






暖通在学科分类中的全称为供热供燃气通风及空调工程,包括:采暖、通风、空气调节这三个方面,从功能上说是建筑的一个组成部分。暖通的英文缩写HVAC(Heating,Ventilating and Air Conditioning)。




摘要 本设计为哈尔滨望江集团办公楼空调系统工程设计。哈尔滨望江集团办公楼属中小型办公建筑,本建筑总建筑面积4138m2,空调面积2833m2。地下一层,地上八层,建筑高度33.9m。全楼冷负荷为191千瓦,全楼采用水冷机组进行集中供给空调方式。 此设计中的建筑主要房间为办公室,大多面积较小,且各房间互不连通,应使所选空调系统能够实现对各个房间的独立控制,综合考虑各方面因素,确定选用风机盘管加新风系统。在房间内布置吊顶的风机盘管,采用暗装的形式。将该集中系统设为风机盘管加独立新风系统,新风机组从室外引入新风处理到室内空气焓值,不承担室内负荷。风机盘管承担室内全部冷负荷及部分的新风湿负荷。风机盘管加独立新风系统由百叶风口下送和侧送。水系统采用闭式双管同程式,冷水泵三台,两用一备;冷却水泵选三台,两用一备。 在冷负荷计算的基础上完成主机和风机盘管的选型,并通过风量、水量的计算确定风管路和水管路的规格,并校核最不利环路的阻力和压头用以确定新风机和水泵。 依据相关的空调设计手册所提供的参数,进一步完成新风机组、水泵、热水机组等的选型,从而将其反应在图纸上,最终完成整个空调系统设计。 关键词:风机盘管加独立新风系统;负荷;管路设计;制冷机组:冷水机组

Abstract The design for the Harbin Wangjiang Design Group office building air conditioning system. Harbin Wangjiang Group is a small and medium-sized office building office buildings, the total floor area of building is 4138m2, air-conditioned area is 2833m2. There are eight floor of the building, building height is 33.9m. Cooling load for the entire floor, 191 kilowatts, the whole floor using Central Cooling Chillers to focus on the way . This design of the main room of the building for office, most of them is very small, and the rooms are not connected, the selected air-conditioning system should be able to achieve independent control of each room, considering the various factors to determine the selection of fan-coil plus fresh air system. Arrangement in the room ceiling fan coil units, using the dark form of equipment. Set the focus on fan-coil system, plus an independent air system, fresh air from the outdoor unit to deal with the introduction of a new wind to the indoor air enthalpy value, do not bear the load of indoor. All bear the indoor fan-coil cooling load and part of its new rheumatoid load. Fan-coil plus an independent air system sent by the Venetian and the under side air delivery. Closed water system with a dual-track program, three cold-water pump, dual-use a prepared; cooling pumps three elections, one prepared by dual-use. In the cooling load calculation based on the completion of the selection of host and fan coil units, and air volume, the calculation of water, the wind pipe and water pipes to determine the specifications of the road and check the resistance to the most disadvantaged and the loop to determine the pressure head new fans and pumps. Based on the relevant manuals provided by air-conditioning design parameters, and further completion of the new air units, water pumps, hot water units, such as the selection, which will be reflected in their drawings, the final design of the entire air-conditioning system Key words: PAU+FCU systems; load; pipeline design; refrigeration machine; Chillers

浅谈建筑环境与暖通空调能耗 外文资料翻译

毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 学院:建筑工程学院 专业:建筑环境与设备工程 姓名: ***** 学号: ******** 外文出处: Shallow talk the building environment an air condition to can consume with the warm 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 指导教师评语: 签名: 年月日

