

练习一Thousands of people stream into cities,especially big cities.Big cities have special attractions for many people.First,in big cities,people can easily get a job to make a living.T hen,there are many facilities,which make people feel very convenient in li fe.Third,people have more chances to get education and to enjoy themselves.That is why more and more people want to move into big cities by all means.

I like living in a big city because it can provide me with more convenient living conditions and a good j ob.Besides,living in a big city,I can get the latest information coming from every field which will make you wiser.

However,big cities are facing problems and the biggest one is traffic.There are too many people and cars.The traffic is heavy,especially during the rush hours.Every street is crowded.Cars are running fast,they may cause traffic accidents easily.What is more,as a daily commuter,everyone wastes a lot of time on commuting.Time is valuable.So traffic is a big problem which has irritated every one much.1.Y 2.N 3.Y 4.NG5.N 6.NG 7.N 8.older people;manualworkers9.eccentricmembers10.lowerthan11.B12.B13.B14.A15.D16.A17.C18.D19.C20.D21.D22.A23.D24.B25.B26.A27.A28.B29.A30.D31.D3 2.B33.D34.C35.A36.demonstrate37.stuff38.gradually39.expand40.etiquette 41.sympathy42.employers43.manners44.make them cooperative and just plain happy45.who practice good manners and understand the rules of etiquette also make themselves happy.46.behave properly,in fami liar as well as in strange situations,builds self-confidencedelaying making47should adapt himself to

47.to hearing your story again

48.is now being turned51,Could you take a blank sheet of paper?练习二P art I Listening Comprehension1-4 ADDB5-7 ADC8-11 CBCD12.protested

13.Property 14.Interfere 15.Hinder16.Subsidies 17.Approach 18.Doctrine 19.Politicians20.T hey were only too glad to support government land grants

and loans to railroad owners for example.21.Ironically in the late 19th century,a lot of people believed that the laisser faire policy was responsible for the country’s indu strial growth.22.But in fact,many of these individuals would not have been able to meet their objectives if not for governmen t

support.23--29AADCBBC阅读理解30.development staff31.straightforward32.adult students Section

B33--37CDBAD38--42DCABD43--47BCAAD48--52BADBA53--57ACDBC58--62CDACB63.providing new growth opportunities for China’s foreign and domestic trade64.as fluently as he speaks English65.since we introduced color photographs on the front page66.more complicate animals developed from the simple animals67.Scientists will come up with Part V.Writing范文1: In the black and white drawing above,a youth gravely contemplates

a narrow winding path heading into a forest.Perhaps he thinks that his own future may be much like this path;full of bends and curves,thorns and

traps.The road to success is never anything but uneven and difficult. In fact,one could even say that the more successful one's life is,the more problems and hardships one must have overcome.The ability to work through difficult situations and unfortu nate events only makes one stronger and more capable.Given that the road to happiness always contains obstacles and setbacks,we should be well prepared for the hardships that life inevitably brings,and abandon the idea that life is smooth or easy.We must accept the fact that failures are unavoidable,whether they are failures in examinations,in finding a job,or carrying out a task.People who accept that their life will not always be simple or calm are better able to h andle problems when they arise.Those who are upset by each and every small setback—and there are many people with such attitudes—do not have much potential.Failure is mother to success as it can strengthen one's will.Those who can draw lessons from failure are destined for success.范文2: It is everyone's wish to have things go their way.Yet the journey throughlife is not always the case and we should be prepared for the twists and turn s it offers us.This is

certainly the case as shown in the cartoon. T wists and turns are a part of life and setbacks often happen.For many reasons,we often have to encounter failure in a complex society.No one can avoid or escape these unexpected changes in our daily lives;however,failure may be aroute toward success.This causes us to reflect about what happened and as a result we build up and accumulate ex perience.We are then more likely to come up with a possible solution,and so twists and turns can turn into treasures.Edison,for instance,the inventor of the electric light bulb,made hundreds of models that failed before he came up with the right one.In general it is failure that encourages us to work harder which eventually leads to success. T wists and turns in life are unavoidable and are not always bad.We should have a more optimistic view on life and try to make the most of it and draw lessons from the bumps and turns along the way.练习三Section A1.D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.A 8.A 9.B 10.D Section B:Compound Dictation(S8)they become more concerned with their health as they grow older.If they live in big cities,they often worry about their safety.(S9)Some senior citizens continue to work beyond retirement age.Many find new careers and professional opportunities after they retire.(S10)Because of their larger numbers and more active life styles,senior citizens are gaining social influence in the country,both politically and economically.PartⅡV ocabulary1-5 CDDAA 6-10 BBCAD 11-15 DBACB16-20 ABDCB 21-25 DACDA 26-30 BBCDC31--35DCCBC PartⅣTranslation41.拉丁语和法语是上流社会的语言,用于法庭、教堂和学校。42.不过,普通百姓仍坚持使用已发生很大变化的盎格鲁·萨克逊语言。43.“古英语”原有的体系被削弱,大量的法语单词被吸收进来。


