but relax and know the next day will be better. Stone had a terrible day. His clock did n twork and he got up late. He missed the train to work . Moreover, he had to wait a long time for the n ext train. As a matter of fact, he waited for more tha n two hours. To make matters worse, he left his briefcase on the train. As a result, he had to go to the police station. Poor Stone never got to work that day. What
