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A person who knows and uses two languages.

In everyday use the word bilingual usually means a person who speaks, reads, or understands two

languages equally well (a balanced bilingual), but a bilingual person usually has a better knowledge of

one language than of the other.

For example, he / she may:

a) Be able to read and write in only one language

b) Use each language in different types of situation, eg. one language at home and the other at


c) Use each language for different communicative purposes, eg. one language for talking about

school life and the other for talking about personal feeling




A) 使用一种语言来读和写;而用另一种语言来听,说。

B) 在不同的场合下使用不同的语言,如在家使用一种语言,在工作单位使用另一种语言。

C) 在不同的交际需要下使用不同的语言,如在谈论学校生活时使用一种语言,而用另一种




The use of a second or foreign language in school for the teaching of content subjects.

Bilingual education programs may be of different types and include:

a) the use of a single school language which is not the child’s home language. This is sometimes called an immersion program.

home language when the child enters school but later a gradual change to

b) The use of the child’s

the use of the use of the school language for teaching some subjects and the home language for

teaching others. This is sometimes called maintenance bilingual education.

c) The part ial or total use of the child’s home language when the child enters school, and a later change to the use of the school language only. This is sometimes called transitional bilingual education.



A) 学校使用一种不是学生在家使用的语言进行教学。这种模式称之为:浸入型双语教学。

B) 学生刚进入学校时使用本族语,然后逐渐地使用第二语言进行部分学科的教学,其它学


C) 学生进入学校以后部分或全部使用母语,然后逐步转变为只使用第二语言进行教学。这










诺贝尔奖是以瑞典著名化学家、硝化甘油炸药发明人阿尔弗雷德·贝恩哈德·诺贝尔(1833-1896) Alfred Bernhard Nobel

Alfred Bernhard Nobel, founder of the Nobel Prizes and inventor of dynamite and other powerful explosive, was born in Stockholm, Sweden, on October 21, 1833. His father, Immanuel, was an inventor and engineer who made munitions (军火) and explosives. Most of Alfred's time was spent in Paris, where he studied chemistry.

In 1867 Alfred invented dynamite. Eight years later he produced an even more powerful explosive called blasting gelatin (爆炸胶). During

his lifetime Nobel took out more than 300 patents.

At his death in 1896 Nobel left $9,200,000 to set up a fund for the Nobel Prizes.

The Nobel Prizes are given each year for the most important work in six categories: physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, peace, and economics. The economics award was established in 1969. The prizes averaged about $40,000 each.

Four institutions award the prizes. Sweden's Royal Academy of Sciences give the awards in physics, chemistry, and economics. The Royal Caroline Medico-Surgical Institute (皇家卡罗林医学外科研究院) awards the prize in physiology or medicine. The Swedish Academy awards the prize in literature. A committee of the Norwegian parliament gives the prize for peace.

A committee selects the people most deserving of the awards. The prize-awarding institutions make the final selections, which are announced each November. Presentation ceremonies are held on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel's death. The peace prize is awarded in Oslo, Norway. The other prizes are presented in Stockholm,
