







Unit 1 How can we become good learners? Section A (1a-1c) Period 1 Teaching Aims【教学目标】 (1)熟练掌握下列词汇:textbook learner group by (2)熟练掌握下列短语:work with friends ask the teacher for help make word cards read the textbook listen to tapes (3)掌握下列句型:--- How do you study for a test? --- I study by working with a group. ●Preview【预习生疑】 根据汉语写出下列短语和句子 1)制作单词卡_______________________ 2)读教科书________________ 3)向老师寻求帮助_____________________ 4)听磁带_______________ 5)和朋友一起学习____________________ 6)小组学习

_______________ 7)你是如何复习备考的? ______ _____ you _____ for _____ ______? 8)我们如何成为优秀的学习者? ______ ______ we ________ a _______ ________? 9)她经常通过听磁带来练习说英语。 She often ________ _______ ________ by ________ to tapes. ●Interaction【互动解惑】 Step 1: Leading-in Free talk. Ask and answer in pairs using “how”questions. Step 2: Presentation New words & check the answers in preview Step 3: Finish 1a Talk about the ways to study English. Then ask some students to share their ways. Step 4: Listening Listen to the tape and finish 1a.


我心目中的好老师姓名性别年龄学历职称教龄职务所任学科 课题名称 学生作业打开我记忆的闸门,许多好老师的形象,涌现在我脑海,其中我心目中最好的老师则是数学唐建华老师。 我为什么说她好,肯定有我的原因,虽然我们仅仅相处一年,可我认为她是个好老师,她也认为我是好学生。每当我在数学练习时,只要一有错题,她就会认真地帮我讲解,如果我还没听懂,她就会举例子来告诉我。总之,我有不会的地方,她就会帮助我,直到我懂了为止。如果是我马虎大意,她也会适当的批评我。我接受老师对我的批评、对我的评价、对我的教育,老师在帮助我改正自身的缺点,我应该感谢她。 当我骄傲时,她不正面说,会绕一个弯来帮助我,当她批评别的同学时,不会提到我,她会说骄傲的坏处,对自身的伤害,我也不是那么笨,我听出了老师其实也在说我,她不直接说,是怕伤害了我的自尊心、信心。我难道不应该感谢她吗? 当然,彼此之间也会产生一些误会,但没过多久,我们好像都忘了,谁也不提了,像从前一样。 记得有一次,那天我当值日生,还没有放学,我就把黑板上写的数学作业给擦了,可同学们都说他们没抄完,我刚要写,可一位同学说我写的字太难看,让他来写,我把粉笔交给他了,然后我就回到座位写起作业来,也没看那个同学写的对不对。 第二天,我们开始做早操,不是班主任的唐老师走到我面前,

瞪着眼睛说:“你知不知道你做错了什么事,这回班级扣分全扣在 你身上。”说完转身就走。我有些莫明其妙,也不知道我做错了什 么,平时唐老师可没对我发过火,这是怎么了,我心里嘀咕着。做 完早操,大队长说今天检查数学作业。这时,唐老师跟班主任徐老 师说起这件事,我偶尔听见了一点。原来,昨天的作业大多数同学 都少做了一道题,而今天又要检查,可这不关我什么事,我脑子里 起了个问号,决定把这件事查清楚,消除唐老师对我的误解。 下课听同学们说,是我把黑板上的作业擦掉的,又少写了一道题,可最后那次不是我写的,是那个同学写的。再说了,我自己的 作业也没少做一道题,难道我有这么坏,还让唐老师白说了我一顿, 我想。一定是唐老师怕班级扣分,所以把责任全都让我负责。可又 是谁告诉唐老师是我写的呢?这时一个同学,他悄悄地告诉我,是 数学科代表。噢!我知道了,她怕唐老师怪她,所以说是我把黑板 上的题给少写了一道,我想:这个同学真不应该,既然她看到那个 同学少写了一道题,为什么自己不上去改,她可是咱班数学科代表 呀。 我误解了唐老师,其实她只是耳听,却没有眼见,这才对我发火,我消除了对唐老师的误解,也希望她能消除对我的误解。 最近,我们再没有什么误解,老师和我却成了一对好朋友。我真的喜欢您-唐建华老师! 做为老师,应该做的,在学生心里竟然能有这样的反响,我会更加努力工作。我的感言 (可加页)


