




Hot Breakfasts Eliminated

Beginning next month, Dining Services will no longer

serve hot breakfast foods at university dining halls. Instead, students will be offered a wide assortment of cold breakfast items in the morning. These cold breakfast foods, such as breads, fruit, and yogurt, are healthier than many of the hot breakfast items that we will stop serving, so health-

conscious students should welcome this change. Students will benefit in another way as well, because limiting the

breakfast selection to cold food items will save money and allow us to keep our meal plans affordable.


Now listen to two students discussing the announcement.

Woman:Do you believe any of this? It’s ridiculous.

Man: What do you mean? It is important to eat healthy foods.

Woman: Sure it is! But they are saying a yogurt is

better for you than an omelet or than hot cereal? I mean, whether something is hot or cold, that shouldn’t be the issue. Let’s say maybe on a really cold morning, in that case, which is going to be better for you, a bowl of cold cereal or a nice warm omelet? It’s obvious. There’s no question.

Man:I’m not gonna argue with you there.

Woman: And this whole thing about saving money.

Man: What about it?

Woman: Well, they are actually going to make things worse for us, not better. Cause if they start cutting back and we can’t get what we want here on campus, well, we are going to going off campus and pay off-campus prices. And you know what? That’ll be expensive. Even if it’s only two or three mornings a week, it can add up.


The woman expresses her opinion of the change that has been announced. State her opinionand explain her reasons for holding that opinion.

Key Points

1. healthier

2. limit selection & save money外教范例录音,请模仿


The woman doesn’t agree with the school’s plan to get rid of the hotbreakfast and only provide the cold one. According to the school, cold breakfast would be a healthier option but the woman says it’s not the case, like on a cold morning, for example, people are going to want something hot like a warm omelet, which is obviously healthier than a cold cereal, and now they won’t be able to have that option. The school also notes the students will be saving money although there’re less choices now, but the woman points out that if

the students can’t get what they want on campus, they’ll have to go off campus to eat, so instead of saving money, they’ll lose money cos off campus restaurants are more expensive. And the school probably loses money as well cos now they won’t have many students buying their food on campus.


托福口语要点解析及答题技巧 托福口语一共有6个task,分为独立口语和综合口语两大部分,独立口语主要是根据题目表达自己的观点,综合口语是对听力内容的概述和总结,下面就和大家分享托福口语要点解析及答题技巧,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 托福口语要点解析及答题技巧 一. 托福口语要点解析 托福口语的6个task答题都有各自的要点,大家一定要注意。 在回答Task 1的时候要首先讲明主题句,然后列出三点理由,举一个例子论证即可,例子尽量具体。Task2要用主题句表明倾向,然后叙述两点理由,最后可以做一个总结句。Task3可以使用三段式模板,但是要注意把握时间,阅读段落和听力段落描述时间比例约为1:2。Task4先概括*段落大意,听力段落重点描述,如果阅读段落中有提到的内容,但在听力段落中没有提到,可以不说。Task5对于前半部分的问题描述可以使用模板快速回答,描述个人意见时可以选择一条或两条理由,只要描述足够充分就可以。Task6答题时最为重要的是描述清楚事情的起因和结果以及主要特征,描述过程中不要遗漏重点信息,也不要出现描述错误的情况。

二. 托福口语答题技巧 1. 语调轻松,不要像背书 托福口语考试是模仿交流的考试,所以一定不要给人一种你在背书的感觉。答题时要当成普通聊天,也可以加一些口头语,比如“you know”、“I mean”等等。这样的口头词语可以在你突然卡顿的时候,给你短暂的思考时间,也会让你的回答听起来更加流利和顺畅。回答期间尽量不要突然停住不说话,流利度很重要。 2. 内容丰满,自圆其说 口语答题时,一定要注意答案的丰满度,比如,举例论证的时候,一定要将例子表达完整。逻辑关系明确,如果分点回答,可以用“first,second,third”等词汇过渡,让自己的回答听起来条理清晰。答题时分论据一定要和自己的主题论据一致,能够自圆其说,切忌前后互不照应。 3. 平时多练习 托福口语的平时需要多练习,如果平时没有打好基础,那么考试中的技巧再好也是没有用的。另外,口语的练习离不开老师的指导,要及时根据老师的建议强化自己的薄弱环节。另外,平时多去用英语交流的场合练习口语。 托福口语素材之为什么我们爱看爱乐之城


