


姓名_______ 班级_______ 学号_______

I 听力部分(40分)(一)、听录音,选择你所听到的单词。10分

( ) 1. A. house B. horse C. face

( ) 2. A. sky B fly C plane

( ) 3. A. drink B. clock C. o’clock

( ) 4. A. flower B. row C. tomorrow

( ) 5. A. month B. monkey C. metre



1 ( )

2 ( )

3 ( )

4 ( )

5 ( )


( ) 1.A do the long jump B do the high jump

( ) 2.A take pictures B draw pictures

( ) 3.A get on B get up

( ) 4.A talk to my friend B listen to music

( ) 5.A ride a bike B read a book


( ) 1.A We are playing football. B They are playing basketball. ( ) 2.A What are you doing? B What are you drinking?

( ) 3.A There is a girl . B There are twelve boys .

( ) 4.A We’re going to swim . B I’m going to visit my grandma. ( ) 5.A We sing songs. B We give presents.


II 写 (20分)


1 Ee

2 Pp

3 Vv

4 Hh

5 Yy


1.We (居住,生活)in Zigong.

2.I’m on your (左边).

3.Can you (跳舞)?

4. I can (跳)far.

5.Do you want some (汤)?

5. She can (跑)fast.

6.It’s a book about (中国).

7. I’m (恐怕)I can’t.

8.I’m going to (钓鱼).9.I’m (抱歉).

10.I am the (获胜者).



( ) 1.A. street B. station C. near ( )2. A. food B. rice C. bread

( )3. A. swimming B. talk C. getting ( )4. A. plane B. bus C. sock

( )5. A. fast B. high C. give


( )1. 当你想邀请别人去公园时,你应该说:

A. Let’s go to the park.

B. They are doing taijiquan.

( )2. 当你建议别人和你一起去公园玩时,你应说:

A. How about going to the park?

B. Let’s go to the park.

( )3. 你想告诉Tom这是你的学校,你应说:

A. This is your school, Tom.

B. This is my school, Tom.

( )4. 你要告诉老师该轮到你了,你应该说:

A. It’s my turn.

B. It’s me turn.

( )5. 当你迟到报告了后,老师会说:A. Come in,please. B. May I come in?

( )6. 当你迟到了想进教室,你应报告说:A. I want to come in. B. May I come in?

( )7. 你想知道安多大,你应问:

A. How old are you, Ann?

B. How old is she, Ann?

( )8. 上课后老师走进教师,值日生应说:A. Stand up ! B. Sit down !

( )9.当你回答完问题后,老师叫你坐下,你应说:A. Sit down . B. Thank you .

( )10. 过春节时,你应说:A. Happy Spring Festival! B. Happy Halloween!

( )11. 万圣节时,你应说:A. Happy Spring Festival! B. Happy Halloween!

( )12. 当你要向别人提问时,为了表示礼貌地引起注意,应先说:“____”,再提出自己的疑问。

A. Excuse me .

B. I’m sorry .

( )13. 你朋友过生日时,你应该说:A. You’re welcome. B. Happy birthday.

( )14. 你第一次认识Mike,感到十分高兴,你应该说:

A. Good afternoon!

B. Nice to meet you !

( )15. 你进老师办公室前,你应问:A. Can I help you ? B. May I come in ?

( )16. 假如你是一名服务员,见到顾客,你应该说:

A. What are you doing?

B. Can I help you?

( )17. 当你想问某种东西的价格时,你应该问:A. How much? B. How many?

( )18. 当服务员把东西递到你手中时,你应该说:

A. Here you are.

B. Thank you so much .

( )19.建议大家去公园,你可以这样说:

A. Let’s go to the park .

B. Shall we go to the park?

( )20. 12月25日是西方国家的圣诞节,那天他们见面都说:

A. Happy New Year!

B. Merry Christmas!

( )21. 过新年时,你应说:A. Happy Spring Festival! B. Happy New Year!