Unit 1 How do you study for a test? 第一课时Section A 1a—2d 课型:听说课 学习目标: 1、我会读P1-2的单词,理解并会用以下的单词:textbook,conversation, aloud,pronunciation,sentence,patient 2、我能运用以下句子谈论学习英语的方法。(难点) 1)---How do you study for a test?---I study by working with a group. 2)---Do you have a conversations with friends?---Yes , I do./No, I don’t. 3)---Have you study with a group?---Yes,I have./No,I don’t. 3、我通过了解正确的学习方法我提高学习效率,从而提高我的学习成绩。 Learning Process学习过程 Steap I目标导航,自主学习(课前完成) 读一读,记一记P1-2的单词,默读并理解1c,2c,2d的对话,根据中文写出单词或短语。(一)单词 1.教科书;课本 2. 交谈;谈话 3.大声地;出声地 4.句子 5.有耐心的;病人 (二)短语 1. 与朋友一起学习___________________ 2. 制作单词卡___________________ 3. 向老师求助___________________ 4. 听磁带___________________ 5. 读课本___________________ 6. 向某人要某物___________________ 7. 为考试而准备___________________ 8. 与某人交谈___________________ 9. 大声朗读___________________ 10. 练习(做)某事___________________ 11 .口语表达能力___________________ 12. 英语口语___________________ 13. 太......而不能___________________ 14. 完成做某事___________________ 15.不得不做___________________ 16. 作报告___________________ 17. 抓住主要意思___________________ 18. 逐字___________________ 19. 词组___________________ 20. 对某人有耐心___________________ StepⅡ合作探究,展示提升(20分钟) Task 1、短语过关:对子就关于英语学习方法的短语中英互译 Task 2、听力过关:按课本完成1b,2a,2b的听力。 Task 3、编写对话:你可以借鉴1c,2c聊聊英语的学习方法 Task 4、朗读2d,画出对话中提到的学习方法,并回答下列问题。 1. How does Jack? Why? __________________________________________________ 2. What suggestions does Annie give to Jack?___________________________________ Task 5: 质疑互究: 1.by的几种用法 (1)--How do you study for a test? --By ____________________(小组合作学习) (2). Annie went to Beijing __________________ (乘火车) yesterday. (3). His grandfather made a living _____________________ (靠卖水果) in the past. (4). The scientists have to arrive at the village _____________________ (八月以前). (5). Allen goes ________________________(经过邮局) on his way to school every morning.


