


Chapter 1

1.3 Design Features of Language(语言的本质特征)

1. What is Design Features?

The distinctive features that define our human languages can be called Design Features.

1.3.1 Arbitrariness (任意性)

1. The definition of Arbitrary: The relationship between sound and meaning of a morpheme.

2. The exception of Arbitrary: Onomatopoeia (象声词)

3. The definition of Onomatopoeia: Words that sound like the sounds they describe.

Example: the dog barks bowwow in English but 汪汪汪in Chinese.

1.3.2 Duality (二重性)

1. The definition of Duality: It is meant the property of having two levels of structures, that unit

of the primary level are composed of elements of the secondary level, sounds here secondary units as opposed to such primary units as words. (二重性指拥有两层结构的这种特性,底层结构是上层结构的组成成分,语音为底层单位,与词等上级单位相对立。)

The primary Level: Words (meaningful) The secondary Level: Sounds (meaningless)

1.3.3 Creativity (创造性)

1. The definition of Creativity: By creativity we mean language is resourceful because of its

duality and its recursiveness(循环性/递归性)。

2. Words can be used in new ways to mean new things. Example: mouse 老鼠--> 鼠标

3. Language is creative in another sense, that is, its potential to create endless sentences.

1.3.4 Displacement (移位性) ?

1. The definition of Displacement: It means that human languages enable their users to

symbolize objects, events and concepts which are not present (in time and space) at the moment of communication.

2. Example: A warning cry of a bird instantly announces danger.

1.5 Functions of Language

1.5.1 Informative (信息传达功能)

1. The definition of Informative: Halliday notes that “Language serves for the expression of

content. Example: Notice

1.5.2 Interpersonal Function (人际功能)

1. The definition of Interpersonal Function: It is the function by which people establish and

maintain their status in a society. Example: the ways in which people address others and refer to themselves (e.g. Dear Sir)

2. Language marks our identity, physically in terms of age, sex, and voiceprints.

1.5.3 Performative (行事功能)

1. The definition of the performative: It is primarily to change the social status of persons.

2. Example: In Chinese when someone breaks a bowl, the people present are likely to say sui

sui ping an as a means of controlling the invisible forces which the believers feel might affect their lives adversely.

1.5.4 Emotive Function (感情功能)

1. Definition: The Expressive Function can often be entirely personal and totally without any

implication of communication to others. Example: A man may say Ouch after striking a

fingernail with a hammer.

1.5.5 Phatic Communion (酬应功能)

1. Definition: It refers to the social interaction of language. Example: Good Morning!

1.5.6 Recreational Function (娱乐功能)

1. Definition: It is often overlooked because it seems so restrictive in purpose and supposedly so

limited in usefulness. Example: A baby’s babbling or a chanter’s chanting.

1.5.7 Metalingual Function (元语言功能)

1. Definition: One language can be used to talk about itself. Example: I can use the word

book to talk about a book, and I can also use the expression “the word book” to talk about the sign “book” itself.


