


1、As is vividly showed in the picture( 如果两个的话用pictures,也可以用drawing,同样的如果两个的话用drawings,如果是图表则用table,两个图表则用tables) above, 图画的内容。The picture( 如果两个的话用pictures,也可以用drawing,同样的如果两个的话用drawings,如果是图表则用table,两个图表则用tables) tells ( 注意,如果是前面的图画是复数,则用tell) us that 这个图片的大致反映的意思。

2、Recent years people in 地名(比如中国、北京、美国等等)have witnessed the fact that 描述图片里的现象,And it is very common/usual to see that in recent years.


1、The implied meaning of the picture(注意,同上进行单复数的处理) should be taken into account seriously. First/To begin with, 揭示涵义/原因/结果1,Second/What’s more,揭示涵义/原因/结果2。Last but not least/Finally,揭示涵义/愿意/结果3(如果有的话)。And the social problem(如果是现象的话可以用phenomenon) has arisen the great concern/care of our whole society/world/all the people.

2、There may/might be three(也可以是两个) factors which contribute to/are responsible for/explain/can make clear the图片解释的现象。First of all, 原因1。And then the second reason is that原因2。The last reason,I think, is that原因3。


1、In my view/point of view (或者说as for me),We should take some measures as follows to deal with the problems followed in the picture. First, we should 具体的措施1.And then we have to /must具体的措施2.Only in these ways,can we solve the problem of具体的问题。

2、It is true that these unique/social points can/could together remind us that we should take some measures to solve it.采取的措施1和2. Only in this way can we实现的目标!


大作文: (1)正面(正确、积极的):01、02、03、08、10 反面(不正确的做法、消极):04、05、06、07、09、11 (2)一幅图还是两幅图(04、06) (3)作文有无规定题目(仅02) (4)1st:描述图画,2nd:解释图画要表达的含义,3rd:严重性及采取的举措。 例如:2011环境污染;2010:一个火锅——多种文化 *2012重点预测正面 2012考研大作文万能模板---英语一 第一段3句话 ①In the picture above,...... .第一句话(句型要用do+ing\with短语+非限定性定语从句)要将整个漫画内容描述完整。要考验大家的语法功底,首句很重要哦! ②There has been a heated discussion about them in the newspaper. 第二句就是套话,大家也可以自己换其他自己喜欢的句子。 ③The picture , at the first glimpse , seem to be simple ,but only a penetrating sight can pierce through its superficial meaning. 同第二句解释的一样。 第二段6句话 记住:写作重点就在此段,因为大多数考研者都会把首尾段写得出色,但仅此这打动不了阅卷老师,比的就是谁的第二段写得漂亮,谁就获得高分的机会大。 ①The picture tells us that nothing can be compared with the (漫画主题词) / nothing is more harmful or damaging than the ( 主题词) . 当时漫画反映坏/好的方面的主题时,大家相应地进行替换。纵观2001-2011年的漫画都是如此,大家不用太怀疑。 ②In no country other than China ,it has been said ,is this phenomenon more obvious (好的主题用此句). / is the problem of (有关主题词) more serious(坏的主题用此句).


1.看图英语作文万能模板 第一段:描述图画 1、As is vividly shown in the picture( 如果两个的话用pictures,也可以用drawing,同样的如果两个的话用drawings,如果是图表则用table,两个图表则用tables) above, 图画的内容。The picture( 如果两个的话用pictures,也可以用drawing,同样的如果两个的话用drawings,如果是图表则用table,两个图表则用tables) tells ( 注意,如果是前面的图画是复数,则用 tell) us that 这个图片的大致反映的意思。 2、Recent years people in 地名(比如中国、北京、美国等等)have witnessed the fact that 描述 图片里的现象,And it is very common/usual to see that in recent years. 第二段:解释,说明和分析图片 1、The implied meaning of the picture(注意,同上进行单复数的处理) should be taken into account seriously. First/To begin with, 揭示涵义/原因/结果1,Second/What’s more, 揭示涵义/原因/结果2。Last but not least/Finally, 揭示涵义/愿意/结果3(如果有的话)。And the social problem(如果是现象的话可以用phenomenon) has arisen the great concern/care of our whole society/world/all the people. 2、There may/might be three(也可以是两个) factors which contribute to/are responsible for/explain/can make clear the 图片解释的现象。First of all, 原因1。And then the second reason is that 原因2。The last reason,I think, is that原因3。 第三段:给出自己的看法和想法以及解决问题的办法。 1、In my view/point of view (或者说as for me),We should take some measures as follows to deal with the problems followed in the picture. First, we should 具体的措施1.And then we have to /must具体的措施2.Only in these ways,can we solve the problem of 具体的问题。 2、It is true that these unique/social points can/could together remind us that we should take some measures to solve it.采取的措施1和2. Only in this way can we实现的目标! 开始段:介绍现象的具体状况和普遍程度。 中间段:解释产生这种现象的原因或意义,并做出一定分析。 结尾段:提出建议或总结观点或表明态度。 As is vividly shown in the drawing above, 画图内容. The drawing does mirror a co mmon social phenomenon and is really thought-provoking.