北京新东方全部托福资料(词汇,听力,阅读,写作,口语还有对应软件免费版)都给你总结好了,附带全部链接,分享的同学一定是100分以上。有了它,就不用花钱去书店了。就不用花钱买软件了!!! 词汇类 李笑来TOEFL核心词21天excel版 下载链接:(https://www.360docs.net/doc/443941029.html,/HorseUpfiles/month_0712/20071211_bf54b359 d01f5087df89XWGMBWh8L1rd.rar) 文件大小:84.95KB 李笑来TOEFL核心词21天MP3 下载链接:(https://www.360docs.net/doc/443941029.html,/HorseUpfiles/month_0709/20070911_0554b919 aaf1d0107749XwfVpzof7oVr.rar) 文件大小:23.92MB 熟词偏义词汇列表 下载链接:(https://www.360docs.net/doc/443941029.html,/HorseUpfiles/month_0710/20071016_de4fa883 10782460e1e4tiFlsNuX7uLi.zip) 文件大小:12.42 KB 老俞托福词汇串讲(网络课堂) 帖子链接:https://www.360docs.net/doc/443941029.html,/bbs/thread-2571-1-1.html 俞敏洪Tofel单词串讲(非网络课堂) 下载链接:(https://www.360docs.net/doc/443941029.html,/HorseUpfiles/month_0709/20070911_ef4045d5 846bcbbe1a77lCURXvPKRmAe.rar) 文件大小:48.79 MB


托福真题第一套 Q1: Talk about a book you have read that was important to you for some reason. Explain why the book was important to you. Give specific details and examples to explain your answer. 解题思路一:重要性来自于书的内容 TS: General Introduction of the book (Name, author, time you read the book) Give a simple account of the book. Key Word: Important -Interesting: draws you in. -knowledge you have learnt -enlightenment you have gained Conclusion: emphasize the IMPORTANCE Sample Response: 3 months ago, I read a book called The Five People You Meet in Heaven written by Mitch Albom. It recounts the life and death of a simple yet dignified old man, Eddie. After dying in a accident trying to save a little girl in an amusement park, Eddie finds himself in heaven where he encounters five people who have significantly affected his life. The 5 lessons Eddie learnt about brotherhood, sacrifice, forgiveness, love and purpose of life have also enlightened me. That book changed my attitude towards life and death.


10月25日托福口语真题及答案解析(新东方版) Task 1 A lot of experienced and inexperienced climb mountains every year, which one of the following adjectives would you use to describe this experience? Adventurous, frightening or foolish? I would say mountain climbing can be a very adventurous experience to everyone, including experienced and inexperienced climbers. I’ve got two reasons. First of all, it’s an opportunity to get ourselves out of our repetitive life. Take my cousin as an example, from Monday to Friday, he’s an ordinary bank teller doing everyday work just like every other guy in this city, but every weekend, he gets together with a bunch of friends and they go hiking in the mountains in the suburb of Beijing. It’s a chance to get away from the city, and add a little spice to his ordinary life. Plus, it’s a way to challenge ourselves and it brings out the best in us. I’m not a big fan of climbing mountains, but I did rock-climbing once and it was fascinating, at first I was really nervous and I thought there was no way I could make it to the top, but then I started climbing and I did it one step at a time but I eventually made it. So I guess it’s similar when we climb a mountain, the sense of achievement we get from the experience is irreplaceable. Task 2 Some people believe technology has brought people closer and others believe that technology actually isolate people, which one do you agree with? Explain why. I think modern technology has brought people closer than ever for the following reasons. Firstly, it completely changed the way people communicate. Take my family as an example, 20 years ago my aunt went to Japan to further her education and even


