
Security Law of the People’s Republic of China









Standing Committee of the National

People's Congress

Published Date:




1995年6月30日第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十四次会议通过,199 5年6月30日中华人民共和国主席令第50号公布Security Law of the People’s Republic of China

Adopted 30 June 1995 by the Fourteenth Session of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People’s Congress


第一条为促进资金融通和商品流通,保障债权的实现,发展社会主义市场经济,制定本法。Article 1.This Law is formulated in order to promote the accommodation of funds and circulation of commodities so as to ensure the satisfaction of creditors’ claims as well as to advance the development of the socialist market economy.

第二条在借贷、买卖、货物运输、加工承揽等经济活动中,债权人需要以担保方式保障其债权实现的,可以依照本法规定设定担保。Article 2.In economic activities such as financial and commercial transactions, transportation of goods and contracted processing, if a creditor requires that the satisfaction of

本法规定的担保方式为保证、抵押、质押、留置和定金。his/her claim be ensured by means of a security, he/she may make use of a security in accordance with the provisions of the Law.

Guarantees, mortgages, pledges and liens shall all be securities for the purposes of this Law.

第三条担保活动应当遵循平等、自愿、公平、诚实信用的原则。Article 3.Securities shall be undertaken in compliance with the principles of equality, voluntariness, fairness, honesty and mutual trust.


反担保适用本法担保的规定。Article 4. A third party who provides security to a creditor on behalf of a debtor may request that the debtor provide counter-security.

The stipulations of this Act shall also apply to counter-securities.


担保合同被确认无效后,债务人、担保人、债权人有过错的,应当根据其过错各自承担相应的民事责任。Article 5. A security contract is an ancillary contract to the principal contract. If the principal contract is void, the security contract is thereupon void. Where the security contract stipulates otherwise, those stipulations shall be complied with.

If a security contract is confirmed to be void and the debtor, creditor or person providing the security is at fault, that person shall be civilly liable in proportion to his/her fault.


第一节保证和保证人Section 1 — Guarantee and Guarantor

第六条本法所称保证,是指保证人和债权人约定,当债务Article 6.For the purposes of the Law, the term guarantee shall refer to the act of a

人不履行债务时,保证人按照约定履行债务或者承担责任的行为。guarantor, pursuant to an agreement between the guarantor and the creditor, in performing the obligations of or bearing liability for a debtor when that debtor fails to perform his/her obligations.

第七条具有代为清偿债务能力的法人、其他组织或者公民,可以作保证人。Article 7.Corporations, other organisations or citizens who are able to perform the obligations of the debtor in a representative capacity may act as guarantors.

第八条国家机关不得为保证人,但经国务院批准为使用外国政府或者国际经济组织贷款进行转贷的除外。Article 8.State organs shall not act as guarantors, except where loans from foreign governments or international economic organisations are used in the form of a sub-loan with the approval of the State Council.

第九条学校、幼儿园、医院等以公益为目的的事业单位、社会团体不得为保证人。Article 9.Non-profit institutions and social welfare organisations, such as schools, kindergartens and hospitals, shall not act as guarantors.


企业法人的分支机构有法人书面授权的,可以在授权范围内提供保证。Article 10.Branch organisations and functional departments of enterprise corporations shall not act as guarantors.

Branch organisations of enterprise corporations may, with written authorisation from the parent corporation, provide a guarantee within the scope of the authorisation.

第十一条任何单位和个人不得强令银行等金融机构或者企业为他人提供保证;银行等金融机构或者企业对强令其为他人提Article 11.No organisation or individual shall coerce an enterprise or a financial institution such as a bank to provide a guarantee

供保证的行为,有权拒绝。for any party. The financial institution or

enterprise has the right to refuse such coercion.

第十二条同一债务有两个以上保证人的,保证人应当按照保证合同约定的保证份额,承担保证责任。没有约定保证份额的,保证人承担连带责任,债权人可以要求任何一个保证人承担全部保证责任,保证人都负有担保全部债权实现的义务。已经承担保证责任的保证人,有权向债务人追偿,或者要求承担连带责任的其他保证人清偿其应当承担的份额。Article 12.If there are more than two guarantors for one debt, the guarantors shall share liability in accordance with the amounts agreed in the guarantee contract. If there is no stipulation in the contract as to the amount of each guarantor’s liability, the guarantors shall assume joint liability. The creditor may demand that one of the guarantors assume full guarantee liability and in that case any one of the guarantors may be liable to bear the obligation to do so. The guarantor who has assumed the guarantee liability is entitled to seek compensation from the debtor or demand other guarantors with whom he/she shares joint liability to pay their share of compensation.