( )22.当你妈妈问你正在做什么时,你应说:

A. I’m reading a book.

B. They’re playing chess.

( )23.想告诉别人你在放风筝,你应说:

A. I’m flying a kite

B. I’m making a cake.

( )23. 想告诉别人你在照相,你应说:

A. I’m drawing pictures.

B. I’m taking pictures.

( )24. 想告诉别人你在骑自行车,你应说:

A. I’m rideing a bike.

B. I’m riding a bike.

( )25. 你把你的东西给别人,你应该说: A: Give you. B: Here you are.

( )26. 你向别人道歉:A.That’s OK! B. Sorry!

( )27.当你想告诉妈妈自己很饿,你应说:A. Yes , please. B. I’m hungry.

( )28. 当别人对你说谢谢,你应说:A. Thank you . B. You’re welcome.

( )29. 你想让别人过来,你应说:A. Come here . B. Come in.

( )30今天你的朋友要参加歌唱比赛,你应说:A. Are you going to sing? B.Good luck. ( )31.想表达自己是冠军,你应说:A. I win . B. I’m the winner .

( )32. 放学后向老师告别,你应说:A. Bye-bye . B. How are you ?

( )33问对方是否想要些米饭,你应说:AI want some rice .B Do you want some rice? ( )34.问对方是否喜欢面条,你应说:A I like noodles. B Do you like noodles?

( ) 35同学夸奖你书写很漂亮,你应该说:A. No. No,No. B: Thank you


6. 1. 2011 -2012学年度第一学期 小学四年级英语期末综合题 题次 -一- -二二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 合计: 得分 (答题时间40分钟,满分100 分) 卷首寄语: 5. A B A B 亲爱的同学们,经过一个学期的学习,你的收获一定不少吧? 现在来检测一下,了解自己的学习情况。要仔细审题,认真答题 哦!本卷满分为100分,答卷时间为40分钟。 听力部分(满分70分) Listen and write :下面的单词缺了一个字母,听录音,按四线格书 写规范补全单词。每小题读两篇。 听前要抓紧时间把各题浏览一遍,这 样会让你写时更有把握哦!(每小题1分,共10分) 例如 1. bo 一 oy 3. 一 in dow 4. oo 5.c ——p 2. 一 ite 6.——eep 7. armer 8. uler 9. an 10.—— amp Listen and choose 听录音,选出相符的一项,圈住其字母代号。每小 题读两遍。别忘了先浏览选项!(每小题1分,共10分) 2. 7. A 9. 8. 10. B A B A B A B 三、Listen and judge:根据录音内容,判断下面的图片是否与录音内容相符合。相 符的在图片下方的括号里打 ““,不相符的打“X”每小题读两遍。记住在听每小 题之前,要尽快把各题浏览一遍哦! (每小题1分,共10 分) 9. 10 () 四、Listen and choose 听问题,选出最佳答案。将答案前的字母代号填入题号前 的括号内。每小题读两遍。听之前先看题目,做好预测哦! (每空2分,共 10分) ( )1. A: She is a farmer. B: No, she isn't. C : She's in the study .


新标准英语四年级上册重点知识归纳PartⅠ 单词分类复习 1. 常用动词类: 2.. 动词原形与过去式对照: 3. 常用形容词: 4. 课程类单词: 5. 数字类: 【注:百位和十位之间用and 连接。例如,450 读作four hundred and fifty;3998 读作three thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight.】 PartⅡ 重要句型 Module 1 【关键知识点】 “要别人做某事或不做某事”用祈使句,句中动词要用原形。 1.表示禁止的:Don’t…please! 2.表示肯定的:… please! 【重要句型】 1.Don’t sing here! 不要在这儿唱歌。 2.Don’t write here! 不要在这儿写字。 3.Don’t talk here! 不要在这儿说话。 4.Wear the hat! 戴上帽子。

5.Stop! 停下来。 6.Don’t feed the ducks! 不要喂鸭子。 7.Don’t walk on the grass! 不要踩草地。 8.Don’t touch the machines! 不要碰这些机器。 9.Don’t write on the books! 不要在书上写字。 10.Wash your hands! 洗手。 Module 2 【关键知识点】 重点学习用形容词来形容物品,主要句型是: 1. This …is…. 2. It’s… 【重要句型】 1.This computer is beautiful but it’s cheap. 这台电脑很漂亮但是很便宜。 2.Have you got a computer? 你有电脑吗? 3.I can send emails to you.我能够给你发邮件。 4. Is it cheap?便宜吗? 5. It costs one hundred and eighteen yuan. 它价值一百一十八元。 Module 3 【关键知识点】 学会如何讲述过去发生的故事。主要句型是:


小学英语(PEP)四年级上册测试题 Unit One My Classroom 一、在下列每题得四个字母中有一个就是元音字母,请把它选出来。(10分) 1、( )A、 Cc B、 Ii C、 Dd D、 Vv 2、( )A、 Ff B、 Kk C、 Yy D、 Aa 3、( )A、 Oo B、 Ll C、 Ss D、 Nn 4、( )A、 Hh B、 Qq C、 Uu D、 Xx 5、( )A、 Ee B、 Pp C、 Mm D、 Rr 二、把下面得图片与相应得单词连接起来。(10分) 1 (10分) Miss White: Let’s clean the classroom、 Please (擦黑板), (扫地) and (挂上图片)、 Mike: Sarah! (请开门)、 John: Amy! (请打开灯)、 A、 Please open the door B、 Please turn on the light C、 Sweep the floor D、 Clean the board E、 Put up the picture 四、选择填空(20分) ( )1、 This my classroom

A、 am B、 is C、 are D、 / ( )2、—What’s the classroom? —A board, two lights, many desks and chairs、 A、 on B、 in C、 under D、 near ( )3、 We have 6 new A、 light B、 lights C、 nights D、 night ( )4、 go and have a look、 A、 Le t’s B、 Let C、 let us D、 let’s ( )5、 Amy: Where’s your seat? Mike: A、 It near the door、 B、 Let’s go and have a look! C、 I t’s the door、 D、 It’s near the door、 ( )6、 Mike: Miss White: Thank you! A、 Let me clean board、 B、 Let’s me clean the board、 C、 Let me clean the board D、 Let clean the board ( )7、—Let’s clean the window、— A、 Yes、 B、 OK、 C、 Sorry、 D、 Excuse me、 ( )8、 Where is the milk? you know? A、 Do B、 do C、 Are D、 are ( )9、 Let clean the fish bowl、 A、 my B、 I C、 me D、 our ( )10、 Where the twenty desks? A、 be B、 am C、 is D、 are 五、选出与图意相符得短语,并将其序号填在括号内。(10分)


听力力部分 一、选择你听到的单词(共10分,每题2分) ( )1 A win B won C with D winter ( )2 A goal B glove C good D gold ( )3 A practice B please C police D prince ( )4 A cap B cat C cut D cup ( )5 A happy B hungry C happened D hurry 二、听两遍录音,根据问句,选择适当的答语(共10分,每题2分) ( )1 A I went to the Great Wall. B I live in in London. C I am from London. ( )2 A I saw a big monster. B I ate chocolate biscuits. C I played the flute. ( )3 A Sam went for a bike ride. B Sam’s got a stomach ache. C Sam’s got a gold cup. ( )4 A Yes, I did. B No,he didn’t. C No, I didn’t. ( )5 A I bumped my head. B I cleaned my room. C I went to school at 6:30 o’clock. 三、听两遍录音,选词填空(共10分,每题2分)bumped cut hurt fell went Yesterday, I for a bike ride with my friends. We usuallly play in the park. But yesterday, Sam Amy and Lingling were at home. Because Sam off his bike and his knee. Amy her finger. And Lingling her head. 笔试部分 四、单项项选择(共30分,每题3分) ( )1Yesterday I didn’t go out. I stayed home. A at B on C in ( )2.How many trees were there? There twenty-four. A were B are C was ( )3 This boy a gold cup in the competition last week. A win B won C wins ( )4 What to you? I hurt my leg. A happens B happened C happening ( )5.Did you fall your bike? Yes, I did. A of B from C off ( )6 When did they ? They came last Saturday. A came B comes C come ( )7 This boy ate many biscuits. A too B two C to ( )8 Last Sunday we went a bike ride. A to B for C on ( )9 I fell off my bike. And I fell the watermelon. 期末试题