实例讲解托福独立口语高分方法 托福独立口语虽然时间很短,答题时间只有短短45秒,但是如果大家想要拿到高分,也需要尽可能将内容说的充实。下面就和大家分享实例讲解托福独立口语高分方法,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 口语高分攻略丨实例讲解托福独立口语高分方法 一.托福独立口语需要积累答题素材 一般学生讲口语的大脑活动是先用中文思考,其次是根据中文所想的意思翻译成英文单词,再把这些单词根据主谓宾等语法知识组装成句,最后考虑单词的发音、语音语调等连词成句。而口语比较好的同学往往直接想到的是英文表达,然后是chunks,就是我们常说的语块,因为已经是积累好的句子,不需要再考虑语法等因素,所以可以直接脱口而出。这就像电脑开机一样,程序越少,速度越快。在考试之前多积累地道的语料而不是一味的选择网上的模版,才能更加从容的面对考试来取得高分。 比如官方真题Official21 Task 1: Talk about an important news event that happened recently in your country. Describe the event and explain why it was important.很多学生看见“news event”就 大脑一片空白,不知从何说起,或者脑海里只有中文意思,对于

新闻类的话题难以在短时间内直接用英文表述出来。以中国首架自制民用飞机C919举例: China’s first home-made large passenger jet was scheduled to take off in Shanghai, the narrow-body passenger plane made by state-run Comac as a triumph of indigenous innovation. 也可以说“一带一路”政策,One Belt and One Road initiative. 二.实例讲解托福独立口语细节叙述方法 这种方法通常当作第二个supporting details,相当于“for example”,可以并列两个同类或异类的事物,描述其种类繁多。以“Do you prefer to eat at home or eat out”为例:As for me, I prefer to eat out in various of restaurants, cuz it has wide section of food, from authentic Chinese cuisine to western-style food, from savory dishes to bland snacks, hence loads of mouth-watering food can meet my appetite and leave lasting impression on me. 这里“authentic Chinese cuisine”指的是地道的中国菜,一般学生只会想到traditional Chinese food, 而好吃第一个想到的词就是“delicious”, 需要注意替换词的积累。而对于某事使我留下深刻印象会表述为“sth. leaves deep impression on me” 而对于native speaker来讲,”lasting”才是更加地道的表达方法。 再以20XX.08.27 Task 1一个经典三选一题型为例。

托福口语TPO 解析

托福口语T P O解析 Company number【1089WT-1898YT-1W8CB-9UUT-92108】

托福真题第一套 Q1: Talk about a book you have read that was important to you for some reason. Explain why the book was important to you. Give specific details and examples to explain your answer. 解题思路一:重要性来自于书的内容 TS: General Introduction of the book (Name, author, time you read the book) Give a simple account of the book. Key Word: Important -Interesting: draws you in. -knowledge you have learnt -enlightenment you have gained Conclusion: emphasize the IMPORTANCE Sample Response: 3 months ago, I read a book called The Five People You Meet in Heaven written by Mitch Albom. It recounts the life and death of a simple yet dignified old man, Eddie. After dying in a accident trying to save a little girl in an amusement park, Eddie finds himself in heaven where he encounters five people who have significantly affected his life. The 5 lessons Eddie learnt about brotherhood, sacrifice, forgiveness, love and purpose of life have also enlightened me. That book changed my


英语作文常用谚语、俗语 1、A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth. 说谎者即使讲真话也没人相信。 2、A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. 一知半解,自欺欺人。 3、All rivers run into sea. 海纳百川。 4、All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。 5、All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只会用功不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。 6、A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 不善始者不善终。 7、Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。 8、A faithful friend is hard to find. 知音难觅。 9、A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。 10、A friend is easier lost than found. 得朋友难,失朋友易。 11、A good beginning is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。 12、A good beginning makes a good ending. 善始者善终。 13、A good book is a good friend. 好书如挚友。 14、A good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口。 15、A mother's love never changes. 母爱永恒。 16、An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,不