高考英语作文写作基础——篇章结构 一. 教学内容: 高考写作专题——篇章结构 纵观历年的高考书面表达,其文体题材各异,有书信、口头通知、简介、日记、自我介绍、记叙文、描写文、说明文、看图作文等,不同的体裁需要考生应用适当的篇章结构,将题目所提供的信息清晰、明了、准确,逻辑合理地表达出来。 篇章结构在语言表达中起着非常重要的作用,同样的信息点会因为不同的表达顺序传达出不同的信息。层次分明,逻辑合理的篇章结构会让读者在很短的时间内获得并准确理解题目所规定的信息;而叙述顺序混乱,前言不搭后语的篇章则让人一头雾水,不知所云何物。当然,后者是失败的表达,即使作者在写作的过程中使用了再漂亮的词汇和句型,混乱的文章结构也不会让读者准确领悟作者的意图。 下面,让我们看看不同的文体题材所应用的不同篇章结构。 (一)记叙文体 记叙文主要是记叙所发生的事情和经历。常见的形式有:故事、日记、新闻报道、游记等。记叙文的写作要素: 1 要交待清楚五要素的内容,即where, when, what, who ,how,给读者一个内容完整、细节清晰的故事。 2. 事情的叙述可以按时间或空间的顺序叙述,让读者易于把握所叙述内容之间的内在关联,从而理解文章主题。 3. 时态通常使用与过去有关的时态,如一般过去时。 记叙文的篇章结构: 开头the beginning——交待必要的背景。如:时间、地点、人物等。 中间the middle——交待故事情节(事情的主体)。如:事件的发生、发展和前因后果。(可以使用表示时间或空间的连接词,使文章连贯。如:at first…then…few minutes later…) 结尾the ending——事情的结果或感想、愿望等。(所表达的感想或愿望应与所记叙的内容有关系,起到扣题或点题的作用,使文章结构紧凑)。 例如NEMT2000 假设你是李华,正在美国探亲。2000年2月8日清晨,你目击了一起交通事故。警察局让你写一份材料,报告当时的所见情况。请根据下列图画写出报告。 注意:1. 目击者应该准确报告事实 2. 词数100左右 3. 结尾已为你写好 ____________________________________________________________________________ About two minutes later I stopped a passing car and took the old man to the nearest hospital. Li Hua 要点解析:仔细观察所提供的图画,寻找记叙文的写作要点。 1. 时间:2000年2月8日 2. 地点:公园路公园门前