现代语言学 一绪论 1. Linguistics: Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language 2 Phonetics: The study of sounds which are used in linguistics communication is called phonetics. For example, vowels and consonants. 3 Phonology: The study of how sounds are put together and used in communication is called phonology.For example,phone,phoneme,and allophone. 4 Morphology :The study of the way in which morphemes are arranged to form words is called morphology.For example,boy and “ish”---boyish,teach---teacher. 5 Syntax : The study of how morphemes and words are combined to form sentences is called syntax.For esample,”John like linguistics.” 6 Semantics: The study of meaning in language is called semantics. For example,:The seal could not be found.The zoo keeper became worried.” The seal could not be found,The king became worried.” Here the word seal means different things. 7 Pragmatics: The study of meaning in context of use is called pragmatics.For example, “I do” The word do means different context. 8 Sociolinguistics: The study of language with reference to society is called sociolinguistics.For example,regional dialects,social variation in language. 9Psycholinguistics: The study of language with reference to workings of mind is called psycholinguistics. 二音系学 1 Phonetics: The study of sounds that are used in linguistic communication is called phonetics. 2 Phonology: The study of how sounds are put together and used in communication is called phonology. 3 Phone: Phone can be simply defined as the speech sounds we use when speaking a language. A phone is a phonetic unit or segement. It does not necessarily distinguish meaning; some do,some don’t. 4 Phoneme: Phonology is concerned with the speech sounds which distinguish meaning. The basic unit in phonology is called phoneme;it is a unit that is of distinctive value. 5 allophone: The different phones which can represent a phoneme in different phonetic environment are called the allophones of that phoneme. 6 Complementary distribution: These two allophones of the same phoneme are said to be in complementary distribution. 7 Minimal pair: When two different forms are identical in every way except for one sound segement which occurs in the same place in the stings, the two words are said to form a minimal pair. 8 Stress: When a certain syllable of a word is stressed, it means that the syllable is prounced with great force than the other or others. 9 tones: Tones are pitch variation, which are caused by the different rates of vibration of the vocal cords. Pitch variations can distinguish meaning just like phoneme; therefore, the tone is a suprasegemental feature. 10 intonation: When pitch, stress and sound length are tied to the sentence rather than the word in isolation, they are collectively known as intonation. Intonation plays an important role in conveying meaning in almost every language,especially in a language like English{$isbest} 三形态学 1 morphology: Morphology is a branch of grammer which studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed. 2 inflectional morphology: Inflectional morphology studies the inflections of word-formation.


Morphology 形态学,研究词的内部结构和构造规则 如colorful,由color和-ful两部分构成,由此概括出一条规则:名词词尾加上-ful可构成形容词 Morpheme, 语素,不能再简化的有意义的语言单位。如boys,由boy和-s构成 Morph 语素的具体形态 Allomorph 语素变体 英文单词illogical,imbalance,irregular和inactive有着共同的语素in-。换句话说,im-,ir-是语素in-的变体。 Free morphemes 能单独出现,独立构词的语素称为自由语素。如work,boy Bound morphemes 不能独立出现,必须附着在其他语素后才能构词的语素。如distempered中,dis-和-ed是黏着语素,temper是自由语素 Bound roots 不能独立出现,只能被词缀附着后出现 如refer中的-fer,consist中的-sist Content morphemes 包含语义内容的语素(包含简单词和能改变词根意义的词缀),如名词、动词、形容词、副词。如work Function morphemes 通过联系一个句子中的其他词提供语法功能的语素 如介词、连词、冠词 at,for,a,but Inflectional 曲折,生成同一语素的不同形式 -s,-‘s,-ing,-en,-er,-est,-s Derivational 派生,生成新词,通常可以改变词汇意义 Cat,caty Compounding合成 如Girlfriend Reduplication 重复 Abbreviation or shortening 简写 Blending 混合 Motor+hotel=motel Breakfast+lunch=brunch Alternation Man men Suppletion不规则 Go went Syntax句法