Book3 unit1 —Festivals around the world期末复习 I. 单词拼写 1. The students have to be __________ (提醒) about their homework. 2. __________ (明显),the work is going to take some time. 3. You should __________ (道歉) to your brother for your behavior. 4. With your______________ (许可),I should like to visit Mrs. Thorne. 5. Lewis was much ____________(羡慕) for his work on cancer. 6. It is my ___________(相信) that we’ll find a cure at last. 7. Shortly after our ____________(到达) in London, Lisa was attacked. 8. _____________(农业) land is getting smaller, which demands government’s attention. 9. The guide offers information on local _____________(风俗)。 10. The heavy snow ended hopes of a good ___________ (收成)that year. 11. Do you know when India gained its _______________ (独立) from Britain. 12It is not his custom to ___________(淹没)sadness in wine. 13. I will never ___________(原谅) you for what you said to me last night. 14.The story has attracted ______________(世界性的) attention. 15.She was ______________(奖赏) medal for her great contribution to the country. II. 完成句子 1. Children’s Day ____________ ____________ on June 1. 六一儿童节是在每年的六月一号。 2. Great changes have ____________ ____________ in little Tom since his brother went to university.自从哥哥上了大学,小Tom身上发生了很大的变化。 3. A big earthquake ____________ ____________ in Japan, in 2011. 2011年日本发生了一次大地震。 4. A film will be made ______ ____________ ______ those brave fire fighters. 为了纪念那些勇敢的消防战士,一部电影即将开拍。 5. They ____________ ______ and try to frighten people.他们乔装打扮去吓唬别人。 6. We ____________ ______ for the school ball on Christmas Day.我们为参加学校圣诞舞会盛装打扮。 7. He often ____________ ____________ ______ me in public, which makes me angry. 他经常在公共场合开我的玩笑,这使我很生气。 8. The fellows likes ____________ ____________ ______ their manager.这群年轻人爱捉弄他们经理。 9. I have been ____________ ____________ to ____________ a chance to visit Huangshan. 我一直盼望有机会去黄山观光。 10. He ____________ ____________ to seeing who was making a loud noise in the crowd. 他特想看看谁在人群里吵闹。 11. In order to finish the task on time, they worked _________ _________ _________.为了按时完成任务,他们日夜工作。 12. My teacher looked _________ _________ he had known about it completely. 老师好像已经知道了。 13. People love to get together to eat, drink and _________ _________ with each other. 人们喜欢聚在一起吃喝玩乐。 14. We were _________ _________ when you phoned me.你给我打电话的时候我们正玩得开心。 15. Why do they plan to meet at the _________ _________ at 8 o’clock? 他们为什么在停车场见面? 16. She promised to come, but so far hasn’t _________ _________.她答应来,但现在还没露面。 17. It is a great advantage to him that he always _________ _________ _________. 他总是守信,这一点对他十分有利。 18. I _________ _________ _________, but he didn’t. 我守诺了,但他没有。 19. We all _________ _________ _________ till he landed safely. 我们屏住呼吸直到他安全落地。 20. We ________ ________ at 7:00, while the roads were empty.我们7点出发,趁那是路上没什么车。 21. We had planned to _________ _________ at 7:00, but something unexpected happened.我们本打算7点出发,但发生了没预料到的事。 22. The photo _________ _________ _________ the days we spent in the summer camp. 这张照片总让我想起在夏令营我们一起度过的日子。 23. My memory becomes worse; I have to be _________ _________ everything.我的记性越来越差,什么事都得提醒。 24. _________ _________ _________ _________ the teacher has known about it.很明显老师已经知道这事儿了。 25. I’m not sure what I am doing this Saturday, but I _________ _________ to the Rolling Stones concert. 我不知道这周末做什么,可能我去听音乐会。III.句义,完成B 句, 使其句义相同或相近。 1. A: Do you know how the accident happened? B: Do you know how the

基础模块上册 Unit 1 导学案

There be 句型详解 Teaching Aims(教学目标): Knowledge Aims(知识目标): Know about the sentence pattern “there be”. Skill Aims(技能目标): The transformation among sentence patterns about “there be”. Feeling Aims(情感目标): Develop the students’ interest in learning English. Important Points(教学重点): Grasp the sentence pattern “there be”. Difficult Points(教学难点): Understand and handle the sentence patterns about “there be” skillfully. Teaching Process(教学过程): 一、There be句型的概念: There be 句型是英语中常用句型,意思是“有…..”,表示“人或事物的存在”或“某地有某物”。主语在there be 之后。句尾通常有表示地点的状语。 二、There be句型的结构 肯定结构: There is (are)+主语+状语 否定结构: There is (are)+not+主语+状语 一般疑问句结构 Be+there+主语+状语? 三、be的变化看名词 主语是单数,be动词用is; 主语是复数,be动词用are。 主语是不可数名词的用is eg. There is a book on the desk.

九年级 Unit 1 导学案

Unit 1 Do we become good learners Period 1 (Section A 1a-1c) 【学习目标】 1.熟练掌握下列词汇:aloud pronunciation vocabulary 2.熟练掌握下列短语:work with friends ask the teacher for help read aloud practice pronunciation 3. 掌握下列句型: —How do you study for a test? —I study by working with a group. —Have you ever studied with a group? —Yes, I have. I’ve learned a lot that way. 【教学重点】掌握词汇、短语、句型 【教学难点】掌握下列句型: —How do you study for a test? —I study by working with a group. —Have you ever studied with a group? —Yes, I have. I’ve learned a lot that way. 【教学过程】 一、课前预习 自主学习,完成下列短语 和朋友一起学习________ 读课本_______听录________向老师寻求协助_____________ 二、课内探究 (一)预习反馈导学 根据汉语默写单词。 出声地,大声地发音,发音法记住,熟记语法,语法规则快地,迅速地有区别地,不同地 翻译下列词组 study for a test by doing sth. work with friends make flashcards read the textbook make/write vocabulary lists listen to tapes ask the teachers for help work/study with a group watch English-language (二)自主探究 在课文中划出下列句子,并翻译。 1 .What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? 2. It improves my speaking skills.