此作文只需要修改几处关键词,其他的什么都不用动,大概在250字左右,有人说200就够,但是最好还是多写一点,不会扣分,要不你写200字在卷面上,老师一看就是写不满,也就一半左右,所以很容易被老师认为你没有东西写了,所以尽量和模板字数差不多。 【加粗】下划线的词为看图描述,这个肯定要换,大家要记住,简单描述,只需要一句话,而不是把这个图描述的明明白白,这样错了就扣分,就像这样简单的描述用一句话,即使错了也扣不了一分,因为你已经简单描述了,不需要过多描述,要不会浪费很多时间还有很容易出错。 (括号加粗)的字为替换词 4处,其中有3处前面stand,树立的意思,就是说要树立一种健康合理的生产食品观念,这就是一种我创造的万能套词用法,例如说学习,我们就可以说树立一种努力学习的观念 就业,树立一种平等的就业理念 文化,树立一种文化交流的观念 养老,树立一种敬爱老人的理念 这些就是你需要自己去修改的,如果不用此方法,看到图,你就真的无从下手了,不知道确定什么主题,也不知道主题词是什么, 这也就老师给的模板的弊病, 有模板,你找不到主题,你也套不进去, 所以这里大家一定要多多练习,看到图,先想到他的核心词是什么例如,勇气,诚实,交流,尊老爱幼,守信,自由等等完了加上 Stand a honest view 树立一种诚实的理念,大家看到作文图,先想到他要表达的一个词是什么,毕竟每一个图,正常人都能用一个汉语词来概括,把他变成英语,套进去再套进万能模板,17分到手 38分过线,剩下的即使蒙都能过了(打个比方,可别真蒙啊) 斜体字the loss用于不好的社会现象 斜体字the surge用于好的社会现象 中等的选择时,可以省去不写 A fairly compelling picture jumps off the page when I cast a glance over the test paper. As is graphically depicted in the drawing, a man grabs my attention. 【He asks to doctor for drug of his needing,】which shocks me enormously. What the illustration strives to convey is that the current several years have witnessed the loss of (a healthy and reason view of producing food.) The above picture reminds me of the recent heated discussion about whether to stand (a healthy and reason view of producing food. )Such discussion is telling. It should be considered as an desirable


看图作文类 写作指导 在做看图作文时,首先要学会看图。这种图画一般在平面上通过线条、色彩、明暗等艺术手段,创造出人们可以直接感觉到的视觉形象和空间形象,来反映生活,来表达作者的某种思想倾向、某种爱憎和他们对现实的评价。 学生在做这类题时,必须根据画面,恰当地运用所学的词句表达一个完整的故事。要审清题意,看懂画面所表达的意思,紧扣主题。防止因对画面的错误理解而走题。有些画面上附有提示,注意仔细参阅,正确使用。 精选范文 你有过不顺利的一天吗?下面四幅图就是有关张红不顺利的一天。 A Bad Day I had a very bad day yesterday. Everything went wrong. In the morning, my alarm clock didn't ring. So I woke up one hour late.I was in such a hurry that I burned my hand when I was making breakfast. Then I ran out of the house to catch the 8:30 bus, but of course I missed it. I was very unhappy because my teacher gets angry if anyone is late for class. I ran three miles to the school only to discover that it was Sunday. 练习 ①初春的一天,你们班组织了一次保护环境、清理废弃物的活动。请用英语把图中的事写成日记。


看图写作文 一、常用表达 1. 常用词汇 cartoon 卡通,漫画describe 描述remind 提醒shows 表明picture图片As we all know,…/ As is known to all…/It is well known that…众所周知 As far as I am concerned,…/ In my opinion, …在我看来 In conclusion…/ On the whole…/ In a word…总得来说 2. 常用句型 The picture tells us…这幅画告诉我们…… Who is the man in the picture? 图中的那个人是谁? Look! Some boys are playing football.看!一些男孩儿正在踢足球。 How happily they are playing!他们玩得多开心啊! I find it hard for me to…我发现对我来说……是很难的。 Look at this picture. 看着这张图片。 The picture shows that …这张图片向我们展现的是…… From this picture, we can see…从这张图片中我们可以看到…… As is shown in the picture…正如这张图片所展现的一样…… 二、万能模板

三、满分作文 图示作文:仔细观察下列四幅图片,展开合理想象,写一篇短文。 要求:1. 话题作文或图示作文任选其一。 2. 词数在80~100词之间。 3. 要求字迹工整,语法正确,意思连贯,合乎逻辑,可适当发挥。 满分作文: It was a sunny afternoon. When school was over, Li Lei was on his way home happily. He felt very relaxed because the next day would be Saturday. Suddenly, he saw an old woman lying on the ground, the vegetables were everywhere. She looked terrible. Li Lei looked around, but found nobody. He thought for a while, "Help or not help?" He said to himself. If he helped the woman, she might ask him for money when she came to life. If he didn't do that, the old woman might lose her life. Finally, Li Lei decided to help her. Luckily, the old woman was saved. She praised Li Lei, "You are a good boy!" How helpful the boy is! Let's learn from him. 2


