






Teaching aims:

Knowledge aim:

Students will grasp the target expressions about asking questions, and also get some ways of learning English.

Ability aim:

Students can express their opinion on learning English.

Emotional aim:

Students can foster the interest and desire of learning English, and be fond of taking part in kinds of class activities.

Key and difficult point:

Key Point: Students can master the usage of key structures.

Difficult Point: Students can improve their confidence in learning English, and not be afraid of speaking English.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1: Warming-up

1. Greetings.

2. Show a video about an English speech “ I Have a Dream” addressed by Martin Luther King. And ask students what their feelings are.

And then ask them a question: “why does he speak English well?” “Because he masters some skills about learning English”. Actually today our topic is also about this and then lead in the topic: let’s speak.

Step 2: Pre-speaking

1. Teacher reads the passage and asks students figure out the main idea of the dialogue.

2. Ask students to read the passage again and pay attention to the underlined parts. They need to answer the questions about underlined parts.

Question1:How can you improve your English?

Answer1:watch TV programmes on CCTV9; read English books; read English newspapers and magazines.

Question2:Where can you read books, newspapers or magazines?

Answer2:At the library.

3. Ask students to work in groups of four to think of other ways to improve English in 10 minutes, and then invite some groups to show their results.

Ways: Listen to English songs, watch the English movies, watch BBC documentaries.

Step 3: While-speaking

1. Give the whole class 5 minutes to make dialogues with their desk mates. They are suppose to use the information on the blackboard.

2. During this period, the teacher will walk around and give the evaluation to encourage students to open their mouth and speak English loudly.

Step4: Post-speaking

After that, the teacher invites some of groups to come to the stage to show their performance in the front of the whole class. Teacher gives evaluation and encouragement. Emphasize the importance of learning English.

Step5: Summary and Homework

Summary: summarize with the whole class.

Homework: ask students to choose their favorite ways to practice English and make a daily plan for their English study.

Blackboard design:


1. Please talk about the ways to remember English words.


It is difficult for students to memorize vocabulary, so we need to design or use some methods to help them to know how to learn English words. And here are some


First, using dictionary is a good way to learn English words and it is also a kind of learning strategy for students. Dictionary can be an assistant of the teacher to make students study by themselves. It includes meaning, pronunciation, part of speech synonym, example sentences and so on. Students can use it to have a comprehensive understanding of the word.

Second, conjecture. It will be much funnier and interest to conjecture the new words by reading passage. It is a kind of challenge to make students be positive. By guessing the new words student can find the clue of the passage and more phrases, even they can understand some idiomatic.

Last one, communicative strategy. That means students will learn the new words during the communication, it includes asking questions, cooperate with others and so on. They will learn these new words initiatively, so the efficiency of study should be developed a lot.

2.Can you introduce your life in college?


My life in college was meaningful. I majored in English. I love my major, because I can learn different cultures and histories of different countries. So I have a good command of English after the 4-year study.

Also I participated in a lot of contests. For example, the English speech contest, and I won the first place in the speech contest of the school. These experiences trained my ability in public speech and made me qualified for being a teacher.

I am now eager to apply my knowledge into practice/ this job. I believe that what I've got in the college will be of great help to my career life.





Teaching aims:

Knowledge aims:

Students can master the usage of comparative adjectives

After this lesson, students can use the sentence structure: “Rose is smarter than Ruth”.

Ability aim:

After this lesson, students can use this grammar to describe the things in their daily life

Emotional aim:

Students are able to get the confidence of learning English

Key and difficult point:

Key Point:

master the usage of the comparative form of an adjective

Difficult Point:

use this grammar to describe the things in their daily life.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Warming-up


2.Free talk:The teacher talks about the experience in zoo.Let students describe the features of animals in the zoo.

3.Then write one sentence and ask students to fill it using the right words. Then lead in the topic of today:Rose is smarter

Elephant is_____(big/small).

Squirrel is _____(big/small)

Step 2: Presentation

1.play a tap and ask them some question

Q1:what’s the feature of Rose and Ruth?

Rose is smarter than Ruth.

Q2:what’s the characteristic of Ruth and Rose ?

Ruth is more outgoing than Rose.

And then underline the adjective, ask a question :what are the similarities between the sentences and the adjectives.

After that conclude the usage of the comparative degree.

