
Action English(351)
II.American Slang
Doesn’t look like you got off to a good start .(片中)
◆get off to a good start 一个好的开始
E.g.(1)I really want to get off to a good start at my new job .I hope I don’t make any mistakes at my first week .
(2)Annie’s date didn’t get off to a good start .Roger came to the restaurant 45 minutes late .
III. Classic Movie Clips
It’s a lemon .(片中)
◆lemon 坏了,不能使用了
E.g.(1)Carl said he lost his tennis match because his racket was a lemon .
(2)I returned my new DVD player to the store because it turned out to be a lemon .
Guess I’m all set then .(片中)
◆set 准备就绪
E.g. Do you have everything you need for your trip ?
------Yes .I’m all set .
IV.Movie Tunes
选自《沉睡野人》主题曲《I’m Too Sexy》

Action English(352)
II.American Slang
You just need to …loosen up .(片中)
◆loosen up 放松一下
E.g.(1)Brian was really nervous at the beginning of his job interview ,but he loosened up when the boss started talking about basketball .
BRIAN 在面试的最初非常紧张,但当老板开始谈起篮球时他就放松了。
(2)Loosen up !Monica really likes you ,so you have nothing to worry about .
放松点! monica 真得很喜欢你,所以你没什么可担心的。
III. Classic Movie Clips
Cat got your tongue ?(片中)
◆Has the cat got your tongue ? 你哑巴了?怎么不说话了?
E.g.(1)Why won’t you tell me why you got home so late ?Has the cat got your tongue ?
(2)Has the cat got your tongue ?You haven’t called me in days !
◆put up with somebody /something 去忍受某人/某事
E.g.(1)He broke up with his girlfriend because he got tired of putting up with her demands .
(2)I feel sorry for teachers .They have to put up with a lot .
IV.Movie Tunes
选自《沉睡野人》主题曲《Wooly Bully》

Action English(353)
II.American Slang
I think you have a loose wire .(片中)
◆loose wire /screw loose 疯狂
E.g.(1)I think my boss has a screw loose .He called me into his office but when I got there he sent me back to my desk !
(2)Let’s call Professor Porters about this math problem .
------Do you have a screw loose ?It’s after midnight !
III. Classic Movie Clips
Glad you could drop in .(片中)
◆drop in /by 顺便来访
E.g.(1)It was great to see you .Drop in again when you have free time .
(2)I dropped by my grandmother’s house after work .
Imagine the perks .(片中)
◆perk 优势,优点
E.g. Amanda’s job at American Airlines has a great perk .She can fly anywhere in the

world for free !
IV.Movie Tunes
选自《沉睡野人》主题曲《You Turn Me On》

Action English(354)
◆AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语- Lynn from 《白宫也失眠》
word is 传闻,传言(人们所传,没有经过证实)
例:Word is you and Matt are dating. Is it true?
例:A: The word is that Hillary Clinton will run for president in 2008.
B: Really? I hope she does because I really like her.
cutting-edge 非常前卫、尖端
例:Have you seen the Matrix movie? The special effects are very cutting-edge.
例:Japan produces many cutting-edge cars. One model can even park by itself.
be for sth/sb 支持某人,赞同某事
例:We have got two different opinions. Which argument are you for?
例:I’m for more environmental protection because I don’t think the government is doing enough.

Action English(355)
◆AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语- Lynn from 《白宫也失眠》
get through/come through 度过……,坚持到底
例:A: I’m so nervous about the final exam.
B: Don’t worry. You’ll get through it.
例:Emily had a hard time adjusting to her new job but she got through this.
give in 屈服
例:I asked my boss for a raise for so many times that he eventually gave in.
例:Ellen’s husband wants to move to Moscow, but she refuse to give in because she hates cold weather.
for old times’ sake 追寻以前的时光,看在过去的份上
for ……sake 看在什么的份上
例:Let’s go to Pete’s Restaurant tonight for old times’ sake. We haven’t been there since we moved 5 years ago.
例:I want to meet up with my college roommates for old times’ sake. We have seen each other for so long.

Action English(356)

II.American Slang
You’ve been around the block a couple of times .(片中)
◆been around the block 某人在做某事很有经验
E.g.(1)Let’s ask Justin how to deal with this situation .He’s been around the block a few times .
(2)I’ve been around the block a few times .I know what I’m doing .
III. Classic Movie Clips
He doesn’t just pay lip service to return .(片中)
◆give /pay lip service to 只说不做
E.g.(1)Politicians often pay lip service to many important issues during an election but they don’t fulfill their promises once they are elected .
(2)Arnold Schwarzenegger gave lip service to immigrant rights before he became governor .Let’s see if he actually does what he said he would .
◆run 竞选,竞争
E.g.(1)In American schools ,students can run for positions in the student government .
(2)There are no female candidates running for president this year .
IV.Movie Tunes
选自《当男人爱上女人》主题曲《Crazy Love》
Action English(357)

Classic film clips
1. why don’t you get out of my face.(film)
get out of my face 消失、滚开、走

eg. Can you make your dog get out of my face, I’m trying to study and he’s bothering me .
eg. If you don’t get out of my face, I ‘m gonna call the ploice.
2. be flooded with 被……淹没 覆盖
eg. Radio station was flooded with phone calls from people requesting songs. 电台被人们的点歌电话给淹没了。
Eg. Celebrities are often flooded with mail from their fans.
3. don’t you ever blow me off.(film)
blow sb\sth off
eg. I can’t believe you blew off my phone calls. I really needed to talk to you. 我很难相信你这么不在乎我的电话,我真的很想和你说话。
Eg. Just blow off what Eric said to you last night. I don’t think he meant it.
别在意Eric 昨晚对你说的话,我想他不是那个意思。
Running from mercy 逃离宽恕

