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In the best-selling book The World‘s Healthiest Foods, biologist, nutritionist, and TGMF founder George Mateljan says the healthiest foods in the world are the most nutrient-dense sources of natural, essential nutrients. These foods are also the best-tasting, most readily available, common, and inexpensive foods in the world. If you are looking to change your diet for tasty, natural, nutrient-rich foods, these top 10 foods represent the world‘s healthiest foods.在畅销书《世界上最健康的食物》中,生物学家、营养学家、TGMF的创始

人George Mateljan写到:世界上最健康的食物是天然的、是人体必需营养




1. Vegetables


You can‘t argue about the health benefits of a diet rich in vegetables. Vegetables keep your appetite in check so you don‘t consume too much or too little food. They lower blood pressure and risk of digestive and eye problems. Vegetables also reduce your risk of stroke, heart disease, and some cancers.


Among the most nutritious vegetables you can eat are:


Asparagus 芦笋

Avocados 鳄梨

Broccoli 西兰花

Brussels sprouts 球芽甘蓝

Cabbage 卷心菜

Carrots 胡萝卜

Cauliflower 花椰菜

Celery 芹菜

Collard greens 羽衣甘蓝

Cucumbers 黄瓜

Garlic 大蒜

Onions 洋葱

Potatoes 土豆

Romaine lettuce 长叶莴苣Sea vegetables 深海蔬菜Spinach 菠菜

Squash, summer 夏南瓜Squash, winter 冬南瓜Sweet potatoes 甘薯Swiss chard 唐莴苣Tomatoes 西红柿

Turnip greens 萝卜叶Yams 山药


2. Fruits


Fruits are nature‘s best gift of medicine complete with minerals, vitamins, anti-oxidants, and a host of other beneficial,

plant-derived micronutrients (phyto-nutrients). These foods are naturally low in fat and calories, and none have cholesterol. Their high disease-prevention value includes protection from chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes, and obesity.


Some of the most nutritious fruits you can add to your diet are: 你的饮食中可以加入下面这些最有营养的水果:

Apples 苹果

Apricots 杏

Bananas 香蕉Blueberries 蓝莓Cantaloupe甜瓜Cranberries 蔓越橘Figs 无花果Grapefruit 葡萄柚Grapes 葡萄Kiwifruit 猕猴桃Lemon/Limes 柠檬Oranges 柑橘Papaya 木瓜Pears 梨Pineapple 菠萝Plums 李子Prunes 梅干Raisins 葡糖干

Raspberries 树莓

Strawberries 草莓

Watermelon 西瓜

whole grains

3. Whole grains


Whole grains are low in fat and high in fiber. They help keep the colon and heart healthy and also calm inflamed tissues that can cause health problems like swollen feet.


Some of the world‘s most nutritious whole grains include:


Barley 大麦

Brown rice 糙米