浅谈建筑环境与暖通空调能耗 摘要:研究建筑环境,了解暖通空调负荷产生的原因及影响因素,可以更加合理地提出解决问题的方法。 关键词:建筑环境暖通空调能耗 浅谈建筑环境与暖通空调能耗 能源为经济的发展提供了动力,但是由于各种原因,能源的发展往往滞后于经济的发展。近几年,中国的国民生产总值的增长率维持在约10%,但是能源的增长率只有3%~4%。这样的形势要求我们必须节能。建筑能源消耗在社会总能耗中的比例较大,发达国家的建筑用能一般占到全国总能耗的30%~40%;中国采暖区的城镇人口虽然只占全国人口的13.6%,但是采暖用能却占全国总能耗的9.6%。建筑节能是建筑发展的基本趋势,也是当代建筑科学技术的一个新的生长点。现代建筑的必要组成部分暖通空调领域也已经收到这种趋势的影响,暖通空调系统中的节能正在引起暖通空调工作者的注意,并且针对不同的国家、地区的能源特点和不同建筑的采暖、通风、空调要求发展者相关的节能技术。研究建筑环境,了解暖通空调负荷产生的原因及影响因素,可以更加合理地提出解决问题的方法。 暖通空调能耗的组成 为了创造舒适的室内空调环境,必须消耗大量的能源。暖通空调能耗是建筑能耗中的大户,居统计在发达国家中暖通空调能耗占建筑能耗的65%,以建筑能耗占总能耗的356%计算,暖通空调能耗占总能耗的比例竟高达22.75%,由此可见建筑节能工作的重点应该是暖通空调的节能。从暖通空调的能耗组成可以看出:暖通空调系统的能耗主要决定于空调冷、热负荷的确定和空调系统的合理配置,空调系统的布置和空调设备的选择是以空调负荷为依据的。所以暖通空调节能的关键是空调外界负荷和内部负荷的确定,而暖通空调节能工作也应该从这个方面着手,合理布置建筑物的位置,正确选择外墙、门、窗、屋顶的形状及材料等,尽量减少空调负荷。 室内环境的影响 暖通空调的目标是为人们提供舒适的生活和生产室内热环境,主要包括:室内空气温度、空气湿度、气流速度以及人体与周围环境(包括四壁、地面、顶棚等)之间的辐射换热(简称环境热辐射)等。在一般的舒适性空调中,以能够使人体保持平衡而满足


1.课程设计的意义 通过本次的课程设计,使自己拥有一定的暖通空调设计能力;了解一些相关的规范和条例;熟悉并掌握暖通空调设计流程;同时使自己的思维更加的严谨,态度更加的认真,为以后的社会工作奠定了扎实的基础。 2.文献综述 随着国民经济的快速持续发展,作为支柱产业之一的建筑业也得到迅猛发展。而作为建筑业的重要组成部份的暖通空调业,其新产品、新技术、新材料更是层出不穷。暖通空调业发展所遵循的原则,概括起来就是:节能、环保、可持续发展,保证建筑环境的卫生与安全,适应国家的能源结构调整战略,贯彻热、冷计量政策,创造不同地域特点的暖通空调发展技术。因此,如何结合设计的需要,重视相关技术,并有选择而合理的应用在我们的设计中,满足业主要求,提高设计水平,是我们必须努力做到的。 2.1.暖通空调变工况点优化控制及能量管理探讨 2.1.1.工况点优化控制 暖通空调变工况点优化控制问题的研究近年来在我国被重视。S.W.Wang 提出了一种基于整个系统环境的预测响应及能量运行来改变暖通空调系统控制,设定点的系统方法,并用遗传算法对系统进行优化控制,同时优化多个设定点来改善系统响应和降低系统能耗[1],后来他又采用自适应性控制理论对某海水冷却。空调系统进行了优化控制研究,采用带指数遗忘的最小二乘法参数辨识方法和基因遗传优化算法,对空调系统的空气处理单元进行了优化控制研究[2]。罗启军等人提出了一项动态的优化技术在一个指定期间内,能得到使目标函数( 运行成本或者峰值能耗) 最小的房间温度曲线,该算法还给出了暖通空调设备的最佳开/关时间[3]。K.T.Chan 等人提出用遗传算法对风冷制冷机的冷凝温度设定点进行优化控制以提高制冷机的效率[4]。此外,有许多研究者用人工神经网络来模拟暖通空调系统中各个设备的非线性特性,用于实现对整个空调系统的优化控制。目前,研究者们将更多先进的建模方法和智能优化方法引入到了暖通空调的优化控制中,更加注重变工况点的在线优化控制。何厚建等人对已建的暖通空调各关键设备的静态模型采用用实数编码的遗传算法建立了水系统工作点优化控制策略[5]杨晓平等人采用模糊聚类和RBF方法建立了空气处理单元的动态数学模型,以最终舒适性为目标优化空气处理单元的温湿度和送风压力[6]。孙一坚根据空调负荷变化对一级泵水系统进行变流量控制,取得了显著效果[7]。总之国内的学者更多探讨的是把智能方法引入控制系统的优化中,仿真研究多,实践成果少。


