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Automotive safe ty syste ms and tec hnology re se arc h

and analysis

As traffic to o ls o f the mo d ern izat io n and ab so lute nu mb er increase sharp ly,traffic accid ents are also increasin g.C ar accid ent has beco me severe glo b al so cial issues. Und o ub ted ly,ad vanced auto safety facilit ies are the d riv in g safety ind isp ensab le safe guard. S o,we sho u ld start,fro m techno lo g y to research and d evelo p me nt o f h igh perfo r mance, h igh safety car,also want to strengthe n the reg u lar insp ect io n in cars, so time ly ma intenance invest igatio n,mak e cars o ften in go o d techn ical status,so as to imp ro ve the safety p erfo r mance o f the car.

Here we intro d uced active safet y tech no lo gy and auto mo b ile car passive safety techno lo g y.Auto safety is accord ing to the traffic accid ent hap p ened b efo re and after the c lassified.O ne is in a traffic accid ent tak e safet y measures,especia lly b efo re immed iately w ill p ro d uce risk co nd it io n,d rivers man ip u late the steerin g whee l avo id o r emergency b rak e to avo id traffic accid ents.In t he car,d rive in us ua lly to ensure the b asic man ip u latio n stab ilit y,drivers o n the surro und ing env iro n ment a nd to ensure t he v isua l reco gn it io n sex d r ive th e car itself, deve lo p ed the b asic p erfo rmance ant-lo ck b rak ing s ystem (ABS), p revent slip p ery d rive system (AS R), active susp ensio n, p o wer steering and fo ur-wheel d rive (4WD), fo ur-wheel steerin g (4WS),lig ht ing system,w ip er,the rearv iew mirro r,p revent fro m rear-end co llis io n car alarm syste m and laser rad ar, etc.These securit y d ev ices and tech no lo g y,called active safety system,can also b e called p revent ive secur ity s ystem.O n the o ther hand,in o rder to red uce traffic acc id ents and co mp an y b y p erso n nel d irectly su ffer d egree,ensure co mp any tak e staff and p edestria n safety, says the secur ity fo r p assive safet y, can also be called co n flict safety.Whe n after t he acc id ent,in o rd er to p revent

d isasters,inc lud ing p revent th

e exp ans io n o

f fire and mak e c rew fro m traffic accid ent can extr icate the secur ity d evices and systems,called p revent d isaster exp and securit y system.

O ne.Auto mo b ile active secur ity tech no lo g y

1. ABS b rak ing syste m

Ant-lo ck Brak in g S ystem (Brak in g S ystem,lo ck d o b y ABS co mp uters as ABS), h yd raulic d ev ice, the wheel sp eed senso rs,b rake hyd rau lic p ip eline and electrical w ir ing etc.Their struct ures are sho wn belo w.

ABS tasseled fo r the car in var io us d riv in g co nd it io ns b rak in g perfo r mance and b rak e safety p articu lar ly imp o rtant,esp ecia lly is emergency b rak ing,can make fu ll use o f the peak b etween t ire and ro ad surface ad hesio n p ro p erties, imp ro ve p er fo rma nce and red uce auto mo b ile fight sid es lip b rak ing d istance,give fu ll p la y to the b rak ing perfo r mance, b ut a lso increase the auto mo b ile b rak ing p ro cess co ntro l. So as to red uce the p o ssib ilit y o f car accid ents.

No installat io n ABS car,if the d riv in g fo rce tramp le b rake p edal, wheel w ill rap id ly lo wer sp eed,and finally wheels stop turn ing,b ut bo d y because o f inertia rema ins fo rward slid ing.T h is p heno me no n was at the whee l and p aveme nt o ccur b etween larger "s lip", app ear this k ind o f sit uat io n, the c ar tires o f auto mo b ile lateral sp read s almo st d isap pear, so po o r fo rce will app ear the fo llo w in g p heno mena:

(1) S teerin g stab ilit y fall: t he steerin g whee l is ineffect ive, veh ic le tail man ip u lat io n o f cur l, serio us w hen veh ic le circ les o r ap pear fo ld ing p heno meno n;

(2) Hand ling fall: man ip u late the steerin g wheel and sho rt o f steering req u ire ments;

(3) Brak in g d ista nce extend ed: mo re than general b rak ing d istance.

So, we can imag ine to have insta lled ABS system o f t he car safety