Step 3: Practice

1.Do the guessing game. Ask students to guess the words that the teacher is acting.

2.Write some sentences on the blackboard and ask students to fill in the blank using the comparative degree form of adjective.

Step4: Production

Show two similar pictures for students and then ask them to describe the differences of the two pictures, when they describe the pictures they should use the comparative degree.5 minutes for them to discuss with their desk mates and later ask some of them to share their ideas.

Step 5: Summary and Homework

Summary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize the class.

Homework: ask students make more sentences using the grammar they learn today.

Blackboard design:


1. Do you think it is important to teach students the pronunciation or not?


Yes, I think it is very important to teach students the pronunciation. Fist of all, pronunciation is the basic knowledge of learning English, and they need the guidance of pronunciation; Secondly, it is a common phenomenon that many of the students in China they are lacking in the pronunciation practice so they have many difficulty in speaking English; Last but not the least, according to the new curriculum standard and the new curriculum reform, we should emphasize the importance of pronunciation learning .


2. Are you a normal school student of English major? Do you have any teaching experience?


Yes, I majored in English of a normal school.I love my major, because I can learn different cultures and histories of different countries. So I have a good command of English after the 4-year study.

During my college life, I taught my students in a training institution.They are junior high school students. I learned students in junior school are generally interested in English. They have strong curiosity and thirst for knowledge.The simple repetition of the text by teacher no longer satisfies the students.I got some experience but I am not enough to teach students very well.

In the future, I am sure I can apply what I have learned to the work.





Teaching aims:

Knowledge aim:

Students can get the main idea of the passage quickly.

Ability aim:

Students will improve their reading abilities such as skimming and scanning.

Emotional aim:

Students will be more interested in learning English.

Key and difficult point:

Key Point: Students will know how to get the main idea of the passage.

Difficult Point: Students will be more confident in speaking English and improve their reading skills.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1: Warming-up

1. Greetings.

2..Show a picture to students and then ask them a question :what can you see from the picture?

Some of the students may figure out it is a blog and ask some of them:Do you write blogs and know their feelings of blogs?

Step 2: Pre-reading

Show the title of the passage and ask students to predict what’s the main idea of the passage.

Step 3: While-reading

1st listening: Ask students to listen to the tape for the first time and check if their prediction is correct or not and get the main idea of the passage.

2nd listening: Ask students to listen to the tape for the second time and complete the card about Anna below:

Step4: Post-reading

Ask students to talk about the information of their best friend with the items on the blackboard. Four students in a group and give them five minutes.

Step 5: Summary and Homework

Summary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class.

Homework: ask students to write their own blog and introduce themselves.


1. How did you evaluate the performance of students in the class?


Students are unique and developing individuals. And they are eager for teacher’s approval and encouragement.

Therefore, in my class, as long as students shared their answers actively, I would give them positive and reasonable evaluations, for example, “Your pronunciation is improving”, “You found the answer so fast”, or “Your role-play is excellent”. If students made mista kes, I encouraged them like “You are very brave” “Think it over and try again.” and guided them to get the right answer. In this way students will not lose their confidence in learning English and will be more active in my class.

In the future, I will try my best to find more methods to encourage my students to let them study actively.

2. What is the standard of a good lesson?


There are many standards of a good lesson. But I think the following standards are of great importance:

We must impart correct knowledge. As a teacher, we need to make sure that we make no mistakes in knowledge. So we need to make enough preparation for the class, be responsible for the words we say in class and keep studying.

The lesson must be designed with reasonable structure. For example, a reading class can be divided into several parts: warming-up, pre-reading, while-reading, post-reading, summary and homework. In this way, students can gradually understand the article step by step and consolidate what they have learned.

Only when we achieve these standards, can the students absorb the knowledge well.