第二节保证合同和保证方式Section 2 — Guarantee Contract and Methods of


第十三条保证人与债权人应当以书面形式订立保证合同。Article 13. A guarantor and the creditor shall enter into a guarantee contract in writing.

第十四条保证人与债权人可以就单个主合同分别订立保证合同,也可以协议在最高债权额限度内就一定期间连续发生的借款合同或者某项商品交易合同订立一个保证合同。Article 14. A guarantor and the creditor may enter a separate guarantee contract for each individual principal contract, or negotiate a single guarantee contract which covers consecutive loan contracts within a certain time period or for certain commodity transactions and which is limited to a maximum debt amount.

第十五条保证合同应当包括以下内容:Article 15. A guarantee contract shall include the following information:







保证合同不完全具备前款规定内容的,可以补正。(1) the type and amount of the principal debt guaranteed;

(2) the time limit for the debtor to discharge the debt;

(3) the method of guarantee;

(4) the scope of the guarantee;

(5) the duration of the guarantee;

(6) other information deemed necessary by both signatories.

A guarantee contract which does not stipulates the abovementioned information in its entirety may be revised.


(二)连带责任保证。Article 16.The methods of guarantee are:

(1) ordinary guarantee;

(2) joint guarantee liability.


一般保证的保证人在主合同纠纷未经审判或者仲裁,并就债务人财产依法强制执行仍不能履行债务前,对债权人可以拒绝承担保证Article 17.An ordinary guarantee refers to the act of the guarantor in assuming guarantee liability when the debtor fails to perform his/her obligations.

The guarantor under an ordinary guarantee may refuse to assume guarantee liability where the dispute over the principal contract has not yet undergone judicial or arbitration proceedings and





(三)保证人以书面形式放弃前款规定的权利的。where the debtor remains incapable of performing his/her obligations despite an enforcement order against his/her properties.

A guarantor shall not be permitted to exercise the rights stipulated in the previous paragraph in any of the following situations:

(1) the debtor changes residence, resulting in major difficulty for the creditor in requesting the debtor to discharge the debt;

(2) implementation procedures are suspended when bankruptcy proceedings are initiated against the debtor in the People’s Court;

(3) the guarantor relinquishes, in writing, the rights stipulated in the previous paragraph.


连带责任保证的债务人在主合同规定的债务履行期届满没有履行债务的,债权人可以要求债务人履行债务,也可以要求保证人在其保证范围内承担保证责任。Article 18.The term joint guarantee liability refers to the stipulation in the guarantee contract that the guarantor and the debtor shall assume joint liability for the debts.

When the time period for the performance of the debtor’s obligations as provided in the principal contract expires and the debtor under joint guarantee liability fails to perform his/her obligations, the creditor may demand that the debtor perform his/her obligations, or demand that the guarantor assume guarantee liability within the scope of the guarantee.

第十九条当事人对保证方Article 19.Where the parties have made no

式没有约定或者约定不明确的,按照连带责任保证承担保证责任。arrangements on the method of guarantee or the arrangement is unclear, joint guarantee liability shall apply.


抗辩权是指债权人行使债权时,债务人根据法定事由,对抗债权人行使请求权的权利。Article 20. A guarantor under either ordinary guarantee or joint guarantee liability is entitled to the debtor’s right of counter plea. Even where the debtor reliquishes the right of counter plea, the guarantor retains the right of counter plea.

The right to counter plea refers to the debtor’s right, with lawful excuse, to counter the creditor’s claim when the creditor exercises his/her right to claim for the debt.

第三节保证责任Section 3 — Guarantee Liabilities


当事人对保证担保的范围没有约定或者约定不明确的,保证人应当对全部债务承担责任。Article 21.The scope of the guarantee shall include the principal debt and interest, fines for default, compensation for loss and expenses incurred in satisfying the creditor’s claim. Where the guarantee contract stipulates otherwise, those stipulations shall be complied with.