托福独立口语快速提炼观点技巧实 例讲解 今天给大家带来了托福独立口语快速提炼观点技巧实例讲解,希望能够帮助到大家在托福口语中拿高分,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福独立口语快速提炼观点技巧实例讲解 托福独立口语快速构造观点实例讲解 实例1:Watch a movie at theatre or watch the movie at home, which one do you prefer? 要在电影院看电影,还是在家看电影之间做选择。从个人感受来想,大家多数可能都会选择去电影院看电影,但是除了说big screen,或者永远也不知道怎么用英文表示的“热闹”之外,大家就不知道再怎么继续说下去了。其实,不妨从Time Money方面来考虑,我们是否能把话题说的更具逻辑性和更具体呢? Time - watch the movie at home. 在家看电影是最省时间的方式了。如果去电影院看电影,家住得远的还要大老远跑到市中心去看。为了看热门电影,还要排

长队买票,买完票后还要等好久才能看到电影。从这些经历来看,确实,在家看电影也不错。 I prefer to watch the movie at home because of the matter of time. I mean, watching movies at theatre is time-consuming. Once, when I planned to watch the movie at cinema, I have to reach there at least one hour in advance. What’s more, for those box office movies, I have to wait a long queue to get the ticket and wait until the beginning of the movie. Money - helps to save money. 在家看省钱。不出家门,就能看到电影。而去电影院看电影,路上要花钱pay for the transport,买票要花钱fees for tickets,看电影还要带着点零食和饮料money spend on snacks and beverages,这样一罗列,确实在家能省好多。 Another reason is the matter of cost. I mean, watching at theatre costs more than at home. To be more specific, I have to pay for the transport and there are fees for tickets. Sometimes, I have to spend money on snacks and beverages. So I think watching at home is a more cost-effective way. 通过以上两个段落,把时间和金钱两个观点整合起来,那我们就可以得到一个完整的独立题的逻辑表达了。


口语第三题,这部分的考试是基于阅读和听力的基础。具体介绍如下: 形式:阅读+听力+应答 阅读: 时间: 40秒至45秒 阅读内容:校园生活话题(75至100words) (大学的政策,规定或者办事程序,大学的计划,校园设施或校园内生活质量)听力: 时间:60s至80s 内容:话题同阅读,说话者会针对相关话题持鲜明观点,观点分支持反对两种 作答: 依据阅读和听力材料说明学生的观点和学生所给出的理由,考生不需要说明自己的观点!考察的关系:阅读和听力中综合信息的能力:听力必然和阅读相关;答题必须与听力相关,必须清楚听力和阅读之间的关系 时间:准备时间:30s; 陈述时间:60s TIPS:注意逻辑组织:OGP216:开始可以表明说话者的观点 agree or disagree,然后陈述理由。回答尽可能完整。 备考TIPS: 1、阅读的时候要注意记录主题和支撑的观点 2、听力的部分主要记清楚主要人物的观点,以及他支持或反对的理由 3、结构一定要清楚,要用计时软件,多锻炼几次才能在规定时间内把要点说全说清楚。

备考模版: 注:模版只是参考,请同学们自己总结 1、“The school has implemented a new policy that……due to……And the man/woman holds a positive/negative view towards the announcement. The first reason she/he gives is that…… And the second one is based on the fact that……" 2、From the reading material,we know that (the college)is going to……Obviously,the man/woman in the conversation thinks that this is a great/bad idea,due to the following reasons.。 One reason is that…… Another is…… (万一有时间)So that‘s all the reasons s/he has to form that opinion. (尽量记,听为主) 3、The man/woman’s opinion about STH is that…… (选择方案型:听选择的原因。 1.Firstly,the man/woman states that…… 2.And then he/she states that……) (提出建议型:听建议的利弊。 1.Firstly,the man/woman talks about the positive aspect of t his issue. He/she states that…… 2.On the other hand,the man/man also talks about the negative aspect of this question. He/she points out that……) 4、阅读引用部分的模版 (1)In the readingmaterial, (2)There is a/anannouncement/message/notice/proposal about ****(填入记下的关键词) (3)The university/college is going to****(稍稍展开下) (4)In the listeningmaterial,two students discussabout the***(填入关键词) 听力中人物表达观点的模版: (1)The man/woman is against/supporting the*** (2)He or she feels unhappy/less satisfied about***


