



1.Nomadays, the call for quality-oriented education is becoming wide-spread and the drawbacks of test-oriented education, which have aroused great concern throughout China, are becoming increasingly apparent.

2.The sharp contrast hinges on the Protection of the greenhouse,which determines in a large measure the life and death of the lovely flower.

3.This trend began during the Second World War,when several governments came to the conclusion that the specific demands that a government wants to make of its scientific establishment cannot generally be foreseen in detail.

逗号前后是我们写作时构造复杂多变、精彩生动句子结构的突破口。上述三例中我们合理巧妙地运用了非限制性定语从句,使前后两个分句有机地连接起来,显得连贯、自然。例1用关系代词which (非限制性定语从句不能用that)代替逗号前整个分句的意思。这样就把原本要用两个句子来表达的信息通过定语从句压缩为一个主从复合句,显得简洁、不罗嗉。例2用关系代词which代替逗号前先行词the green house,通过非限制性定语从句进一步说明温室对于鲜花存活的重要性。例3中逗号前先行词是表时间,因此用关系代词when引导非限制性定语从句,将主要信息移置逗号之后,取得“尾重”或“末尾聚焦(end—weight)”的效果。其实考生们对于非限制性定语从句的用法不可谓不熟,但可能就是缺乏用多种手段衔接分句的意识。


1.By contrast,when removed from the greenhouse,the protective umbrella,it struggles helplessly against the sudden attack of storms,only to wither away.

2. Parents are too eager to mold their kids, disregarding their individuality with a callous attitude toward their personal development.

3. School—age children are often seen caring bulging bags on their backs, weighed down on their way to and form school every day.


4. Weighing both these arguments. I can come to the conclusion that there is no need

to take SO drastic a step as doing away with this custom. (现在分词做时间状语)

5.An old peasant, bringing his own food,volunteered as a guide for US.(现在分词做伴随状语)



1. AS is distinct from above, the number“13”, a long-held symbol of misfortune in the eyes of most westerners, seems to be plaguing them.

2. By contrast, when removed from the greenhouse, the protective umbrella, it struggles helplessly against the sudden attack of storms, only to wither away.

3. Specifically, the number…6‘, as they strongly believe, is closely associated with smoothness in the Chinese culture.

同位语或插入语一般插在主谓语之间,一般由名词词组(如例l、2)、介词词组(如in my opinion,in other words等)、从句(如例3)、不定式短语、现在分词短语充当。它们能起到补充说明的作用。除此之外,插入语还可对整句话表示解释,如:

4. There were twenty people present, to be precise.(不定式短语做插入语)

5. Roughly speaking, these countries are the most densely—populated in Asia.(现在分词短语做插入语)


1.Wenowlivein a society where competition in the job market rages,with graduates and job-hunters from all walks of life scrambling for desirable jobs

2. As described in the picture. an American girl is wearing a Chinese costume characteristic of some minority group,with a sweet smile on her face.

3.These children can set their hearts at ease,with everything well—arranged by their parents.

4.He entered upon the new enterprise cautiously,with his eyes wide open.



1.Rosy dreams shattered,they are bewildering at the junction: “To be or not to be? That is the question”一Hamlet's perplexed monologue is echoing in their ears.

2. “Just listen to this,” she will say, her eyes glowing, her warm fingers pressed to my palm to hold my attention

3.The U.S. population expanding dramatically, the species of its wildlife has Witnessed

a —corresp0nding decline in a span of two centuries (1800—2000).

4.Hewentof,gun in hand

5.The floor was wet and slippery,So we stayed outside.

6.The meal over,prayers were read by Miss Miller.



1. Disillusioned and disheartened, they are most likely to collapse under the weight of life.

2. Living in the warmness, safe and sound they are utterly free from external hardships and ignorant of what the bare reality is like.