摆的动物的肉却用法语名字。作文N owadays the campus students seem to have no idea of how money comes from,and not to care about their expenditure.They buy whatever they like for themselves,also for their friends,paying no attention to how much these things cost.Some people say that it is not a problem for college students to spend much.After all,the society is progressing and the life is being enriched.With the living standard being

raised,it is reasonable to improve the ex penditure of students.T here is nothing to blame.For me,it is not just a habit of spending more money;it is a reflection of students'outlook on money and value.The students get money from their parents so easily that they have no idea of earning money with their hard work and effort,thus developing an awareness that they want to get things but are unwilling to work hard for their goal.Definitely,that is harmful.The campus students can improve their lives,but with the money earned by themselves.S8)As he’s picking himself up,he sees a large

man,almost seven feet tall.He’s muscular,and is growing as he approaches the bar.9)The bartender nervously hands the big man a beer,hands

shaking.S10)“I got to get out of town!Don’t you hear Big John is coming?”(S8)T he voice lift is becoming more widely known among an aging

population,who try to make themselves sound younger.(S9)a retired construction engineer who underwent the voice lift several years ago,(S10)V oice lift can also benefit people like performers,lawyers,teachers,and telephone operators who need to have a strong voice(S8)Rainfall exceeded 500 mm(or 19.7 inches)along the border areas of Haiti and the Dominican Republic during that period.(S9)T his made it difficult for humanitarian relief worker to rescue stranded people and deliver badly.(S10)Analysis of the past date shows that major floods in the Dominican Republic and Haiti are now a near-annual event.(S8)the acronym SOHO have been used t to great extent by companies that sell products to large number of small business with a small-sized office.(S9)Many books are written and sold specifically for this type of office to tell people how to equip a small office.(S10)In the field of software development,engineers often have to work 20 hours or more at a stretch,so they can hardly adapt to normal office hours.(S8)Stone rushed into the cashier’s office,took$250 from the cash box,and returned.“T ake it,”he said,“and get out!Don’t let me see you around here again!”(S9)Seeing the young man showed no sign of embarrassment,Stone got furious.(S10)He was waiting for the 20 dollars we owe him for lunch.He works for the coffee shop around the corner.”(S8)Some people claim that the number is bad luck because thirteen people sat down for the Last Supper before Jesus was

crucified,(S9)Friday the thirteenth of any month is considered especially bad or unlucky,and Friday the thirteenth of March is the worst of the

all.(S10)When people talk about the“seven-year itch”they mean that every seven years a person undergoes a complete change in personality.