Where the parties to the guarantee have made no arrangement on the scope of the guarantee or the arrangement is unclear, the guarantor shall assume liability for the entire debt.

第二十二条保证期间,债权人依法将主债权转让给第三人的,保证人在原保证担保的范围内继续承担保证责任。保证合同另有约定的,按照约定。Article 22.If during the guarantee period, the creditor transfers the principal claim to a third party in accordance with the law, the guarantor shall continue to assume guarantee liabilities within the scope of the original

guarantee. Where the guarantee contract stipulates otherwise, those stipulations shall be complied with.

第二十三条保证期间,债权人许可债务人转让债务的,应当取得保证人书面同意,保证人对未经其同意转让的债务,不再承担保证责任。Article 23.During the duration of the guarantee, there the debtor purports to transfer the debt with the approval of the creditor, written approval from the guarantor must be obtained. The guarantor no longer bears guarantee liability for the debt transferred without his/her written approval.

第二十四条债权人与债务人协议变更主合同的,应当取得保证人书面同意,未经保证人书面同意的,保证人不再承担保证责任。保证合同另有约定的,按照约定。Article 24.When the creditor and the debtor agree to modify the principal contract, they shall seek written approval from the guarantor. Without such an approval, the guarantor no longer bears guarantee liability. Where the guarantee contract stipulates otherwise, those stipulations shall be complied with.


在合同约定的保证期间和前款规定的保证期间,债权人未对债务人提起诉讼或者申请仲裁的,保证人免除保证责任;债权人已提起诉讼或者申请仲裁的,保证期间适用诉讼时效中断的规定。Article 25.Where no stipulation has been made as to the duration of an ordinary guarantee in the agreement between the guarantor and the creditor, the duration of the guarantee shall be six months following the date of expiration of the principal debt.

If, within the duration of the guarantee as stipulated in the guarantee contract or as prescribed in the previous paragraph, the creditor fails to initiate a lawsuit or arbitration proceedings, the guarantor shall be exempted from guarantee liability. Where the creditor has filed

a lawsuit or commenced arbitration proceedings, the rules which were suspended due to the bringing of such proceedings shall apply to the guarantee period.


在合同约定的保证期间和前款规定的保证期间,债权人未要求保证人承担保证责任的,保证人免除保证责任。Article 26.Where no agreement as to the duration of the guarantee has been made between a creditor and a guarantor with joint guarantee liability, the creditor, within six months of the expiration of the principal debt, is entitled to demand that the guarantor discharge the debt.

If, within the duration of the guarantee as stipulated in the guarantee contract or as prescribed in the previous paragraph, the creditor fails to demand that the guarantor bears his/her guarantee liability, the guarantor is exempted from guarantee liability.

第二十七条保证人依照本法第十四条规定就连续发生的债权作保证,未约定保证期间的,保证人可以随时书面通知债权人终止保证合同,但保证人对于通知到债权人前所发生的债权,承担保证责任。Article 27.Where the guarantor guarantees consecutive debts, as stipulated in Article 14 of this Act, and no agreement has been made as to the duration of the guarantee, the guarantor may notify the creditor in writing at any time of the termination of the guarantee contract. However, the guarantor remains liable for claims arising before written notification is received by the creditor.

第二十八条同一债权既有保证又有物的担保的,保证人对物的担保以外的债权承担保证责任。Article 28.Where a claim is secured by both a guarantee and tangible security, the guarantor assumes liability for that proportion of the debt which is not covered by the tangible security.

债权人放弃物的担保的,保证人在债权人放弃权利的范围内免除保证责任。Where the creditor relinquishes the tangible security, the guarantor is exempt from liability for all that lies within the scope of rights relinquished by the creditor.

第二十九条企业法人的分支机构未经法人书面授权或者超出授权范围与债权人订立保证合同的,该合同无效或者超出授权范围的部分无效,债权人和企业法人有过错的,应当根据其过错各自承担相应的民事责任;债权人无过错的,由企业法人承担民事责任。Article 29.Where branch organisations of an enterprise corporation enter into guarantee contracts with the creditor without written authorisation from the parent enterprise corporation, or exceed the scope of authorisation given, the contract shall be invalid or that proportion of the contract which exceeds the authorisation shall be invalid.



