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Bacteria in pharmaceutical water systems generally range from 0,3 m – 5 m. 水系统中的微生物大小通常在0,3 m – 5 m
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Bacteria basics for water systems水系统中的微生物基 本知识
Endotoxins are commonly removed by RO, UF, (UV*) and flushing 通常RO
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* Argued by some UV manufacturer
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Bacteria and Temperature 微生物和温度
Growth rate vs temperature for five environmental classes of procaryotes.
Most procaryotes will grow over a temperature range of about 30 degrees.
Sterile bulk API or BPC
Minimum water type
Suitable noncompendial
API = Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient活性药用成分(原料药) BPC = Bulk Pharmaceutical Chemical(医药中间体)
Bacteria structure 细菌结构
Gram-positive cell wall 葛兰氏阳性菌细胞壁
Gram-negative cell wall 葛兰氏阴性菌
Profiles of the cell envelope the Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The Gram-positive wall is a uniformly thick layer external to the plasma membrane. It is composed mainly of peptidoglycan (murein). The Gram-negative wall appears thin and multilayered. It consists of a relatively thin peptidoglycan sheet between the plasma membrane and a phospholipid-lipopolysaccharide outer membrane. The space between the inner (plasma) and outer membranes (wherein the peptidoglycan resides) is called the periplasm.
• a permissive range of physical conditions such as理化
– O2 concentration氧浓度 – Temperature温度 – pH
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Bacteria and pH 微生物和pH
Growth rate vs. pH for three environmental classes of procaryotes. 原核生物在不同pH条件下的生长速率
pH 5-7
pH 5-7
Total Organic Carbon < 0.5 ppm (TOC)
< 0.5 ppm
Aerobic Microbial Contamination
< 100 CFU/ ml
< 10 CFU/100 ml (<0.1 CFU/ml)
Endotoxin content
Not Specified
conditions. 制药用水中有机物、矿物质和盐含量非常低,不适宜嗜热 菌的生长
Also the Psychrophilic bacteria, which are mainly found in ice and melt water, are seldom
found in pharmaceutical water systems.很少在制药用水系统中发现主要生长在 冰水中的喜寒性菌
葛兰氏阴性菌会释放内毒素,内毒素是一种多糖分子,当内毒素被注射入血液时, 就会导致热病。(这些物质的学术术语为“热源”,即产生热量,发热的意思)
Endotoxins are heat stable (boiling for 30 minutes does not destabilize endotoxin沸腾30分钟不能降解内毒素), but certain powerful oxidizing agents such as superoxide, peroxide and hypochlorite, degrade them. 内毒素是热稳定性物
This only leaves the Mesophilic bacteria as the main candidate for bacteria that are found in
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Water purification & distribution loop纯化和分配
Purification process
Feed water
Reverse Electroosmosis deionisation Tank
Distillation system
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USP Specifications定义: PW vs.
PW (Purified Water) WFI (Water for Injection)
Water conductivity and < 1,3 μS/cm at 25°C* < 1,3 μS/cm at 25°C*
•Pharmaceutical Water Systems 制药用水系统
Water storage and distribution system水的贮存和分配系统
• The most common and well known system in the pharmaceutical industry. 是最常规的
• Still, many confusions on how to select the most suitable, hygienic and cost effective solution然而,在怎么选择最合适、卫生和成本、
• The key is to understand the basic principle
CFU=Colony Forming Units
All Pharmaceutical water must also meet the EPA standard for microbiological quality
of potable water
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Bacteria basics for water systems水系统中的微生物基 本知识
Most common bacteria in pharmaceutical water systems are Gram negative bacteria. Gram negative bacteria do not grow above 60ºC, however, cautions for Gram positive bacteria, which are more heat resistant, should be taken and periodic sanitization and test procedures are recommended.通常在水系统中的微生物多为葛兰氏阴性菌,在高于
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Distribution loop
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ISPE differentiate between three types of water:
• USP Purified Water (PW) 美国药典的纯化水(PW) • USP Water for Injection (WFI)注射水 • Non- compendial water (RO, DI, etc.)饮用水
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Bacteria basics for water systems 水系统中的微生物
In order to grow in nature or in the laboratory, a bacterium must have:微生物为了生长,必须具备:
• an energy source能量来源 – a source of carbon碳源 – other required nutrients其他要求的营养源
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WFI & PW, in practice WFI和PW的使用
ISPE recommendation ISPE推荐
Bulk API or BPC
Equipment cleaning and rinsing
Non-injectable Injectable dosage form dosage form
Killed Gram negative bacteria releases endotoxins, which is a lipopolysaccharide molecule that cause fever when injected into the bloodstream. (These substances are termed ”pyrogens” meaning generating heat, fever). Pyrogens have also been linked to more serious reactions when injected into the blood (e.g. lethal septic shock) and are a major concern for every dosage form in contact with the blood stream.杀死
• Aerobic Bacteria 好氧菌
– Gram Negative 葛兰氏阴性菌 – Gram Positive 葛兰氏阳性菌
• Endotoxin 内毒素 • Biofilm 生物膜
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Bacteria basics for water systems水系统中的微生物基 本知识
< 0.25 EU/ml
Production Methods
Obtained by suitable process
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
Obtained by suitable process and purified by distillation.
*In-line measurement, from equivalent values from USP table
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Bacteria and Temperature微生物和温度
Pharmaceutical water systems are very low in organic materials, minerals and salts. These conditions are not suitable for Thermophilic bacteria, which require very unique physical