一、单项选择题(本大题共25小题,每小题1分,共25分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。1.在任何社会中,因为对其需求的普遍性而成为房地产经济活动最重要部分的是()A.住宅B.厂房C.商场D.码头2.现实中土地价值的形成是由于()A.土地所有权派生B.人类劳动的凝结C.土地使用权派生D.土地所有权派生与人类劳动的凝结3.投资杠杆率是指()A.市场收益率与资本市场利率水平的差额B.预期利润率与资本市场利率水平的差额C.银行贷款利率与银行同期存款利率水平的差额D.预期收益率与投资风险率水平的差额4.要培育住宅业成为新的经济增长点必须具备的条件是要形成住房消费群体、调整住房消费结构、建立完备的住房金融市场和()A.提高居民的福利水平B.降低公房的租金水平C.构筑合理的住房价格体系D.降低住房租售税费标准5.在房地产业周期波动中,房地产投资者信心增强、房地产投资逐步增加的阶段是()A.繁荣阶段B.衰退阶段C.萧条阶段D.复苏与增长阶段6.马克思将由于土地丰度和位置差异产生的超额利润转化的地租称为()A.级差地租IB.级差地租ⅡC.绝对地租D.垄断地租7.出让土地的实质就是()A.出让取得价值的权利B.出让取得地租的权利C.出让取得税收的权利D.出让取得效用的权利8.由专业的房地产估价人员对房地产的真实价格进行估算、推断而得到的价格是()A.理论价格B.评估价格C.实际成交价D.楼面地价9.房地产升值的实质是()A.土地升值B.建筑物升值C.基础设施升值D.设备升值10.房地产价格评估的基本思路包括收益资本化思路、成本积算思路和()A.发展趋势思路B.过程回顾思路C.市场比较思路D.多因素评价思路11.房地产价格评估公司属于()A.房地产开发企业B.房地产经营企业C.房地产中介企业D.房地产租赁企业12.下列各项中属于房地产流通成本的是()A.贷款利息B.税费C.勘察设计费D.广告费13.判断房地产投资项目是否可行的重要标准是()A.总收益大于建筑成本B.收益现值大于成本现值C.目标收益率大于内部收益率D.基准收益率大于目标收益率14.能够通过保险化解的房地产风险是()A.静态风险B.动态风险C.商业风险D.财务风险15.房地产开发商消化地价成本上升的对策是()A.降低容率B.提高管理水平C.加快施工进度D.扩大生产规模16.在进行房地产投资的多个方案比较时,内部收益率()A.最小者为优B.最大者为优C.小于零者为优D.大于零者为优17.在以下各项规划中,能合理确定城市功能分区的规划是()A.城市总体规划B.城市详细规划C.城市分区规划D.土地利用规划18.我国房地产开发必须遵循“全面规划、合理布局、综合开发、配套建设”的方针,其中最核心的是()A.全面规划B.合理布C.综合开发D.配套建设19.购房抵押贷款保证保险的标的物是()A.托管人的信用B.担保人的信用C.借款人的信用D.放款人的信用20.房地产开发项目经济评价的重点是分析项目的()A.生态效益B.社会效益C.环境效益D.财务效益21.对房地产施工现场进行“三通一平”或“七通一平”属于房地产开发程序中的()A.投资决策分析阶段B.前期工作阶段C.项目建设阶段D.房屋租售阶段22.社会主义市场经济条件下住房的本质属性是()A.商品性B.保障性C.固定性D.有限性23.对廉租房的房租应实行()A.企业定价B.国家定价C.市场定价D.协商议价24.当经济不景气、房地产市场需求疲软时,应当( A.提高银行利率B.扩大货币供应量C.增加土地供应D.提高税率25.房地产经济宏观调控中最重要的手段是()A.产业政策B.财政政策C.货币政策D.行政手段二、多项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)在每小题列出的五个备选项中至少有两个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选、少选或未选均无分。26.作为自然物的土地()A.不能够产生收益B.有一定的生产能力C.其所有者有收益权D.能够产生收益E.具有使用价值27.经济学家将经济周期的不同阶段和转折点描述为()A.收缩B.谷底C.扩张D.峰顶E.衰退28.城市房地产价格构成中的建筑安装工程费包括()A.直接工程费B.间接费C.利润和税金D.配套费E.前期工程费29.房地产市场体系的构成按用途可以划分为()A.转让市场B.住宅市场C.办公楼市场D.商业用房市场E.初级市场30.商品房楼面地价可以表示为()A.土地单价/建筑密度B.土地总价/建筑总面积C.土地单价/容积率D.土地总价/建筑占地面积E.土地总价/容积率31.城市拥有的资源一般包括()A.土地资源B.市场资源C.文化资源D.森林资源E.服务资源32.房地产融资的主要形式有()A.社会募捐B.银行贷款C.证券的发行和流通D.投资信托E.职工集资33.房地产开发的前期工作阶段要完成的主要任务是()A.项目选择B.获取土地使用权C.落实资金D.组织施工E.项目的规划设计34.住房再生产过程的循环与周转包含的几个阶段是()A.项目评估B.投资建造C.市场分配D.市场交换E.职工居住35.城镇住房制度改革主要是为了实现()A.住房分配货币工资化B.住房分配福利化C.住房管理社会化D.住房经营市场化E.住房建设资金来源单一化三、名词解释题(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)36.房地产服务37.房地产企业38.狭义房地产开发成本39.房地产投资信托40.经济适用房四、简答题(本大题共6小题,每小题5分,共30分)41.简述房地产业与区域经济之间的关系。42.简述房地产价格的特点。43.以预收定金作为房地产企业资金来源具有哪些优点和缺点?44.简述房地产投资风险的内涵及类型。45.为什么说实行城市土地有偿有期限使用制度具有重要的意义?46.简述房地产投资的客体结构和时空结构。五、论述题(本大题共2小题,每小题10分,共20分)47.结合你所了解的城市,论述城市商业地租形成的条件及其表现。48.根据市场供求关系,分析当前住宅房地产市场出现的问题及原因一、单项选择题(本大题共25小题,每小题1分,共25分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未均无分。1.国民收入的增长与房地产业的发展一般呈( )A.正比关系B.反比关系C.正相关关系D.反相关关系2.城市建筑地块的所有权归( )A.居民个人所有B.市政府所有C.国家所有D.市民集体所有3.房屋的地基是建筑物的( )A.建筑底层B.基础设施C.基础载体D.下层荷载4.房地产经济学是研究房地产经济运动规律和( )A.资源配置效率的科学B.房屋建筑设计的科学C.房屋施工管理的科学D.房屋节能环保的科学5.下列属于住宅的房屋是( )A.实验室B.别墅C.办公室D.医疗室6.土地市场的一个显著特点是( )A.综合性B.科学性C.区域性D.多样性7.住宅业的产业关联度较强,是由于它的发展( )A.关系到千家万户的住宅需求B.能够促进住宅设计多样化 C.关系到住宅市场的价格变动 D.能够带动相关行业的发展8.我国目前商品房价格构成中,各种税费占( )A.2%~5%B.6%~9%C.10%~15%D.20%~25%9.地租的含义是( )A.土地收益的资本化B.使用土地而获得的报酬C.使用土地而获得的收益D.使用土地而支付的代价10.构建比较合理的住房价格体系应( )A.限制大面积套型B.限制建设别墅C.增加居民收入D.控制开发利润11.金融业和商业用地应位于( )A.城市中心B.风景区C.飞机场D.工业区12.固定利率购房抵押贷款最普遍的方式是( )A.本金均摊B.利息均摊C.本息均摊D.利润均摊13.投资回收期是指以项目的净收益抵偿( )A.固定资产投资所需要的时间B.流动资产投资所需要的时间C.无形资产投资所需要的时间D.项目全部投资所需要的时间14.住宅的生活资料功能主要体现在生存需要和( )A.社交需要B.享受需要C.投资需要D.交易需要15.住房供应体制应当满足( )A.高收入群体需求B.中收入群体需求C.低收入群体需求D.不同收入群体需求


小学英语句型专项练习题改为否定句 1.He can fly a kite. 2.She can do this. 3.I can swim. 4.She can skate,too. 5.I can read. And I can write too. 6.You’re Mike. 7.They are cute and fat. 8.They are in the bedroom. 9.Jane is very hungry. 10.I’m hungry. 11.It’s fifty-five yuan. 12.They’re very tall. 13.These are some pigs. 14.I like cats, too. 15.We like toy cars. 16.I have some grapes. 17.We have thirty yuan. 18.Mikes has some toy monkeys.

19.She has some toy dogs. 20.Jack likes to eat a pie on the sofa, too. 21.He likes monkeys. 22.I’d like some tables. 23.We would like some cakes. 24.Mike would like some sweets, too. 25.Open the door. 26.Close the window. 27.Listen to me. 28.Those are bananas. 29.We have some dolls, too. 30.I have some cakes too.