Chapter 12 : Lan guage And Brain 1. n euroli nguistics: It is the study of relati on ship betwee n brain and Ian guage. It in eludes research into how the structure of the brain in flue nces Ian guage lear ning, how and in which parts of the brain Ian guage is stored, and how damage to the brain affects the ability to use Ian guage. 2. psycholinguistics: ____ t he study of Ian guage process in g. It is concerned with the processes of Ian guage acqisiti on, comprehe nsion and product ion. 3. brain lateralizati on: The localizatio n of cog nitive and perceptive fun cti ons in a particular hemisphere of the brain. 4. dichotic listening: A technique in which stimuli either linguistic or non-linguistic are presented through headphones to the left and right ear to determine the lateralization of cog nitive fun cti on. 5. right ear advantage: ___ The phe nomenon that the right ear shows an adva ntage for the perception of linguistic signals id known as the right ear advantage. 6. split brain studies: The experiments that investigate the effects of surgically severing the corpus callosum on cog niti on are called as split brain studies. 7. aphasia: It refers to a number of acquired Ianguage disorders due to the cerebral lesions caused by a tumor, an accide nt and so on. 8. non- flue nt aphasia: Damageto parts of the brain in front of the cen tral sulcus is called non-flue nt aphasia. 9. flue nt aphasia: Damage to parts of the left cortex beh ind the cen tral sulcus results in a type of aphasia called flue nt aphasia. 10. Acquired dyslexia: Damage in and around the an gular gyrus of the parietal lobe ofte n causes the impairment of reading and writing ability, which is referred to as acquired dyslexia. 11. phono logical dyslexia: ___ it is a type of acquired dyslexia in which the patie nt seems to have lost the ability to use spelli ng-to-so und rules. 12. surface dyslexia: it is a type of acquired dyslexia in which the patie nt seems un able to recog nize words as whole but must process all words through a set of spell in g-to-so und rules. 13. spo on erism: a slip of ton gue in which the positi on of soun ds, syllables, or words is reversed, for example, Let' s have chish and fips instend of Let' s have fish and chips. 14. prim ing: the process that before the participa nts make a decisi on whether the stri ng of letters is a word or not, they are prese nted with an activated word. 15. freque ncy effect: Subjects take less time to make judgeme nt on freque ntly used words tha n to judge less com monly used words . This phe nomenon is called freque ncy effect.


序论部分 语言学:是以语言作为专门研究对象的一门独立的科学;从方法上分为历史语言学、比较语言学、历史比较语言学、描写语言学;从研究对象上可分为个别语言学和普通语言学;19C 初的历史比较语言学标志着语言学的诞生。 历史语言学:用历史的方法来考察语言的历史演变、研究它的变化规律的语言学。 比较语言学:用比较的方法,对不同的语言进行对比研究,找出它们相异之处或共同规律的语言学。表层结构、深层结构:表层结构和深层结构相对,表层结构赋予句子以一定的语音形式,即通过语音形式所表达出来的那种结构,表层结构是由深层结构转换而显现的;深层结构是赋予句子以一定的语义解释的那种结构。 语言的社会功能语言的依存性(强制性):语言符号的音义结合是任意的,但一经社会约定俗成后,音义之间就具有互相依存的关系,不得任意更改。 语言层级性:语言是一种分层装置。语言结构要素的各个单位,在语言结构中,并非处在同一个平面上,而是分为不同的层和级。语言可分为二层——底层是一套音位和由音位组成的音节,为语言符号准备了形式部分;上层是音义结合的符号和符号的序列,分为三级:第一级是词素,是构词材料';第二级是词,是造句材料;第三级是句子,是交际的基本单位。语言发展的渐变性:指语言从旧质过渡到新质不是经过爆发,不是经过消灭现存的语言和创造新的语言,而是经过新质要素的逐渐积累,旧质要素的逐渐死亡来实现的。语言结构的体系的演变只能采取渐变,不能爆发突变。 语言发展的不平衡性:指语言结构体系发展变化是不平衡的,即词汇、语义、语音、语法的发展速度是不一样的。与社会联系最直接的词汇、语义变化最快,语音次之,语法最慢。组合关系:构成线性序列的语言成分之间前后相继的关系。语言单位顺着时间的线条前后相继,好像一根链条,一环扣着一环,处于这个组合链中的两个符号或符号序列之间的关系就叫组合关系。如:主谓、动宾等都是具体的组合关系类型。 聚合关系:在线性序列的某一结构位置上语言成分之间相互替换的关系。在同一位置上能够相互替换的语言单位具有相同的语法功能。在这个线性序列中,每一个语言单位都占有一个特定的位置,在这个位置上它可以被其他语言单位替换下来,犹如一根链条,某一环可以被另一环替换下来,从而形成一根新的链条。 语言习得性:是指虽然人类先天就具有潜在的语言能力,但要掌握一门语言,必须通过后天的学习,没有现实的语言环境,不能掌握任何一种语言。 语言能力:抽象思维能力和发音能力的结合,即,掌握语言需要有发达的大脑和灵活的发音器官。征候:是事物本身的特征,它代表着事物,可以让我们通过它来推知事物。如:炊烟代表人家。语音部分语音:即语言的声音,由人的发音器官发出,负载一定的意义,是语言的物质外壳,语言依靠语音来实现其社会交际功能。 音素:从音质角度划分出来的最小语音单位,分为元音和辅音。 国际音标:由国际语音学会于1888年制定的一套记音符号,它根据“一个音素只用一个音标表示,一个音标只表示一个音素”的原则,主要使用拉丁字母和各种变形符号,是国际上通用的记音符号。语音的生理属性:指语音的动力、发音体和发音方法。 语音的物理属性:是指物体受到外力作用而发生振动,从而使周围的空气也发生振动,形成音波,音波传入人耳,使鼓膜发生振动,刺激听觉神经,于是人们产生了声音的感觉。语音的物理属性包括音高、音长、音重、音质。 语音的社会属性:指同一个音素在不同的语言或方言中具有不同的作用,执行不同的交际功能,是语音的本质属性。 音高:指声音的高低,取决于发音体振动的频率,具有区别意义的作用。如汉语的声调。音重:指声音的强弱,取决于振幅,具有区别意义的作用。语音的强弱与气流量的大小和发