必修5 Unit 1 Great scientists 导学案 教学目标: 能力目标(Ability aim) 1.To activate the students’ knowledge about great scientists in the world and their achievements. 2 .To get the students understand the spirit of science. 3.To enable students to communicate with each other and improve students’ language expression ability. 语言目标(Language aim) 1. Important words: engine, characteristic, radium, enthusiastic, cautious, spin, instruct, attend, cure, severe, reject. 2.Important sentences: be absorbed in, expose to ,face the challenge ,gather information ,be determined to ,the cause of ,look into ,slow down ,supporting evidence ,die of ,draw a conclusion , In addition, link to , absorb into , to blame, handle from, lead to, make sense, 自主学习 一 Review the following words and phrases(翻译) 1 try this quiz____________ 9 mark____________________ 2 discover________________ 10 attack___________________ 3 lift up_________________ 11 evidence_______________ 4 invent__________________ 12 hit________________ 5 instrument____________ 13 be determined to____________ 6 become inspired_________________ 14 source___________________ 7 terrify_________________ 15 deliver__________________ 8 multiply_______________ 16 prevent … from…_______ 二Important words(重点词汇) 1.______________vt.&vi. 结束;推断出→________________n. 2.______________vt.&n. 打败,战胜;失败→______________(同义词) 3.______________vt. 照顾,护理;出席,参加 4.______________vt. 暴露;揭露 5.______________vt.&n. 向----挑战 6.______________vt.&n. 治愈,治疗;痊愈 7.______________vt. 吸收;吸引;使专心 8.______________adj. 致命的;完全的;充满仇恨的;如死一样的 9.______________ vt. 怀疑→__________adj 怀疑的-→___________n.嫌疑犯10_____________vt. 污染,弄脏→____________n.﹝u﹞污染 11_____________vt.&n. 责备,谴责 12_____________vt. 宣布;通告→_______________n. 宣布 13_____________vt.&vi. 捐献,捐助;贡献→_______________n.捐献,贡献14_____________vt. 命令;指示;教导→____________n.命令;指示→__________n. 指南;使用说明


Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?学案 Period One (生词课) Learning Goals: 一、语言知识和语言功能: 1. To master the following curriculum words: chess, guitar, club, story, show, drum, violin, people, home, center, weekend, musician, sing, swim, dance, draw, speak, join, tell, write, talk, make, teach, or, also, today 2.To master the following useful expressions: play chess, speak English, be good at, be good with, talk to, play the drums/piano/violin, make friends, help sb. with sth., on the weekend, sports/music/art/chess club, join a club, do kung fu 3. To read the following non-curriculum words: Kung fu, piano 二、学习策略: 1. 依据图片理解和记忆词汇。(Understand and remember the words and phrases with the help of the pictures.) 2. 在语境中理解和记忆词汇。(Understand and remember the words and phrases in the context.) 3. 依据读音规则、构词规律理解和记忆词汇。(Understand and remember the words and phrases according to the phonetic rules, the structures of the words and phrases.) 三、情感态度: To encourage the students to learn more abilities and skills to enjoy life. 【设计意图】法国的哈伯特说对于一只盲目航行的船来说,所有的风都是逆风。对于盲目教学的教师和盲目学习的学生来说,再多的努力都将是事倍功半!因此,无论教师还是学生对每节课不同层次的教学目标充分了解,上课时才更有目标性和高效性。 Teaching and learning steps: Step 1 Warming-up (talk about hobbies and abilities) Get the students to watch a video about Michael Phelps(菲尔普斯) T: Do you like…? Ss: Yes, I do. /No, I don’t. T: Can you …? Ss: Yes, I can. /No, I can’t. Ss ask and answer each other.