写作基础训练 Ⅰ) 五大句型 根据谓语动词的不同性质,语言学家总结出英语的五大基本句型。无论多么错综复杂的句子,都是在五大句型的基础上扩展而成的。总体上,句子必须包含至少一个主谓结构。有了这种认识,就可以避免写出残缺句。 使用动词时应考虑以下几个方面: ●及物还是不及物? ●短暂性还是持续性? ●描述动作还是状态? ●一次性动作还是习惯性动作? ●助动词还是习动词。 1.主+谓(+状) SV(A) The sun rises in the east. Everything is going on well. We set off in the early morning. 2.主+系+表SVC He is an expert in computers. They remain silent. Leaves turn yellow in autumn. 3.主+谓+宾SVO I like sports. Mary has finished her work. My father will meet one of my uncles at the airport. 4.主+谓+双宾SV oO Pass me the salt, please. (= pass the salt to me, please.) Would you buy him a gift? (= would you buy a gift for him?) The teacher asked me a question. (= the teacher asked a question of me.) 5.主+谓+宾+宾补SVOC The young couple watched their baby play on the grassland. Carl Marx made London the base for his revolutionary work. I found it hard to keep up with them. Exercise1. SV A 1.他期盼的那封信最终来了。 2.生活费用上涨了百分之二十。 3.那座寺庙坐落在山顶上。 4.谢谢你,我自己应付得了。 5.作为艺术家,他的成功开始了。 6.时不我待。 7.鸟可以随时飞翔。 8.听了他的话,在场的人都笑了。 9.他们停下来休息, 10.车子突然抛锚了。 Exercise2. SVC 11.天气变得越来越暖和了。 12.他的梦想会成真吗? 13.船到桥头自然直。 14.这个主意听起来很有道理。 15.做一名知名作家让人感觉不错。 16.我感到有些紧张。 17.女士们希望永葆青春。 18.孩子们很容易地入睡了。 19.腐败的食物对健康不利。 20.你妹妹看上去病了。 Exercise3. SVO 21.你打算到哪儿去度假? 22.我对这件事全然不知。 23.失败后他从不泄气。 24.你最后一次见到它是什么时候? 25.你应当为他人树立榜样。 26.晚会上我们玩得很开心。 27.教室需要打扫。 28.结果令我失望。 29.有钱人应帮助穷人。 30.妇女可以把任何事做得与男人一样好。Exercise4. SV oO 31.他送给我一本书作为生日礼物。 32.我可以把我的朋友介绍给你的父母吗? 33.老师耐心地向我们解释了原因。 34.你给我买了什么东西没有? 35.她为全家人做一日三餐。 36.小时候爸爸经常给我讲故事。 37.借给我五元钱,好吗? 38.我侄子每两个月给我写封信 39.经理已经为客人订了房间。 40.我可以请你帮忙吗? Exercise5. SVOC 41.同学们选他当班长。


PEP小学英语总复习——选择题专项训练题 1.You can play _____the clean dog after class. A.with B. in C. at 2.Is your mother ______Huizhou? Yes, she is. A.live B. goes to C. visiting 3.Where _____you this morning? I _____at a meeting. A.were, was B.are, am C.do, am 4.Her brother is a policeman. He works in a _____ A.post office B.police station C.office 5.What’s the weather like today? It’s________ A.rain B.windy C.sun 6.Were you _____ Canada during the summer holiday? A.in B. on C. at 7.Are you ______a good time ? A.have B.has C. having 8.What do you have _____lunch? A.in B. for C.at 9.Tom and Mary have bread and milk___the morning. A.in B. on C. at 10.Does it ____in Guangzhou? A. raining B.rains C.rain 11.The bank is _____my uncle’s home. A. next to B.in C.to 12.How many _____are there under the tree? A. man B. women C. woman 13.Is you r bag big ____small? A. and B. or C. an 14.______does Ben go to school? By bus. A. How B.What C.Where 15.______is that? That’s my cousin. A.Who B. What C.Whose 16. I usually ride the bike after school ______Mondays. A.on B. in C.at 17. Is your mother strong ____weak? A. and B. or C. but 18. I get up ____7:00 every morning. A. in B. on C.at 19.My friend likes ______ A.running and swimming B. cook and sing C.run and dance 20.Tom is ______than Ben. A. heavy B. heavyer C.heavier 21.Tony is 14, Jim is 15.Tony is ______than Jim. A.younger B. bigger C. older 22.______is your birthday? A. Where B. When C. What 23.______is that? That’s Tom’s mother. A.What B. Whose C. Who 24. Is your mother ______? Yes, she is. A. cook B. cooks C. cooking


小学英语写作技巧 小学阶段的英语教学要使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和听、说、读、写技能,形成一定的语言综合运用能力,写作有助于词汇、语法、句型、课文等语言知识的学习,并能够促进听、说、读和思维能力的潜在性发展。同时,听、说、读和思维能力的发展又反作用于写作能力的培养。写作教学对于帮助学生了解英语思维方式,形成用英语进行思维的习惯,提高学生综合运用语言知识的能力大有益处。 小学阶段不同年级的作文有不同要求和写作技巧。 (一)小学三年级 对于小学3年级的学生,在他们已经掌握好了如颜色(colour)、衣服(clothes)、数字(number)、星期(day of the week)、月份(month)、宠物(pet)、情感(feeling)、身体部位(body)、文具(school things)的基础上进行文章的填空,如果学生能够按照文章的要求写进相关的信息,那就已经很不错了。下面是一个自我介绍的简单例子: Myself Hello,my name is_____. I am_____years old.My favourite colour is_____,_____, and_____.My favourite pet is______,_____ and______. My favourite food is_____,______and______.My favourite day is______. My favourite school thing is______and______.My favourite number is ______ and______. I am______today. 上面的这个例子,如果学生能够依次能吧自己的姓名、年龄、喜欢的颜色、喜欢的宠物、喜欢的食物、喜欢的日子、喜欢的文具、喜欢的数字和今天的心情准确无误地写出来,那么就已经能够完成了3年级阶段的作文要求。 (二)小学四年级 对于4年级的学生,可以写一篇介绍自己课室或者自己卧室的文章。下面是一篇4年级学生的介绍课室范文。 My classroom I am studying at Tongji primary school.I am in Class Two,Grade Four.(介绍自己所在的学校和所在的年级) There is a blackboard in front of the classroom.There are twenty-five desks in our classroom,they are brown.There are many books on the desk.There are fifty students ,thirty boys and twenty girls.There is a picture on the wall.There are two fans on the wall.(用there+be句型把班里和摆设和班上的人数都表达出来了)It is tidy and clean.I like my classroom very much.(最后是作者的总结) (三)小学五年级 对于5年级的学生,作文的要求也提高了很多,很多学生在介绍别人或者是写自己喜欢的小动物的时候很容易忘了第三人称单数动词要加s\es,如:He get u p at 7 o’clock(get忘了加s),在用到现在进行的时候动词很容