A节题型有两种,每次考试选择其中的一种形式。备选题型包括:1) 考生根据所给情景写出约100词(标点符号不计算在内)的应用性短文,包括私人和公务信函、备忘录、报告等。2) 要求考生根据所提供的汉语文章,用英语写出一篇80~100词的该文摘要。考生在答题卡2上作答。共10分。



1. 虽然A、B两节的考查要点有所不同,但对考生写作能力的基本要求是相同的,所以一般评分标准对两节都适用。但根据两节不同的考查要点,评分时会有不同的侧重点。



2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来给分。评分人员在档内有1--3分的调节分。

3. A节作文的字数要求是100词左右。B节作文的字数要求是150词。文章长度不符合要求的,酌情扣分。

4. 拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一方面。评分时,视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。

5. 如书写较差,以致影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。


Dear Bob,

I am writing to express my apology to you. Several days ago,I borrowed your music CD when I lived in your house. Unfortunately,after I came back from Canada,I found it in my luggage. I was in such a hurry that I forgot to return it to you .I will send it to you by post or express as soon as possible. If necessary,I will compensate for any troubles it may cause.

Once again,I feel so sorry for any inconvenience caused. Please accept my apologies.

Sincerely yours,

Zhang Wei


It seems reasonable when people laugh at the cartoon, but it would no longer be laughable when people find similar things taking place in our daily life. Recently there is a trend of making promises in various fields of our society. From departments of government to common shopping centers, many businesses who supple products of offer services have made various promises to their customers or service receivers. (范文)
























































举例:acid adj. 酸的;酸性的;尖酸刻薄的n。酸性物质

acjdify v. 酸化;变酸

acidity n. 酸性;酸味;酸度

2、act=to act(行动)

act n. 行动;法案;一幕v. 行动;扮演;作用

action n. 行动;动作;作用;诉讼;战斗

actionable adj. 可引起诉讼的;可被控诉的

activate v. 刺激;使产生活动

activation n. 活化

activator n. 触媒;催化剂


demagogue n. 群众煽动家(dem=people)

pedagogue n。卖弄学问的人;教育者(ped=child)

synagogue n. 犹太教的会堂;犹太教会堂之聚首(syn=togeter)

4、al,ol,ul=to nourish(滋养)

aliment v. 营养的;食物;抚养

alimental adj. 食物的;营养的

alimentary adj. 食物的;营养的;消化的

alimentation n。营养;抚养


altar n。祭坛(高的地方)

altimeter n。高度计

altitude n. 高度;海拔(itude抽象名词字尾)


alter v. 改变;更改

alteration n。变更;更改

altercate n. 口角;争论

7、am=to love(爱)

amateur n。业余技艺家;业余者

amicable adj。和蔼可亲的

enemy n. 敌对;敌意;不合

8、ang=to strangle(勒死;窒息)

anger v。激怒n 愤怒

angry adj 愤怒的;生气的

anguish n 身心极度的痛苦


angle n角;角度;观点;方面;角落


rectangle n 长方形;矩形


animal n动物adj动物界的;野兽的

animator n鼓舞着;卡通片绘制者


see这个词,其对应的印欧词根形式为sekw-“注意,看”。来看sight:古英语中为gesiht , gesihth。ge- + 词干+ -(e)t 是中古高地德语过去分词的一种构成方式。简单说来,sight 中的-t 相当于过去分词后缀,作为名词也相当于-th,表示动作、状态、性质等。

sightn. 1. 视力,视觉

2. 看见,瞥见

3. 视域,眼界

4. 情景,景象

5. [pl.]风景,名胜(可以看的东西→)

vt. 看见,看到

She caught sight of a car in the distance.


At last we came insight of a few houses.


Out of sight, Out of mind (saying)


She's set her sights on getting into Harvard.


before 中的be- 是“在,靠近”,fore 是“在前部”。

作为前缀,fore- 表示:before(in place, rank, time)在…前,在…之前,预先,即:

1. 在前面

forehand 前额

2. 早先,预先



forerunner 先驱;先行者;预兆;前兆

3. 之前


4. 前部


foresight (fore-前,先,sight 看见;提前或预先看见即预料到要发生的并为将来做准备→)

n. [U] (approving) the ability to predict what is likely to happen and to use this to prepare for the future 深谋远虑;先见之明

She'd had the foresight to sell her apartment just before house prices came


He was later criticized for his lack of foresight.

They had the foresight to invest in new technology.

Early planners of New York City showed tremendous foresight in their design of the

water system.