人教版四年级英语上册练习题(三) 班别:姓名: 一、从下列每组单词中选出一个不同类的单词。 ()1. A. door B. doctor C. farmer ()2. A. knife B. noodles C. fork ( )3. A. bedroom B. schoolbag C. bathroom ()4. A. Chi nese B. chopsticks C. En glish ( )5. A. strong B. quiet C. soup 二、从下列每组单词中选出划线部分发音与其他两个不同的一项。 ( )1.A. cake B. dad C. n ame ( )2. A. like B. kite C. big ( )3. A. duck B. use C. cute ( )4. A. nose B. box C. home ( )5. A. she B. we C. red 三、翻译英文。 A. kitche n B. spo on C. classroom D. floor E. candy F. vegetables G. computer H. picture I. doctor J. shoes 四、单项选择。 ( )1.--- ---Some books and a pencil box. s this? C. What' s in it? A. Where is it? B. What' ( )2. My frie nd short .She long hair. A. has, is B. i s, has C. is, is ( )3.--- is it ? ----It' s blue and white. A. What B. What colour C. Where ( )4.--- this your father? ---Yes he is? A. Are B. Is C. Am ( )5. --What would you like dinner? - I' d like some beef and noodles. A. at B .in C. For ( )6.Chen Jie :Let me clean the board . Amy: _________________ A. Tha nk you. B.OK. C./ 7.教室里面有什么? A.What' s in the classroom ? B. What' s on the wall ? ()8.我们有一间新教室。 A. This is a new classroom. B.We have a new classroom . ( )9.A: Where' s my book ?B: __________________ . A. It' s near the door . (B) It' s a book. ()10.让我们一起擦玻璃吧! A. Let' s clean the windows . (B) Let me clean the windows. ( )11. —Let' s clean the windows.—


2009---2010学年度第一学期期末考试 小学四年级英语试题 (时间40分钟) 一、听力部分 一、听音选词。 ( )1. A. friend B. fast food C. flute ( )2. A. draw B. difficult C. December ( )3. A. park B.party C. pink ( ) 4. A. want B. wash C. winner ( )5. A. some B. swim C. stone ( )6. A . take B. lake C. talk ( )7. A. cook B. count C. chopsticks ( )8. A. January B. June C. July ( )9. A. purple B. point C. play ( )10. A. fast B. far C. flute 二、听音标号,后把单词与对应图连线。 vegetables sea chess biscuits fruit ______ _______ _______ _______ _______ 三、听录音,判断图片与所听内容是(T ),否(F )相符。 ( ) 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. 四、 听音,选出与你所听句子相同的选项。 ( )1. A. I Can jump high. B. I Can ride fast. ( )2. A. I ’m going to go by plane. B. We ’re going to go by train. ( )3. A. It ’s near the station. B. It ’s at the station. ( )4. A. Do you want some rice? B. Do you want some fruit? ( )5. A. I like July and February. B. I like June and August. 五. 根据你所听到的对话,选出正确答语。 ( )1. A.Yes, I can. B. I’m making noodles. ( )2. A.They are swimming. B.No, thank you. ( )3. A.Yes, please. B.Yes, I have. ( )4. A.There is one. B.Turn left. ( )5. A. I can run fast. B. I’m going to pl ay football. 二、笔试部分 六、找出不同类的一项,将其序号填在题前括号里。 ( ) 1. A . China B. Sunday C. England ( ) 2. A. December B. PE C. January ( ) 3. A. sing B. piano C. flute


