



Dear Mr.zhao

We are very grateful of receiving your samples today.

Provide you with our customers very satisfied with the results of sample testing.Price is too high, converting to accept, counter-offer to the various products are:

Article No. DR2010 USD19.00 CIFC5 Toronto per set

Article No. DR2202 USD23.80 CIFC5 Toronto per set

Article No. DR2211 USD30.00 CIFC5 Toronto per set

Article No. DR2401 USD23.50 CIFC5 Toronto per set

I think you may think it worth while to accept this price.

Your earlier replay will be highly appreciate.

Best regards




Oct.21,2005 Dear ANDY BURNNS

We have received your E-Mail of Oct.19,2005.

After the consideration, we have pleasure in confirming the following offer and accepting below:

Article No. DR2010 USD19.00 CIFC5 Toronto per set

Article No. DR2202 USD23.80 CIFC5 Toronto per set

Article No. DR2211 USD30.00 CIFC5 Toronto per set

Article No. DR2401 USD23.50 CIFC5 Toronto per set

Are pleased to accept your letter, price and other terms set out in. Number of orders for the NE0911 have been attached.

Look forward to more cooperation

Best regards


Ming hua zhao


外贸询盘回复的一些技巧 先从回复询盘的格式说起,格式一般分为称呼、正文、敬祝语、落款几个部分。 回复询盘的几个原则: ? 主动出击,及时回复。 ? 格式正确,有称呼,有落款。 ? 鉴于东西方文化的差异建议回答卖家问题直截了当,一般疑问句建议先回答yes或者no,然后再补充自己需要说明的。 ? 尽量一次性多传达自己的意思,以免来回沟通错过了商机。 ? 语言简洁准确,避免出现语法和拼写的错误。 一、询盘回复架构一般分为以下几个部分: 1.未付款询盘回复:这一环节是一个卖家第一次接触买家,有几个注意事项和大家分享一下:第一主动出击,当买家下单后应及时主动与买家联系,联系内容可以按照先后顺序包括为打招呼,对产品进一步的介绍,并告知请付款以及时查看库存备货,尽快发货。下面一个不错的回复: Dear Tracey, we see that you have already placed an order from my store. The bag you order is one of the best selling products from my store and it is made of high quality leather. But the order seems unpaid. If there’s anything I can help with the price or size…Please feel free to contact me. When the payment is finish, I can stock up the item and get it ready for shipping. Thanks Best Regards 2.已付款订单的回复:主要内容包括确认产品的规格,尺码等等具体事宜,表现卖家的专业性下面是一个不错的例子: Dear Didi, I am very glad to hear from you. The biggest size we have is 39.And this shoes is little bigger in size. So I think 39 will fit. If you have any other questions, Please feel free let me know. Thanks waiting hear from you soon. Best Regards 3.发货后的回复,从货物离开中国海关至买家收到货物建议每个阶段卖家都给买家发一封邮件通知买家,直到买家收到货为止。因为买家付款后都急于收到货物,而邮寄过程一般又是5-10天不确定的,因此这样随时通知买家货物状态一是表现自己商业诚信度二是及时的沟通能让买家不再急切询问。下面是一个不错的例子: 1.Dear David, The item you order is already sent it out and the tracking number is EA935185185CN The mail status is as follows: 20071130 21:43:12 SHANGHAI