高考英语看图写作方法 2006-04-23 看图写话是NMET书面表达经常采用的形式,它是一种检查学生观察理解能力及运用语言能力的形式。考生必须根据所示图片或图片组,恰当地运用所学的词句表达一个完整的故事,近年NMET书面表达均采用图画提示的书面表达形式,要求考生根据图画所表现的内容写一篇100字左右的短文。那么,如何根据图画的内容,运用正确的语言和规定的.篇幅来写好这类文章呢? 1.确定图画的内容要点 碰上这类试题,考生首先应仔细审题,看懂图片所表达的意思,根据图画内容整理出几个要点,再根据这些要点决定要采用的语言形式。如NMET 2000的高考试题中,书面表达部分题目是这样的:假设你是李华,在美国探亲,2000年2月8日清晨,你目击了一起交通事故。警察局让你写一份材料,报告当时所见情况,请根据图画写出报告,词数100左右,结尾已为你写好。 根据图画确定的内容要点是: (1)2000年2月8日发生了一起交通事故 (2)我走在公园路 (3)一位老人从街的另一边公园里出来 (4)一辆黄车开过来在公园路转弯 (5)黄车撞倒了老人并向西开跑 (6)我记住了车牌号是AC864,并送老人去医院 2. 直截了当,开门见山 开门见山就是文章写什么,开头就说什么,直截了当,尽快入题,不要拐弯抹角,拖泥带水,如NMET 98,写的是参观农场,开头就是:Today we visited a farm. 3.10句话左右组成文章 书面表达要求用100词左右写出含六个要点左右的短文,所以从近几年的高考英语答案看,一般都以10个句子组成一篇文章。若用较少于8句话来表达,则句子容易复杂冗长,容易失控;若用多于10句话来表述,则句子零乱与琐碎,文章缺乏整体感。


看图类作文 第一段:简单描述漫画,揭示漫画实质 第二段:分析造成该现象的原因或影响(主体部分) 第三段:从个人角度提出建议 1.描述漫画: As is vividly depicted in the cartoon given abov e, we can observe that… 或As is vividly shown in the picture, we can see that…… 或As we can see from the picture,… 2. 描述漫画本质/内涵 Apparently, the picture reflects/reveals that …… 或The cartoon informs us of the phenomenon that…… 3. 出现的问题或现象的原因(或者导致的影响): 原因(1.We believe that three reasons can account for this phenomenon. First,____. Second, ____. Third, _____. (2.Reasons for …… are in abundance.或The reasons for this phenomenon are as follows. Firstly,____. Secondly, ____. Thirdly, _____. (3..There are at least two good reasons accounting for ______. On the one hand, ________. On the other hand,_______ is due to the fact that ________. 影响: (1..What contributed to these changes? I think the reasons are as follows. To start with, ④______. Secondly, ⑤______ . What’s more, ⑥_______. Last but not least, ⑦________. (2.So far as I’m concerned, I believe that such phenomenon will give rise to a series of consequences. First and foremost, it will exert a far-reaching / negative impact on 、、、; Besides, it may bring about a considerable change/damage to_、、、. One more point that can’t be ignored is that、、、. 4. 个人观点(提出措施/建议):