Illocutionary act: The illocutionary act is the act performed in the performing of a locutionary act. When we speak we not only produce some units of language with certain meanings, but also make clear our purpose in producing them, the way we intend them to be understood, or they also have certain forces as Austin prefers to say. In the example of “Morning!” we can say it has the force of a greeting, or it ought to have been taken as a greeting. Cooperative principle: This is the principle suggested by Grice about the regularity in conversation, which reads “Make your conversational contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged”. There are four categories of maxims under it, namely, quantity maxims, quality maxims, relation maxim, and manner maxims. Conversational implicature: This is a type of implied meaning, which is deduced on the basis of the conventional meaning of words together with the context, under the guidance of the CP and its maxims. In this sense, implicature is comparable to illocutionary force in speech act theory in that they are both concerned with the contextual side of meaning, or 言外之意in Chinese. Entailment: This is a logical relationship between two sentences in which the truth of the second necessarily follows from the truth of the first, while the falsity of the first follows from the falsity of the second. For example, when “I saw a boy” is true, “I saw a child” is necessarily true;and if “I saw a child” is not true, “I saw a boy” will not be true either. Ostensive communication: “Ostensive communication”, or “inferential communication”, is a shorthand for “ostensive-inferential communication”. That is, communication is not simply a matter of encoding and decoding, it also involves inference on the part of the hearer and ostension (making clear of one?s intention to express something) on the part of the speaker. Speech act theory: speech act theory is the first major in theory in the study of language in use which originated with J.L. Austin. In his opinion, to say something is to do something. He classified speech act into three kinds: locutionary act, illocutionary act and perlocutionary act. Image Schema意向图式: is a recurring, dynamic pattern of our perceptual interactions and motor programs that gives coherence and structure to our experience. Sociolinguistics: is the linguistic study of society or the social study of language. Transformation-generative grammar (TG)转换生成语法TG refers to any grammar in which different syntactic structures are related by transformations. Hend commonly, from the 1960s, of the theories of Chomsky, or of Chomsky?s school, in general. In a transformational grammar as Chomsky first proposed it, the main role of transformations was to relate the sentences of a language as a whole to a small set of kernel sentences. Functional sentence perspective (FSP)功能句子观is a theory of linguistic analysis which refers to an analysis of utterances or texts in terms of the information they contain. The principle is that Stimulus-response: A learning theory associated particularly with the American psychologist Skinner, which describes learning as the formation of association between responses. Behaviorism in linguistics holds that children learn language through a chain of “stimulus-response reinforcement”, and the adult?s use of language is also a process of stimulus-response. A stimulus is the behavior