geiyige 给你一个列文 1.询盘 dear sirs, i need your quotation for 425g canned mushroom pieces&stems including packaging/delivery time/price term is cfr/port of destination:dammam.thanks in advance. best regards xxx 2.发盘 dear xxx, we well received your inquiry in canned mushroom pieces&stems dated on xx. as per your requirement,we quote the price as below: name of item: canned mushroom pieces&stems specification:24tinned/ctn n.w:425g g.w:227 packaging: normal export brown carton box with buyers brand quantity: 1700 ctn /container price:us$7.80 cfr dammam payment terms:l/c at sight delivery date:no later than 30/12/2009 term of validity:27/10/2009 if any query,pls feel free to let me know. best regards xxx 3.还盘外商还盘如下 dear sirs, thank you so much for your offer,but after we carefully studying,we found your price is too high,we know your goods are in high quality,compare with the items which produce in europe.your price are higher than your competitor 5%-10%.so,we do hope you kindly reduce the price approximately 5%.say us$7.40/ctn.i think this concession should be acceptable by you. best regards xxx 我方还盘如下 dear xxx, thank you for your comment,we learnt that our samples are meet your request,and our quality are acceptable by you.but regret that you thought our prices are higher than other countries with same products.we do hope to co-operate and expand business with your company.really sorry that we can not accept your counter offer.please trust us,this is our firm offer,actually we received many orders from other company with such competitive price.if you accept our price.pls do not hesitate to inform us,consider the price of raw material are rise constantly.we hope you can make your final decision a.s.a.p.thanks. looking forward to your positive news! best regards xxx 4.接受 dear sirs, we received your letter dated on10/10/2009 with many thanks. after our careful consideration,we decided to accept the following offer: please note:we will send fehling "rose"logo to you by dhl a.s.a.p.please prepare the logo according.besides pls scanning the logo for our final confirmation before packaging.

出单必看 外贸新人必看询盘回复技巧

一.询盘的回复和技巧 Ⅰ如何筛选询盘,我们可以把询盘分为七种: 1.有收件人称呼的 2.有详细产品询问的 3.有介绍自己公司背景的 4.有对工厂详细问卷的 5.有完整的公司名称、联系方式和网址的 6. Email的后缀是公司网址的 以上六种询盘比较有真实客户相,应该重点回复 7.没有称呼也没有具体产品询问,只是对公司感兴趣,标准的询问函模式 一开始要求寄送目录、价格xx样品的 只对公司产品感兴趣,要求快寄样品赶展会、赶促销,样品种类多但没有具体要求看看客户发来邮件的时间,根据时差判断客户发送邮件的时间,比如早上八九点从德国IP发送过来的邮件基本有问题。 上面说的几类询盘基本就是无效的询盘,只是为了扩大自己知名度,或者骗取点样品套个价格,时间比较紧的就不用理了。这样的客户基本是做不成生意的,即使做成也不会是大单子。时间比较充裕的可以联系下,权当练兵 Ⅱ如何回复询盘 1.及时 1),第一时间回复 2),根据时间差重点回复 港、台、日、韩、xx马上回复

xx上午11点之前回复 xx下午一点前回复 xx下午三点前回复 美国、加拿大、墨西哥及美洲、拉美国家,下午下班之前回复 3),不能回复或不能完整回复的 对由于种种原因暂时不能回复的,应尽早给客人邮件告诉他可以什么时候回复他提出的问题,而不是置之不理 对于不能完整回复的,应把可以回复的问题先告诉客人,另外告诉一个确切的日期来回复剩余的问题 2.全面完整专业 1)读完询盘有一个整体概念 国家和地区: 欧洲、美国对质量要求比较严格,可以承受较高的价格,讨厌讨价还价 印度巴基斯坦对质量基本无要求,只要价格优惠,就可能做成生意,基本每次联系都要求降价,可以承受的价格低 中东拉美对质量有一定要求,价格也比较挑剔,但可以承受比印巴略高的价格中间商和最终用户: 看对方是一个进出口公司还是一家经营此产品的批发商、分销商或者零售商产品和用途: 即使完全相同的东西,由于用途不同,价格也不同 用来焊轿车和铁壶的两块同样的焊铁价格可能差十几倍甚至几十倍 2)作答客户提出的问题


