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学生姓名: XXX

学生学号: XXX


年级专业: XX

指导教师: XXX





在啤酒发酵过程中, 温度是决定啤酒口感和风味的一个重要指标, 但存在现场温度控制较困难的客观因素。为满足啤酒生产向着连续化, 自动化方向发展, 对啤酒发酵过程中的温度实行计算机自动控制是具有重要意义的。对功能要求不多,工程成本要求低廉的分散控制系统,大型DCS系统并不是最佳选择。本论文的主要工作就是设计采用SunyPCC800小型集散控制系统来控制啤酒发酵过程的温度。SunyPCC800能很好地控制啤酒发酵各阶段的温度,使得发酵过程能按照正常的工艺要求进行,达到预期的生产效果。本系统不仅具有控制可靠安全,控制算法灵活,用户操作界面方便、丰富,而且设计灵活多变,成本低廉,在啤酒生产自动化中具有广泛的应用前景。



In the process of beer fermentation, the temperature of beer taste and flavor is an important index, but the objective factors of the temperature control more difficult. To satisfy beer production towards continuous, automatic direction development, to implement the computer automatic control in the process of beer fermentation temperature is significant. Not to function requirement, low engineering cost requirements of distributed control system, large DCS system is not the best choice. The main work of this paper is to design using SunyPCC800 small distributed control system to control the temperature of beer fermentation process. SunyPCC800 can well control in different stages of the beer fermentation temperature, fermentation process can be carried out in accordance with the normal process requirement, achieve the desired effect in production. This system not only has control and reliable safety, flexible control algorithm, user interface and convenient operation, rich, and flexible in design, low cost, has extensive application prospect in the beer production automation.

Keywords: distributed control system,temperature,temperature control


摘要 ............................................................................................................................... I ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................... II 目录 ............................................................................................................................ I II 1 概述 (1)

1.1 绪论 (1)

1.2 啤酒发酵控制系统方案综述 (1)

2 啤酒发酵工艺概述 (4)

2.1 啤酒发酵 (4)

2.1.1 啤酒发酵历史 (4)

2.1.2 啤酒发酵过程 (4)

2.2 发酵各阶段温度控制机理 (5)

2.3 啤酒发酵设备概述 (7)

2.4 啤酒发酵温控基本要求 (7)

2.5 啤酒发酵工艺流程 (8)

3 控制系统设计 (11)

3.1 被控对象 (11)

3.2 发酵过程控制回路 (11)

3.3控制系统设计 (12)

3.3.1 DCS在啤酒发酵中应用 (12)

3.3.2 系统设计 (12)

4 系统硬件和软件配置 (14)

4.1系统硬件 (14)

4.1.1控制系统的构成 (14)

4.1.2系统硬件结构及工作原理 (14)

4.1.3控制站功能 (14)

4.2系统软件 (15)

4.2.1组态软件 (16)

4.2.1监控软件 (16)

4.2.1控制软件 (16)

5 本系统的优点和特色 (18)

结论 (19)

参考文献 (20)

致谢 (21)