四年级应用专题(一) 1、李老师带了200元钱去买粉笔,每箱粉笔30元,可以买多少箱?还剩多少元? 200÷30=6(箱)……20(元) 答:可以买6箱,还剩20元 2、一个储蓄罐里有93枚1元硬币,如果把这些硬币换成10元一张的纸币,最多能换多少 张? 93÷10=9(张)……3(枚) 答:最多能换9张 3、建筑工地需要700袋水泥,一辆卡车每次运80袋,需要运几次? 700÷80=8(次)……60(袋)8+1=9(次) 答:需要运9次 4、某路口的交通信号灯每30秒转换一次,从下午6时到6时10分,这个信号灯转换了多 少次? 解1:6:10-6:00=10(分钟)10分钟=600(秒)600÷30=20(次) 解2:6:10-6:00=10(分钟)1分钟=60(秒) 60÷30=2(次) 2×10=20(次)答:这个信号灯转换了20次 5、我带了300元钱,每副乒乓球拍38元,能买几副乒乓球拍?还剩多少元? 300÷38=7……34(元) 答:能买7副乒乓球拍,还剩34元 6、比一比 a)张伯伯家的果园收了325千克苹果,每筐装42千克,可以装多少筐?还剩多少千 克? 325÷42=7(筐)……31(千克) 答:可以装7筐,还剩31千克。 b)张伯伯家的果园收了一些苹果,每筐装42千克,装了7筐,还剩31千克,这些 苹果有多少千克? 42×7=294(千克)294+31=325(千克) 答:这些苹果有325千克。 7、一部儿童电视剧共要播放256分,每天从17:00播放至17:32,多少天可能播放完? 17:32-17:00=32(分钟)256÷32=8(天)

答:8天可能播放完。 8、王师傅要加工600个零件,已经加工了260个,剩下的每天加工68个,还要加工几天 能完成任务? 600-260=340(个)340÷68=5(天) 答:还要加工5天 9、小明在计算一道除法题时,错把除数24抄成42,得到的商是4,余数是7.正确的商应 是多少?余数是多少? 42×4+7=175 175÷24=7 (7) 答:商是7,余数是7 10、汽车的速度是70千米/小时,飞机的速度是910千米/小时,飞机的速度是汽车的 多少倍? 910÷70=13(倍) 答:飞机的速度是汽车的13倍 11、小亮家收了800千克绿豆,每袋装35千克,可以装多少袋?还剩多少千克? 800÷35=22(袋)……30(千克) 答:可以装22袋,还剩30千克。 12、甲、乙两地之间的公路长288千米。自行车每小时16千米,汽车每小时72千米, 摩托车每小时36千米,用上面的交通工具,从甲地到乙地各需要几小时? 288÷16=18(小时)288÷72=4(小时)288÷36=8(小时) 答:自行车需要18小时,汽车需要4小时,摩托车需要8小时。 13、甲、乙两个工程队修一条长620米的公路。甲队每天修35米。乙队每天修45米。 a)甲队单独修需要多少天完成? 620÷35=17(天)……25(米)17+1=18(天) 答:需要18天完成 b)乙队单独修需要多少天完成? 620÷45=13(天)……35(米)13+1=14(天) 答:需要14天完成 c)甲队先修90米,剩下的收乙队修,还要多少天才能完成? 620-90=530(米)530÷45=11(天)……35(米)11+1=12(天) 答:还要12天才能完成


英语基本句型写作练习一 分析下列句子成分并写出句型。 1. You should study hard. 2. She went home very late yesterday evening. 3. That morning we talked a great deal. 4. I wrote a letter last night. 5. I want to talk with you this afternoon. 6. He has read this book many times. 7. My brothers are all college students. 8. Mrs Brown looks very healthy. 9. Mr Johnson taught us German last year. 10. In winter, the days are short and the nights are long. 11. Grandma told me an interesting story last night. 12. Mary handed the wallet to the schoolmaster. 13. Would you please pass me the dictionary? 14. We call her Alice. 15. His parents named him John. 16. All of us considered him honest. 17.They pushed the door open.

18. There isn’t going to be a meeting tonight. 19. There was only a well in the village. 20. There is (are) a teacher of music and a teacher of art in the school.指出下列句子加粗部分是什么句子成分: 1. The students got on the school bus. 2. He handed me the newspaper. 3. I shall answer your question after class. 4. What a beautiful Chinese painting! 5. They went hunting together early in the morning. 6. His job is to train swimmers. 7. He took many photos of the palaces in Beijing. 8. There is going to be an American film tonight. 9. He is to leave for Shanghai tomorrow. 10. His wish is to become a scientist. 11. The meeting will last two hours. 12. They have carried out the plan successfully. 13. At the age of fifteen he became a famous pianist. 14. He showed the ticket to the conductor. 15.They have set the thief free.


