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1. 书一有货,我就通知你。

I’ll keep you ________ the __________the book is available.

2. 他醒来结果发现他的汽车被偷了。

He woke up ________to find his car _________.

3. 在这个发达的国家里,你很少听到有人讲脏活。

You seldom hear rude words __________ in this ___________country.

4. 我的英语很差,恐怕无法让别人理解我。

__________ poor at English, I'm afraid I can't make myself _____________.

5. 他匆忙离开家,留下很多事没做。

He left home in a hurry,__________many things _____________.

6. 回来时,他很惊讶地发现房间被彻底的打扫了,一切都布置得井井有条。

On his return, he was very ________to find his room thoroughly __________and everything ___________in good order.

7. 明天我将请人把自行车修一下。

I’ll ________ my bike _________ tomorrow.

8. 人们正在热烈讨论我们希望能够尽快的工程。

The project we would like to see__________out as soon as possible is under _________discussion.

9. 老师手里拿着一本书进来了。

The teacher entered the room ___________a book ___________ in his hand.

10. 在下班回家途中,他非常恐惧的看到一个被打死的男孩躺在路边。

On his way home from work,he was _________ to see a boy ________to death lying by the road.


1. 1)_______ from the hill, the park seems more beautiful. 2)________ from the hill, you’ll find the park more beautiful.

A. See

B. Seen

C. Seeing

D. To see

2. 1)______ hard and you’ll make rapid progress in your English learning.

2)_______ hard, you’ll m ake rapid progress in your English learning.

A. Working

B. To work

C. Work

D. Worked 3. 1)3. 1)The computer center, ________ last year, is very popular among the students in the school.

2)The computer center, _______now, will be very popular among the students in the school.

3)The computer center, _____ next year, will be very popular among the students in the school.

A. to build

B. to be built

C. being built

D. built

4. 1)He raised his voice in order to make us ________ him. 2)He raised his voice in order to make himself __________.

A. heard

B. hearing

C. hear


to be heard

5. 1)There were 12 persons in the bus, ______ a baby.

2)There were 12 persons in the bus, a baby ______.

A. to include

B. including

C. included

D. being included 6. 1)Weather ______, I’ll go out for an outing.

2)If the weather ________I’ll go out for an outing.

A. permits

B. permitting

C. permitted

D. is permitting 7. 1) __________ by some officials, Napoleon inspected his army.

2)________others John came into the hall, too.

A. Followed

B. Following

C. Being following

D. Having been followed

8. 1) __________ more attention, the trees could have grown better.

2) _________ all his time to teaching, Mr Li almost forgets his wife and son.

A. Give

B. To give

C. Giving

D. Given

9. 1)Hearing the _________ news they all jumped.

2)They were singing and dancing when we saw these ______ students.

A. exciting

B. excited

C. excite

D. to excite


1. I have had my bike _____________, and I'm going to have somebody ___________ my radio tomorrow. (repair)

2.____________(enter) the room, the nurse found the tape-recorder ___________.(go)

3. I don't want the children _____________(take) out in such weather.

4.The murderer was brought in, with his hands ____________ (tie) behind his back.

5.The young man seems to be ____________in law. (interest)

6. I’m sorry I don’t know. You may ask the teacher _____________at the table. (sit)

7. The doctor told the patient to drink more ______________water. (boil)

8. I was writing a composition when I felt my head ______(touch)

9. Did you feel your heart ______________fast then? (beat)

10. All the preparations__________?, we’re ready to start. (make)

11. ____________ by the party, we have won one victory after another. (lead)

12. The path _____________to the top of the mountain was covered with snow. (lead)

13. I’ve never heard the song __________so beautifully. (sing)

14. ______________her telephone number, I wrote a letter to her. ( not know)