第一段:描述图画 1、As is vividly showed in the picture( 如果两个的话用pictures,也可以用drawing,同样的如果两个的话用drawings,如果是图表则用table,两个图表则用tables) above, 图画的内容。The picture( 如果两个的话用pictures,也可以用drawing,同样的如果两个的话用drawings,如果是图表则用table,两个图表则用tables) tells ( 注意,如果是前面的图画是复数,则用tell) us that 这个图片的大致反映的意思。 2、Recent years people in 地名(比如中国、北京、美国等等)have witnessed the fact that 描述图片里的现象,And it is very common/usual to see that in recent years. 第二段:解释,说明和分析图片 1、The implied meaning of the picture(注意,同上进行单复数的处理) should be taken into account seriously. First/To begin with, 揭示涵义/原因/结果1,Second/What’s more,揭示涵义/原因/结果2。Last but not least/Finally,揭示涵义/愿意/结果3(如果有的话)。And the social problem(如果是现象的话可以用phenomenon) has arisen the great concern/care of our whole society/world/all the people. 2、There may/might be three(也可以是两个) factors which contribute to/are responsible for/explain/can make clear the图片解释的现象。First of all, 原因1。And then the second reason is that原因2。The last reason,I think, is that原因3。 第三段:给出自己的看法和想法以及解决问题的办法。 1、In my view/point of view (或者说as for me),We should take some measures as follows to deal with the problems followed in the picture. First, we should 具体的措施1.And then we have to /must具体的措施2.Only in these ways,can we solve the problem of具体的问题。 2、It is true that these unique/social points can/could together remind us that we should take some measures to solve it.采取的措施1和2. Only in this way can we实现的目标!


高考英语作文万能模板 模版1 Some people believe (argue, recognize, think) that 观点1. But other people take an opposite side. They firmly believe that 观点2. As for me, I agree to the former/latter idea. There are a dozen of reasons behind my belief. First of all, 论据1. More importantly, 论据2. Most important of all, 论据3. In summary, 总结观点. As a college student, I am supposed to 表决心. 或From above, we can predict that 预测. 模版2 People hold different views about X. Some people are of the opinion that 观点1, while others point out that 观点2. As far as I am concerned, the former/latter opinion holds more weight. For one thing, 论据1. For another, 论据2. Last but not the least, 论据3. To conclude, 总结观点. As a college student, I am supposed to 表决心. 或From above, we can predict that 预测. 模版3 There is no consensus of opinions among people about X(争论的焦点). Some people are of the view that 观点1, while others take an opposite side, firmly believing that 观点2. As far as I am concerned, the former/latter notion is preferable in many senses. The reasons are obvious. First of all, 论据1. Furthermore, 论据2. Among all of the supporting evidences, one is the strongest. That is, 论据3. A natural conclusion from the above discussion is that总结观点. As a college student, I am supposed to 表决心. 或From above, we can predict that 预测. 图表式作文 It is obvious in the graphic/table that the rate/number/amount of Y has undergone dramatic changes. It has gone up/grown/fallen/dropped considerably in recent years (as X varies). At the point of X1, Y reaches its peak value of …(多少). What is the reason for this change? Mainly there are …(多少) reasons behind the situation reflected in the graphic/table. First of all, …(第一个原因). More importantly, …(第二个原因). Most important of all, …(第三个原因). From the above discussions, we have enough reason to predict what will happen in the near future. The trend described in the graphic/table will continue for quite a long time (if necessary measures are not taken括号里的使用于那些不太好的变化趋势).


英语(1)-看图作文 As is vividly/symbolically illustrated/shown/described/revealed/portrayed in the cartoon andcomics above ,... like a proverb goes,"...".We can also summarize one point of view from the portrayal(s) here,...,just as said/underlyingly conveyed in the drawing(s),.... It goes without saying that the purpose of the tableau(s) is to reflect a thought-provoking social phenomenon/problem,...,we can always seek out two poles aprt tendencies in this diversity society,on the one hand,..,on the other hand,....Confront with such paradoxical situation,whether we can say it is just a chance event followed by another?maybe this is not the most significant aspect we should care but to find the low-down out with our discovery eyes as is the radical approach to the so-called/alleged truth and which is what really important to our Social development. Hence/Therefore/Accordingly,it is imperative for us to take drastic/effective actions individual as the unit,and we must have the following sense:...,only by this way can we cultivate a harmonious/exquisite society. 核心词汇: Portray 描绘,扮演 cartoon andcomics 漫画 proverb ['pr?v?:b]谚语,格言,众做周知的事 tableau ['t?bl?u, t?'bl?u]画面,生动的场面 low-down 内幕,实情;非常低得,下等的 alleged 所谓的,被声称的,断言的 drastic 激烈的,猛烈的 exquisite ['ekskwizit, ek'skwizit]优美的,高雅的;精致的;剧烈的;细腻的;异常的