小学英语(PEP 四年级上册测试题 Unit One My Classroom 、在下列每题的四个字母中有一个是元音字母, 请把它选出来。(io 分) 1.( )A. Cc B. Ii C. Dd D. Vv 2.( )A. Ff B. Kk C. Yy D. Aa 3.( )A. Oo B. Ll C. Ss D. Nn 4.( )A. Hh B. Qq C. Uu D. Xx 5.( )A. Ee B. Pp C. Mm D. Rr 、把下面的图片与相应的单词连接起来。(10 分) 三、根据括号中的中文找出相应短语,并将代表答案的选项填在横线上。 (10 分) Miss White: Let 'clean the classroom. Please (扫地)and __________ 挂上图片)? Mike: Sarah! __________ (请开门). John: Amy! _________ (请打开灯). ( )1. This __________ my classroom A. am B. is C. are D. / ( )2. — What' ___________ the classroom —A board, two lights, many desks and chairs. A. on B. in C. un der D. n ear ( )3. We have 6 new __________ A. light B. lights C. nights D. ni ght ( )4. go and have a look. A. Let s B. Let C. let us D. let's ( )5. Amy: Where s your seat Mike: _________ A. It n ear the door. B. Let's go and have a look! C. t sthe door. D. It's near the door. (擦黑板), ____ A. Please ope n the door C. Sweep the floor E. Put up the picture 四、选择填空(20分) B. Please turn on the light D. Clea n the board


英语练习题 一、在四线格中按顺序写出26个字母的大小写 二、将下列字母重新组成单词,并写出汉语意思 1、s s t i e r ( )( ) 2、o b k o ( )( ) 3、o o r t c d ( )( ) 4、s r u n e ( )( ) 5、a i h c r ( )( ) 6、w d i o w n ( )( ) 7、e a r b d ( )( ) 8、w t e r a ( )( ) 9、f m e r a r ( )( ) 10、s o l o h c ( )( ) 三、连词成句 1、book how many you have do ? 2、your English Put the book on desk

3、a new I have school-bag 4、it is What colour ? 5、I have look a May ? 6、are in they the classroom 7、like my bedroom 8、bed my is Where ? 9、study this my is 10、table on are the they ? 四、选词填空 1、W e( ) a new computer 2、May I ( ) a look? 3、She ( ) short hair 4、My mother ( ) big eyes 5、Amy and I ( ) a new friend

6、Who’s he? ( ) is my brother 7、What’s ( ) name? She is Amy. 8 、This is my friend. ( )name is Mike 9、Amy is our classroom. ( ) is nice 五、选出下列词的对应词(反义词),填入括号内。 boy ( ) father ( ) this ( ) yes ( ) sister ( ) long ( ) small ( ) 六、选择填空 1.What’s ( )name? He is Zhang Peng A hei B his C he 2.is she your ( )? Y es , she is. A mother B brother C father 3.What ( ) you like for lunch? I’d like some fish. A would B do C does 4. ( ) is she ? She is a teacher. A Where B Who C What 5 ( ) is a new pen ? 15 yuan A How many B How old C How much


小学新标准英语四年级上册教案 教学内容: A Let's talk Count and say 教材分析: 本课时为第六单元第一课时,包括两部分Let’s talk 和Count and say .Let’s talk部分通过Sam和妈妈在蛋糕店买蛋糕的场景让学生感知核心句型How many…?的语意及语用情境。Count and say部分呈现了准备生日派对的物品,其作用是通过一个生日派对的情境图进行数数活动来操练How many…? Five/Two…。的句型。 教学目标: 1.能力目标 (1)能理解对话大意,并能用正确的语音语调朗读对话。 (2)能在图片和老师的帮助下,在语境中运用How many…?等询问物品的数量。 2.知识目标 (1)听懂、会说句型:How many…? Five. (2)听懂、会说one, two, three, four,five. (3)在语境中理解句子This one ,please. Sure. 3.情感目标 培养学习英语的积极态度,鼓励学生勇于开口说英语。 教学重点: 听懂、会说句型:How many…? 教学难点: 在语境中正确运用How many…?等询问物品的数量。 教学过程: Step1 Preparation.

