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Analysis on the informatization construction of small and medium-sized enterprises

Worsley Susan

【Abstract】:with the rapid development of information technology, the domestic,small and medium-sized enterprise informatization construction has entered a new stage ofdeve1opment, small and medium-sized enterprise informatization has become the small and medium enterprises out of its own advantage, improve competitive,advantage to enhance competition ability and development ability is an important choice. This paper analyzes the important role of informatization in small and medium-sized enterprises, summarizes the main problems in information system construction, and puts forwardthe countermeasures to solve the problem.


A l ong w ith the information technique change rapid l y deve l opme n t, eco n omic g lo ba l iz a ti o n a nd th e knowle dg e e co n o m y r ap id de vel opmen t,mar ket c o m pe titi o n b e co m ing i nc r easi n gly fi e rc e, man y s m all a nd m e d i um en t e rp ri se s q u i cke n th e informatiza t io n co n s tr uc t ion, ente rp rise i nformat i zation leve l direc tl y affects the com p e t itiveness o f ente rp rises. Enter p rise info r mat i zation i s t o show the en t erpr i se i s in p r o d uct i on, ci r c u lation and service and o th er busi n ess ac ti vities,th e use o f mo d ern information techno1ogy, t hrough adva n ced com p uter n etwork t echno l ogy to i n teg r ate the ex i sting p ro du ctio n, management, design,man uf ac tu ri n g a nd other secto r s, ente rp r i ses r eal i ze the automa t io n o f the p roduct i on p rocess, management o f the network, intell i ge n ce of d ecision-making a nd bu siness ope r at i o n o f the elec tr onic, so as t o improve th e econo m ic ef f ic i ency of e n ter p rises and th e co m pet i t i veness of

ente rp r i ses i n the p r ocess.

1.Strengthening the informatization construction of small and medium-sized

enterprises the important role

1.1contribute to the technical progress of the enterprise

Information tech n o l ogy promotes the sma ll and medium-sized enterprise technology innovation. Be helpful for technical innovation in enterprises of interstitial diffusio n.

1.2contributes to improve the adaptability of enterprises

With the h elp of info r mation t ech n ology and network, the en t erpr i se can time l y access to ma rk e t i n forma t ion, t o ex p and th e sco p e of the ma rk e t, be he lp ful for fac t o r o f p r oduct i on opt i mize con fi gu r at i on, ma k e th e ente rp rise adap t t o vary fr om m i n u te to min u te market e n vironme nt, enhance th e e n ter pri se ag ilit y.

1.3to help improve the management efficiency of enterprises

In f orma t ion management autom a tion, i nte ll igent ca n redu c e the cos t of po li cy, imp r ove th e ef fi ciency o f d e ci sio n ma ki ng.

2.the current small and medium-sized enterprise informatization to build the

problem of existence


Although many medium and small enterprises have different levels to carry out the informatization construction,but most are not on what is enterprise informatization, how to carry out informatization to have a thorough understanding.Many managers think that informatization construction is the enterprise business process" original copy", use the computer instead of manual operation, the traditiona1 habits and standard on the system and using the process of evaluation, and accordingly put forward to modify an opinion.