英语语言学名词解释 最终版

现代语言学 1 language: language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. 1 interlanguage:The type of language produced by nonnative speakers in the process of learning a second language or foreign language. 1 Linguistics : Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language 2 Phonetics : The study of sounds which are used in linguistics communication is called phonetics.For example,vowels and consonants 3 Phonology” : The study of how sounds are put together and used in communication is called phonology.For example,phone,phoneme,and allophone. 4 Morphology 形态学:The study of the way in which morphemes are arranged to form words is called morphology.For example,boy and “ish”---boyish,teach---teacher. 5 Syntax 句型: The study of how morphemes and words are combined to form sentences is called syntax.For esample,”John like linguistics.” 6 Semantics语义学: The study of meaning in language is called semantics. For example,:The seal could not be found.The zoo keeper became worr ied.” The seal could not be found,The king became worried.” Here the word seal means different things. 7 Pragmatics语用学: The study of meaning in context of use is called pragmatics.For example, “I do” The word do means different context. 二音系学 1 Phonetics: The study of sounds that are used in linguistic communication is called phonetics. 2 Phonology: The study of how sounds are put together and used in communication is called phonology. 3 Phone: Phone can be simply defined as the speech sounds we use when speaking a language. A phone is a phonetic unit or segement. It does not necessarily distinguish meaning; some do,some don’t. 4 Phoneme音素: Phonology is concerned with the speech sounds which distinguish meaning. The basic unit in phonology is called phoneme;it is a unit that is of distinctive value. 5 allophone同位音: The different phones which can represent a phoneme in different phonetic environment are called the allophones of that phoneme. 6 Complementary distribution: These two allophones of the same phoneme are said to be in complementary distribution. 7 Minimal pair: When two different forms are identical in every way except for one sound segement which occurs in the same place in the stings, the two words are said to form a minimal pair. 10 intonation朗诵: When pitch, stress and sound length are tied to the sentence rather than the word in isolation, they are collectively known as intonation. Intonation plays an important role in conveying meaning in almost every language,especially in a language like English{$isbest} 三形态学 1 morphology: Morphology is a branch of grammer which studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed. 2 inflectional morphology: Inflectional morphology studies the inflections of word-formation. 3 derivational morphology: Derivational morphology is the study of word-formation. 4 morpheme词素: Morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit of language. 5 free morpheme: Free morpheme are the morphemes which are independent units of meaning and can be used freely all by themselces or in combination with other morphemes. 6 bound morpheme: Bound morphemes are the morphemes which cannot be used independently but have to be combined with other morphemes, either free or bound, to form a word. 7 root: A root is often seen as part of a word; it can never stand by itself although it bears clear,definite meaning; it must be


语言学名词解释汇总 一、名词解释。 1、语言学:①~是以语言作为专门研究对象的一门独立的科学;②从方法上分为历史…、比较…、历史比较…、描写…;从研究对象上可分为个别…和普通…; ③19世纪初的历史比较学标志着语言学的诞生。 2、语文学:…是为给古代文化遗产——政治历史文学等方面的经典书面著作作注释,目的是使人们可以读懂古书的一门尚未独立的学科。 3、小学:指我国古代传统的文学学、音韵学和训诂学,虽然我国古代没有语文学,但一般认为…属于语文学的范围。 4、训诂:是解释字义和研究它的演变的一门学科,其目的是从词义方面来解释古书的文字。 5、专语语言学:以某种具体的语言为研究对象的语言学称为…。 *共时语言学和历时语言学:根据语言体系的稳固和变化,把语言研究分为共时的和历时的研究,共时…研究的是在特定时期内相对稳固的语言体系,如对现代汉语的研究;历时…研究的则是描写语言体系的历史演变,如对汉语发展史的研究。*普通语言学:是对人类语言从理论方面进行研究的一门学科,它探索各种语言所共有的规律以及各种语言在结构上的共同特点。 *历史语言学:用历史的方法来考察语言的历史演变、研究它的变化规律的语言学称为…。 *比较语言学:用比较的方法,对不同的语言进行对比研究,找出它们相异之处或共同规律的叫…。 6、表层结构和深层结构:表层结构和深层结构相对,表层结构赋予句子以一定的语音形式,即通过语音形式所表达出来的那种结构,表层结构是由深层结构转换而显现的;深层结构是赋予句子以一定的语义解释的那种结构。 7、语言:是从言语中概括出来的音义结合的词汇系统和语法系统。 *言语:是说的行为和结果。 *说话:是人们运用语言工具表达思想所产生的结果。 8、语言层级性(二层性):语言是一种分层装置。语言结构要素的各个单位,在语言结构中,并非处在同一个平面上,而是分为不同的层和级。语言可分为二层——底层是一套音位和由音位组成的音节;上层分为三级:第一级是词素,是构词材料';第二级是词,是造句材料;第三级是句子,是交际的基本单位。 *语言的线条性:是指在交际过程中,语言符号或者作为符号的形式的声音,只能一个跟着一个依次出现,随着时间的推移而逐渐延伸,绝不能在同一时间里说出两个符号或两个声音。 *任意性:语言符号的音义结合是任意的,音义之间交没有必然的、本质的联系,也就是它们之间的结合是不可论证的,是约定俗成的。 *依存性:语言符号的音义结合是任意的,但一经社会约定俗成后,音义之间就具有互相依存的关系,不得任意更改。 9、语言发展的渐变性:指语言从旧质过渡到新质不是经 过爆发,不是经过消灭现存的语言和创造新的语言,而是经过新质要素的逐渐积累,旧质要素的逐渐死亡来实现的。语言结构的体系的演变只能采取渐变,不能爆发突变。 *语言发展的不平衡性:指语言结构体系发展变化是不平衡的,即词汇、语义、