1.利用主情境图导入本单元话题,引导学生了解本单元的主要内容。 T:(师呈现本单元主情境图课件或使用教学挂图或让学生看书)Who can you see in the picture? Sarah, Chen Jie, John,Mike. Who is this boy?生回答,引 出新的人物T:Yes, he is Sarah’s brother. Sam. 出示头饰领读。What are they doing? They’re havi ng a birthday party. Whose birthday party? Yes, today is Sam’s birthday. Let’s say:Happy birthday to Sam.生齐说,引出本节的话题。 2. 吟唱歌曲《Happy birthday》 T: Boys and girls, let’s sing birthday song to Sam. Step2 Presentation. 1.看图预测,整体感知。教学句子This one ,please. Sure. 2. 听音答题,教学句子How many plates? Five. T: Sam and Mun buy a cake. What else do they buy? 除了蛋糕还买了什么? 生回答Plate。出示图片,领读,齐读,小组读,男女读,个别读板书,粘贴图片。出示一盘子,教学one plate, 接着出示第二个盘子,教学two plates,领读,齐读,小组读,个别读,逐一增加盘子,three/ four/ five plates.板书plates, 描红强调复数S及发音/s/. (此处数字1-5,只要求生会认读,不出现形)T: They buy some plates. Listen and answer:How many plates do they buy?出示问题,播放录音,教学领读句子How many plates? 小组读,个别读, 开火车读。听音答题,引出数字five, 板书教学领读。 Step 3 Practice 1.听音正音 T: Listen and repeat. 生跟读录音,模仿正确的语言、语调。 2.师生、生生、同桌分角色朗读课文。 3.角色表演:让学生戴上头饰,表演展示Let's talk 的对话。 4.Count an say 利用课本第58页Count and say图,教学数字 1-4 T:Today is Sam’s birthday. Sam got so many gifts. Look,so many gifts. What gifts?生看图回答,books/pencils/bears/... 师接着问生How many


四年级英语试卷(一) 班级姓名成绩 一、找出不同类的词。(10分) ( ) 1. A. cat B lion C.animal ( ) 2. A. dog B.monkey C hot dog ( ) 3. A. she B.your C.her ( ) 4. A. apple B.peach C.panda ( ) 5. A. orange B. yellow C. cute 二、英汉互译。(10分) 1.一头大象 6. toy animals __ 2.这只熊猫7.cute and fat _ 3.我的狗8.in the tree _____ 4.你的狮子9.I like…_ 5.喜欢猫10.have a tiger 三、单项选择。(10分) ()1.-- this ? A.What B.what’s C.What’s ()2.I like elephant . A.two B.an C.that ()3 Do you like _______? A.monkey B. monkeys C.a monkey ()4.This is ________ panda, I think. A. you B. your C. toy ()5.--Do you like this skirt. -- A.Yes, I am. B.Thank you . C.Yes, I do ()6.What’s this the desk ? A.at B.on C.of ()7.--I’d like some apples , please . -- . A.Yes, I am. B.No. C.Here you are .


四年级英语上册句型练习 题 The latest revision on November 22, 2020

一、选择正确的答语 ()1、Is this your bedroom a、No,they aren’t . ()2、Is she in the living room b、There are 10 . ()3、Where are my crayons c、I can see a window ,a door and a bed . ()4、Are they on the table d、I’d like some fish . ()5、What can you see in my room e、Yes ,pass me a plate ,please . ()6、What would you like f、You’re welcome . ()7、Can I have some rice g、Yes , it is . ()8、Can I help ,mom h、Sure . Here you are . ()9、Thank you very much . i、No , she isn’t . ()10、How many apples are there in the tree j、They’re in your study . 二、排序,连成一段通顺的对话: () Is it in your schoolbag ( ) Lunch’s ready ! Help yourself . () Where is my picture ()What would you like for lunch () Look ! It’s here . ()I have a good time . Thank you . () No, it isn’t . ()Mm…Yummy . I like Chinese food .


