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文本选自:The Guardian(卫报)

Recently,scientists produced the first real image of a black hole,shining a light onone of the universe’s great mysteries,in a galaxy called Messier87.The image is not a photograph but an image created by the Event Horizon Telescope(EHT)ing a network of eight ground-based telescopes across the world,the EHT collected data to produce the image.The black hole itself is unseeable,as it’s impossible for light to escape from it;what we can see is its even thorizon.The EHT was also observing a black hole located at the centre of the Milky Way, but was unable to produce an image.While Messier87is furtheraway,it was easier to observe,due to its larger size.

The golden ring is the event horizon,the moment an object approaching a black hole reaches a point of no return,unable to escape its gravitational pull.Objects that pass into the event horizon are thought to go through spaghettification(意大利面条化),a process,first described by Stephen Hawking,in which they will be stretchedout like a piece of pasta by gravitational forces.

Heino Falcke,professor of radio astronomy and astroparticle physics at Radboud University in Nijmegen,and chair of the EHT science council, says the image shows asilhouette(剪影)of the hole against the surrounding glow of the event horizon,all of the matter being pulled into the hole.At the centre of the black hole is a gravitational singularity, where all matter is crushed into an infinitely small space.The black hole lies55m light years away from us.It is around100bn km wide,larger than the entire solar system and6.5bn times the mass of our sun.

Through creating an image of a black hole,something previously thought to be impossible,the EHT project has made a break through in the understanding ofblack holes,whose existence has long been difficult to prove.The image will help physicists to better understand how black holes work and images of the event horizon are particularly important for testing the theory of general relativity.

1.What’s the text mainly about?

A.The image of a black hole.

B.The photo created by the EHT.

C.The event horizon of the black hole.

D.The introduction of the EHT project.

2.How does EHT collect data?

A.By producing the image of a black hole.0

B.By studying the golden ring in the photo.

C.By observing the center of the Milky Way.

D.By using a network of eight ground-based telescopes.

3.What do we know about the black hole fromthe text?

A.Its image shows a silhouette of the event horizon.

B.There is a possibility that light can escape from it.

C.All matter is crushed into small space at its centre.

D.Objects will be stretched out outside the event horizon.

4.What does the last paragraph mainly present?

A.Creating an image of a black hole is thought to be impossible.

B.It’sstill hard for physicists to prove the existence of the black hole.

C.The image will help physicists to test the theory of general relativity.

D.The image of a black hole created by EHT project is highly significant.




1.Galaxy n.星系the galaxy银河系
