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Unit 4单元教学设计

Teaching Contents: Unit 4 At the farm

Teaching Aims:

1.Can listen, read, and say the main words of let’s learn.

2.Can understand the main sentences and can use them in real life.

Teaching Points:Words and sentences

Teaching Difficulties:Four skill wordsUse the sentences

Teaching Methods:TPR, Reading, Acting.

Learning Methods:speaking, listening

Teaching Aids:

Computer, cassette, cassette recorder, power point, pictures, cards.

Teaching Times:Four

Period 4

Teaching Aims:

1.Can listen, say, read and write the words and sentences in this part.

2.Can read the dialogue with the help of teacher and tape.

3.Can listen, say and read the main sentences: What are these/ those? Are these/

those…? And can answer them.

4.Can read the dialogue with the help of the teacher and tape.

Important points and difficult points:

New words and sentences

Teaching methods:listening,speaking

Learning Methods:speaking, listening

Teaching Aids:

Computer, cassette, cassette recorder, power point, pictures, cards.

Teaching Steps:

Step 1. Warm- up

1.Review the words of farm animals and vegetables with the help of pictures.

2.Review the main sentence patterns.

3.Review the dialogues and chants of Part A and B.

Step 2 presentation

1.Listen to the tape to learn the dialogue.

2.Repeat after the tape.

3.Practice spelling the words and sentences.

Step 3 practice

1.Have a spelling game to help them to memorize the four skilled words and

sentences and tell them how to write them in the same way.

2.Ss practice in pair to spell the words.

Step 3 Homework

Copy the dialogue and the four skilled words and sentences.


Unit 4 At the farm

Are these…?

Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.

What are these/ those?

They are….

Unit 4单元教学反思

本节课的主要内容是四个蔬菜类的单词potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, green beans。通过学习这四个单词,能熟练的将这四个单词运用到What are these/those?What are they?中,并能分清这三个句子的用法及意义。在教学中,坚持做到“以学生为主体,教师为主导”的教学思想指导下,对学生活动中将会使用的语言做出准确预测,然后归纳整理相关知识,为学生提供了一个框架,也提供了一个示范,为学生提供必要的语言支持。在“活动型教学理论”指导下,在“用中学”教学思想的支配下,设计贴近学生生活的教学活动,以“动”促说,以“动”促用,让学生在活动中学会英语,实现用英语进行交际的目的。但是通过教学,还是有一些问题要注意到:首先,在课堂教学中,课前导入要把握的恰到好处,时间不宜过长。在讲课初始阶段,为了调动孩子们的课堂气氛,让孩子们充分理解课本以轻松愉悦的心情走进课堂,我个人在导入部分占用时间过长,使后面技能操练的部分与预设的时间相比稍短了一些。在今后的教学过程中,我会努力的把每个教学环节使用的时间分配的更合理。其次,教学中,更多的关注学生的情感。学生只有对自己,对英语及其文化有积极的情态,才能保持英语学习的动力取得成绩。把英语教学与情态有机会结合起来,创设各种合作学习活动,促进学生互相学习,互相帮助,体验成就感,发展合作精神。最后,还要做到在教学中,注意交际活动。学习英语的最终目的是学会交际与运用,两人之间的交际是活动的重要形式,因此,语言训练中应常开展二人活动。在今后的教学过程中,要不断的改进自己,提高教学水平。