I'm glad you had the foresight to bring warm clothes.


sightly(sight 视力,视觉,-ly 适合…的,有…特性的,名词后构成形容词;适合视觉的即视觉上很舒服的→)

a. 1. pleasing to see; visually appealing. 悦目的:看起来令人愉快的;在视觉上吸引人的

2. affordinga fine view; scenic. 好看的:提供美好景色的;风景如画的

unsightly un- 不,sight 视力,视觉,-ly适合…的,

a. not pleasant to look at 难看的;不雅观的;不悦目的同义词ugly

He had undone the buttons of his shirt, exposing an unsightly expanse of white flesh. 他解开衬衫纽扣,露出一片白花花的肉,很不雅观。

The Polish market in Berlin was considered unsightly and shut down.




A. 因果关系:标志词汇有for, because, since, therefore等;

B.转折关系:标志词汇有but, yet, although, however, on the contrary, on the other hand, instead等;

C.并列递进关系:标志词汇有and, indeed, also, besides, similarly, like, accordingly, in the same way, meanwhile, furthermore, moreover等;

D.解释关系:标志词汇有that is, that is to say, for example, such as, namely, in other words等;






1. 把人或事物的功能、特点等进行比较从而引出一个结论。这种文章对比性比较强,那么肯定是一方面一方面地进行比较,考生要分清这种不同进行排序。





一、网恋 Directions: Write an essay entitled On-line Love Affair, your essay should meet the requirements below: (1)its side-effect (2)your viewpoints You should write 160~200words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. 背诵范文: Although the popular belief is that internet increasingly plays an important role in our daily life, a current survey indicates that it has also brought some youngsters great disadvantages. They can do whatever they like, such matters as playing games, chatting. And some are even falling in love with chatters, which is called on-line love. Fresh notion as on-line love is, it sounds ridiculous when analyzed profoundly. What these young people fail to understand is that both sides have not well acquainted with mutually. Some net friends are reported to have been deceived by those people who are doing some criminal activities per year through the internet. Internet has indubitably provided various information for us, and on-line love is nothing but an artifact of fictitious world offered by internet. On the other hand, it is vital that we should make internet serve us better, and at the same time,as far as on-line love is concerned, being objective and levelheaded analysis is not far from being a sensible attitude. 范文精译: 尽管大家普遍认为网络在我们的日常生活中越来越重要,但当前的调查表明它同时也给一些年轻人带来了弊端。人们可以通过网络做他们喜欢做的一切,诸如打游戏、聊天。有些人甚至与聊天者谈起了恋爱,这就是所谓的网恋。 尽管网恋比较新颖,但仔细分析过后不免有些荒唐。这些年轻人没有意识到他们双方并不彼此了解。据报道,每年都有网友被那些专门通过网络做非法勾当的人欺骗。 毋庸置疑,网络给我们提供了各种各样的信息,而网恋只不过是网络这个虚幻世界的产物。一方面,我们应该使网络更好地为我们服务;同时就网恋而言,客观对待、冷静分析才是明智之举。 二、论美女经济 Directions: Write an essay with the title of On“Beauty Economy”,and your essay should be based on the following outline : (1)describe briefly the phenomenon of “beauty economy” (2)list positive effect (3)list negative effect You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. 背诵范文: The “beauty economy” actually is “the eyeball economy”. The beauties are used to attract the public attention and make a profit. Meanwhile, the beauty contest activity which we are familiar with is regarded as the most gigantic manifestation of beauty economy. In the supporter’s eyes, the beauty economy gains high business profits through plans, organization, propaganda of the beauty contest. The participants can have the qualifications to participate in the competition as honour. The winners make their social status reach a high position. Thereupon, people become enthusiastic about beauty economy. The merchant has been laughing uproariously which hawked. The beautiful woman has the stage which declares a position. However, others don’t agree with it. Firstly, the beauties are treated as “unliving objects” just like the flower vase, and people pay too much attention to the pretty appearance of the beauties, but their internal world is ignored. Secondly, it leads to the distorted beauty culture. Many girls even women worship blindly the beauties and spend a lot of money in face-lifting to emulate them. Then our traditional aesthetic conceptions are totally overturned, and our conventional virtues completely disappear. Last but not the least, the beauty economy misleads the values. Relying on“being beautiful”, pursuing the wealth, they go after like ducks. And it also causes them to be the money worship.