必修3Unit 5 Canada ―“The True North”学案导学Period four grammar:同位语从句 一、Preparation for the lesson before class Step one: make a thorough inquiry for grammar learn by oneself(SB P37 Discovering useful structures) Let’s students find out and understand conce pts of uses by consulting materials. 同位语从句是名词性从句的一种,常用从属连词that引导,(when, where, who等也可引导),常常跟在fact, idea, opinion, news, hope, ability, patience, answer, order, report, wish, decision, suggestion, belief, doubt, fact, hope, message, promise, question, reply等名词后。同位语从句一般用来解释或说明这些名词的具体含义或内容。在逻辑上表现为同位关系。例如: ① Finally the workers got an answer that the government could do nothing to raise their wages. 工人们最终得知政府不会采取任何措施来增加他们的工资。 ② They are familiar with the opinion that all matter consists of atoms. 他们很熟悉这一观点,所有的物质都是由原子构成的。 二、Discussing each other during class Step two:同位语从句与that引导的定语从句的区别: 1)从先行词来看 同位语从句与名词在本质上是同一的,是形式与内容的关系,该名词是需要做特殊说明的抽象名词。例如: They were delighted at the news that their team had won. 当听到他们的球队赢了的消息时,他们欣喜若狂。 逻辑关系:The news was that their team had won. 2) 从引导词来看 引导词that在同位语从句中是连词,只起连接作用,无具体含义,that不可省略;that在定语从句中是关系代词,他在从句中充当一定成分:主语或宾语,有具体词意,作宾语时还可以省略。试比较: ①The factory (that) we visited yesterday is a chemical one. 我们昨天参观的那家工厂是化工厂。(that在从句中作宾语) ②The news that he will leave for Shanghai is true.


新目标九年级unit1导学案 年级:九年级 学科组:英语 课题:Unit1SectonA学 习目 标 1.掌握下列新单词:flashcard,vocabulary,aloud,pronunciation2.学会新句型 Howdoyoustudyforatest?Istudybyworkingwithagroup.Hav eyoueverstudiedwithagroup?yes,Ihave,I’velearnedalotthatway.学习导航一、 预习感知:译一译studyforatest____________ studiedwithagroup_________________asktheteacherforh elp____________________ readaloud_________________二、合作探究1.pronunciationn.____________,其动词形式为 。 如:Doyouknowhowto theword? Readingaloudisagoodwaytopractice

2.aloud/loud/loudly aloud出声地;大声地 ,常与read/call等词连用; loud高声地;大声地;喧闹地。常用于talk/speak连用。loudly高声地;喧闹地。可以和loud互换,但含有“吵闹”的意思。如: 老师要求我大声朗读课文。Theteacheraskedmeto thetext .请大声点说,以便我能听清楚。Please sothatIcanhearyouclearly.不要这么大声,婴儿在睡觉。Don’t so .Thebabyissleeping.3.byHowdoyoustudyforatest?Is tudybyworkingwithagroup.weusuallygotoschoolbybike.E nglishisspokenbymanypeople.By的意思是“通过……的方式”时,后接 ,当表示“乘坐”时,后跟 ,它还可以表示 ,用于被动语态,引导出动作的发出者。跟踪练习 Hegoestoschool bike.A.by

高一英语导学案Unit 1第一课时Our First English Class

高一英语导学案 Unit 1第一课时Our First English Class 【Learning aims】 1.To make students and the teacher get familiar with each other. 2.To arose student s’ intereset and enthusiasm in learning English. 3.To give students some suggestions and instructions about English study. 预习案 Task 1.Prepare a self-introduction including the following inforumation: What is your name?(Chinese and English.) How old are you? Where are you from? What is your hobby ? Do you like our new school?Why? What’s your dream?................. Task 2.Write down your report. 探究案 Group discussion: 1.How is your English?Very good ,poor or just so-so? 2.Do you like English?Why? Whether you like it or not, you cannot ignore the fact that English is so important.Why do you think it is important? 第1页共 2 页