小学英语总复习单选专项训练一 1.You can play _____the clean dog after class. A.with B. in C. at 2.Is your mother ______Huizhou? Yes, she is. A.live B. goes to C. visiting 3.Where _____you this morning? I _____at a meeting. A.were, was B.are, am C.do, am 4.Her brother is a policeman. He works in a _____ A.post office B.police station C.office 5.What's the weather like today? It's________ A.rain B.windy C.sun 6.Were you _____ Canada during the summer holiday? A.in B. on C. at 7.Are you ______a good time ? A.have B.has C. having 8.What do you have _____lunch? A.in B. for C.at 9.Tom and Mary have bread and milk___the morning. A.in B. on C. at 10.Does it ____in Guangzhou? A. raining B.rains C.rain 11.The bank is _____my uncle's home. A. next to B.in C.to 12.How many _____are there under the tree? A. man B. women C. woman 13.Is you r bag big ____small? A. and B. or C. an 14.______does Ben go to school? By bus. A. How B.What C.Where 15.______is that? That's my cousin. A.Who B. What C.Whose 16. I usually ride the bike after school ______Mondays. A.on B. in C.at 17. Is your mother strong ____weak? A. and B. or C. but 18. I get up ____7:00 every morning. A. in B. on C.at 19.My friend likes ______ A.running and swimming B. cook and sing C.run and dance 20.Tom is ______than Ben. A. heavy B. heavyer C.heavier 21.Tony is 14, Jim is 15.Tony is ______than Jim. A.younger B. bigger C. older 22.______is your birthday? A. Where B. When C. What 23.______is that? That's Tom's mother. A.What B. Whose C. Who 24. Is your mother ______? Yes, she is. A. cook B. cooks C. cooking 25. This is peter. He's ______ A. tall and short B. tall and young C.young and old


` Unit 6 参考答案 Part A I. Listen and judge (听一听,判断听到的内容与图片是否相符,相符的打“√”,不相符的打“×”). 1.× 2. √ 3.× 4.× 5.√ II. Listen and number (听一听,标序号). 2 5 1 4 III. Read and colour (读一读,涂色). 1.绿色 2.黄色 3.红色 4.橙色 5.棕色 IV. Read and match (读一读,连线). 4-3=one 4+1=five 5-2=three 2+2=four 3-1=two V. Read and write (读一读,写一写). 略 VI. Read,tick and colour (读一读,判断下列字母的大小写是否对应,将对应的涂上自己喜欢的颜色). 1.T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. T 7. F 8. F Part B I. Listen and number (听一听,标序号). 2 1 4 3 II. Listen and match (听一听,他们分别几岁了?连连线). 1.six 2. ten 3. nine 4. eight 5. seven III. Listen and draw (听一听,根据小动物的年龄在它们的生日蛋糕上画蜡烛). 1.3个 2. 1个 3. 7个 4. 8个 5. 10个 IV. Read and match (读一读,连一连,请你帮助小鸟回家吧). 左边:four--4 six--6 ten--10 seven--7 one--1 右边:two--2 nine--9 five--5 eight--8 three--3

小学英语语法专项练习题含答案 (1)

小学生语法专项练习题 名词练习 一.写出下列单数名词的复数形式 1.orange_______________ 2.box__________ 3.woman____________ 4.tomato________ 5.bus_______ 6.boy________ 7.baby _______ 8.watch_______ 9.photo________ 10.class_______ 11.foot________12.house________13.pen_______ 14.car________ 15.horse________ 16.radio_______ 17.dish________18.child________ 答案:1 oranges 2. Boxes 3. women 4. tomatoes 5.buses 6. boys 7babies 8.watches 9. Photos 10 classes 11. feet 12 houses 13 pens 14 cars 15 horses 16. radios 17 dishes 18 children 二.将下列单词的复数形式改成单数形式 1.doctors_________ 2.cities_______ 3.pianos__________ 4..ears________ 5.churches_______ 6.leaves_________ 7.teeth________ 8.zoos____ 9.brushes ________ 10.knives__________11.men _________12.pears _________ 答案1. doctor 2 city 3 piano 4. ear 5. church 6. leaf 7 tooth 8zoo 9brush 10 knife 11.man 12 pear 三.请从括号里选出正确的答案 1. Please give me__(two /two cups of )coffee. 2. There are a lot of___(sheep /sheeps ) on the farm. 3. I’d like some__ (bread / breads ) and___ (potato /potatoes). 4. Look! There is a ___(mouse /mice) in the corner. 5. He bought_____(a piece of /a piece ) paper. 6. “Where is___ (Woman’s / Women’s) Room?” asked Susan. 7. ____ (The girl’s/The girls’ ) hobby is drawing. 8. Aunt Lucy sent_____ (a child’s /a children’s ) book to me. 红色为答案 冠词练习