(二)主合同债权人采取欺诈、胁迫等手段,使保证人在违背真实意思的情况下提供保证的。Article 30.The guarantor shall assume no civil liability in the following situations:

(1) where the parties to the principal contract collude to defraud the prospective guarantor into putting up the guarantee;

(2) where the principal contract creditor induces the guarantor, by means of fraud or duress, to put up the guarantee against his/her real intentions.

第三十一条保证人承担保证责任后,有权向债务人追偿。Article 31.The guarantor after performing its obligations under the guarantee is entitled to seek compensation from the debtor.

第三十二条人民法院受理债务人破产案件后,债权人未申报债权的,保证人可以参加破产财产分配,预先行使追偿权。Article 32.Where a debtor’s ba nkruptcy case is heard in the People’s Court and the creditor fails to make his/her claim to the debt, the guarantor may make a claim against the bankrupt

properties in advance of exercising his/her right

of compensation.


第一节抵押和抵押物Section 1 — Mortgage and Mortgaged Property


前款规定的债务人或者第三人为抵押人,债权人为抵押权人,提供担保的财产为抵押物。Article 33.For the purposes of this Law, the term mortgage refers to the acts of a debtor, or a third party, who, without transferring possession, designates property listed in Article

34 of this Law as security against the claims of

a creditor. Where the debtor fails to perform his/her obligations, the creditor is entitled to a preferential right of compensation in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Law. The creditor may be compensated through the transfer of the property, the value of which shall be decided through evaluation. Alternatively, the creditor may be compensated with the proceeds from auction or sale of the property.

The debtor or third party as referred to in the previous paragraph shall be the mortgagor. The creditor shall be the mortgagee. The property used as security shall be the mortgaged property.



(二)抵押人所有的机器、交通运输工具和其他财Article 34.The following categories of property may be mortgaged:

(1) buildings and other attachments to land owned by the mortgagor;

(2) machines, transport equipment and other






抵押人可以将前款所列财产一并抵押。property owned by the mortgagor;

(3) State-owned land use rights, buildings and other attachments to land which the mortgagor has the right to dispose of in accordance with the law;

(4) State-owned machines, transport equipment and other properties which the mortgagor has the right to dispose of in accordance with the law;

(5) land use rights pertaining to barren hills, dry river beds, shoals and other unused lands contracted out to the mortgagor with the approval of the party contracting out the abovementioned rights;

(6) other properties which may be mortgaged in accordance with the law.

The mortgagor may mortgage any combination of the properties listed in the previous paragraph.


财产抵押后,该财产的价值大于所担保债权的余额部分,可以再次抵押,但不得超出其余额部分。Article 35.The creditor’s claim that is secured by the mortgage shall not exceed the value of the mortgaged property.

Where a property has been mortgaged, the value of the property that is in excess of the creditor’s claim may also be the subject of a further mortgage. However, the amount of that mortgage shall not exceed the value of the amount originally in excess of the first mortgage.

第三十六条以依法取得的Article 36.Where legally acquired buildings



乡(镇)、村企业的土地使用权不得单独抵押。以乡(镇)、村企业的厂房等建筑物抵押的,其占用范围内的土地使用权同时抵押。on State-owned land are mortgaged, the land use rights pertaining to the land shall be mortgaged at the same time.

Where land use rights pertaining to State-owned land acquired through transfer are mortgaged, buildings on the land shall be mortgaged at the same time.

Land use rights pertaining to township and village enterprises shall not be mortgaged per se. Where the buildings of township and village enterprises are mortgaged, land use rights pertaining to associated lands shall be mortgaged at the same time.




(三)学校、幼儿园、医院等以公益为目的的事业单位、社会团体的教育设施、医疗卫生设施和其他社会公益设施;Article 37.The following categories of property shall not be mortgaged:

(1) ownership to land;

(2) land use rights pertaining to collectively owned lands such as farmlands, house sites and lands and hills allotted for personal needs except for those listed in item 5 of Article 34 and the third paragraph of Article 36;

(3) educational, medical and other public welfare facilities of non-profit organisations, such as schools, kindergartens, hospitals and other social organisations;

(4) property to which ownership is unspecified or



(六)依法不得抵押的其他财产。in dispute;

(5) property which is legally sealed up, sequestered or controlled;

(6) other property which shall not be mortgaged in accordance with the law.

