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Mumps is a kind of infectious disease.


Darts is essentially a free and easy game.


Physics is an important subject in middle schoo l.

3;以-s结尾的地理名称,例如,the Unite States,the United Nations等名词作单数用


The West Indies ,apart from the Bahamas,are commonly divided into two parts.




如:One pair of scissors is not enough.

Two pairs of pliers, one large and one small ,are missing from my tool box.

●英文中还有一些以-s结尾的名词,如:archives档案,arms武器,clothes, contents

内容、目录,eaves屋檐,fireworks烟花,goods货物,minutes记录,morals道德,remains遗体,stairs楼梯,suburbs郊区,thanks, wages等通常作复数用

如:The archives of this society are kept in the basement.



收入,filings 锉屑,lodgings租住的房间,surroundings, sweepings等通常作复数用如:The clippings of the hedges are usually burnt.

●还有一些以-s结尾的单复数名词如:barracks营房,headquarters总部,means, series

系列,species , workers工厂等,随后动词的单复数形式取决于这些名词是用作单数还是复数。如:

A barracks was stormed袭击by the enemy troops.

Two barracks in the suburbs have been surrounded.


如:He remains lie in the churchyard

Here is the remains of temple.〉



如:police, people, cattle, militia名兵,poultry家禽,vermin害虫等

Domestic cattle provide us with milk ,beef and hides.


如:foliage机械,machinery, equipment , furuiture, merchandise商品,随后的动词用单数The merchandise has arrived undamaged.


如:audience, committee ,class, family, government, public

The city council is meeting to set its agenda.


That group of soldiers is a top-notch fighting unit

That group of soldiers have the best ratings of individual performance. 〕

4:a committee of等+复数名词

如果主语由a committee of/a panel of /a board of+复数名词构成,随后动词用单数

A committee of five men and there women is to consider the matter.

A panel of distinguished people has been chosen to judge this competition. It is meeting tomorrow.




The fishing and the hunting in Arizona were good that year.

Both Pauline and her son Bob have gone fishing on Miramar Lake.


Good and bad taste are inculcated by example.

What I say and think are no business of yours.

●当and连接的并列的词组带有each, every, 或者many a 等限定词时,随后的动词


Every boy and every girl in this room is entitled to a copy.

Many a man and a woman in this community finds himself or herself in need.


My sisters or my brother is likely to be at home.

Either her father or her mother calls for her every afternoon.

3:主语+as much as,as much as, rather than , more than, ,no less than等