Module 10 A holiday journey Unit 1 What did you do? 【课前预习】 一、仔细阅读《同步课课练》P “要点解读”。 二、翻译以下重点短语和句子 1. 你去哪里度假?___________________________________________________________ 3. 到那里花了多少时间?__________________________________________________ 4. 然后我们朋友接了我们并且开车带我们到他们家。_______________________________________ 5. 谁跟你们在一起?________________________ 6. 那你们做了什么?______________________ 7. 我们如此兴奋!______________________________ 8. 你们在那里呆了多久?__________________________________________________ 9. 玩得开心________________________________ 【教学过程】. 1.完成活动1,在地图上找到所列出的地名,然后根据录音在旁边标上序号。 3.听活动2的对话,判断下列句子对错: 1) Tony is going to Los Angeles for his holiday. ( ) 2) Betty went to Los Angeles two years ago. ( ) 3) Betty went to Los Angeles with his friends. ( ) 4) Betty stayed in Disneyland for two days. ( ) 5) Betty saw many movie stars in Hollywood. ( ) 4.跟读Activity2,完成活动3. 5.根据活动2 的对话,根据首字母完成下面短文。 Betty went to Los Angeles two years a_____ and enjoyed it a lot. She went there w____ her parents by plane. This journey took about nine hours. Their friends m_____ Betty and her family at the airport and d______ them to their home. Betty and her parents first went to Disneyland and this made her so e__________. Two days later, they went to Hollywood. Betty didn’t see any m_______ stars there. She went to s___________ in the Pacific Ocean at Santa Monica. It was great. 【课堂反馈小测】 一、考考你的辨识水平,选出所划线部分发音与所给音标一致的单词。 ( ) 1. / ?? / A. top B. so C. on D. women ( ) 2. /? / A. become B. notice C. August D. guess ( ) 3. /?/ A. gold B. robot C. into D. long ( ) 4. / u/ A. food B. soon C. push D. movie ( ) 5. / s / A. once B. exact C. successful D. cry 二.选择填空: ( ) 1. Where are you going ________ holiday? A. for B. on C. in ( ) 2. I __________ there two years ago and enjoyed it. A. went to B. go to C. went ( ) 3. -- ____________ did it take to get there? – About nine hours. A. How far B. How soon C. How long


荥阳市第四初级中学科目:七年级英语上册编号:11 Unit1 My name’s Gina. 第一课时Section A 1a----2c 编写人:陈莹组长: 张红丽审核组长: 温馨寄语:Faith will move a mountain.信心可移山。 【学习目标】 1.通过读背,会背会默写单词表P1-2单词name, nice, to, meet, too, your, Ms, his, and, her , yes, she, he, no, not. 2.通过小组合作的方式,会运用以下句型进行对话: Hi! Hello! Nice to meet you! What’s your name? My name’s Jenny. /I’m Jenny. What’s his name? His name’s Tony. /He’s Tony. What’s her name? Her name’s Gina. /She’s Gina. 3.通过教师讲解、习题练习的方式,会正确使用形容词性物主代词her(她 的)、his(他的)、your(你的/你们的)进行语言表达。 4.通过教师讲解、习题练习的方式,会正确的使用系动词be(am 、is 、are) 进行语言表达。 【学习重点】 1.会默写单词表P1-2单词。 2.会运用以下句型:Hi! Hello! Nice to meet you! What’s your name? My name’s Jenny. /I’m Jenny. What’s his name? His name’s Tony. /He’s Tony. What’s her name? Her name’s Gina. /She’s Gina.进行对话练习。 【学习难点】 1.正确使用her(她的)、his(他的)、your(你的/你们的) 2.正确的使用系动词be(am 、is 、are) 【学法指导】 自主学习与合作探究相结合。 【学习过程】 一、复习: 1. 复习提问预备单元所学的重点单词和对话。 2. 错题回放: (1)This is (a/an) UFO. (2)--- What color is the orange? --- A. It’s a yellow. B. It’s the yellow. C. Its yellow. D. It’s yellow. (3)Look! This is orange. It’s orange. A. a; a B. an; an C. an; a D. an;/ (4)下列三组字母中含有不同元音音素的一组是。 A. B和C B. F和N C. I和J (5)Lin Shuhao is NBA star. A. / B. a C. an 二、单词用法: 1. name /ne I m/ n. 名字;名称