1、考研写作总论:评卷实例01、学习方法、复习计划、大纲解读 2、应用文:书信类、告示类 3、段落写作:框架结构、2002真题、启程转合 4、两图写作(00、03、06、07) 5、词汇写作、一图写作(98、01、02、04、05) 6、句子的写作(亮点的设置)、图表作文 评卷实例 一、审题 二、同义替换(词汇:题目中的实词和句型)实词:有实际意义的词,名、动、形容词、副词 虚词:介词、冠词、连词 句型替换:主语改成宾语、主动改成被动、词汇改成词组、改变词性 词汇替换:实词的同义词近义词替换 1、worthy-valuable\precious 想不到的话想一个简单的上义词 2、feelings( relationship\emotion\sentiment\aff ection) 3、mankind humans human race effection 柔情(不能替换love) probably---possibly\maybe\likely\is considered as noblest greatest\the most sublime problem:指的是不好的问题issue 技巧一:大量使用物称代词作主语(丰富多变) 技巧二:大量使用主系表结构,主谓宾比较口语化,主系表比较书面化 is of importance=important 技巧三:大量使用精彩词组 技巧四:大量使用精彩词汇(保证正确)the human beings改为us humans give 后一般加两个宾语 技巧五:大量使用精彩从句小作文3-5个从句,大作文5-7个从句 as is described in the picture,“love is a lamp which is brighter in darker places.”Utmost非常,(亮点) 技巧六:大量使用被动语态 技巧七:大量使用精彩句型 技巧八:大量使用定语状语:adj或adv、词组、介词短语、分词短语(过去、现在)、不定式、从句,people in darker places need more light than other people. Maybe even a dim light can give them much hope for a better life( and progress删掉) 使用中庸词汇:may、generally、tend to 、be more(less) likely to a thread of lignt:一线光辉 call forth(唤起;使产生;使起作用)their strength step out of difficulties:走出困境( 真题里的出现好的词汇不断积累) when引导时间状语从句 使文章生动的三种方法:(主要用于举例论证和图画描述) 1、使用进行时态 2、使用原话(如:我的老师当年告诉 我:……) 3、描述动作(一把屎一把尿带大) save his or her life(不能仅his life ) spinster老姑娘;未婚女人mistress 情妇 连接两个例子应该用:again, poor rural area drops out of school 退学because of poverty a small sum of 一点 finish school完成学业 in\under this circumstances,后面下结论 to sum up 简而言之 in distress in need of help 需要帮助 don’t hesitate to do sth 毫不犹豫做某事 当and引导两个并列从句,后面的that不能省略 不跑题、语言精彩、结构严谨——满分作文 2012.7.30 写好文章的第一句话和最后一句话 重视文章的第一段和每一段的第一句话


凯程考研辅导班,中国最权威的考研辅导机构 第 1 页 共 1 页 2017考研英语作文:网络类范文 作文预测 大作文话题类型:1. 抽象品质; 2. 社会现象类 3. 社会问题类 预测话题包括:1. 网络类(网购、微博、微信等新现象);2. 抽象品质类(梦想与行动、创新、 诚信等)3. 环境类(节约型社会、交通状况、动物/资源保护等)4. 社会现象类(剽窃,明星代言、真人秀等) 预测作文范文 网络类(网购、微博、微信等新现象) What is subtly demonstrated in the above drawing is that in front of a desktop sits a fashionable lady who is staring at the screen with shocked expression wearing on cheeks and huge sweat dropping from her forehead. What is spit from the computer is the lengthy Alipay bill, which can almost be spread as long as two meters. The caption above reads that you should keep away from Taobao and cherish your income. The objective of the drawer is to show us that utmost attention should be paid to shopping online, which has exerted profound impact on the daily life of the average individuals. We can easily recognize its advantages: e-commerce, which is extremely convenient, can save us a great amount of precious time and we can buy products everywhere we want as long as we can surf online. However, for all the advantages mentioned above, online trading is by no means without its limitations: we may be cheated by some online retailers, which might be a potential threat to our bank accounts. Accordingly, it is imperative for us to take drastic measures. For one thing, we should appeal to the authorities to make strict legislations to severely punish those who deliberately spoil the interests of online customers. For another, we should enhance the awareness of residents that rational purchasing is conducive to our income management. Only in this way can we maximize the merits and minimize the demerits of online purchasing.