第二节抵押合同和抵押物登记Section 2 —The Mortgage Contract and Registration

of Mortgaged Property

第三十八条抵押人和抵押权人应当以书面形式订立抵押合同。Article 38.The mortgagor and the mortgagee shall enter into a mortgage contract in writing.







抵押合同不完全具备前Article 39.The mortgage contract shall include the following information:

(1) the type and amount of the principal claim secured;

(2) the time limit within which the debtor must perform his/her obligations;

(3) the description, amount, quality, condition, location and ownership, or the ownership of use rights of the mortgaged property;

(4) the scope of the mortgage security;

(5) other matters deemed necessary by both the mortgagor and the mortgagee.

A mortgage contract which does not fully include the information as stipulated in the previous

款规定内容的,可以补正。paragraph may be revised.

第四十条订立抵押合同时,抵押权人和抵押人在合同中不得约定在债务履行期届满抵押权人未受清偿时,抵押物的所有权转移为债权人所有。Article 40.When entering into a mortgage contract, the mortgagee and the mortgagor shall not be permitted to stipulate in the contract that legal ownership of the mortgaged property be transferred to the creditor where the time limit for the performance of the mortgagor’s obligations has expired but the mortgagor has not yet performed those obligations.

第四十一条当事人以本法第四十二条规定的财产抵押的,应当办理抵押物登记,抵押合同自登记之日起生效。Article 41.The parties to the mortgage must register mortgaged property which is listed in Article 42; the mortgage contract takes effect upon registration.





(四)以航空器、船舶、Article 42.The administrative authorities in charge of the registration of mortgaged property are as follows:

(1) where land use rights pertaining to land with no attachments are mortgaged, registration shall be administered by the land administration departments responsible for verification and issuing of land use right certificates;

(2) where urban real estate or buildings of township and village enterprises are mortgaged, registration shall be administered by departments designated by local governments at county level and above;

(3) where forestry trees are mortgaged, the registration shall be administered by the forestry


(五)以企业的设备和其他动产抵押的,为财产所在地的工商行政管理部门。administration departments at county level and above;

(4) where aircraft, ships and vehicles are mortgaged, the registration shall be administered by departments in charge of the registration of means of transport;

(5) where equipment and other movable property is mortgaged, the registration shall be administered by the local industrial and commercial administration departments.


当事人未办理抵押物登记的,不得对抗第三人。当事人办理抵押物登记的,登记部门为抵押人所在地的公证部门。Article 43.Where other types of property are mortgaged, the parties involved may voluntarily register the mortgaged property. The mortgage contract takes effect on registration.

If the parties have not registered such mortgaged property, their interests shall be defeasible by the claims of third parties. When the parties register such mortgaged property, the registration shall be administered by local public notaries.



(二)抵押物的所有权或者使用权证书。Article 44.In registering the mortgaged property, the following documents or duplicates thereof shall be presented:

(1) the principal contract and the mortgage contract;

(2) certificates of ownership of use rights pertaining to the mortgaged property.

第四十五条登记部门登记的资料,应当允许查阅、抄录或者复印。Article 45.Registration information held in the relevant departments shall be open for searching, copying or photocopying.

第三节抵押的效力Section 3 — Effect of Mortgage

第四十六条抵押担保的范围包括主债权及利息、违约金、损害赔偿金和实现抵押权的费用。抵押合同另有约定的,按照约定。Article 46.The scope of the mortgage security includes the principal debt and interest, fines for default, compensation for loss and expenses incurred in the satisfaction of the creditor’s claim. Where the mortgage contract stipulates otherwise, those stipulations shall be complied with.


前款孳息应当先充抵收取孳息的费用。Article 47.Where a debtor fails to pay the debt within the time limit for the performance of the obligation resulting in the sequestration of the mortgaged property by the People’s Court, the mortgagee, as from the date of the sequestration, has the power to claim the naturally and legally accruing income that the mortgagor may collect from the mortgaged property. Where the mortgagee fails to notify the person bearing the obligation to pay the legally accruing income in respect of the sequestered property, the rights of the mortgagee shall not extend to claiming such income.

The income referred to in the previous paragraph shall be first employed to meet expenses incurred in claiming the income.