新东方名师托福综合写作介绍及深度解析 为了帮助大家高效备考托福,熟悉托福综合写作,新东方在线托福网为大家带来新东方名师托福综合写作介绍及深度解析一文,希望对大家托福备考有所帮助。更多精彩尽请关注新东方在线托福网! 在和很多TOEFLers聊天的时候,发现他们往往会忽略托福综合写作的备考准备;在分析很多考生写作成绩的时候,发现很多同学在综合写作上只得了fair。这篇文章,我们就来一起聊聊综合写作。 1托福综合写作考试内容 综合写作是托福考试写作部分的第一个任务,考生首先将在屏幕的左侧读到一篇230-300词左右的文章,阅读时间为3分钟,阅读时间结束后,阅读文章消失在屏幕上,紧接着的是一篇与阅读材料相关的约2分钟左右的讲座,讲座中的教授就阅读中的同一话题从不同角度提出自己的观点并给出详细的细节信息。在现行的考试中,听力中的观点一般是对阅读中的观点进行反驳。听力结束后,阅读文章将会再次出现在屏幕的左侧,考试将有20分钟的时间在屏幕右侧的答题区域内进行答题。官方指南中指出,一篇有效的作文大约在150-225词左右,如果写作字数超出225词并不会扣分。

2托福综合写作考试解析 为什么会在TOEFL iBT考试中出现综合写作?综合写作的本质其实是课堂论文写作,考查学生的信息获取能力和信息整合能力。托福官方指南(the Official Guide)明确指出,TOEFL考试整体都是对北美教学场景的再现,阅读文章主要来自大学课本,并尽可能少地做改动;听力对话主要围绕教学及教学服务,讲座主要是课堂场景再现;口语考查学生在学术环境下的表达能力及信息整合能力。综合写作也不例外,可以这样认为,三分钟的阅读可以当做课前预习课文,两分钟左右的讲座就是课堂上教授的分析,接下来的写作相当于北美常见的课堂论文写作过程。所以在写作中增加综合写作这一项,也是帮助非英语国家的考试适应北美的教学环境。 3托福综合写作评分方式 从2014年起,综合写作的评分发生较大的变化:e-rater加入到综合写作的评分中。在ETS托福官网(https://www.360docs.net/doc/443941029.html,/toefl/ibt/)上明确指出:The TOEFL test uses automated scoring to complement human scoring for the two tasks in the Writing section. Combining human judgment for content and meaning, and automated scoring for linguistic features, ensures consistent, quality scores. 也就是说,和独立写作一样,综合写作同时由human rater和e-rater进行评分,两者给出来的都是0-5分的原始分,最终由设定的计算机系统换算成0-30分的scale score。人工阅卷更看重内容和结构,e-rater更注重语言。考虑到e-rater在语言标准上考查的4个大项37个点,各位考生在未来的综合写作中一定要规范自己的语言表达。


托福独立和综合口语应该如何记笔 记 托福口语技巧解析,独立和综合口语应该如何记笔记?下面 就和大家分享托福口语技巧解析,希望能够帮助到大家,来学习一下吧。 托福口语技巧解析丨独立和综合口语应该如何记笔记? 托福口语技巧解析一口语考试总览 新托福的写作分为independent writing和integrated writing 一样,其实托福口语部分也可以分为independent task和integrated task。因为task1和task2基本属于personal reference,而task3-task6都不同程度上结合了listening, reading, speaking这三个方面,所以把这四道题归为integrated task. 因为新托福口语笔记是允许的,所以能否在自己的笔记中最大限度且全面地记录listening中的关键信息,就直接地关系到托友们的得分,因此托友们都十分头疼这个环节,我将在这里和大家分享一些相关的经验。 托福口语技巧解析二口语笔记误区解读 综合口语阅读部分笔记误区:

(1) 盲目地记录一些*细节,而忽略了对*整体架构和主要信息的把握。 (2) 缺乏对*内容进行归纳总结的能力,把握不住*的重点。 (3) 不能通过阅读短文从而找出接下来要陈述时所能扩展的点或者说是可以说的点。 综合口语听力部分笔记误区: (1) 在这部分中,大家好走两个极端路线,一是对主体解释的理论部分作了过多的陈述,二是对*举例部分描述太多,没有把这两个部分的比例合理安排好。 (2) 速记的能力有待提高,而且本身考试的时间也很有限。 (3) 考前没有做充足的准备,没有有计划地进行相关针对性练习,所以导致对题型不了解或者是做题速度上不去。 (4) 有的托友本身的听力、语法、词汇的基础就比较弱,缺乏听力的技巧,譬如对signal words所透露的关键信息的把握。 托福口语技巧解析三口语笔记怎么做 1.独立口语笔记


新东方版:2020年8月22日托福口语真题及答案解 析 新东方版:2020年8月22日托福口语真题及答案解析 s1: what should we do to help the elder in our community? Sample I like to help the old to do the following stuff. First, give them a hand with house chores. Some of them have trouble moving around, if I assist them with housework, they would be really grateful. Take my neighbor as an example, she has been lying on bed for years, I always help her cook and sweep the floor. Second, reading to the elder is a good way to help them get rid of loneliness. Some of the old people live far away from their sons and daughters, and they feel isolated. If I read stories to them, they will feel released and happy, and they rebuild their confidence in life. s2: which do you prefer? watch a movie silently or chatting with others? Sample I prefer to watch a movie silently for the following reasons. First, I'm a movie buff. Sometimes I go to the movie theatre by myself. That way, I can enjoy the movie and relate the story to my life. If I were accompanied by someone else, I would be disturbed while watching the movie. Last time, I went to the cinema with my classmates, they actually annoyed me. They kept talking during the movie, having popcorns and even taking photos during the movie. I was ashamed of staying


新托福口语难点及练习技巧解析 新托福口语难不难?难!很多托福考生整体成绩不高的一大 原因就是口语成绩拖了后腿。下面就和大家分享新托福口语难点及练习技巧解析,希望能帮助大家,来欣赏一下吧。 新托福口语难点及练习技巧解析 一. 新托福口语难点解析 新托福口语考试中不仅需要大家口语表达流利,还需要准备一些答题的素材,避免答案空洞无物。接下来,我们来具体分析一下新托福口语的难点。 1. 思考时间短,答题时间长 托福独立口语的思考时间仅有15秒,综合口语思考时间仅30秒。这么短的时间内组织出完整的答案非常困难。托福独立口语的答题时间为45秒,综合口语的答题时间为60秒,看似时间不长,但其实要45秒钟或60秒钟不停顿不磕巴地答完题并非易事。我们可以试着用中文回答托福考试中的问题,你会发现,即便是用中文,也会偶会停顿不连贯。所以不要小看45秒的答题时间,平时要做大量练习才能答好题目 2. 听力和速记能力

托福口语考试中综合口语考题需要大家听懂听力材料并且 能够记下要点。托福口语试题中不仅考察大家的口语表达能力,还要考察大家的英语听力能力和速记能力。这两点也是托福口语中的难点,大家只要把托福听力练好,做口语速记应该问题不大,归纳和复述能力则需要平时多加练习。另外,速记的时候一定要记下听力中的细节确保复述时不遗漏。 二. 新托福口语练习技巧 我们对托福口语的难点进行分析后,接下来我们要讨论一下,平时练习中如何练好托福口语。托福口语的练习应该首先从基础上做提升,把握英语答题时的节奏感,让自己的英语表达听起来很地道,然后要针对考试来练习,做对应的习题,适应考试的答题节奏和时间。 1. 如何练就地道口语表达 想要练就地道的表达,不仅要练好发音,还要练习英语表达的逻辑思维。我们生活学习的环境中讲英语的人很少,建议大家多听英语广播,多看英语电影,模仿播音主持和电影演员的发音和表达,让自己的口语听起来更地道,不会很生硬。模仿发音能够帮我们矫正发音,同时建议大家背一些经典台词和经典演讲,学习英文表达习惯。 2. 如何针对托福考试练口语