小学生提高英语写作能力的三大技巧:首先要搞好阅读。阅读是写作的基础,在阅读方面下的功夫越深,驾驭语言的能力也就越强。首先要搞好阅读。阅读是写作的基础,在阅读方面下的功夫越深,驾驭语言的能力也就越强。所以要写好英语先要读好英语,在语言学习方面狠下苦功,教科书要读透, 因为教科书中的文章都是一些很好的范文,文笔流畅,语言规范,精彩的一些课文段落要背诵。再就是要进行大量课外阅读,并记住一些好文章的篇章结构。 加强练词造句训练 其次,要加强练词造句的训练。词句对作文相当于造房的材料,无好材料就造不出好房子。平时在学习阅读时要注意收集积累,把好的词语、短语、句型做好笔记。平时在练习中的错误也要做好记录,再对照正确句子,使地道的英语句子如同条件反射,落笔就对。 了解英语写作格式还有,要了解英语写作的不同体裁与格式。可以先看一本介绍英语写作入门的书,对英语写作有一个初步的概念,如怎么写议论文,如何提出论据,如何展开,如何确定中心句;又如,英语信的格式,如何根据不同身份写不同结束语等,然后根据不同的体裁进行写作 练习。 用英语写日记 要养成记英语日记勤练笔的好习惯。经常用英语记日记,等于天天在练笔,这无疑是提高英语协作的行之有效的好办法。在记日记时,不要总是用简单句,要有意识地用一些好的词组、句型、关联词和复合句等,使文句更优美生动。还有要按照题目或所给情景写文章练笔。写好后对照范文,找出差距,然后再练习,这对提高英语作文也很有帮助,在游泳中学会游泳,只有多 练习才能练好。 总之,平时学习语言素材积累多了,体裁格式记住了又经常练习不断提高,到作文下笔时就会 得心应手,水到渠成。 历年真题(2018.31) 背景资料 某公司承包一座雨水泵站工程,泵站结构尺寸为23.4m(长)×13.2m(宽)×9.7m(高),地下部分深度5.5m,位于粉土、砂土层,地下水位为地面下3.0m。设计要求基坑采用明挖放坡,每层开挖深度不大于2.0m,坡面采用锚杆喷射混凝土支护,基坑周边设置轻型井点降水。 基坑临近城市次干路,围挡施工占用部分现况道路,项目部编制了交通导行图(见图1)。在路边按要求设置了A区、上游过渡区、B区、作业区、下游过渡区、C区6个区段,配备了交通导行标志、防护设施、夜间警示信号。 基坑周边地下管线比较密集,项目部针对地下管线距基坑较近的现况制定了管线保护措施,设置了明显的标识。 1.项目部的施工组织设计文件中包括质量、进度、安全、文明环保施工、成本控制等保证措施;基坑土方开挖等安全专项施工技术方案,经审批后开始施工。 2.为了能在雨期前完成基坑施工,项目部拟采取以下措施: (1)采用机械分两层开挖;(2)开挖到基底标高后一次完成边坡支护;(3)机械直接开挖到基底标高夯实后,报请建设、监理单位进行地基验收。


六年级英语下册基础训练“自主学习指导课程”参考答案 目录 本文档适用的配套图书 说明:本文档为本配套图书39页以后的答案 封面目录 (1) Recycle 参考答案……………………第2~3页 综合练习(一)参考答案 (4) 综合练习(二)参考答案………………第5~6页 语法专项复习参考答案……………………第7~10页

Recycle Ⅰ. Prepare presents for Annie.(为朋友准备礼物) 1.Read and match(读单词,连线). storybook—故事书comic book—漫画书kite—风筝ball—球 plane—飞机lamp—台灯pencil box—铅笔盒bag—书包 mirror—镜子umbrella—伞post card—明信片yo-yo—溜溜球 2. Finish the dialogue. new pen pal, How much, expensive, How much is it, It’s Ⅱ. Prepare food for the party. (为聚会准备食物). 1.Help Amy to finish the shopping list. (Amy 要去超市为聚会采购食物,让我们帮她 列出购物清单吧). Fruit Vegetables Meat Drinks apple, banana cucumber, potato fish, pork Coke, watermelon carrot, eggplant mutton, juice pear, orange tomato, cabbage chicken, beef milk_ 2. Talk about your favourite food with your partner(和你的同桌讨论一下你爱吃的食 物吧). 略。 Ⅲ. Make a performance list and answer the questions(根据节目表回答问题). 1.She can paint and play the violin. 2.Yes, he can. 3.He can play chess. 4.He can dance and do Chinese kung fu. 5.Tom. 6.Chen Jie. 7.I can sing(可以换成其他的动作单词或短语). 8.He can play the piano(可以换成其他的动作单词或短语). Ⅳ. Decorate the classroom(装饰教室). 1. Read and match(读单词,连线). light—灯fan—风扇balloons—气球camera—照相机 knife—刀子fork—叉子plate—盘子flowers—花 spoon—小勺chopsticks—筷子chair—椅子 2.Look at the picture and answer the questions(看图。回答问题). 1)It’s near the fan. / It’s on the ceiling. 2)Yes, it is. 3)They are near the desk.


小学英语专题训练 一、阅读,根据短文,下列表述正确的用(T)错误的用(F)表示。 (A) My name is Tom. I'm from Beijing. I'm a student. My sister and I are in the same school. My father is a teacher and my mother is a nurse. We don't live in Beijing .We live in Guangzhou now. Our house is old and small. But it's very nice. We like it. We are happy. ( ) 1. My sister is a student. ( ) 2. We live in Beijing now. ( ) 3. Our house is new and nice. ( ) 4. We live in a big house. ( ) 5. We are happy. (B) Today is Sunday. My family are all at home. We would like to do some housework. My father can sweep the floor and clean the windows. My mother can wash the clothes and cook the meals. I can water the flowers and empty the trash. We are helpful. ( ) 1. There are three people in my family. ( ) 2. It's Saturday today. ( ) 3. My father can't clean the windows. ( ) 4. My mother can cook the meals. ( ) 5. I can empty the trash. ( ) 6.We are helpful at home. ( C) David: Hi, I’m David. Can I ask you some questions? Mike: Sure. David: When do you go to school? Mike: At 7: 30. David: How many classes do you have every day? Mike: Six. David: What’s your favorite class? Mike: Math. I like math. David: Good! What do you do after school?