现代语言学 一绪论 1 Linguisitics: 语言学Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language 2 Phonetics: 语音学The study of sounds which are used in linguistics communication is called phonetics. For example, vowels and consonants 元音、辅音、声调、重音以及节奏、音变 3 Phonology: 音韵学The study of how sounds are put together and used in communication is called phonology. For example, phone, phoneme, and allophone. 4 Morphology: 形态学The study of the way in which morphemes are arranged to form words is called morphology. For example, boy and “ish”---boyish, teach---teacher. 5 Syntax: 句法学The study of how morphemes and words are combined to form sentences is called syntax. For example, ”John like linguistics.” 6 Semantics: 语义学The study of meaning in language is called semantics. For example: “The seal could not be found. The zoo keeper became worried. The seal could not be found, The king became worried.” Here the word seal means different things. 同义词、反义词,同音词 7 Pragmatics: 语用学The study of meaning in context of use is called pragmatics. For example, “I do” The word do means different context.在特定情景中的特定话语,研究如何通过语境来理解和使用语言。 8 Sociolinguistics: 社会语言The study of language with reference to society is called sociolinguistics. For example:regional dialects, social variation in language.


语言学术语(英-汉对照)表 Glossary and Index (备注:因教材改版,部分章节标注等内容有出入。) A abbreviation 缩写词,略语3.3.1 Abercrombie 10.3.2 ablative 夺格,离格4.1.1 abstractness 抽象性1.3.2 accent 重音(符)2.4.4;2.4.5 accuracy 正确性11.6.4 accusative 宾格4.1.1 achievement test 成绩测试11.6.3 acoustic phonetics 声学语音学1.7.1;2.1 acquisition 习得6.1.2 acronym 缩略语3.3.1 action process 动作过程12.2.3 actor 动作者4.4.2;12.2.3 addition 添加3.3.2 address form 称呼形式7.2.3 addressee 受话人1.4;9.4.1 addresser 发话人1.4;9.4.1 adjective 形容词3.1.2;4.1.1;5.5.2 adjunct 修饰成分;附加语12.2.3 adverb 副词3.1.2 affix 词缀3.2.1 affix hopping 词缀跳跃4.3.1 affixation词缀附加法7.1.4 affricate 塞擦音2.4.3;2.4.5;2.9.1 agreement 一致关系4.1.3 airstream 气流2 alliteration 头韵9.3.2;9.3.6 allomorph 词/语素变体3.2.4;4.3.1 allophone 音位变体2.8 allophonic variation 音位变体2.8.3