Action English(358)
II.American Slang
He had a bum leg .(片中)
◆bum 坏了
E.g.(1)Even though he was a good guy ,he had a bum reputation .
(2)I wish I could run the marathon ,but I have a bum knee .
III. Classic Movie Clips
Whose turn is it ?(片中)
◆turn 轮到
E.g.(1)I think it’s John’s turn in the game since I just laid the four of hearts .
(2)I think we should take turns setting up for the meetings each week .
I’ll pass out .(片中)
◆pass out 晕倒了
E.g.(1)After running several kilometers in the heat ,I thought I was going to pass out .
(2)When Mary saw the blood ,she passed out .
IV.Movie Tunes
选自《黑夜传说》主题曲《Worms of the Earth》
Action English(359)
american slang
1. a number of them were riding out.(film)
ride out 耐心等待一件事情过去、忍受.....、扛过去
eg. we are gonna have to ride out this rain at the office.
eg. Bob was determined to be a CEO ,even if he had to ride out a few years in low positions at the company.
bob 决心要做一名CEO, 即便他要在这个公司很低的职位上耐心地做上几年。
2、you got a second? (film)
have a second 有空吗,有时间吗(指很短的时间)
eg. Do you have a second to look over this letter before i send it ?
eg. wait a second ,while i put on my shoes.
3、he wouldn't let anyone beat him.(film)
beat 打败(在体育或游戏项目上)
eg. Jenny beat Tom in that last game of chess.
Jenny 再昨天的国际象棋的比赛上打败了Tom.
eg. Real Madrid beat the Chinese team when they played in Beijing.
movie tunes.
happy together
dime 十美分
easy my mind 你能让我感觉好一些
action English(360)
II.American Slang
He’s not calling the shots .(片中)
◆call the

shots 负责,管事
E.g.(1)You must do what I tell you because I’m calling the shots around here .
(2)Who is calling the shots for your team ?
III. Classic Movie Clips
What’s your beef with him ?(片中)
◆have a beef with somebody 跟某人有过节
E.g.(1)Luke will not go to the party with us because he has some kind of a beef with the host .
(2)I have a big beef with people who say one thing and do something different .
It fell into my lap .(片中)
◆something falls into one’s lap 天上掉馅饼的事(不劳而获得到的)
E.g.(1)My first chance to visit China fell into my lap .
(2)Fred’s new job practically fell into his lap .
IV.Movie Tunes
选自《辣妈辣妹》主题曲《For All My Life》

action English(361)
american slang
1 keep sb in line 让某人守规矩、别惹麻烦
eg. Don't get out of line at dinner,or you'll be punished.
eg. It's difficult to keep a group of young children in line .
2. I'll hand them my notice.
notice 提前告诉
eg. My job requires at least two weeks notice if i want to leave.
eg. Did you give them a notice that we are dropping by ?
3. The money's better . 钱会更多。
eg. Susan took the new job ,because the money was better than her old one.
susan 找了一份新工作,因为这份工作挣钱比以前那个多。
eg. if you want to work in medicine ,you should become a surgeon because the money's better .
moive tunes
same old start 又一样的开始
same old end 又一样的结局
get out 动身

action English(362)
american slang
1. two-bit 二流的
eg. It's a real two-bit hotel. 这真是个二流旅馆。
eg. I've just got some terrible two-bit job. 我只是找了份二流的工作。
2. I'm out of pocket here.
out of pocket 没钱
eg. I'm out of pocket until you pay me back .
3. go real easy on sb 对....心软了
eg. we should 've won but we went real easy on the other team.
movie tunes
what i like about you 我喜欢你什么

action English(363)
American Slang
1. Bull's eye,ace.
a bull's eye 正中靶心、恰到好处
eg. He scored a bull's eye with his last assignment.
2. turn sth inside out 把......查个底朝天
eg. I turned the wardrobe inside out looking for my hat.
eg. You need to turn this problem inside out .
3. cut it out.
cut out 停止做某事
eg. You should cut it smoking if you wa

nt to stay healthy.
Moive Tunes
on my mind 让我惦记
you always bends when i'm broken 当我难过时,你总陪在我身边

action English(364)
American Slang
1. Get to the point . 直入主题、切入正题
eg. It takes a long time for our professor to get to the point.
eg. I didn't have enough time to get to the point of the speech.
2. hare-brained 草率、轻率、浮躁、荒谬
eg. Duren had a hare-brained idea about sailing around the world .
Duren 有一个很荒谬的想法,要环游世界。
3. For crying out loud 没有实际意思,表示非常愤怒,使用时在后面直接加上生气的理由
eg. For crying out loud I wish they'd turn the music down next door.
Movie Tunes
Killing me softly with this song 《用这首歌温柔地将我杀死》

action English(365)
American Slang
1. ingenious 有创意的、智慧的、机灵的
eg. The design of the new opera house is ingenious.
eg. She's had some ingenious ideas for saving money .
2. These guys are playing for keeps.
play for keeps 做事正经点、严肃些
eg. If you're not gonna play for keeps ,you shouldn't bother doing it.
3.It makes perfect sense
make perfect sense 讲得很清楚、很明白
eg. After I read the testbook ,the answer made perfect sense.
Moive Tunes
Me VS The World 《我同世界对抗》
vs= versus 与...相对
stay out of my way 离我远点

-------GAME OVER-------