写作 一、写作三大原则 1.V:vary原则 2.I:input原则 3.P:practice原则 ①所有不会写的单词都写成自己会的词汇,务必保证正确; ②所有不会写的长难句都写成简单句,务必保证正确。 二、小作文 一)公务书信——关于投诉 1、称呼:①文中已给出,直接用即可;②文中未给出; 2、第一段:自我介绍+写作目的 3、第二段:按照写作要求来写 4、第三段:表示感谢+期待回信 5、落款 二)公务书信——关于感谢 Dear my friend, I'm so delighted to hear that you decide to take part in the examination of postgraduates. now, I just give you some suggestions about the major. For my part, English may be your

favorable choice. First, you love English and I think interest is the best teacher. then, if you learned English as your main course, you would become an English teacher who can help so many Chinese to realize their dreams。at last, possibly, you could go abroad to teach foreigners how to study Chinese, as is a fantastic idea. So you could consider my suggestion carefully, and make a prudent determination to have a bright future. yours truly Li Ming 三)公务书信模板 Dear sir or madam, 第一段 I am senior who majors in physical education in the/a university. The reason why I am writing the letter, to be honest, is in order to +文中已给出的目的,直接抄。 ①自我介绍可以自己写,写作目的直接摘录题目中已给出的内容。 第二段 To begin with, it is my belief that+简单句+and/but/so/because/although+简单句. Then


考研英语作文范文和模板:图表作文 图表作文 1.写作攻略图表作文是考研英语写作中较为常见的题型之一,也是难度较大的一种写作题型。这类作文可综合提供题目、数据、图像、提纲,形式多样,但实际上只涉及5个方面:描述图表、指明寓意、分析原因、联系实际、给出建议,而每次考试只是从这5个方面的内容中选出3个结合在一起。从写作类型来看,基本上属于说明文。要求考生围绕题目将有关信息转化为文字形式,考生应该具有一定数据分析和材料归纳的能力,同时会运用一定的写作方法。考研试题一般以三段式写作方法来组织文章,第一段总结归纳信息反映的整体情况,点出主题思想,第二段回答第一段所得出的问题,对数字、数据等做出有条理的分析比较,第三段做出总结或给以简单的评论。表格和图表题型写作要点:(1)考生应仔细研究题目以及提示信息,认清图表中的数字、线条、阴影等部分的变化趋势和走向,抓住其主要特点,然后根据图表所显示的中心信息确定内容层次以及主题句。(2)考生应该仔细研究图表所给出的大量信息,从中选取最重要,最有代表性的信息,然后根据全文的主旨去组织运用所获取的关键信息。切忌简单



2020考研英语精选作文精美语句格式6 人生价值类模板1: As the old Chinese saying goes,…… . It echoes with this picture in which…… . The title of the picture further points out that…… . The picture is meant to…… . As far as I am concerned, I think…… . This universal truth can be particularly proved in the field of…… , where…… . A brief survey of history about also demonstrates the fundamental importance of…… .…… , for example,…… . The same principle applies to common people as well, and I am sure everybody can benefit from…… . 人生价值类模板2: From the picture we can perceive that…… . What astonishes the drawing and the readers is that…… . It is known to all that…… , but it seems…… . The artist utilizes this artistic presentation to imply a spreading vogue that…… . Ultimately, the trend boils down to…… . Accordingly,…… . To worsen the problem, this behavior is evoking…… . In my point of view, we are in a prime time to curb the