纵观历年的考研作文题,均为图画作文,鲜有图表作文,而现在考研作文的要求采用八股文的模式——命题者已经告诉你要去写什么、怎么写甚至于顺序都已经安排好!那么针对这么一个固化的考试模式,采用固定的模版去套,根据实际情况添加和更改适当的词,以达到一个还算可以的分数! 那么命题者的基本套路是什么呢? Directions: Study the following photos carefully and write an essay of 160~200 words in which you should the photos briefly, the social phenomenon reflected by them, and your point of view. 首先给出一幅图画(一般是一个或是两个,很少出现三副图的时候),要求考生首先描述图画的大致情况,然后要求考生对图画进行适当的阐释(解释、说明和分析),最后要求考生给出自己的建议、观点、原因等等。针对于此,我们就可以做出一个基本的写作套路和模版。 大致如下: 第一段:描述图画 1、As is vividly showed in the picture( 如果两个的话用pictures,也可以用drawing,同样的如果两个的话用drawings,如果是图表则用table,两个图表则用tables) above, 图画的内容。The picture( 如果两个的话用pictures,也可以用drawing,同样的如果两个的话用drawings,如果是图表则用table,两个图表则用tables) tells ( 注意,如果是前面的图画是复数,则用tell)? us? that 这个图片的大致反映的意思。 2、Recent years people in 地名(比如中国、北京、美国等等)have witnessed the fact that 描述图片里的现象,And it is very common/usual to see that in recent years. 第二段:解释,说明和分析图片 1、The implied meaning of the picture(注意,同上进行单复数的处理) should be taken into account seriously. First/To begin with, 揭示涵义/原因/结果1,Second/What’s more, 揭示涵义/原因/结果2。Last but not least/Finally, 揭示涵义/愿意/结果3(如果有的话)。And the social problem(如果是现象的话可以用phenomenon) has arisen the great concern/care of our whole society/world/all the people. 2、There may/might be three(也可以是两个) factors which contribute to/are responsible for/explain/can make clear the 图片解释的现象。First of all, 原因1。And then the second reason is that 原因2。The last reason,I think, is that原因3。 第三段:给出自己的看法和想法以及解决问题的办法。 1、In my view/point of view (或者说as for me),We should take some measures as follows to deal with the problems followed in the picture. First, we should 具体的措施then we have to /must具体的措施in these ways,can we solve the problem of 具体的问题。 2、It is true that these unique/social points can/could together remind us that we should take some measures to solve it.采取的措施1和2. Only in this way can we实现的目标!


看图作文类写作指导在做看图作文时,首先要学会看图。这种图画一般在平面上通过线条、色彩、明暗等艺术手段,创造出人们可以直接感觉到的视觉形象和空间形象,来反映生活,来表达作者的某种思想倾向、某种爱憎和他们对现实的评价。学生在做这类题时,必须根据画面,恰当地运用所学的词句表达一个完整的故事。要审清题意,看懂画面所表达的意思,紧扣主题。防止因对画面的错误理解而走题。有些画面上附有提示,注意仔细参阅,正确使用。精选范文你有过不顺利的一天吗?下面四幅图就是有关张红不顺利的一天。 A Bad Day I had a very bad day yesterday. Everything went wrong. In the morning, my alarm clock didn't ring. So I woke up one hour late.I was in such a hurry that I burned my hand when I was making breakfast. Then I ran out of the house to catch the 8:30 bus, but of course I missed it. I was very unhappy because my teacher gets angry if anyone is late for class. I ran three miles to the school only to discover that it was Sunday. 练习①初春的一天,你们班组织了一次保护环境、清理废弃物的活动。请用英语把图中的事写成日记。字数:100左右) (写作要点: b.到公园.骑车出发 c.捡垃圾a.树标牌e.向行人宣传 f.回家 g.感d想 用词达意:树标牌及内容的多种表达,向行人宣传。. 参考词语tostart out 出发to collect the rubbish 捡垃圾to put up notice 贴通知to protect the environment 保护环境6幅画描述你在4月8日那天的情况,用日记的方式给予表达。(字数:②下列120左右)提示: .准备上学;a.发现一建筑物着火;b.报火警。c参考词语in a hurry 急急忙忙给消防警打电话to phone to the fire police station to put out 扑灭heroic deed 英雄行为Tom上学的路上所见到的不良现象,如常听人吵架生气。请你根③下面一组图是)


