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第五节 Conversion of parts of speech
第五节 Conversion of parts of speech Conversion of parts of speech ,one of the frequently nouns adopted translation techniques, means the prepositions change of parts of speech . converted Chinese verbs
三、Parts of speech English converted into a variety of Chinese adjectives. (一) nouns converted into Chinese adjectives Nouns which can be converted into Chinese adjectives are some basic English terms derived from the adjective to express the nature of things , or preceded by the indefinite article in the sentence as a predicative , and can come out of an adjective meaning of the term .And other parts of speech English can be converted into adjectives in order to make the
二、 Parts of speech English converted into a
variety of Chinese nouns.
(一)Verbs converted into Chinese nouns. The verb which is derivated from a noun or express the condition of relatively rest can be converted into nouns . (1)This article aims at discussing new development in component material and techniques. 本文的目的在亍讨论元件材料和元件技术的 新成就。
(四)adverbs converted into verbs (1)After careful investigation they found the design behind. 经过仔细研究后,他们发现这个设计落后了 (2) Mr. Nixon had said repeatedly that the American war in Indochina would soon be over. 尼克松先生屡次声明,美国在印度支那的战 争即将结束。
(三)adjectives converted into Chinese verbs . 1.adjectives derivated from verbs can be converted into Chinese verbs . I am rather doubtful about his real motive for doing this .我颇怀疑他做此事的动机。 2.The English adjective words indicating intuition ,feelings,desires and other psychological states can be generally translated into the verbs of Chinese,such as certain ,careful, doubtful ,cautious, angry,sure ,grateful and so on .
aቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱverbs
Chinese adverbs
一、 Parts of speech English converted into a variety of Chinese verbs.
As the two different modes of expression in Chinese and languages ,i.e. ,English ,nonus ,prepositions are frequently used, with much less using the verbs ; but by contrast in chinese ,nouns and prepositions are seldom used and the verbs are often used . Thus, when English are translated into Chinese ,it is necessary to convert nouns ,propositions and other parts of speech into Chinese verbs.
(2) I am afraid I can’t teach you swimming. I think my little brother is a better teacher than I. 我未必会教你游泳。我想我的弟弟会比我教 的好。
4.The noun which is the major of an English idiom (习语) often converted into verbs . The speaker gave an excellent picture of the living conditions in Africa. 演说者生动描述了非洲的生活状况。 We can make use of atomic energy in the production processes. 我们可以在这些生产过程中利用原子能。
(四)pronouns converted into Chinese nouns (1)The result of this experiment is much better than those of previous ones. 这次试验的结果比前几次的试验结果好得多。 (2) The unit of weight is the gram, that of length is the meter, and that of capacity is the liter. 重量的单位是克,长度的单位是米,容积的单位 是升。
(三)adverbs converted into Chinese nouns. There are some adverbs derivated from nouns in English ,meanig "in terms of " "in the way of ".these adverbs are often translated into Chinese nouns ,which makes the translation smooth. (1) He is physically weak but mentally sound. 他身体虽弱,但思想健康。 (2) It was officially announced that the President had decided to postpone his visit to the Middle East. 官方宣布,总统已决定推迟出访中东。
3.nouns formed through adding -er or -or
to verbs converted into verbs . That well-known scientist was a great lover of literature when he was a child. 那位著名科学家小时候酷爱文学。
And,some preposition phrases in English are often converted into verbs,such as :by means of, in excess of, in favor of, instead of, in spite of, in view of,regardless of and so on .
(二)adjectives converted into Chinese nouns 1.Adjectives which are in conjunction with the definite article ,meaning a class of people or things ,are often translated into English nouns .
into adjectives adverbs
Chinese nouns converted Parts of speech English into Chinese adjectives converted into converted into adjectives adverbs pronouns nouns
After carefully treatment, the deaf have recovered their hearing. 经过悉心治疗后,聋人恢复了他们的知觉。 (2) Robin Hood and his merry men hated the rich and loved and protected the poor. 罗宾汉和他的伙伴们痛恨富人,热爱并保护穷人。
5.Other nouns converted into verbs (1)A fire in the neighbor’s house can easily bring disaster to everyone. 一家失火,四邻遭殃。
(二)Preposition converted into verbs Preposition and transitive verbs are almost the same in classification of words, parts of speech and grammar functions.They all can take the objects.Therefore prepositions are often converted into the Chinese verbs . (1) “Coming!” Away she skimmed over the lawn, up the path, up the steps, across the veranda, and into the porch. “来了!”她转身蹦着跳着跑了,越过草地, 跑上小径,跨上台阶,穿过阳台,进了门廊。
2.Nouns expressing action converted into verbs.
(1) He was accused of neglect of his duties. 他被指控玩忽职守。 (2) A study of the letter leaves us in no doubt as to the motives behind it. 研究一下那封信,就使我们毫丌怀疑该信是 别有用心的。
(一)English nouns converted into Chinese verbs . Chinese verbs are more frequently used than that in English ,therefore ,when the nouns in English are translated into Chinese ,it is often converted into verbs ,and the noun derivated from a verb is converted to a verb as well. 1.gerunds(动名词) and nouns derivated from the verbs are often converted to verbs . No other changes occur upon mixing the two compounds.