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你让我们做 这些练习是 明智的。
It is wise of you to let us do these excises.
It's kind of you to help me work out the problem.
2) It be adj. of sb. to do sth. 此处adj. 通常为描述人的形容词: kind, , nice, rude, polite, cruel, considerate (细心的), thoughtful, careful, careless,foolish, stupid, clever, wise.
Make sentences:
It is necessary for us to keep the balance of nature.
2.在日常生活中练习你的英语口语是非常重 要的。
It’s very important for you to practise your oral English in daily life.
It is clear that cell phones have brought us a lot of benefits.
It is necessary that you (should) remember the 3500 words.
2) It is important ( necessary, strange, natural, surprising...) that ...
It took me much time to edit(编辑) this powerpoint. 说实话需要很大的勇气。 It takes great courage to tell the truth.
It takes great efforts/pains to succeed.
②It is v-ed that…
It is said (reported/believed.....) that ... 该句型中的it 仍是形式主语, 真正主语是that 引导的主语从句; 该结构常译为“据说(据报道, 据悉…)”。
My pen is missing. I can’t find__it_ anywhere.
2.用于代替指示代词this 和that。
---Is this jacket yours? ---Yes, _i_t ____ is.
1) . It’s 10:08.
Make sentences:
你能帮我,真好。 It’s very kind of you to help me. 给我让座,您太好了! It’s very nice of you to offer me a seat.
3It + takes、took ( sb. )+ 时间/金钱/精力等 + 动词不定式
2. 代替动名词做主语 It’s no good/ use/pleasure doing…做……没 益处,没用,没趣
It is no use crying over spilt milk. 只阅读不理解没什么益处。
It is no good reading without understanding .
It’s Leabharlann Baiduovely.
It weighs only 3 kilos.
Who is it?
二形式it------形式主语, 形式宾语
你们掌握英 语是至关重
To have a good command of English is vital for all of you. It is vital for all of you to have a good command of English.
2) It’s only half an hour’s walk from here to our school. Distance
3) It is sunny today, isn’t it?
4) It’s spring now. Season
5) It’s quiet here. Circumstance
It is possible that we will realize (实现) our dreams one day.
3. 代替主语从句作形式主语 ① It is adj. + 从句 1)It is clear ( obvious, true, possible, certain
…) that ... 该句型中it 是形式主语, 真正的主语是 that 引导的主语从句, 常译为“清楚(显然, 真的……)”, 是主语从句最常见的一种结构。
that 后的从句中要用虚拟语气(should + 动 词原形。
It is important that we should learn in an effective way.
It is said that he has a secret weapon in maths learning.
1. 代替动词不定式做主语
1) It be adj. (for sb.) to do sth. 此处adj. 通常为描述事件的形容词: easy, difficult, necessary, important, possible, useful, useless,vital(至关重要的), essential (必要的)...
What jobs can “it” do?
It 用法归纳 一、 指代it 二、 形式it 三、 强调it 四、 含有it的短语、谚语
一、 1.用作人称代词, 代表前面提到的人 或事物.
Look at the picture. ___I_t_ is a picture of our school.