【考研英语辅导班】如何完成考研英语阅读笔记启道考研分享 得英语者得考研,想超越80分,关注启道英语考研辅导班。 全国硕士研究生入学考试的英语试卷分为英语(一)和英语(二)。 英语(一)即原研究生入学统考“英语”,所有学术型硕士研究生(十三大门类,110个一级学科)和部分专业型硕士(法律硕士、临床医学硕士、口腔医学硕士、建筑学硕士、护理硕士、汉语国际教育硕士、公共卫生硕士等)必考英语(一)。 英语(二)主要是为高等院校和科研院所招收不考英语(一)的专业学位硕士研究生而设置的具有选拔性质的统考科目。 对于很多考生来说,考研英语是一门比较难的科目,很多同学为了取得更好的分数都会选择报考研英语辅导班!那么多的考研英语辅导班那,究竟哪个考研英语辅导班比较好呢?哪个才是适合自己的呢?启道考研小编来帮忙。 在启道考研英语辅导班,不需要每天不停的刷阅读,刷阅读,刷阅读。。。。。更不需要毫无目标的做真题,做真题,做真题。。。。。掌握有效的学习方法,完成事半功倍的学习效率。 第一,扫描题干,划关键项。 第二,通读全文,抓住中心。 1. 通读全文,抓两个重点: ①首段(中心句、核心概念常在第一段,常在首段出题); ②其他各段的段首和段尾句。(其他部分略读,有重点的读) 2. 抓住中心,用一分半时间思考3个问题: ①文章叙述的主要内容是什么? ②文章中有无提到核心概念? ③作者的大致态度是什么? 第三,仔细审题,返回原文。(仔细看题干,把每道题和原文的某处建立联系,挂起钩) 定位原则: ①通常是由题干出发,使用寻找关键词定位原则。(关键词:大写字母、地名、时间、数字等)

②自然段定位原则。出题的顺序与行文的顺序是基本一致的,一般每段对应一题。 ★要树立定位意识,每一题、每一选项都要回到原文中某一处定位。 第四,重叠选项,得出答案。(重叠原文=对照原文) 1. 通过题干返回原文:判断四个选项,抓住选项中的关键词,把选项定位到原文的某处比较,重叠选项,选出答案。 2.做题练习要求:要有选一个答案的理由和其余三个不选的理由。 阅读理解解题技巧 1. 词汇题:“搜索代入”法 ①返回原文,找出该词汇出现的地方。 ②确定该词汇的词性。 ③从上下文(词汇的前后几句)中找到与所给词汇具有相同词性的词(如一下子找不到就再往上往下找),代入所给词汇在文章中的位置(将之替换)看语义是否合适。 ④找出选项中与代替词意思相同或相近的选相,即答案。 注意: a.如果该词汇是简单词汇,则其字面意思必然不是正确答案。 b.考研阅读不是考察字认识不认识,而是考察是否能根据上下文作出正确的判断。 c.词汇题的正确答案经常蕴藏在原文该词汇出现的附近。注意不能靠单词词义直接往下推。 d.寻找时要注意同位语、特殊标点(比如分号,分号前后两句话的逻辑关系不是形式上的并列就是语义上的并列,也就是两句话的意思相同,所以可用其中一句话的意思来推测另一句话的意思从而推出所给词汇含义)、定语从句、前后缀,特别要注意寻找时的同性原则。比如:让猜一个名词词组(动词词组)的意思,我们就向上向下搜索名词词组(动词词组)。 ▲隐蔽型词汇题:题干与原文的某句完全重合,只有一两个词被替换掉。隐蔽型词汇题的做法跟词汇题的做法几乎一样,往上往下找。 2. 指代题: ①返回原文,找出出题的指代词。 ②向上搜索,找最近的名词、名词性短语或句子(先从最近点开始找,找不到再找次近的,一般答案不会离得太远)。 ③将找到的词、词组或句子的意思代入替换该指代词,看其意思是否通顺。