新版小学新标准英语四年级上册 (单词表及重点句)Module 1 dear well of soon tell love 亲爱的健康的……的不久,很快告诉,讲述爱你的 Module 2 skirt clean finish dirty paint Mr phone Module 3 Didn,t=did not National Day stay what boring day Module 4 invent paper important printing print right between bicycle mouse beside man Module 5 went saw trip took fifty minute 理 清 , 话裙扫 成的画生电 短打完脏绘 先打 不国庆节停留多么 无聊的,令人厌烦的 一天,白天 发明,创造 纸 重要的 印刷术印刷 正确的,对的 间边之 旁 -行鼠 【人在自 老在男 go的过去式,去see的过 去式,看见出行,旅行 take的过去式,需要花费 五十 分钟 top 顶部 mountain ill ate eat的过去式,吃 candies candy的复数形式,糖果 plant 植物 had have的过去式,度过 have a good time 过得愉快 bought buy的过去式,买 wore wear的过去式,穿,戴 go on a trip 去旅游 ice 冰 at first 起初,开始时 fell fall的过去式,掉下,摔倒 fall over 摔倒,跌倒 hurt 使疼痛,使受伤 a lot 在很大程度上 able 聪明能干的 be able to 能够 skate 滑冰 Module 6 become 变成 gold 金子 ago 以前,以往 long ago 很久以前 magic 有魔力的 paintbrush 画笔 woman 妇女,女性 became become的过去式,变成 real 真实的 bad 坏的,不好的 took take的过去式,拿走 away 离去,离开 leaves leaf的复数形式,树叶 only 只,仅仅 painting (一幅)ifflj;绘画作品 angry 生气的,愤怒的 said say的过去式,说 Module 7 doll 玩偶,玩具娃娃 matter 事情 lost lose的过去式,丢失 found find的过去式,发现 key 钥匙 look for 寻找 Module 8 when 什么时候


四年级上册英语期末测试试卷 一、选出不同类的单词,将序号写在相应的括号里。 ()1.A.door B.long C.light ()2.A.wall B.window C.boy ()3.A.board B.black C.blue ()4.A.strong B.head C.thin ()5.A.near B.on C.no 二、选出划线部分发音不同的单词。 ()1. A.like B.kite C.six ()2. A.rice B.pig C.big ()3. A.cake B.face C.cat ()4. https://www.360docs.net/doc/4111369905.html, B.dad C.bag ()5. A.nose B.dog C.box 三、选择。 ()1.What colour is your schoolbag?It’s______. A.black and white B.three C.many books ()2.Where is the picture?_____________ A.Yes,it is. B.Green. C.It’s on the wall.()3._________?Her name is Amy. A.What’s his name B.What’s her name C.What’s your name ()4.Here it is.__________.

A.OK B.Thank you C.I lost my schoolbag ()5.What’s in your schoolbag?_____________. A.many books B.two toys C.Many toys ()6.What’s___the classroom? A board. A.on B.in C.under ()7.Let me help you.____________ A.Yes,it is. B.Let’s go and see. C.Thanks.()8.Is he Wu Yifan?___________ A.Yes.You are right. B.He’s tall. C.Good.()9.Who is he?____________. A.She is my mom B.Her name is Amy C. Mike ()10.He_____glasses. A.is B.has C.are 四、读一读,根据图片判断对T错F。 ()1.Let me clean the teacher’s desk. ()2.It’s an English book. ()3.I lost my pencil. ()4.He is tall and strong.


2014年四年级英语上册各单元复习题整理(pep人教版) 第一单元全练全测 基础全练全测一、【三会词汇】读一读,写出汉语意思。(46 分) 1window/'w?nd??/________ 2.board/b??d/________ 3.light/la?t/________ 4.picture/'p?kt??/________ 5.door/d??/________ 6.floor/fl??/________ 7classroom/'klɑ?sr?m/________ 8.computer/k?m'pju?t?/________ 9.teacher's desk________ 10.wall/w??l/________ 11.fan/f? n/________ 12.in/?n/________ 13.the/? ?/________ 14.we/wi?/________ 15.have/h? v/________ 16.new/nju?/________ 17.go/ɡ??/________ 18.where/we?/________ 19.you/ju?/________ xK b 1 .Com 20.me/mi?/________ 21.what/w?t/________ 22.look at________ 23.see/si?/________ 二、【二会词汇】给单词或短语选择正确的汉语意思。(30 分) ( )1.many ( )2.our ( )3.classmate ( )4.have a look ( )5.seat ( )6.near ( )7.clean ( )8.good idea ( )9.all right ( )10.good job A.干得好B.好主意C.座位D.许多的E.同学F.好吧;好的G.看一看H.我们的I.打扫;清洁;擦干净的J.在??的旁边三、【重点句子】给下面的句子选择正确的汉语翻译。(24 分) ( )1.This is my classroom.It's big. ( )2.The picture is green. ( )3.The board is black. ( )4.We have 6 new lights. ( )5.Let's go and have a look. ( )6.It's near the door. ( )7.Open the window. ( )8.Let me clean the classroom. A.我们有六盏新灯。B.图画是绿色的。C.让我们去看一看吧。D.这是我的教室。它很大。E.打开窗户。F.让我来打扫教室吧。G.它在门旁边。H.这块写字板是黑色的。综合全练全测听力部分(40 分) 一、听音,写出所听字母的大小写形式。(10 分) 二、听音,选出你所听到的句子。(15 分) ( )1.A.I am OK. B.I am a boy. C.I am a student. ( )2.A.The floor is green. B.The floor is blue. C.The floor is 第2 页共35 页 white. ( )3.A.How nice! B.It's nice. C.What a nice! ( )4.A.This is my classroom. B.This is my bag. C.This is my desk. ( )5.A.Let's clean the room. B.Let's clean the classroom. C.Let me clean the board. 三、听音,选择相应图片。( 15 分) ( )1.A. B. C. ( )2.A. B. C.

