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Reading and Writing
Read the words and expressions. Which ones do you know?
vocational school
work as
n. 旅游者,游客
show somebody around
Learning Tips: 阅读英文文章时,无须 对每一个词都同等重视。可 以采用跳读法,即让目光从 一个“字群” 跳到另一个 “字 群”,从一个主要信息跳到 另一个主要信息进行识读。 例如: There are / different classes / in our school.
n. 技能,技巧
the whole day
Listening and Speaking
Listen to the dialogue and repeat.
Zhang Yu: Hello, Lin Wei. How are you? Are you happy at your new school? Lin Wei: Yes. It’s very different from other high schools. We have classes in school and we also go to factories to learn work skills. Zhang Yu: Do you like doing that? Lin Wei: Yes. It’s quite interesting. Other high school students sit in the classroom the whole day. Zhang Yu: What do you do in the factories? Lin Wei: The technicians teach us how to use the machines. It’s interesting but not easy. There are so many English words on the machines. Zhang Yu: So you must learn English well to read them. Lin Wei: Thank you for your advice.
Tom: When do you usually get up in the morning? Claire: Well, I get up at 7:00 and I have breakfast at 7:30. Tom: Do you go to school buy bus? Claire: No, I don’t. I always walk to school. Tom: When do you start your classes? Claire: Half past eight. Tom: What do you do after classes? Claire: I often do sport. Tom: Good for you.
Warming up
Read the words and expressions and listen to the dialogue.
by bus always
adv. 总是,永远
v. 出发,开始
do sports
Warming up
Read the words and expressions and listen to the dialogue.
Bob: I like it very much. It’s nice.
subjects do you have? Lucy: What 2)________ Bob: Besides maths and English, we have skill-training 3)________________ classes. We all study computer science. Some of us learn cooking or car-repairing.
Yes,来自百度文库they do.
3. What do they do in the factories? They learn how to use machines. 4. What does Zhang Yu ask Lin Wei to do? Zhang Yu asks Lin Wei to study English well.
Warming up
Key Sentences 1. There sre sixty-four classrooms 2. Our classroom is on the third floor. 3. Let’s go to the playground of our school 4. How large it is .
Our New School
School Becomes Interesting
1. talk about your school life.
You will be able to:
2. talk about campus .
3. describe actions with the
simple present tense.
[F ]
[T] [ F]
Listening and Speaking
Listen again and answer the questions. 1. Is Lin Wei’s new school different from other high schools? Yes, it is. 2. Do students go to the factories?
Warming up
Listen and match.
鼠 标 点 击 图 片 进 入 , 单 击 空 白 处 继 续
classroom computer lab factory library student apartment
Reading room
Warming up
computer lab
v. 扛,搬
keep clean
conj. 虽然
feel tired
Reading and Writing
Read the text with these questions in mind.
1. Where does Susan study? 2. What do the students study in Susan’s school? 3. Do the students like their school?
Answer the questions.
1. How many hours do you study in the classroom every day? 2. How many student in your class? 3. Do you go to workshops or factories to learn practical skills?
Warming up
Listen again and match the expressions with the pictures.
get up start your class have breakfast
get up
have breakfast
walk to school do sports
Lucy: What training classes do you like?
computers science and car-repairing. Bob: I like 4)___________ useful They are very 5)__________.
Listening and Speaking
Listening and Speaking
Learn the words.
n. 计算机
v. 查找
adj. 技能培训的
n. 科目
adj. 有用的
Listening and Speaking
Then listen and complete the dialogue with the proper form of the words. find your school ? Lucy: Hi, Bob. How do you 1)________
Listening and Speaking
Pair work. Talk about your school life.
Language Tips:
a nice school PE class skill-training class visit factories learn from the technicians how to use machines
Listening and Speaking
Decide true ( T ) or false ( F ) .
1. Lin Wei’s school is the same as other high schools.
[ F]
2. Every day the students go to the factories and farms. 3. The technicians show the students how to use the machines. 4. The machines are all made in China.
beside Besides on from
2. Besides / Beside Chinese, I also study English and French.
3. I always go to school on / by foot.
4. This school is different from / with other schools.
1 2 3 4 5
Warming up Reading Post-Reading Practice of word and expressions
Skill Practice
Listening Speaking Writing Grammar New words & Expressions
Warming up
Dormitor y
Student apartment
Warming up
n. 图书馆
Warming up
n. 培训班
Warming up
n. 教室
Warming up
n. 工厂
Warming up
start your class do sports
walk to school
Listening and Speaking
Learn these words and expressions.
different from
n. 机器
high school
n. 建议
Answer the questions. 1. What classes does Bob have? Maths, English, computer science and carrepairing.
2. Why does Bob like to study computer science and car-repairing? Because they are useful.
3. What training classes does your school have? Student’s own answers.
Listening and Speaking
Circle the correct words.
1. The factory is beside / besides the school.