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送客 Guest leaving restaurant
• 谢谢。希望您再来。 再见! Thank you very much, Hope to see you again, Goodbye .
Welcome to ……
Service Standard
Training Class
2002年 6 月24日
服务毛巾 Serving Hand Towel
• 太太,请用毛巾 Here is your cold Towel,Madam. • 请(只需打开毛巾,交到客人手上) Please.(Unfold hand towel from right give to guest’s hand only; or use towel tray.) • 注意Note:用完马上收走. Retrieve after use.
听订单 Taking an order
• 好的,先生,女士点一个厨师沙拉, 您要洋葱汤。 Yes,Sir .A chef salad for Madam.An onion soup for you. 还有女士要半生熟牛排,您要意大利 面条 。 A sirloin steak medium for Madam. Spaghetti for you Sir. 好的,先生。 Very good ,Sir . 请问要不要配点餐酒? Would you care for a glass of wine with your meal? 谢谢,先生 。 Thank you,Sir.
介绍特别菜式(饮品) Recommending Chef’s(Drinks) Special
• 您好先生,让我介绍一下 今天的特别菜式。 Good afternoon,Sir .May I recommend today’s special? • 今天厨师长备了新鲜的... Today our chef has prepared some fresh... • 今天的例汤是... Today’s soup is... • 要不要试一个? Would you like to try ?

• •

服务头盘 Serving First Course
• 这是...... Here is....... • 对不起。(有需要时 才说。) Excuse me .(only if necessary)
头盘放下后 Finished First Course
• 希望您喜欢 Enjoy your meal, Madam.
服务餐巾 Serving Napkin
请,(只需打开餐巾交到客人手上.) Please.(Unfold napkin give to guest’s hand only; or use hand towel tray.)
服务茶,冰水 Serving Tea/Ice Water
• 您好(面带笑容) Good afternoon, Sir(With Smile)
How about a cocktail to start with ?
服务菜单(酒水单) Presenting Menu(Drink List)
• 您好先生,这是您的菜 单。(菜单打开第一页 给客人) • Good afternoon sir, here is your menu. (menu should be opened at the first page )
服务雪茄Offering Cigars 服务面包Offering Breads
• 对不起,请问您喜欢 哪一种?
Excuse me .Which one would you like(prefer), Sir?
• 不要谢。
You are welcome.
替客人点火(只用火柴) Lighting cigarette (Use matches only )
服务主盘 Serving MainΒιβλιοθήκη BaiduCourse
• 这是您的 ...祝您好 胃口。 • Here is your..... Bon appetite.
换烟灰缸 Changing Ashtray
• 不要打扰客人。 Not to disturb guests. • 如果需要可说,对不起。 If necessary,say....excuse me .
问饮料 Offering Drinks
• 要不要先来一杯饮料? Would you care for a drink to start with ? • 要不要来一杯白葡萄酒? How about a glass of white wine with your meal? • 要不要来一杯冰凉的啤酒? How about a nice cold local beer? • 要不要来一杯鸡尾酒?
• 我替您点火? May I....? • 不用谢。 You are welcome. My pleasure.
提供客人方便 Directing guest needs
• 洗手间是在左/右手 面,在...旁边 The toilet/washroom is on the left /right side next to.... • 用电话请到对面。 The telephone is over there.
替客人加满茶/咖啡 Refilling Tea / Coffee
• 要加点茶吗? Some more tea,Sir?
介绍餐后甜品 Offering Dessert
• 请问要用点冰琪淋或鲜果吗?
Would you care for some ice cream or fresh fruits ? • 今天有很好的... We have very nice .... today. • 要不要用点咖啡或茶? How about some coffee or tea ?
• 要不要再来一杯? Would you care for another ? (name of drink ) • 或者来一杯葡萄酒? Or a glass of wine? • 好的,谢谢。 Thank you . • 如果收空杯应说“我可以收走 吗?” For empty glasses you should say, May I take it away?
• 您的账单,先生。 Here is your bill ,Sir. • 如果是房客要客人填上。 House guest . • 签名Please put down your signature. • 房号And your room number. • 我可以看一下您的钥匙牌(房卡)吗? May I have (see) your key card (hotel passport)? • 谢谢,先生。 Thank you,Sir.
撤走空杯,空盘 Clearing of empty glasses/dishes
• 我可以收走吗?(伸 出右手,面带笑容) “Excuse me. May I....?
看见客人饮料喝光后,推销第二杯饮料 Offering second drink when you see guests’ first drink has been finished