新标准英语四年级上册 教案

新标准英语四年级上册 Module 5 Unit 2 Can Sam play football ? Part Ⅰ Teaching Aims: Knowledge aims: 1、words:strong , star . 2、sentence pattern:Can he/she……? Yes , he/she can./No , he/she can’t. 3、sing the song:Can I help you ? Ability aims: 1、 can ask and answer others if they can do sth.:Can he/she……? Yes , he/she can./No , he/she can’t. 2、 can achieve the transfer of knowledge, to use the former learned vocabulary into the sentences in this class, and use the sentence of this class in other contexts. Emotional aims: Through the course study, stimulate students' interest in English and love of life, so that students can take the initiative to express themselves, learn to evaluate themselves and others; to cultivate students' good language habit, Let English classroom real life. Part Ⅱ Teaching important: 1、words:strong , star . 2、sentence pattern:Can he/she……? Yes , he/she can. No , he/she can’t. 3、sing the song:Can I help you ? Part Ⅳ Teaching difficulties: Can understand the words:strong,tall.

PEP 人教版小学四年级英语上册全套测试题

PEP 人教版小学四年级英语上册全套测试题 PEP小学英语四年级第一单元测试卷 听力部分 一.圈出你所听到的字母。(10分) 1. A H 2. b d 3. c e 4. G B 5. F I 6. g a 7. i f 8. D B 9. h f 10. E C 二.选择你所听到的单词。(10分) ()1.(A)duck (B) ball (C) cat (D) hand ()2. (A)apple (B)desk (C)bed (D)cake ()3.(A)door (B)teacher’s desk (C) window (D) light ()4. (A)classroom (B)computer (C). boy (D)girl ()5. (A)wall (B)fan (C)floor (D) board ()6.( A)picture (B)red (C)elephant (D)car ()7. (A)black (B)white (C) yellow (D) purple ()8.( A)egg (B)green (C)brown (D)blue ()9. (A)fish (B)hot dog (C) ice-cream (D) hamburger ()10.( A) French fries (B)face (C)beef (D)banana 三.听录音圈出你所听到的图片. (10分) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 笔试部分 一.单项选择。(20分) ()1. Mike : Nice to meet you . John: _____________________. (A) Nice to meet you . (B) Good morning . ()2.Sarah: What’s your name ? Wu Yifan:______________. (A) I’m Wu Yifan . (B) I’m OK .. ()3.Chen Jie :Let me clean the board . Amy: _____________________. (A)OK. (B) Hello. ()4.教室里面有什么? (A) What’s in the classroom ? (B) What’s on the board ? ()5.我们有一间新教室。 (A) I have a pen . (B) We have a new classroom . ()6.A: Where’s my seat ? B:________________.(在门旁边) (A) It’s near the door . (B) It’s near the desk . ()7..A. Good morning ! B:______________! (A) Good afternoon . (B) Good morning . ()8.A:Hello! B:______! (A) Nice to meet you . (B) Hello. ( ) 9.A: How old are you ? B: _______. (A) I’m 10 . (B) I’m fine . ( ) 10.让我们一起擦玻璃吧! (A)Let’s clean the window . (B) Let me clean the board .