询盘、发盘、还盘、接受和回绝范本 一、询盘。(买方,即Japan Smith Co.,Ltd.) 尊敬的XXX: 我公司对贵公司的东北大豆非常感兴趣,若方便,我公司诚挚的希望贵公司给我们邮寄该类产品的相关目录、样本以及样品的说明书。并请给我方报CIF KOBE最优惠价,折扣以及支付方式。 假如贵方价格具有引力并交货期可以接受,我方立即下订单。 希望这将是我们建立长期合作的关系一个良好的开始。 Japan Smith Co.,Ltd. 2008年10月1日二、发盘。(卖方,广州长城进出口有限公司)

尊敬的Japan Smith Co.,Ltd: 您好!非常荣幸收到贵公司的10月1日的询盘,感谢贵公司对 我方出口的东北大豆感兴趣,为给你方提供我方产品样本详细情况, 现冒昧地寄上我方产品目录若干份,及样品,以便你方作出适当的选 择。 根据贵公司的要求,现非常高兴向你报CIF KOBE价如下: 品名:东北大豆 价格:每公吨210美元CIF KOBE 品质:大路货 期待早日收到贵方的订单,谢谢。 广州长城进出口有限公司 XXX 2008年10月8日 三、还盘。(买方)

尊敬的XXX: 您好,很高兴收到贵方附有插图的商品说明书和价格单及样品, 非常感谢! 我方赞赏贵公司产品的良好质量,但即便是这等质量的产品,贵 方的报价也过高了,如我方接受贵方的价格,售后获利就非常少这是 我们第一次与贵公司订货,如果首次订货令人满意大笔量的订货将随 之而来。 若贵方接受我方的价格条件我方将立即下订单订购1000公吨, 此外,对于品质,包装以及支付方式等方面,我方要求如下: 包装:塑料编织袋包装,每袋装50千克,净重,以毛作净 支付方式:不可撤销,即期信用证 装船日期:2008年12月 分批装运:不允许 转船:允许 敬候佳音。 Japan Smith Co.,Ltd. 2008年10月15日 四、接受和回绝。(卖方) 尊敬的Japan Smith Co.,Ltd:


新客户的主题建议写:we want to be your supplier for xxxxx(t-shirt, polo shirt, hoody ) Dear Miss Pamela, 主题:cata. for your ref. Thank you for your inquiry. The latest cata. attached, for your ref. our MOQ is 1000pcs. The price and the delivery time depend on your qty. Would you like to tell me more about your business type? Are you professional buyer? Do you have your unique logo needed print on the chest or anywhere? You can send it to me and we will make the design for your confirm it. We can also make it by your sample and ideals. ( check quality)Dear Sirs,(询盘) We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselor’s Office of the Swedish Embassy in Beijing who have informed us that you are in the market for Textiles. We avail ourselves of this opportunity to approach you for the establishment of trade relations with you. We are a state-operated corporation, handling both the import and export of Textiles. In order to acquaint you with our business lines, we enclose a copy of our Export List covering the main items suppliable at present. Should any of the items be of interest to you, please let me know. We shall be glad to give you our lowest quotations upon receipt of your detailed requirements. In our trade with merchants of various countries, we always adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefit. It is our hope to promote, by joint efforts, both trade and friendship to our mutual advantage. We look forward to receiving your enquiries soon. Yours faithfully, purchase more, discount more The more order, the lower price If you have a big order, I will give you a discount as soon as I can. Thank you for your inquiry. The price depends on your quantity, purchase more, discount more. Our quotation about this t shirt is X dollars for one unit. Do you have your unique logo needed print on the chest or anywhere? You can send it to me and we will make the design for you confirm it.


1. 永康盛辉公司的Frank Luo收到美国Sunshine Trading Co., Ltd. 经理Adam 初次询盘并按其要求及时寄出商品目录和价目单 Dear Adam, We thank you for your letter asking for our new catalogues and shall be glad to enter into business relations with your firm. Complying with your request, we are sending you under separate cover our latest catalogues and price list covering our exports available at present and hope that you will find many items in it which interest you. We look forward to receiving your inquiries soon. Sincerely, Frank 2. 美国客商在收到材料后,表示对其中三款角磨机感兴趣并寻问Frank Luo能否报FOB价,最惠价,最低订货量等问题。 Dear Frank, Thanks for your information. We are interested to buy large quantities of Angle Grinder and shall appreciate it if you would give us the best FOB Ningbo price. I have now listed below the models that are of interest: AG105L, AG203S, AG880H Please send us some samples for testing. We will pay the sample fees. We are waiting for your reply. Best Regards, Adam 3. 收到询盘后,Frank Luo给美国客商做了回复。 Dear Adam, With reference to your last inquiry, we have already forwarded you the samples and take pleasure in making the following offer: Art No. AG105L: USD25.30/PC FOB Ning bo, Art No. AG203S: USD30.50/PC FOB Ning bo, Art No. AG880H: USD13.00/PC FOB Ning bo” Please note the prices we have quoted above are based on our MOQ600PCS for each item. Please feel free to contact us if you have any question. Sincerely, Frank


商务信函还盘 篇一:外贸函电实例:询盘发盘还盘接受 1. 永康盛辉公司的Frank Luo收到美国Sunshine Trading Co., Ltd. 经理Adam 初次询盘并按其要求及时寄出商品目录和价目单 Dear Adam, We thank you for your letter asking for our new catalogues and shall be glad to enter into business relations with your firm. Complying with your request, we are sending you under separate cover our latest catalogues and pricelist covering our exports available at present and hope that you will find many items in it which

interest you. We look forward to receiving your inquiries soon. Sincerely, Frank 2. 美国客商在收到材料后,表示对其中三款角磨机感兴趣并寻问Frank Luo能否 报FOB价,最惠价,最低订货量等问题。 Dear Frank, Thanks for your information. We are interested to buy large quantities of Angle Grinder and shall appreciate it if you would give us the best FOB Ningbo price. I have now listed below the models that are of interest: AG105L, AG203S, AG880H Please send us some samples for testing. We will pay the sample fees. How about MOQ?


外贸英语:询盘范文(7) 回复询盘,量大折价 We are pleased to receive your letter of 5 July and enclose our catalogue and price list. Also by separate post we are sending you the samples of our products. Our catalogue contains items and their specifications of our supplies. Through comparing our prices with those of other suppliers, you will appreciate the moderate prices of ours. For a total purchase of not less than 100,000 and not more than 200,000 American dollars, we would allow a discount of 10% and for a purchase larger than 200,000 American dollars, we would allow a 20% special discount. 很高兴收到贵公司7月5日来函。现寄上产品目录与价目表。同时另封寄去样品,请查收。 所寄产品目录包括本公司产品的品名、规格。与其他厂商的价格比较,我方的报价定会使贵方满意。 凡总定购量超过100,000美元但不足200,000美元者,我方将给予10% 的折扣;凡总定购量超过200,000美元者,我方将给予20%的折扣。

外贸函电实例:询盘 发盘 还盘 接受

1.永康盛辉公司的Frank Luo收到美国Sunshine Trading Co., Ltd.经理Adam 初次询盘并按其要求及时寄出商品目录和价目单 Dear Adam, We thank you for your letter asking for our new catalogues and shall be glad toenter into business relations with your firm. Complying with your request, we are sending you under separate cover our latestcatalogues and pricelist covering our exports available at present and hope thatyouwill find many items in it which interest you. We look forward to receiving your inquiries soon. Sincerely, Frank 2.美国客商在收到材料后,表示对其中三款角磨机感兴趣并寻问Frank Luo 能否报FOB价,最惠价,最低订货量等问题。 Dear Frank, Thanks foryour information. We are interested to buy large quanties of AngleGrinder and shall appreciate it if you would give us the best FOB Ningbo price. I havenow listed below the models that are of interest: AG105L, AG203S, AG880H Please send us some samples for testing. We will pay the sample fees. How about MOQ? We are waiting for your reply. Best Regards, Adam


UNIT TWO INQUIRY,OFFER AND COUNTER-OFFER 第二单元询盘、报盘、还盘 询盘是指进口商欲购某商品而向出口商询问购买该商品的各项交易条件。 报盘是指出口商对其所销售商品报各项交易条件,并愿意按照这条件达成交易订立合同。在出口商报价之后,进口商如果认为不满意,需要向对方提出自己的还盘意见。 Words and Expression 1.inquire (vt.) 打听,询问 to inquire sth. Of sb. 向某人打听某事 inquier(vi.) 询盘 to inquire for sth. 对…….(货物)询盘 inquiry(n.) 询盘 To make an inquiry for sth. 对….的询盘 a.我来此的目的是想打听你方能供应的数量。 I’m here to inquire of you the quantity you can supply to us. b.你要的货,我们已无货存。 The goods you’re inquiring for are out of stock.. 2.require (vt.) 需要,要求 To require sb.to do sth.要求某人做某事. requirement (n) 需要,需求,要求 to meet one’s requirement/need 满足某人的要求 a.这是我们所需的目录。不知你方是否可供。 Here’s a list of my requierments. I wonder if you can meet our needs. This is a list of what we require. Please let us know whether it is available to supply. b.请将你放所需要的数量告知我方,以便我方报价。 Would you tell us the quantity you required,so that we can make the offer? 3.request(vt) 请求 To request sb. To do sth. 请求某人做某事 Request(n) 请求,要求 A request for sth. 对某事的请求 A request for doing sth. 请求做某事 At one’s request 按某人的要求做某事 As requested 按某人的要求做某事 a.你须先提供你所要的数量 You are requestde to offer the quantity you need first. b.按你方要求,我们现报给你们500吨小麦的CIF伦敦价如下: As requested,we’re offering you 500 tons of wheat CIF London as follows: c.上星期我们发函给你,要求你方报CIF5%最低价,不知你们算好了没有? We have sent a letter to you last week,requesting you to quote us the lowest price CIF5%.Have you worked it out? 4.quote(vt) 报价 To quote sb.(a price) 向某人报价 quotation(n) to make a quotation(for sth.) 对…..报价


询盘发盘接受还盘 询盘 也叫询价,是指交易的一方准备购买或出售某种商品,向对方询问买卖该商品的有关交易条件。 询盘的内容可涉及:价格、规格、品质、数量、包装、装运以及索取样品等,而多数只是询问价格。所以,业务上常把询盘称作询价。 询盘不是每笔交易必经的程序,如交易双方彼此都了解情况,不需要向对方探询成交条件或交易的可能性,则不必使用询盘,可直接向对方发盘。 [询盘的法律效力] 在实际业务中,询盘只是探寻买或卖的可能性,所以不具备法律上的约束力,询盘的一方对能否达成协议不负有任何责任.由于询盘不具有法律效力,所以可作为与对方的试探性接触,询盘人可以同时向若干个交易对象发出询盘。 询盘的分类 (1)买方询盘 是买方主动发出的向国外厂商询购所需货物的函电。在实际业务中,询盘一般多由买方向卖方发出。 ①对多数大路货商品,应同时向不同地区、国家和厂商分别询盘,以了解国际市场行情,争取最佳贸易条件 ②对规格复杂或项目繁多的商品,不仅要询问价格,而且要求对方告之详细规格、数量等,以免往返磋商、浪费时间。 ③询盘对发出人虽无法律约束力,但要尽量避免询盘而无购买诚意的做法,否则容易丧失信誉。 ④对垄断性较强的商品,应提出较多品种,要求对方一一报价,以防对方趁机抬价。 (2)卖方询盘 是卖方向买方发出的征询其购买意见的函电。