1.工程概况及主要设计参数 (1) 1.1 工程概况 (1) 1.2 基本设计参数 (1) 1.3 设计依据 (3) 2.空调系统的负荷计算 (3) 2.1空调房间的冷负荷计算 (3) 2.2湿负荷计算 (8) 2.3热负荷计算 (9) 3系统方案确定 (18) 3.1系统的分区 (18) 3.2空调系统的分类 (19) 3.3空调系统的比较 (20) 3.4空调系统方式的确定 (24) 3.4 空调房间送风量的确定 (27) 3.5空气处理设备选型 (29) 4.室内气流组织形式的确定及计算 (33) 4.1 送、回风口的型式 (33) 4.2 气流组织形式 (35) 4.3 气流组织的设计计算 (38) 5水系统设计 (44) 5.1水系统简介 (44) 5.2水系统的管路设计计算 (49) 5.4空调水系统水力计算 (51) 5.5系统管材的选择 (54) 6.风管的布置及其水力计算 (55) 6.1风管设计的基本知识 (55) 6.2风管的水力计算 (58) 7.空调制冷机房设计 (63) 7.1空调冷水系统 (63) 7.2热水循环系统.................................................................................. - 66 - 7.3冷冻水系统设计.............................................................................. - 68 - 7.4冷却水系统...................................................................................... - 71 - 7.5循环水系统的补水、定压与膨胀.................................................. - 74 - 7.6 管道的水力计算............................................................................. - 76 -8系统保温及消声、减震........................................................... - 79 - 8.1管道及设备的保温.......................................................................... - 79 -


中文2300字 Shallow talk the building environment an air condition to can consume with the warm Summary: The research constructs environment, understanding a warm an air condition to carry output reason and influencing factor, can be more and reasonably put forward solve problem of method. Keyword: Constructing a warm of environment an air condition can consume Shallow talk the building environment an air condition to can consume with the warm The energy provided motive for the development of the economy, but because of various reason, the development of the energy is a usually behind in economy of development. In the last few years, the growth rate maintenance of citizen's total output value of China are in about 10%, but the growth rate of the energy only have 3% ~s 4%.Such situation's requesting us has to economize on energy. The comparison that constructs the energy depletion in the society always the ability consume compares greatly, the building of the flourishing nations' use can have to the whole country generally and always can consume of 30% ~s 40%;China adopts the town population of the warm area although only 13.6% that have national population, adopt warm use an ability but have a whole country and always can consume of 9.6%.Construct the economy energy is the basic trend of the building development, is also a new growth of[with] the contemporary building science technique to order. The necessity of the modern building constitutes a part of warm, the air condition realm has already received the influence of this kind of trend as well, warm the economy energy within air condition system is cause a warm the attention of the air condition worker, and aims at different of the adopt of energy characteristics and the dissimilarity building of the nation, region is warm, well ventilated, the air condition request develop a related economy energy technique .The research constructs environment, understanding a warm an air condition to carry output reason and


2013级暖通空调结课论文 暖通空调技术的发展 与建筑节能 学生姓名:李刚 学号:201305104101 指导教师:李琼 所在学院:建筑工程 专业:建筑环境与能源应用工程