专项训练四:写作 Ⅰ. 范文展示: 一、上个周末你干了什么?请描述一下上个周末你干的事情。如:做作业、看望了奶奶、 跟朋友去了公园玩等。 范文 My weeend Last Saturday, I did my homewor. I flew ites with my friends. I visited my grandparents with my mother by car. I cooed for them. On Sunday I got up at si o'cloc. I went to the supermaret with my mother. We bought some meat and some fruit. On Sunday evening I watched TV. I went to bed at nine o'cloc. I had a good time on the weeend. I was happy. 译文 我的周末 上周六我做了我的家庭作业。我跟我的朋友们一起放风筝。我跟妈妈开车去看望了爷爷和奶奶。我为他们煮饭了。在周日,我六点钟起床。我和妈妈去了超市。我们买了一些肉和一些水果。在周日晚上,我看了电视。我九点钟睡觉了。我周末玩得很开心。我很快乐。 二、家人和朋友一起给你庆祝生日是一件快乐的事情,请你以My Happy Day为题,写一 写你是怎样过生日的。 范文 My Happy Day Today is my twelfth birthday. I invited many of my friends to come to my birthday party in the evening. At about si o'cloc ,my friends came to my home. They bought me lots of beautiful presents. They all said,“Happy birthday to you!”We sang birthday songs happily. At the end of the party we ate the birthday cae and some other delicious food. How happy we were!


创作编号: GB8878185555334563BT9125XW 创作者:凤呜大王* 综合练习二 Class______ Grade 5 Name__________ Number_______ 一.圈出下列单词中的不可数名词 peach ink water zoo sister coffee knife snow ice tea orange fridge jeep rain wind car teacher music ear cola watermelon cherry 二.写出下列名词的复数形式 1.watch__________ 2.class__________ 3.shelf__________ 4.dog__________ 5.dish__________ 6.child__________ 7.nurse__________ 8.desk__________ 9.boy__________ 10.baby__________ 11.tooth_________

12.eye__________ 13.sheep_________ 14.tomato_______ 15.library_________ 16.goose_________ 17.photo________ 18.telephone_________ 三.填入所给名词的适当形式 1.We have three________(pen). 2.This is an __________(apple). 3.Where is the__________(pencil)? 4.There is a little __________ in the bottle(juice). 5.Are you a __________(driver)? Yes, I am. 6.There are a few __________(watch)on the desk. 7.Many__________(shelf)are in our school library. 8.He has some__________(ink). 9.The__________(girl)in red is Mary. 10.How many__________(people)are there in your family? Three. 四.将下列名词按所给例词的词义属性归类 school pineapple panda jacket peach cat pen library hat trousers ruler classroom lemon dress tiger playground ink eraser shirt elephant ballpoint–pen computer room deer pencil-case snake shorts socks


基于小学英语话题整合写作训练,提升学生写作能力 发表时间:2016-11-01T10:30:12.473Z 来源:《中学课程辅导●教学研究》2016年8月上作者:丁邱邱 [导读] 能够运用书面表达方式传递信息、进行语言交际是学生必备的基本能力。 摘要:在小学阶段,英语写作能力在很大程度上体现了学生的英语综合素质,但大部分学生在写作方面缺乏足够的训练机会,从而导致学生在书面表达能力方面有所欠缺。本文通过笔者在近几年在复习课中开展的写作教学实例,阐述了教师在课堂教学中应该如何开展有效的写作训练。 关键词:写作教学;写作训练;课堂教学;兴趣 《英语课程标准》对小学生应掌握的写作技能做出了明确的要求:“小学生能模仿范例写句子;能写出简单的问候语;能根据要求为图片、实物等写出简短的标题或描述;能基本正确地使用大小写字母和标点符号。”可见,能够运用书面表达方式传递信息、进行语言交际是学生必备的基本能力。 但是,小学英语写作目前的状况却不容乐观。在小学阶段的英语教学中,听、说、读占据了绝对比重,而写的技能训练只是通过简单摹写字母、单词或句子为主的学习活动来进行。这使得大部分学生在写作方面处于真空状态,缺乏足够的训练机会,从而导致学生在书面表达能力方面有所欠缺。而写作能力在很大程度上却体现了学生的英语综合素质。因此,作为小学英语教师,在教学过程中,尤其是高年级,在注重听、说、读的基础上,适当增加写作教学比重,积极发展和提高学生英语写作技能便显得尤为重要。 【实践案例一】写作训练初期:“挖空”式写作 在完成对句型“There is a/an …”和“There are …”复习后,教师给学生布置了以下任务:观察自己所在的教室,完成以下填空。 【案例一效果评析】 案例一中的写作训练用了缺词填空的练习,并指明了学生的观察角度,内容简单,主题贴近生活,学生的完成情况较好。但这样的挖空式作文在整体上限制了学生的思维,给予学生的写作内容比较枯燥,缺乏再创作空间,比较适用于写作教学初期,相当于是写作训练心理适应期。 小学生接触英语的时间并不长,词汇量较小,又比较容易受到汉语的负迁移影响,导致写作热情普遍不高,抵触心理扩散。从简单的写作训练入手,有助于消除学生抵触心理,从而为后期写作训练的开展打下基础。同时,培养学生养成先观察再写作的习惯,做到言之有物,而非无谓空谈。 【实践案例二】写作训练中期:模仿式写作 在毕业复习课上,教师将人物关系、特征、爱好、职业等个等话题进行整合,做了一个全面的单词与句型总结。在完成相关复习教学后,教师给学生提供了以下资料,并要求学生进行口头描述,介绍相关人物。最后,再出示文本内容,要求学生完成作文。
