高二英语选修7 导学案全集

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Unit1 Living well (1)

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the following words: on, open, opening

2. Talk about science and robots.

3. Do some speaking:Supposition and belief

Teaching Methods

1. Warming up to arouse the students’interest in science and robots

2. Individual ,pair or group work to make every student work in class

Learning points:

1.on prep.

The Conversation Workshop is taught on Wednesday afternoon..

on the morning/afternoon/night of Oct.1st

on a cold morning in January

I’ll show you the book on my return.(=as soon as)

On hearing the good news, he jumped with joy.

2.open adj./vt.

The library is open on Saturday from 8:30 am to 10:00 am.

John was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes open.

The bank isn’t open yet.

请比较:The door was open.

The door was opened.

A new supermarket has opened.

The chairman opened the conference by welcoming new delegates(代表).

Buckingham Palace(白金汉宫) has been made open to the public.(对。。。开放)The museum is open to the public.

We’re always open to suggestions about how we can improve our service.(易接受)3.opening n./adj.

What are the opening hours of the library?

Everyone was deeply interested in his opening speech.

This is the opening of the new play.(首场)

He attended the opening of the new supermarket.(开业,启用)

My questions:____________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________ Practice:Jinban

Learning record: Teaching Procedures:

The design of writing on the blackboard

Unit 2 Robots

Teacher’s questions Our questions Record after teaching

Unit1 Living well (2)

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the following words: confuse,past, pass, off, to, on, in

2. Talk about science and robots.

3. Do some speaking:Supposition and belief

Teaching Methods

1. Warming up to arouse the students’interest in science and robots

2. Individual ,pair or group work to make every student work in class

Learning points:

4.译:Geography is confusing and difficult to learn if you cannot go to the country.

confuse vt. 使混乱,使糊涂,混淆,使困惑

Don’t give me so much information-----you’re confusing me!

I always confuse you with your sister-----you look so alike.

I’m totally confused. Could you explain that again?

If you are confused about anything, phone my office.

It was a very confusing situation.(令人困惑的局面)

5.past n../adj./adv./prep. (过去,昔日/完成的,结束的;以前的)

He hurried ______ me without stopping to speak.

A. to past

B. past

C. to pass

D. pass

Autumn is past.

Days went past without any news.

That is a country with a glorious past.

pass vt./vi.(passed,passed)

3选词填空:to, on, in, off;

Guangdong lies _________ the south of Hunan.

Guangdong lies _________ the south of Hubei.

Shanghai lies _______ the east of China.

Nanjing lies ________ the ChangjiangRiver.

The island is/lies three miles _______ the coast of southeast.

The house stands miles ______ the main road.

off prep. (岛屿,船等)离开陆地/从。。。离开(脱离开,去掉)

My questions:____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Practice:Jinban

Learning record: Teaching Procedures:

The design of writing on the blackboard

Unit 2 Robots

Teacher’s questions Our questions Record after teaching