考研英语作文范文10篇 范文1 "Good Health" 1.身体健康的重要性。 2.保持健康的途径。 3.我自己的实践。 Good Health The desire for good health is universal. In our competitive society it is important to maintain good health. On the one hand, people with good health can do work with full confidence and their progress in work in turn contributes to their health and happiness. On the other hand, a sick person is usually not interested in everything around him and therefore he loses many opportunities to become successful. There are many ways to keep it. First, those who are always on the go from morning till night should find time to relax because too much stress will affect their health. Second, enough time should be left for sleep because that will help one become rested and refreshed. Finally, regular physical exercises benefit one's health a lot. So one should always keep in mind that a certain amount of exercise is not a waste of time. As for me, I like playing tennis in the morning. I also attach much importance to enough sleep and relaxation. I believe this will ensure my good health for the rest of my life. <评析> 这篇文章语句通顺,语言流畅,句式变化多样,用词面比较宽。就内容来说,则很切题,包括了提纲中的所有要点。第一段的第二句即主题句是从提纲发展而来的,第二段的首句,即主题句也是由提纲中的第二点发展而来。 范文2 Hope Project Education plays a very important role in the modernization of our country. However, because of historical factors, there are still a lot of people in China who are undereducated, especially among youngsters in rural areas. They cannot afford the expenses of schooling and need help. At the same time, China is not able to invest too much money in the matter at present time. It is in this particular situation that the authorities carry out the "Hope Project ". This project is necessary to our country. It is an urgent measure that the government has taken. In the first place, this project will provide conditions for the youngsters to go back to school, which will contribute to their future success. Thus it will lead to the enhancement of the intelligence level in our country. Secondly, education makes it possible for people to acquire knowledge, which is useful to their future work. Hence, this Project benefits the modernization of our country a lot. Finally, it can make more people educated. Therefore, it may indirectly



【作文】 1、As is known to all 众所周知 例如:As is known to all,china is a developing country. 2、be driven by an array of forces:表达原因 3、increasingly:表示加强程度(高级词汇) 4、Controversial(adj.)as it is,__________________is undoubtedly correct,and it is a real cause for concern.尽管有争议,但_____________无疑是正确的,这的确引起了忧虑。 5、all roads lead back to:一切可追溯到 6、The temptation today is to think of sth as sth:当今,人们非常倾向于将……看作是…… 7、……,combined with……,have resulted in……:……加上……导致了(两个原因导致的结果) 8、It is not yet clear ……:……还不清楚 9、Part of the issue is that……;Part of the issue is that……;another factor may be that……:部分原因是,部分原因是,另一个因素是(三个原因) 10、There is one step ……could take that……:……可以采取的措施是…… 11、There are many reasons……,fundamentally……:有许多原因……根本原因是……


写作笔记 一、八个必备句子 1、正如一名古老的中国谚语所说。 Just as an old Chinese proverb goes. 2、生命不息,奋斗不止。 Aspire to inspire until I expire! 3、尽管图画很简单,寓意却非常深刻。 Simple as the picture is,the symbolic meaning behind it is deep as ocean. 4、情况是如此令人遗憾,是该马上采取措施控制情况发展。 With current state of offairs so sorry,it is high time that we took effective to put the situation on hold. 5、在中国,文化交流现象是最明显的。 In now country other than China, it has been said that is the phenomenonof cultural integration more obvious. 6、报纸上有一张图画引起了人们的广泛关注。 There has been a heated discussion about this picture in the newspaper. 7、教育在当下是最重要的。 Never in any era of our nation have the stakes involving education been higher than now. 二、关于内容有话可说避免跑题 1、成功品质 03、 04、 06、 07、 08、 1 2、 13 2、社会道德 98、 01、 05、 06、 11、 14 3、科技环境 99、 00、 09、 11、 15 4、文化交流 02、 10 三、关于形式三段式 220字最佳 第一段:2-3句(30-60字) 第二句:4-9句(100-120字) 第三段:2-3句(30-60字) 四、关于语言句式正确—复杂多变 用词—多样 五种方法:1、加adj. adv. 2、加同位语 3、加介词短语(作状语) 4、加定语从句 5、将两个句子写成一个句子


2020年考研英语作文范文 Part A 51. Directions: you are going to hold a club reading session.Write an email of about 100 words recommending a book to the club members。 You should state reasons for yourrecommendation。 You should write neatly on theANWSER SHEET. Do not sign you own name at the end of the letter, use “Li Ming ”instead. Do not write the address 。(10 points) Dear friends, I am writing to tell you about a fantasticbook I have just read, as we always share the same taste of books。 The book is called Journey to the West, which tells us a story thatfour monks conquered multiple handicaps to achieve their final destination.Besides the touching and thrilling plot, the book also features humorouslanguages, thanks to the talented author。 So I recommend it to all of you as one ofthe favorite books that I have ever read. I am sure you will love it as much asI do. I am looking forward to discussing more with you after you read it. Yours sincerely, LiMing