卖方对国外客户发出询盘大多是在市场处于动荡变化及供求关系反常的情况下,探听市场虚实、选择成交时机,主动寻找有利的交易条件。 发盘 在国际贸易实务中,发盘也称报盘、发价、报价。法律上称之为“要约”。发盘可以是应对方询盘的要求发出,也可以是在没有询盘的情况下,直接向对方发出。发盘一般是由卖方发出的,但也可以由买方发出,业务称其为“递盘”。 交易一方欲购买或出售某种商品而向对方提出交易条件,表示愿意按此达成交易的行为。通常由卖方提出,也可由买方提出(又称作递盘)。有实盘和虚盘两种。实盘是发盘人承诺在一定期限内,受发盘内容约束,非经接盘人同意,不得撤回和变更;如接盘人在有效期限内表示接受,则交易达成,实盘内容即成为买卖合同的组成部分。一个完整的实盘应包括明确肯定的交易条件,如商品名称、规格、数量、价格、支付方式、装运期等,还应有实盘的有效期限并应明确发盘为实盘。虚盘是发盘人有保留地表示愿意按一定条件达成交易,不受发盘内容约束,不作任何承诺,通常使用“须经我最后确认方有效”等语以示保留。 一项法律上有效的发盘,须具备三个条件。1.发盘是向一个(或几个)特定受盘人提出的订立合同的建议。(注意概念上要与“发盘的邀请”相区别)2.发盘的内容必须十分确定,一旦受盘人接受,合同即告成立。如果内容不确定,即使对方接受,也不能构成合同成立。 3.发盘人须表明承受按发盘条件与对方成立合同的约束意旨。例如:(1)使用表示发盘的术语。如“发盘”、“不可撤销发盘”、“递盘”、“不可撤销递盘”、“订购”、“定货”等。(2)明确规定有效期。“...限XX日复到有效”、“以我方最后确认有效”、“以未售出为准”等。包括内容一项发盘,通常包含商品的品质、数量、包装、价格、交货、付款等六个主要方面的交易条件。《公约》第十四条规定“...一个建议如果表明货物并且明示或暗示地规定数量和价格或规定如何确定数量和价格,即为十分确定。”如此来看,一项发盘只要包含商品的名称、数量、价格这三个条件,就算完整。邀请发盘


还盘 Oct.17,2005 Dear Mr.zhao We are very grateful of receiving your samples today. Provide you with our customers very satisfied with the results of sample testing.Price is too high, converting to accept, counter-offer to the various products are: Article No. DR2010 USD19.00 CIFC5 Toronto per set Article No. DR2202 USD23.80 CIFC5 Toronto per set Article No. DR2211 USD30.00 CIFC5 Toronto per set Article No. DR2401 USD23.50 CIFC5 Toronto per set I think you may think it worth while to accept this price.

Your earlier replay will be highly appreciate. Best regards NEO GENERAL TRADING CO. ANDY BURNS 接受 Oct.21,2005 Dear ANDY BURNNS We have received your E-Mail of Oct.19,2005. After the consideration, we have pleasure in confirming the following offer and accepting below: Article No. DR2010 USD19.00 CIFC5 Toronto per set Article No. DR2202 USD23.80 CIFC5 Toronto per set Article No. DR2211 USD30.00 CIFC5 Toronto per set Article No. DR2401 USD23.50 CIFC5 Toronto per set Are pleased to accept your letter, price and other terms set out in. Number of orders for the NE0911 have been attached. Look forward to more cooperation Best regards DESUN TRADING CO.,LTD. Ming hua zhao


