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元太祖成吉思汗[1](英文:Genghis Khan)(蒙古语:Činggis Qaγan ,1162年5月31日-1227年8月25日),即元太祖,又称成吉思可汗,蒙古族,蒙古帝国奠基者、政治家。名铁木真,孛儿只斤氏,奇渥温姓,乞颜(起延)部人。而按照蒙古起名传统,铁木真全名应为奇渥温·孛儿只斤·铁木真。1271年元朝建立后,忽必烈追尊成吉思汗庙号为太祖,谥号法天启运圣武皇帝。在他众子中,最为著名的四位分别是术赤、察合台、窝阔台和拖雷。成吉思汗分封了术赤和察合台为国主,钦定窝阔台为继承人。他的最大功绩就是统一蒙古草原,为忽必烈建立“元”打下基础。

Yuantaizuchengjisihan [1] (English: Genghis Khan) (Mongolia and language: the gamma an č inggis Qa, May 31, 1162), Y uan dynasty, also known as Chingis Khan, Mongol, Mongolia Empire founder, politician. The name temujin, bright comet appeared only to the burden, and odd surname Wadsworth temperature, begging face (extension) of the people. According to Mongolia naming tradition, temujin full names should be singular Wadsworth temperature · bright comet appeared only pound · temujin. In 1271, after the establishment of the Yuan dynasty, Kublai Khan Genghis Khan statue Temple name Taizu, SHOMU Emperor posthumously, law day shipments. His sons, the most famous four bits are red, detection, ogodei and mine dragging. Genghis Khan one of Chek Lap Kok and review the whole country primary, appointed ogodei as successor. His greatest achievement is a unified Mongolia grassland, as Kublai Khan established "meta" lay the Foundation.










In global history ranking Shang, Genghis Khan of feat row in first bit 1, and created has world Shang maximum map of Empire 2, and established has first of transport liaison system 3, and will military art pushed cold weapon era of peak 4, and world history Shang effects maximum of figures 5, and first intr oduced political democratic of emperors 6, and thousand years to most rich of people 7, and pursues reli gious beliefs most free of policy 8, and first made and practice has "globalization"
