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( )1. is tall with long hair. B. He likes watching TV.

C. He often asks us to go home late.

( )2. A. I’d like some beef and carrot noodles.

B. He’d like some mutton and potato noodles.

C. I like “What’s Cool”.

( )3. A. It was great. I went swimming.

B. I stayed at home.

C. I don’t like the weekend.

( )4. A. I was very busy and tired.

B. I cleaned the house and washed clothes and dishes..

C. I went to Tokyo..

( )5. A. Yes, you do. B. No, you can’t. C. No, you don’t.



( )6. a restaurant. a shop. C. At school.

( )7. A. He’s watching TV. B. He’s drawing a picture.

C. He’s having dinner.

( )8. A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didn’t. C. Yes, he do. ( )9. A. Bill. B. Lucy. C. Tony.

( )10. A. Yes, they do. B. No, they can’t. C. Yes, they can.



( )11. A. She likes Animal World. B. She likes Culture China.

C. She likes CCTV News.

( )12. A. She’s writing a letter.

B. She’s playing computer games.

C. She’s in Sydney.

( )13. A. She is tall with short hair.

B. She is short with big eyes and curly hair.

C. She’s of medium height with long hair.

( )14. A. He went to Yuelu Mountain.

B. He went to the summer camp.

C. He visited his uncle and aunt.

( )15. A. Red. B. Grey. C. White.



( )16. What was the weather like on Monday

A. It was windy.

B. It was raining.

C. It was rainy and windy.

( )17. What did people do on Tuesday afternoon

A. They read books at home.

B. They stayed at home.

C. They went out to play games with their friends.

( )18. Did it snow on Wednesday

A. Yes, it did.

B. No, it didn’t.

C. Yes, it does.

( ) were the children on Wednesday

didn’t enjoy themselves. B. They had fun.

C. They made snowmen.

( ) was the weather on Tuesday

A. It was cloudy.

B. It was sunny.

C. It was cloudy and sunny.



( )21. What does Lin Xiaofei write the letter to

A. A friend. doctor. C. A classmate.

( )22. How many classes does Lin Xiaofei have in the afternoon

A. Seven.

B. Four.

C. Three.

( )23. Why can’t Lin Xiaofei go to meet her friends after school

she has to cook the dinner.

she has to do her homework.

C. She has to clean her classroom first.

( )24. Where does Lin Xiaofei have to go to learn the piano

A.At school.

B. At the children’s palace.

C. At a new house.

( )25. What does Lin Xiaofei think of the rules in her house

doesn’t mind them. likes them.

can’t stand them.



( )26. Frank is ___ American boy.

A. a eleven-year-old

B. an eleven-year-old

C. the eleven-year-old

D. an eleven-years-old