英语口语学习:英语高考的看图写话方法 看图写话是NMET书面表达经常采用的形式,它是一种检查学生观察理解能力及运用语言能力的形式。考生必须根据所示图片或图片组,恰当地运用所学的词句表达一个完整的故事,近年NMET书面表达均采用图画提示的书面表达形式,要求考生根据图画所表现的内容写一篇100字左右的短文。那么,如何根据图画的内容,运用正确的语言和规定的篇幅来写好这类文章呢? 1.确定图画的内容要点 碰上这类试题,考生首先应仔细审题,看懂图片所表达的意思,根据图画内容整理出几个要点,再根据这些要点决定要采用的语言形式。如NMET 2000的高考试题中,书面表达部分题目是这样的:假设你是李华,在美国探亲,2000年2月8日清晨,你目击了一起交通事故。警察局让你写一份材料,报告当时所见情况,请根据图画写出报告,词数100左右,结尾已为你写好。 根据图画确定的内容要点是: (1)2000年2月8日发生了一起交通事故 (2)我走在公园路 (3)一位老人从街的另一边公园里出来 (4)一辆黄车开过来在公园路转弯 (5)黄车撞倒了老人并向西开跑

(6)我记住了车牌号是AC864,并送老人去医院 2. 直截了当,开门见山 开门见山就是文章写什么,开头就说什么,直截了当,尽快入题,不要拐弯抹角,拖泥带水,如NMET 98,写的是参观农场,开头就是:Today we visited a farm. 3.10句话左右组成文章 书面表达要求用100词左右写出含六个要点左右的短文,所以从近几年的高考英语答案看,一般都以10个句子组成一篇文章。若用较少于8句话来表达,则句子容易复杂冗长,容易失控;若用多于10句话来表述,则句子零乱与琐碎,文章缺乏整体感。 请看NMET 2000年的书面表达范文(8句话): (1)It was 7:15 on the morning of February8,2000. (2)I was walking along Park Road towards the east when an elderly man came out of the park on the other side of the street.(3)Then I saw a yellow car drive up Third street and make a right turn into Park Road.(4)The next moment the car hit the man while he was crossing the road.(5)He fell with a cry. (6)The car didn't stop but drove at great speed heading west. (7)I noticed the driver was young woman and the plate number was AC864.(8)About two minutes later I stopped a passing car and took the old man to the nearest hospital. 4.语言基本无误 (1)用有把握的句式


第三节图画式作文升格指导 【知识导学】 文本特点介绍 图画式作文是一种检查学生观察理解能力以及运用语言能力的题型。它不仅考查考生对图形的观察力和想像力,而且也考查考生的分析、概括和组织材料的能力。2010年江苏高考说明中,作文部分新增图画式作文,这种题型更能考查学生分析问题的能力,考生应注意认真审题,一旦审题有所偏颇,则不容易得到高分。 写作步骤 看图作文的写作,从整体上可分为两个过程: 1. 通过画面直接获得信息的过程(究竟画面展示了一个什么情景); 2. 针对画面让学生发挥想像力,挖掘画面间的内在联系,融入自己的思想与见解(画面的内涵是什么)。 写作步骤以下三点: 1. 描述画面参考模板: From the picture we can see that . What it illustrates is a common phenomenon in today s society, and it conveys the symbolic meaning of . 2. 阐明原因参考模板: What has caused the effect? The re are at least two possible reas ons. To begin with, . In the second place, . There may be some other reasons responsible fo r , but I think what has been mentioned above is generally acceptable. 3. 提出对策参考模板: We should take immediate measures, for if the present situation continues as before, serious outcome will come up. First of all, the government should arouse public awareness of . In the second place, the government should take effective measures to . Finally, should be banned by law. This is my point of view and I am sure my idea is both reasonable and workable. 请老师点评下面的练习。请仔细观察下面两幅图画,理解其含义,以“人与自然”为主题写短文。 注意:
