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从前有座山, 山上有座庙(temple), 庙里 有一个老和尚(monk)在讲故事。他说: “从前有座山, 山上…”
Long long ago, there was a mountain, on top of which stood an old temple, where lived an old monk telling a story:“Long long ago, there was a mountain…”
succeed in doing anything.
A.Only by working hard we can
B.By only working hard we can
C.Only by working hard can we
D.Only we can by working hard
Tired as he was, he continued to work. Try hard as he will, he never seems able to do the work satisfactorily.
注意:句首名词不能带任何冠词。句首是实义 动词, 其他助动词放在主语后。如果实义动词 有宾语和状语, 随实义动词一起放在主语之 前。
有 时表地方
Some experienced teachers are present at the meeting. Present at the meeting _a_re__s_o_m_e__e_x_p_e_ri_e_n_ce_d__t_e_a_ch_e_r_s_._
have answered the question. ___H__a_d_h__e_b_e_e_n_g_i_v_e_n_s_o_m__e_i_n_f_o_r_m_a_t_io_n__, __he could
have answered the question
也 常 需 如此 祝福
often,once, always, many a time He has been to Tieling many a time. Many a time h__a_s_h_e__b_e_e_n to Tieling.
也 常 虚 如此 祝福
虚拟条件句省略 if 时 , were,should, had 提前。
2.Only Mr. Wang knows this.(修饰主语不倒装)
as/though引导的让步状语从句,表示“尽管” “虽然”,将从句中的表语,状语提前 (n,adj,adv.),或提前谓语中的实义动词.
1.As you are young, you know a lot. Young a_s__y_o_u_a_r_e_, you know a lot.
有 时 表 地方
(方位) in, out, up, down, away,off
The balloons flew up. Up flew the balloons. Up flew they.(?) Up they flew.(代词不倒装)
有 时表地 方
不 只 让步 也 常 虚 如此 祝福

只 让步
not, no, never at no time, by no means, in no way hardly, scarcely, barely, little, seldom
not until not only… but also hardly…when, no sooner… than
----Open you mouth
Read the points about Inversion in your learning notes, and pay attention to the forms of the sentences and the rules.
Can you remember all the rules in such a short time?
有 时 表地方
here, there, in the front of, in the distance…
A teacher stands in the front of the classroom. In the front of the classroom stands a teacher.
The girl came in.
放到主语之前 In came the girl.
You may have a good trip! May you have a good trip!
Basic points about inversion(倒装句)
4.强调句本身已经表示强调,无需倒装 。
It was not until you knew it that you believed me.
5.部分倒装与全部倒装be动词的形式一 样
Here is the book. So busy is he that he can’t come.
Only then
1.not …until…
位于句 首
•Not until yesterday did I know the news.
•I did not begin to do my homework until my mother came back.
Not until my mother came back did I begin to do my
A there is
B there are
C is there
D are there
试题回放 C
也 常 需 如此 祝福
may I hope you will be successful!
_M_a_y_ you _s_u_c_c_e_e_d_!
Do the exercises in the learning notes.
Be careful— pay attention to the special cases
有 时表 地 方
不 只 让步 也 常 虚 如此 祝福
有 时表地方
there wenku.baidu.come 句型
在这个房间里有很多可爱的学生。 There are many lovely students in the room.
有 时 表 地方
now, then Your turn comes now. Now comes your turn.
也 常 虚 如此 祝福
Translation: -汤姆很善良。 -他的确很善良,你也是。 -Tom is very kind. -So he is , and so are you.
也 常 虚 如此 祝福
2.As you are a child, you know a lot. __C_h_i_ld__ as you are, you know a lot. Try as he might, he failed the exam.
As 引导的让步状语从句
可以把表语提到前面来,采用“形容词(或副词、名词、 实义动词原形)+ as +主语+谓语”这种形式.
so/such…that结构中, so/such 位于句首时
So well that the teacher praised her. A.she had done her homework B.her homework had been done C.did she do her homework D.she did her homework
how much
damage had been caused.
A. she realized
B. she had realized
C. had she realized D. did she realize
I failed in the final examination last term and only then____ the importance of studies
2) No sooner…than… Hardly …when…
Scarcely …when…
位于句 首
Hardly had they gone out of the classroom when it began to rain.
Exercises: •He had no sooner arrived there than he fell ill. No sooner had he arrived there than he fell ill.
•He had scarcely fallen asleep when a knock at the door awaked her. Scarcely had he fallen asleep when a knock at the door awaked her.
不 只 让步
主语(subject) 放在谓语(predicate) 的前面, 叫做一般语序
谓语 放在主语 的前面,叫做倒装语序
Basic points about inversion(倒装句)
----Use you brains
倒装 完全Full:将谓__语__动_词__全__部_放__到__主语前
A I realized B I had realized C had I realized D did I realize
2 Of the making of good books there is no end; neither_____ any end to their influence on man’s lives.
Basic points about inversion(倒装句)
----Use you brains
Read the first paragraph in your learning notes and tell me what inversion is. 英语语序(words order in English sentences)
_N_o_t _u_n_til then _d_id_ I realize how lucky I was.直到那时我才意识到我有多幸运。
绝不: by no means, in/under no circumstances, in no way, on no condition, on no account; at no time, in no case
e.g. If I were you, I would take the position in that company. __W__e_r_e_I_y_o_u___, I would take the position in that company.
If he had been given some information, he could
我们刚到家就开始下雨了。 We had hardly got home when it began to rain. Hardly had we got home when it began to rain. No sooner had we got home than it began to rain. Hardly…when…/No sooner…than