新东方托福口语课件7 Fighting Chinglish

Fighting Chinglish Chinglish? ?Where where. ?You have seed, give me wait, I give you some color to see see. Brothers, together up! ?Heart flower angry open ?American Chinese not enough It is much more complicated than that. Useless Nouns ?Redundant nouns – Example: – Living standards for the people in my home town have risen greatly – My teacher was lovely in nature – Through the realization of industrialization Exercises ?When I come back from America, I will make contribution to improve the building of the nation’s economy.?Democracy is a subject that has been argued for thousands of years. ?It is a palace which represents the magnificent history of the past. Exercises ?He lead the famous movement of the lettuce boycott. ?The key to the solution is to rotate the tomato plants. ?My awkward experience is a terrible one. Useless Category Nouns ?Reading is very important in the process of learning. ?Reforms in the field of education ?In the practice of market economy


2019年5月22日托福独立口语预测及思路解析 2019年5月22日托福独立口语预测及思路解析 G类----Class: 1-3. Your community center now offers classes on the weekends for free. Which of the following class will you choose to take: a financial course to help you manage money, car maintenance and repair, or review of Latin-American music? In terms of those choices, I prefer to have the review of Latin-American music. Firstly, the music may help me to relieve my pressure. The rhythms of Latin-American are fast and happy, the melodies are usually euphonious and exciting, Shakira, for example, she is my favorite singer, listening to her music, I may forget many troubles in my life. And also, this course is beneficial to my study. Actually my major is the music education, by attending this course, I may better review the features of this music, its history, its styles, its representatives and so on. All these may help me better understand this type of music. That’s why I prefer to have the review of Latin-American music. 2-3. If you were to choose a class to study for fun, which one would you choose, an art class or a science class? In terms of these two kinds of classes, I prefer the art class.


托福口语评分解析 一、Generalization:内容论述方面 对于Generalization方面的评估,考官要求考生的答题内容逻辑清晰,问题回答较为完整,论述较为充分。同时,在论述过程中观点明确;论证有条理。能够在答题过程中注意时间的把控,是论述更为详尽和完整。 二、Topic Development:学术能力方面 对于Topic Development方面的评估,考官更注重考生有没有是否处理好考试中的话题,是否具备讨论与话题相关信息的能力。在口语考试的后面四个Tasks,评估教师还要就考生是否具备对话题的Synthesize和Summarize的能力进行评估。Synthesize 的主要意思是to form by bining parts of elements,考生要做的是根据考试中出现的信息,形成自己对事情的看法。Summarize 的主要意思是to prehensively and briefly abstract the topic, 考生需要做的是全面,简短的总结考试中出现的场景或学术lectures中的要点并能最终表述出来。 三、Delivery:语言表达能力方面 Delivery也就是考生的语言表达能力,也就是主要对于考试在整体表达能力上评估。考生的英语表述是否清楚、流畅,并且在整个口语考试过程之中,在整体上考生的口语的表现是否具备整体上的一致性和可理解性。强调的是一致性指的是:首先是考

生在口语考试的过程中,口语整体的上表现水平。其次是考生在语言层面上对话题的阐述具有一致性。也就是考生的口语具备连贯性和逻辑性。 四、Language Use:用词的准确性 评估教师主要关于语言的准确性方面对考生的回答进行评估,如语法及语言使用准确性方面等等。也就是说在口语的表达过程中,词汇细节部分是否有细小的错误,都是应该要注意的。 攻克托福口语最后四题听力不可忽视 在托福口语的备考过程中,需要考察的不仅仅是个人口语的表达能力。在托福口语的最后四题中,对于听力能力也是有着很大的考验。那么,在关注托福口语最后四题的过程中,我们还应注意哪些问题呢下面就为大家详细分解一下。 用听读材料中的具体信息作答 这其实就是在考查学生是否具备了对先前读到、听到的材料进行快速归纳、总结、融合,然后再用口语复述的能力。很多考生反映,最不适应的题型就是口语先听后说部分。这最不适应反映出了考生对新托福的新题型产生了严重的水土不服。 新托福与旧托福相比较,增加了口语和综合能力测试,对阅读和写作占优势的多数考生来说,新托福放倒一批考生也在情理之中。 切不可忽略了阅读和听力