呼和浩特市某办公建筑节能设计 摘要 随着现代人们的生活理念和方式的多样化细节化,对于建筑物内的环境要求也日益增加,舒适和高品质的居住环境成为人们追求的趋势,伴随着建筑能耗的总量呈逐年上升趋势,而暖通空调系统在建筑能耗中占有重要比重。本文通过分析暖通空调系统能耗的构成及主要特点,针对当前在节能方面面临的问题,对暖通空调控制系统设计进行了探讨,并提出解决途径与方法。 关键词:暖通空调,环保节能,解决方案 HVAC development and building energy saving Abstract: along with the modern concept of people's lives and the diversification of means of details, to the environment within a building requirements are also increasing, comfortable and high quality living environment become the trend, with the total building energy consumption is rising year by year, and HVAC system in building energy consumption occupies the important proportion, In this paper, through the analysis of HVAC system energy consumption composition and main characteristics, in view of the current in the energy saving problems, HVAC control system design is discussed, and puts forward the ways and methods. Keywords: HVAC, Environmental protection and energy saving, Solution 1 引言


关于室外气象参数的文献综述 通过对《建筑热过程》这门课程的学习,使我体会到在做暖通空调设计时,室外气象参数的重要性。所以,需要对室外气象参数的来源、处理、计算方法、使用等等做进一步学习。 空调设计气象参数,包括设计干球温度、湿球温度和太阳辐射,是建筑空调系统设计必要和基本的数据。它们同时作用于建筑物,.是导致围护结构的传热和通过渗透和通风直接进行质交换的驱动势。在空调系统中同时发生的设计气象条件是确定空调系统容量的峰值冷负荷所必需的条件。不适当的设计气象数据将造成容量过大或偏小的HV AC系统,会导致不必要的额外初投资和较低的部分负荷效率,或者经常不能提供充足的制冷量。 1.室外空气计算参数的数据来源及分析比较 原始数据来源于中国气象局气象信息中心气象室编制的我国地面气象资料数据集和气象辐射资料数据集。我国地面气象资料数据集由我国地面气候观测网国家基准气候站和国家基本气象站连续定时探测大气变化所记录的各种气象要素资料组成。基准气候站每天进行24次定时观测,基本气象站每天进行4次定时观测,分别为02:00、08:00、14:00、20:00。 采用国家气象信息中心气象资料室提供的26城市1978年1月1月至2007年12月31日的地面气候资料为观测基础数据,按我国规范的确定方法和国外不保证率的方法为基础,对室外空气计算参数的确定方法进行讨论,并更新了部分城市的主要室外空气计算参数,主要结论如下: (1)分别计算统计年限为10年、15年、20年及30年的室外空气计算参数,参考气象学上的规定并综合冬夏室外空气计算参数的变化与累年气温的变化规律,认为30年是比较适宜的统计期。 (2)我国空调室外空气计算参数与ASHRAE相比,数值处于保证级别比较高的水平,只是形式不够灵活,不能让设计师在设计时根据建筑的不同用途、实际需要来选择对应的设计值。而且我国现在还不能提供满足统计要求的逐时气温数据,使用不保证率的方法条件还不够成熟。 (3)与GBJ19一87相比,夏季空调干球计算温度变化不大,大部分城市温度增长在1℃以内,个别城市如乌鲁木齐、徐州的夏季空调设计温度甚至低于原规范的设计参数;采暖城市30年统计期的采暖室外计算温度增幅较为明显,大部分上升了2一3℃,部分北方城市10年统计期的冬季采暖及空调设计参数呈现出下降趋势,有的甚至与30年的统计数据持平。 (4)对负荷计算方法进行分析并对比新老30年的计算参数,我国北方地区采暖室外计


浅谈暖通空调管道设计 内容摘要 中央空调的管道设计要求合理、满足建筑功能需求和控制投资费用,空调管道的设计和选型是暖通空调工程重要一部分,本文根据暖通技术理论知识,结合实例简要谈谈暖通管道的分类、水力计算、系统选择和冷凝水排放。 关键词:暖通空调;管道设计;水力计算;系统选择; abstract:the central air conditioning pipeline design requirements, meet the reasonable construction functional requirements and control investment costs, air conditioning design and selection of pipe is an important part of hvac engineering, this paper according to the hvac technology theory, combined with the talk about the classification of hvac pipeline briefly, the hydraulic calculation, selection and condensed water from the system. keywords: hvac; piping design; the hydraulic calculation; system choice; 中图分类号:s611文献标识码:a 文章编号: 随着社会科学技术不断的发展,建筑设计高度、环境舒适和智能化程度会越来越高,中央空调系统是建筑中不可缺少的设备设施


