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Join the two sentences into one, using attributive clause.
1. I know the person. His company produces new machines. I know the person whose company produces new machines. 2. She is the engineer. Her work is considered to be the best here. She is the engineer whose work is considered to be the best here. 3. The girl is standing there. The girl is my elder sister. The girl who is standing there is my elder sister. 4. The house is near the tree. The house caught fire last night. The house which is near the tree caught fire last night.
Fill in the blanks with suitable words:
1. The picture that/which ________ you are looking at was drawn by a friend of mine. which/that he wanted to look up? 2. What is the word ______ whose 3. The writer ________ works I admire most is Lu Xun. 4. This Mr. Jackson, ________ whose eldest son is a famous doctor. whom I met a moment ago, is over70. 5. Professor Liu, _______ whose hair is red, is called Martha. 6. The girl on the left, _______ 7. Yesterday we went to visit the house where/in which the great writer used to live. 8. He was born in the year in which/when the Second World War broke out.
例:The girl who is behind the tree is Kate.
The man who was driving too fast was drunk.
定语从句的相关术语: 被定语从句修饰的那个名词叫 做先行词;引导定语从句的词叫做 关系词。 关系词的作用是代替先行词并 在定语从句中充当一定的成分。 The girl who is sitting near the tree is Kate. The door which I knocked on was repaired.
which/that makes color TV sets? 1. Is this the factory ________ 2. Is this the factory ________ where/in which color TV sets are made? 3. Do you know the museum ________ where/in which many famous paintings are on show? which/that opens from Monday to 4. This is the museum ________ Friday. which the film star 5. I’ll never forget that moment when/at _______ took a photo of me. which/that we spent together in 6. I can’t forget the days ________ the small village many years ago. 7. He always wants to go to his hometown and visit the where/at which he grew up. place ____________ Where/in which flowers are seen all 8. Kunming is a city _____________ the year round. 9. The airport which/that _______ is 30 kilometers away is the only one in the city.
关系副词的 判 断 步 骤 :
还是要先看先行词。 如果先行词在从句中充当
时间状语用 when或介词+which ; 充当地点状语
用where或介词+which; 充当原因状语用why或 介词+which 。
I still remember the days when we work together. I can’t find the place where we met for the first time. Is that the reason why you don’t like him?

关系代词:who, whom, whose, that, which, as等(代替先行词在句中作主、 宾、定等成分) 关系副词:where,when, why(在句 中作状语)

关系代词的 判 断 步 骤 :
首先,要看先行词。 如果先行词是指人,关系代词 可用 who, whom, that。如果先行词指物,关系代词
5. The woman works in a factory. You spoke to her just now. The woman whom/who you spoke to just now works in a factory. 6. This is the house. I was born in the house. This is the house where/in which I was born.
The building is our school. The building stands by the river. The building which/that stands by the river is our school. 先行词 关系词 定语从句
which/that 是关系词,它在从句中代替先行 词the building, 同时担任从句中的主语。
可用which, that; 不管先行词指人还是指物,在定语
先行词 人 物
主格(不能省) who, that which, that
宾格(可省略) (who/whom/ that) (which/that)
所有格 whose whose, of which
The Attributive Clause
定语的概念:(用来修饰名词的词) 例: A beautiful girl an ugly dog
The girl behind the tree is Kate.
The man driving too fast was drunk. 定语从句
I still remember the days when we work together. I still remember the days which we spent together.
I can’t find the place where we met for the first time. I can’t find the place which you went to last Sunday. Is that the reason why you don’t like him? Is that the reason which you told to your mum?
3.whose 是代词的所有格形式, 它既可以 代人也可以代物。
I saw a woman. Her bag was stolen . I saw a woman whose bag was stolen. Please show me the book . Its cover is red. Please show me the book whose cover is red.
1.who指人,作主语或宾语(作宾语可省略) The man( who) I talked with is our teacher. A person who steals things is called a thief.
2.whom指人,作宾语 (作宾语可省略,如 介词提前则不能省) The man (whom/who) I talked to is Mr. Li. The man to whom I talked is Mr. Li.
7. I will never forget the day. We played in the park on that day. I will never forget the day when/on which we played in the park. 8. This is the reason. He didn't come to school for this reason. This is the reason for which/ why he didn’t come to school.
4.which 指物,作主语或宾语 (作宾 语可省略,如介词提前则不能省) These are the trees which were planted last year. The TV set (which) he bought yesterday is made in Japan. Is this the library (which) you borrow books from? Is this the library from which you borrow books?
关系词与先行词的关系非常密切,关系词的使用取 决于先行词,因为关系词代替先行词在定语从句中充 当一定的成分,所以它在一般情况下都紧紧跟在先行 词之后。
1. I have a sister who/that works in Shanghai. 2. The woman whom we saw on the street got the job. 3. The place which he often visits is always full of artists. 4. You’re the only person whose advice he might listen to. 5. I still remember the days when we work together. 6. I can’t find the place where we met for the first time. 7. Is that the reason why you don’t like him?