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1.________ is a well-informed man.He can tell you anything you want to know.

A.This John's old friend

B.That's John's old friend

C.This old friend of John

D. This old friend of John's


双重所有格,所修饰的名词可以和不定代词this, that, these, those等连用,表示某种感情色彩。例如:

That silly uncle of yours had told me the same joke five times. 你的那位傻叔叔把同一个笑话给我讲了5遍。

These remarks of yours are of great value to us. 你的这些话对我们来说很有帮助。

2.Mary is an old friend of __________.

A. my sister's

B.my sister

C.my sisters

D.my sister's ones



双重所有格所修饰的名词可以和不定冠词a以及any, some, no, few, several 等表示数量的词连用,表示部分概念,但不可以和定冠词the 连用。例如:

It was no fault of the doctor's. 那不是医生的错。

Have you ever read any books of Dicken's. 你读过狄更斯的什么书么?

He read some plays of Shakespeare's. 他读过莎士比亚的几个剧本。

3.We hope that your government should pay more attention to ________.

A.the livelihood of the poor

B.the poor livelihood

C.the poor's livelihood

D. the livelihood poor




Do you know the opinion of the committee appointed a few days ago? 你知道委员会几天前提出的建议么?

4.Her house is within______ from the police station.

A.a stone's throw

B. a throw of a stone

C.stone's throw

D. the stone's throw




A bird's eye view 鸟瞰 a stone's throw一箭之遥

A hair's breath间不容发At one's wits' end不知所措

In one's mind's eye在某人的心中

At arm's length疏远

At one's finger's ends了如指掌

To one's heart's content尽情地


The editor-in-chief's office总编室

the go-between's words中间人的话

my sisiter-in-law's father我嫂子的父亲。

5.The man in blue is _______ father.

A. John and Mary

B. John and Mary's

C. John's and Mary's

D. John's and Mary 答案为B。译文:穿蓝衣服的那个人是约翰和玛丽的父亲。



6.Every one in the little town knows that _____ are leaving for New York next Tuesday.

A. the Smith

B. the Smiths

C. the Smith's

D. the Smiths's 答案为B。译文:全镇人都知道史密斯一家人,下周二要到纽约去。


谓语动词中有are,所以主语影视表示复数的名词。The Smiths意为“史密斯的一家人”

7.Only last month did I call at _________.

A. the Smith

B. the Smith's

C. the Smiths

D. Smith 答案为B。译文:只是上个月我才去看了史密斯先生。


Call at 拜访某个地方;call on拜访某人。The Smiths意为“史密斯的一家人”, The Smith's 意为“史密斯的家”, The Smiths'意为“史密斯一家的住处”。'

8.Some _______ from the countryside want to find jobs in the city.

A. youth

B. youths

C.a youth

D. the youth 答案为B。译文:一些从农村来的年轻人想在城里找工作。



Beauty 美 a beauty 一个美人

Glass玻璃a glass一个玻璃杯

Ice冰two ices两杯冰激凌

Iron铁an iron一个熨斗

Metal金属a rare metal一种稀有金属

Tea茶three teas 三杯茶

Youth青春a youth 一个青年。

9._______ can get a better view of the game than the participant.

A. Lookers-on

B. Look-on

C. Looker-on

D. Lookers-ons 10.When you are at

____ end, you should not lose your heard. A.wit's B.dead C. your wits'

D.extreme 11.Our teacher gave me______________. A. an advice B. the advice C. many advice D. much advice 12.Recently, he has lost all his _______.

A. wage and saving at card

B. wages and saving at card

C. wages and savings at cards

D. wage and savings at card

13._________ was wonderful so that it attracted all the students in the class.

A. The teachers performance

B. That performance of the teachers'

C. That performance of the teachers

D.The performance of the teachers'

14.They bought ______ for the living room.

A. some new furniture

B. some new furnitures
