
化学与生物工程2019,Vol.36No.02一www.hx y sw g https://www.360docs.net/doc/2e4549183.html,

一Chemistr y &Bioen g ineerin g 基金项目:广西土壤污染与生态修复人才小高地专项资金

收稿日期:2018-11-16作者简介:王琳(1984-),男,广西玉林人,工程师,硕士研究生,研究方向:环境保护和环境监测,E -mail :466327213@qq .com 三doi :10.3969/j .issn.1672-5425.2019.02.015王琳,韦锋,曾健华,等.水中挥发酚的测定方法比较[J ].化学与生物工程,2019,36(2):65-68.

WANG L ,WEI F ,ZENG J H ,et https://www.360docs.net/doc/2e4549183.html, p arison of determination method of volatile p henol in water [J ].Chemistr y &Bioen g ineer -

in g ,2019,36(2):65-68.水中挥发酚的测定方法比较




关键词:挥发酚;方法适用性;4-氨基安替比林法;流动注射法;在线分析法中图分类号:X832一一一一文献标识码:A一一一一文章编号:1672-5425(2019)02-0065-04Com p arison of Determination Method of Volatile Phenol in Water WANG Lin ,WEI Fen g ,ZENG Jianhua ,JIANG Ton gq ian g ,LI Nin g (Guan g xi Zhuan g Autonomous Re g ion Environmental Monitorin g Center ,Nannin g 530028,China )Abstract :We determined volatile p henol in water b y 4-aminoanti py rine method ,flow in j ection method ,and online anal y sis method ,and com p ared the a pp licabilit y of the three methods.The results show that the three methods have g ood linear relationshi p with the linear correlation coefficients all above 0.9992.The recoveries of volatile p henol in certified reference materials and actual water sam p les meet the re q uirements of q ualit y con -trol.There are no si g nificant differences for the determination of volatile p henol in water sam p les b y the three methods.Amon g them ,the direct s p ectro p hotometr y of 4-aminoanti py rine shows an advanta g e in the determina -tion of volatile p henol in wastewater sam p les ,the flow in j ection method is more suitable for the determination of volatile p henol in surface water ,while the online anal y sis method can be used for emer g enc y monitorin g of vola -tile p henol in environmental p ollution accidents onl y .Ke y words :volatile p henol ;method a pp licabilit y ;4-aminoanti py rine method ;flow in j ection method ;online a -

nal y sis method 一一炼焦二炼油二煤洗和造纸等工业废水排放到河流后,具有致突变毒性二致畸和致癌等特性的挥发酚类化合物对人体和鱼类产生持久危害[1-2]三由于环境的承载能力和允许排放容量有限,国家规定地表水中的挥

发酚浓度必须符合‘地表水环境质量标准限值“(GB 3838-2002)中Ⅲ类水质评价标准限值(?0.005m g

四L -1)三故挥发酚是国家地表水环境中必须监测的重要指标三

