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I. Questions and Answers on Tourism of China

1. Chronically, what are the dynasties in Chinese history(中国历史上的朝代有哪些)

They are: Xia 夏Dynasty, Shang 商Dynasty, Zhou周Dynasty, Qin 秦Dynasty, Han汉Dynasty, Three Kingdom 三国, Eastern and Western Jin Dynasties, Sui Dynasty隋, Tang Dynasty唐, Song 宋Dynasty, Yuan元Dynasty, Ming Dynasty明and Qing Dynasty.清。

2. Please name five famous mountains in China. (列举中国的五大名山)

They are: Mt. Taishan 泰山in Taian City, Shandong Province; Mt. Huashan 华山in Huayin County, Shaanxi Province; Mt. Henshan衡山in Henshan County, Hunan Province; Mt. Henshan恒山in Hunyuan County, Shanxi Province and lastly Mt. Songshan 嵩山in Dengfeng County, Henan Province.



Which five crops made up of the wuliangye And which style it belongs to

The wuliangye made up of kaoliang, corn, rice, wheat and sticky rice. And it belongs to heavy fragrance



Which two of the four famous books in china have relationship with the tour resource of Sichuan

One is the story of three kingdoms, the other is the note of tour in eastern


Where is the revolt of Lushun happened And who was the leader

It`s happened to luzhou 泸州and nanchong 南充in Sichuan ,the leader is liubocheng刘伯承



What is the subject of zhangdaqian`s presentation

Generally, people think that the most representative subject of zhangdaqian is the women who always stay in palace 7which the famous four ancient cities are


The lijiang丽江inYunnan province, pingyao平遥in shanxi province, shexian歙县in anhui province, and langzhong 阆中in Sichuan province.

8. the main gate of wuhou temple carved mingliangqiangu, what`s the special meaning of ming

It symbolizes that liubei is a wise empire, because liubei invite kongming to out of his home three times

9. Please list 3 to 5 literary personages of Sichuan.

Guomoruo , Zhanlan, Wuyuzhang, Bajin.

10 what is shanhaijing 山海经and when it is completed

It`s the earliest collection of folk and legend in china, and it had been completed in the period of Zhou to Qing.

11 what`s the fore-name of the setting water festival in dujiangyan都江堰, and which custom has relationship with it

It`s called qingmingfangshui 清明放水festival in earliest time ,during the festival, it will be held in the erwang

temple fair ,and come being to the custom of driving water

12. How many stages can Han dynasty be divided into (汉朝分为哪两个部分)

Han dynasty can be divided into two parts , they are Western and Eastern Han dynasty.

13. In the period of the three kingdoms, who was the leader in each kingdom In Shu蜀,there were “wu hu shangjiang”五虎上将(five tiger-generals),who were they

1) The three leaders are Caocao 曹操of Wei dynasty, Sunquan孙权of Wu dynasty and Liubei刘备of shu dynasty.

2) They are Guanyu关羽, Zhangfei张飞, Zhaoyun赵云,Machao马超and Huangzhong.黄忠

14. There are a lot of famous couplets in Sichuan, please list any two couplets.

In Wuhou temple, there is a “gongxin ”couplet; in Dufu thatched cottag e, there is a couplet called “ren ri dui” 人日对

15.who is the founder of Taoism Where did he found it in Sichuan

It was “san zhang”三张who founded Taoism in mountain Heming 鹤鸣山and Qingcheng青城山.“Sanzhang”are three generations, they are Zhangling张陵,Zhangheng 张衡and Zhanglu.张鲁

16 .W hose tomb was called “Yong L ing”永陵in Chengdu And whose tomb was “Hui L ing”惠陵

In the period of ten kingdoms and five dynasties 五代十国,the kings of for mer shu regime built “yonglin”, Liubei, the emperor of shu. His graveyard was call ed “huiling”.

17. When did the lantern show start And how many nights did it keep


The lantern show started in Tang Dynasty, it kept only one night.

18. Was “Chonglige” the symbol building in Chengdu When and where did the name come from And what’s the nickname


Chengdu is a plain, at that time; certainly it was the symbol building in Chengdu. Its nickname is “Wangjiang Tower Park”.

19. Is “Shuijing Fang” a well Whyb


No, it was not a well, it was just a place which was used to store the wine in Ming Dynasty, and its name came from a well with clear water beside it.

did the Hakka in Luodai enter into Sichuan


The immigrants entered into Sichuan during the region of Emperor Kangxi and Qianlong.

21: When did the “city of Brocade” come from


It started in the period of Western Han Dynasty.

22: How did the “city of hibiscus” come


In the period of five dynasties and ten states, the society is peaceful, the king of shu encouraged people to plant the hibiscus, then the city is encircled by the trees and flowers, so some people called it “city of hibiscus”


Does the city of Qin is the nicknames of Chengdu Why

Yes, it is one of the nicknames of Chengdu. The builder followed the type of Xianyang咸阳to build it.