考研英语写作词汇整理 目前距离21考研还有170多天了,单词记得咋样了?考研单词分为阅读词汇跟写作词汇,阅读词汇在文章中看到能知道意思就好,写作词汇就要求我们要记住拼写,会运用,所以写作词汇除了记住之外,还需要自己默写,还会造句~这就需要我们平时在做阅读的时候收集好词好句,为后期写作文做准备,可能有的同学说我背模板,背模版是没错,如果在背模版的基础上加上自己的同学,改成适合自己的东西,那么你的作文肯定更能拿高分。 好了,说了这么多,就是希望你在复习的时候多积累一点写作词汇~ 下面是雷哥考研整理的一部分写作词汇。看看你认识多少个~ 1. previous [?pri?vi?s] adj. 先前的; 以往的; (时间上)稍前的 【写作例句】 There are no previous statistics for comparison. 没有先前的统计数据可供比较。 2. appreciate [??pri??ie?t] v. 欣赏; 赏识; 重视; 感激; 感谢; 欢迎; 理解; 意识到; 领会 【写作例句】 Your earliest reply will be highly appreciated. 如能早日回复,我们将不胜感激。 3. confidence [?kɑ?nf?d?ns] n. 信心; 信任; 信赖; 自信心; 秘密 【写作例句】 I have total confidence that things will change. 事情会有所改变的,我对此信心十足。 4. participate [pɑ?r?t?s?pe?t] v. 参加; 参与 【写作例句】 I would like to convey my gratitude to you for your kindness to receive me when I participated in the exchange program in USA. 我想感谢您在我参加美国交流项目时对我的热情接待。 5. region [?ri?d??n] n. (通常界限不明的)地区, 区域, 地方; 行政区; (一国除首都以外的)全部地区, 所有区域【写作例句】 This region is becoming increasingly important both strategically and economically. 这个地区的战略地位和经济地位变得越来越重要了。 6. facility [f?'s?l?ti] n. 设施; 设备; (机器等的)特别装置; (服务等的)特色; (供特定用途的)场所 【写作例句】 The hotel has special facilities for welcoming disabled people. 酒店有专门的设施来接待残疾人。


英语作文必背范文二十篇 考研英语作文必背范文一 Dear Mr. Wang, I am much grateful to be employed by you two months ago as an editor for your magazine Design & Fashions. I appreciate the opportunity of having worked here with you and other colleagues. The experiences will be unforgettable throughout my life. However, as a young man whose primary interest is in computer science rather than fashion designing, I find my present job doesn't fall in with my previous training and strength. I therefore decide to quit this job for something else that may conform to my former preparation. Please accept my sincere apologies for any inconvenience my leaving may cause. Yours truly, Li Ming 考研英语作文必背范文2 Dear Sir or Madam, Moved by the noble cause of Project Hope and encouraged by what has been achieved so far, I would like to contribute my bit to the project by offering financial aid to a child in a remote area of your province. I would be much grateful if you could help me seek out a girl who has just started schooling but whose family cannot afford her education. My plan is to pay for her tuition on an annual basis till she finishes her secondary education. I would like to remit my donation directly to a bank account opened by her family in her local area. Yours truly, Li Ming 考研英语作文必背范文3 Dear Sir/Madam, I am a student in this university who regularly comes to the library to spend my spare time. Generally speaking, the services you offer here are quite good; however, I have some suggestions for you to adopt. And I would like to extend my greatest appreciation if you are so kind as to take my suggestions into consideration. To begin with, will you please prolong the time for reading? In the daytime, most of the students are having class, so they ca n’t come to the library. Moreover, some of the books on shelves are out of date. If you are so kind as to provide us some books such as the latest magazines, we will be very pleased. I really wish to have a more comfortable library. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely yours, Li Ming 考研英语作文必背范文4 Dear Bob, I am writing to make an apology to you for I forgot to return a music CD which I borrowed from you last week. Yesterday I have come back from Canada and I found it in my luggage. I am so sorry that you cannot listen to it at present. The CD which I borrowed from you is made in Canada, so I believe you can find another one in your local store. How about your buying another CD by yourself and I will pay for it? If you cannot find the similar one, I would send it back to you through a post office. And if there are any other solutions you like, please let me know. I am sorry again for my carelessness. Looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely,