英文文献 Air Conditioning Systems Air conditioning has rapidly grown over the past 50 years, from a luxury to a standard system included in most residential and commercial buildings. In 1970, 36% of residences in the U.S. were either fully air conditioned or utilized a room air conditioner for cooling (Blue, et al., 1979). By 1997, this number had more than doubled to 77%, and that year also marked the first time that over half (50.9%) of residences in the U.S. had central air conditioners (Census Bureau, 1999). An estimated 83% of all new homes constructed in 1998 had central air conditioners (Census Bureau, 1999). Air conditioning has also grown rapidly in commercial buildings. From 1970 to 1995, the percentage of commercial buildings with air conditioning increased from 54 to 73% (Jackson and Johnson, 1978, and DOE, 1998). Air conditioning in buildings is usually accomplished with the use of mechanical or heat-activated equipment. In most applications, the air conditioner must provide both cooling and dehumidification to maintain comfort in the building. Air conditioning systems are also used in other applications, such as automobiles, trucks, aircraft, ships, and industrial facilities. However, the description of equipment in this chapter is limited to those commonly used in commercial and residential buildings. Commercial buildings range from large high-rise office buildings to the corner convenience store. Because of the range in size and types of buildings in the commercial sector, there is a wide variety of equipment applied in these buildings. For larger buildings, the air conditioning equipment is part of a total system design that includes items such as a piping system, air distribution system, and cooling tower. Proper design of these systems requires a qualified engineer. The residential building sector is dominated by single family homes and low-rise apartments/condominiums. The cooling equipment applied in these buildings comes in standard ―packages‖ that are often both sized and installed by the air conditioning contractor. The chapter starts with a general discussion of the vapor compression refrigeration cycle then moves to refrigerants and their selection, followed by packaged Chilled Water Systems。 1.1 Vapor Compression Cycle Even though there is a large range in sizes and variety of air conditioning systems used in buildings, most systems utilize the vapor compression cycle to produce the desired cooling and dehumidification. This cycle is also used for refrigerating and freezing foods and for automotive air conditioning. The first patent on a mechanically driven refrigeration system was issued to Jacob Perkins in 1834 in London, and the first


毕业设计(论文)任务书 毕业设计(论文)题目:某市某综合楼空调系统设计 系别能源与动力学院班级建环本121/122 学生姓名学号 指导教师职称 毕业设计(论文)进行地点:校内 任务下达时间: 2015年 12 月 24 日 起止日期:2016年 3 月1日起——至 2016年 6 月日止 教研室主任年月日批准 1、论文的原始资料及依据:

(一)题目来源:某市某综合楼建筑结构图 (二)设计主要技术参数 (1)土建资料 详见建筑图纸。 (2) 气象参数:根据本市的气象资料确定; (3)建筑参数: 外墙体结构:根据地区自行选定,如δ=370 m m红砖,内外抹灰20mm 屋面:根据地区自行选定,如200mm厚混凝土板加12.5mm厚加气混凝土保温层。 外窗:根据地区自行选定,如标准玻璃的单层钢窗,全部挂淡色窗帘,(4)室内空调设计参数:温度t n=26℃; 湿度φn=60%; 风速不大于0.3 m/s。 (5)照明容量: 40W/m2 (6)房间人数:0.5人/m2,群集系数0.92 (三)设计主要技术关键 正确进行空调负荷和新风量的计算,确定出冷气方案,合理地布置管道,并进行水力计算,合理选择及布置设备,做好气流组织。 2、设计(论文)主要内容及要求 通过本次设计使学生系统地掌握空调系统设计的主要方法和步骤,能根据实际情况合理确定空调方案,会计算空调系统的负荷量和新风负荷量,能合理布置管道和设备,了解空调设备的型式及用途,会进行设备的选型,合理进行气流组织,会计算水管、风道的阻力,选取水泵、风机等。使学生能把所学知识灵活运用到实际当中去,让理论与实际相结合,为学生毕业以后的工作打下坚实基础。 主要内容: 空调系统的设计 (1)、由建筑物所在地区确定室内外气象参数; 夏季室内外设计计算参数;室内温度、湿度、风速、新风量等参数。


暖通空调系统中英文资料外文翻译文献 外文文献: HV AC system optimization––condenser water loop Abstract This paper presents a model-based optimization strategy for the condenser water loop of centralized heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HV AC) systems. Through analyzing each component characteristics and interactions within and between cooling towers and chillers, the optimization problem is formulated as that of minimizing the total operating cost of all energy consuming devices with mechanical limitations, component interactions, outdoor environment and indoor cooling load demands as constraints. A modified genetic algorithm for this particular problem is proposed to obtain the optimal set points of the process. Simulations and experimental


关于暖通空调系统节能设计探讨 摘要:随着国民经济的快速发展,人们生活水平的提高,暖通空调的应用日益普及,大大改善了人们的生产生活环境,但能耗问题也随之凸显起来,为了创造一个舒适的人居环境,建筑舒适性空调系统得以广泛应用。本文在暖通空调系统节能设计上及节能设计相关问题上进行了阐述。 关键词:空调系统设计节能技术对策措施 abstract: with the rapid development of national economy, the improvement of people’s living standard, hvac applications the increasing popularity, has greatly improved the people’s production and life environment, but also will highlight up energy consumption problems, in order to create a comfortable living environment, building comfort air-conditioning system can be widely used. based on the hvac system energy saving design on questions and energy saving design is discussed in this paper. keywords: air conditioning system design technology for energy conservation measures 中图分类号:s210.4文献标识码:a 文章编号: 随着社会的发展城市房屋的建设和城镇化的快速步伐,建筑能耗在总能耗中所占的比例越来越大,给建筑能耗带来了巨大的压


Refrigeration System Performance using Liquid-Suction Heat Exchangers S. A. Klein, D. T. Reindl, and K. BroWnell College of Engineering University of Wisconsin - Madison Abstract Heat transfer devices are provided in many refrigeration systems to exchange energy betWeen the cool gaseous refrigerant leaving the evaporator and Warm liquid refrigerant exiting the condenser. These liquid-suction or suction-line heat exchangers can, in some cases, yield improved system performance While in other cases they degrade system performance. Although previous researchers have investigated performance of liquid-suction heat exchangers, this study can be distinguished from the previous studies in three Ways. First, this paper identifies a neW dimensionless group to correlate performance impacts attributable to liquid-suction heat exchangers. Second, the paper extends previous analyses to include neW refrigerants. Third, the analysis includes the impact of pressure drops through the liquid-suction heat exchanger on system performance. It is shoWn that reliance on simplified analysis techniques can lead to inaccurate conclusions regarding the impact of liquid-suction heat exchangers on refrigeration system performance. From detailed analyses, it can be concluded that liquid-suction heat exchangers that have a minimal pressure loss on the loW pressure side are useful for systems using R507A, R134a, R12, R404A, R290, R407C, R600, and R410A. The liquid-suction heat exchanger is detrimental to system performance in systems using R22, R32, and R717. Introduction Liquid-suction heat exchangers are commonly installed in refrigeration systems With the intent of ensuring proper system operation and increasing system performance.Specifically, ASHRAE(1998) states that liquid-suction heat exchangers are effective in: 1) increasing the system performance 2) subcooling liquid refrigerant to prevent flash gas formation at inlets to expansion devices 3) fully evaporating any residual liquid that may remain in the liquid-suction prior to reaching the compressor(s) Figure 1 illustrates a simple direct-expansion vapor compression refrigeration system utilizing a liquid-suction heat exchanger. In this configuration, high temperature liquid leaving the heat rejection device (an evaporative condenser in this case) is subcooled prior to being throttled to the evaporator pressure by an expansion device such as a thermostatic expansion valve. The sink for subcooling