从发盘到接受的心得 国贸1202 郑通达询盘:Also known as the inquiry, is to buy or sell a part of the transaction, the sale of the goods to the other side of the transaction conditions. The contents of an inquiry may be related to the price, specification, quality, quantity, packing, shipping and claim of the sample, but most of them are only asking price. Therefore, the inquiry is often referred to as the inquiry. Inquiry is not each transaction must pass through the program, such as parties to the transaction each other to understand the situation, don't need to ask the closing trading conditions or the possibility, it is not necessary to inquiry, directly to the other offer. Classification of inquiry:(1) the buyer's inquiry The buyer is unsolicited to foreign manufacturers for the purchase of goods correspondence. In the actual business, the inquiry is usually made by the buyer to the seller. 1、for most staple commodity, should also to different regions, countries and companies were finishers, to understand the international market, strive for the best terms of trade 2、to the specifications of a wide variety of products, not only to ask the price, but also the requirements of the other party to inform the detailed specifications, quantity, etc., so as not to return to consultation, waste of time. 3、The inquiry on the issue of people were not legally binding, but to avoid inquiry without sincerity to buy, otherwise easy to lose credibility. 4、For the goods monopoly, should be made more varieties, ask one one quotations, the other in case of their prices. (2) the seller's inquiry Is issued by the seller to the buyer to consult the views of its purchase of a message. Seller of foreign customers inquirer is mostly under the anomalous turbulent changes and the relationship of supply and demand in the market, snoop market actual situation, choose the transaction time, take the initiative to find a favorable terms of trade. 发盘:One party to a transaction in order to sell or purchase a batch of goods, put forward the relevant terms of the transaction to the other party, and expressed willingness to conclude the deal on these terms, this means that the behavior called offer. A legally valid offer, must have three conditions. 1、is to offer a (or several) specific offer puts forward a proposal for concluding a contract. (note that concept to and the phase difference between the "offer invitation")

发盘 还盘、接受

发盘、还盘、接受 交易磋商是买卖双方为买卖商品,对交易的各项条件进行协商以达成交易的过程,通常称为谈判。在国际贸易中,这是一个十分重要的环节。因为交易磋商是签订合同的基础,没有交易磋商就没有买卖合同。交易磋商工作的好坏,直接影响到合同的签订及以后的履行,关系到双方的经济利益,必须认真做好这项工作。 交易磋商的程序可概括为四个环节:询盘、发盘、还盘和接受。其中发盘和接受是必不可少的两个基本环节。 1、邀请发盘(询盘) 2、发盘 3、还盘 4、接受 5、签订合同 6、合同的履行 1、询盘 指交易的一方准备购买或出售某种商品,向对方询问买卖该商品的有关交易条件。 询盘的内容可涉及:价格、规格、品质、数量、包装、装运以及索取样品等,而多数只是询问价格。所以,业务上常把询盘称作询价。 在国际镐易业务中,有时一方发出的询盘表达了与对方进行交易的愿望,希望对方接到询盘后及时发出有效的发盘,以便考虑接受与否。也有的询盘只是想探询一下市价,询问的对象也不限于一人,发出询盘的一方希望对方开出估价单。这种估价单不具备发盘的条件,所报出的价格也仅供参考。 2、发盘 在国际贸易实务中,发盘也称报盘、发价、报价。法律上称之为“要约”。发盘可以是应对方询盘的要求发出,也可以是在没有询盘的情况下,直接向对方发出。发盘一般是由卖方发出的,但也可以由买方发出,业务称其为“递盘” (1)发盘的定义及具备的条件 根据《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》(后面简称公约)第14 条第一款对发盘的解释为: “向一个或一个以上特定的人提出的订立合同的建议,如果十分确定并且表明发盘人在得到接受时随约束的意旨,即构成发盘。一个建议如果写明货物并且明示或暗示地规定数量和价格或规定如何确定数量和价格,即为十分确定”。对于这个宣言,可以看出一个发盘的构成必须具备下列四个条件: a、向一个或一个以上的特写人提出:发盘必须指定可以表示接受的受盘人。受盘人可以是一个,也可以指定多个。不指定受盘人的发盘,仅应视为发盘的邀请,或称邀请做出发盘。 b、表明订立合同的意思:发盘必须表明严肃的订约意思,即发盘应该表明发盘人在得到接受时,将按发盘条件承担与受盘人订立合同的法律责任。这种意思可以用“发盘”递盘等术语加以表明,也可不使用上述或类似上述术语和语句,而按照当时谈判情形,或当事人之间以往的业务交往情况或双方已经确立的习惯做法来确定。