第四十八条抵押人将已出租的财产抵押的,应当书面告知承租人,原租赁合同继续有效。Article 48.Where a party purports to mortgage a leased property, the party shall notify the lessee in writing of the mortgage and the original

lease agreement shall remain valid.



抵押人转让抵押物所得的价款,应当向抵押权人提前清偿所担保的债权或者向与抵押权人约定的第三人提存。超过债权数额的部分,归抵押人所有,不足部分由债务人清偿。Article 49.Where the mortgagor transfers the mortgaged property within the mortgage period, the mortgagor shall notify the mortgagee of the transfer and shall notify the transferee that the transferred property is encumbered by a mortgage. Where the mortgagor fails to notify the mortgagee or the transferee, the transfer shall be invalid.

Where the purchase price of the mortgaged property to be transferred is clearly lower than the property’s current value, the mortgagee may request that the mortgagor provide a corresponding security; where the mortgagor fails to provide the requested security, the mortgaged property shall not be transferred.

The purchase price received by the mortgagor from the transfer of the mortgaged property shall be utilised to pay the mortgage debt in advance or, upon agreement with the mortgagee, be deposited with a third party. That part in excess of the creditor’s claim shall be retained by the mortgagor. If the purchase price is insufficient to satisfy the creditor’s claim, the debtor shall pay the shortfall.

第五十条抵押权不得与债权分离而单独转让或者作为其他债权的担保。Article 50.Mortgagee rights shall not be transferred separately from the creditor’s claim or be employed as security for other claims.



Article 51.Should the mortgagor engage in


抵押人对抵押物价值减少无过错的,抵押权人只能在抵押人因损害而得到的赔偿范围内要求提供担保。抵押物价值未减少的部分,仍作为债权的担保。acts likely to result in a reduction in value of the mortgaged property, the mortgagee has the power to request that the mortgagor cease such acts. Where the value of the mortgaged property is reduced, the mortgagee is entitled to request that the mortgagor restore the value of the mortgaged property or provide security equal to the value reduced.

Where the reduction in value of the mortgaged property is not caused by fault on the part of the mortgagor, the mortgagee may only demand a security within the scope of the compensation received by the mortgagor for the loss. That part of the mortgaged property which has not suffered a reduction in value shall remain as security for the creditor’s claim.

第五十二条抵押权与其担保的债权同时存在,债权消灭的,抵押权也消灭。Article 52.The rights of the mortgagee and the claims of the creditor secured by the mortgage shall co-exist. Where the claims of the creditor cease to exist, the rights of the mortgagee shall thereupon cease to exist.

第四节抵押权的实现Section 4 —Satisfaction of Mortgagee’s Rights


抵押物折价或者拍卖、Article 53.Where the time limit for performance of the debtor’s obligation expires, the mortgagee’s claim may be satisfied, upon agreement with the mortgagor, through transfer of title to the mortgagee. The value of the title shall be decided through evaluation of the property. Alternatively, the claim may be satisfied with

变卖后,其价款超过债权数额的部分归抵押人所有,不足部分由债务人清偿。proceeds acquired through auction or sale of the mortgaged property. Where the mortgagor and the mortgagee fail to reach agreement on such matters, the mortgagee may initiate court proceedings with the People’s Court.

Should there be a difference between the evaluation or the proceeds from auction or sale of the mortgaged property and the amount of the creditor’s claim, any excess shall be retained by the mortgagor and any shortfall due shall be paid by the mortgagor.



(二)抵押合同自签订之日起生效的,该抵押物已登记的,按照本条第(一)项规定清偿;未登记的,按照合同生效时间的先后顺序清偿,顺序相同的,按照债权比例清偿。抵押物已登记的先于未登记的受偿。Article 54.Where the same property is mortgaged to two or more creditors, the proceeds from the auction or sale of the mortgaged property shall be used to settle claims in accordance with the following stipulations:

(1) where the mortgage contracts take effect upon registration, payments will be made in order of registration. Where the mortgages in question were registered at the same time, the payments will be made in proportion to each creditor’s claim;

(2) where the mortgage contracts take effect from the date of signature and the mortgaged property is registered, the payments will be made in accordance with the procedures as provided in Part 1 of this Article; where the mortgaged property is not registered, the priority of payment shall be determined in order of the effective date of the