I.语言知识与能力 1.单项选择题(语言知识) (1)It was very ________ of him to wait for us. A.considerable B.considering C.considerate D.considered (2)________ from the top of the hill, the town looks beautiful. A.Seeing B.Having seen C.Seen D.To see 2.单项选择题(阅读理解) Every year hundreds of thousands of visitors to New York City go to see the United Nations Headquarters in midtown Manhattan. The 18-acre site includes four buildings - the Secretariat, the General Assembly, the Conference building, and the Dag Hammarskjold Library. The United Nations (UN) currently has 192 members, and the flags of those nations line the plaza in front of the General Assembly Hall and Secretariat. The row of flags, displayed in English alphabetical order, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, stretches from 48th Street to 42nd Street. The decision to locate United Nations Headquarters in the United States was made in 1946 by the UN General Assembly, then meeting in London. Several U.S. locations were considered, but a donation of 8.5 million dollars from philanthropist John D. Rockefeller, Jr. secured the purchase of land at the present site. And the City of New York provided a gift of additional land. The UN complex was designed by an international team of prominent architects. American Wallace K. Harrison was named chief architect, and ten other countries each nominated an architect to the Board of Design Consultants. The 11 architects began the project in early 1947. The U.S. government provided an interest-free loan to the United Nations for the cost of construction, which began in 1949. The Secretariat Building, which houses the UN administrative offices, was completed in 1950, and United Nations Headquarters officially opened in 1951. The


考题:初中英语《升降调讲授》 一、考题回顾 二、考题解析 初中英语《升降调讲授》主要教学过程及板书设计 (一)教学过程 Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Warming-up Show a video of two people talking about something, their conversation contains lots of questions and special questions, then ask students what kind of tone they hear during the conversation. Step 2 Presentation 1. Students read the text on the book and find out the difficult new words and solve the problems by themselves.

2. Read after the teacher and experience the change of the tone. Then,teacher tells students that falling tone represents doubts and falling tone represents affirmation. Step 3 Practice 1. Read after the tape and pay attention to their pronunciations. 2. Peer editing: Read the dialogue with desk mates and correct the pronunciation for each other. Step 4 Production 1. Role-play: Two students a group to play out the conversation in the text book. One act as the woman and the other act as Mary, during reading, students should pay attention to the change of the rising and falling tone. 2. Make conversation.Two students a group to make a conversation which contains rising and falling tone and then ask some students to show their work in front of the class. Step 5 Summary and homework Summary: Ask one student to act as the little assistant teacher and summarize the knowledge learned today. Homework: Surf the internet to find out more sentences that contains raising and falling tone, and then share it with the rest of the class next day. (二)板书设计 Blackboard Design: 答辩题目解析 1.请谈谈你这节课的教学目标是什么?【教学设计类】 【参考答案】 这节课的教学目标分为三维目标。首先,知识目标是:学生能够理解和掌握升降调的用法。其次,能力目标是:学生能够在日常交流中运用升降调来表达自己的情感。最后,情感目标是:学生能够理解说话者在升降调背后表达的语意,并且对英语学习更加感兴趣。


各位评委老师,大家好! 我是来应聘初中英语的一号考生,今天我抽到的试讲题目是《What’s the matter》。导入 Step1 Lead in(5’) Hello, boys and girls, nice to see you again. How are you today? You are fine. You feel bad ! What’s wrong with you, Sarah? You looks pale. Oh, I am sorry to hear that. You’d better go to the see the doctor. You guys should look after yourselves well. Don’t catch cold. As we all know, we may go to doctor’s from time to time. In what condition will you go to see the doctor? Have a talk with your partner and get as much as possible conditions, Ok? Keep your outcome in mind, now let’s come to study Unit2 What’s the matter? 新授 Step2 Presentation(20’) Please turn to Page7 and finish 1a according to the picture, I will give you 2 minutes. Time’s up. Please tell me your answer. Great. You all get the correct answer. Now, I will teach you the pronunciation of these words, please read follow me. Arm, back, ear, eye, foot, hand, head, leg, mouth, neck, nose, stomach, tooth. Ok, guys, this time please point to your body while reading, let’s read them again. Arm, back, ear, eye, foot, hand, head, leg, mouth, neck, nose, stomach, tooth. Good job! I have an activity for you. Two students a group, one to read and the other to point to the body. Try to remember these words in this process, Ok? If you have any difficulty, ask your partner or put up your hand and ask me. Which one? It’s stomach. Stomach. That’s it. Ok,guys, stop here. It seems that you enjoyed this activity. Very good, I will plan more activities for you in future. Now, please at the PPT. I want to check how many words you have grasped. What’s this? how about this? And this one?Ear or eye? Yeah, it’s eye. Pay attention to them. Guys, look at the pictures here,and tell me what are the students’ problems? How about this one? Yes, he has a headache. And, this one? He has a sore throat. That’s it. But, what would you do if you feel ill? Any advices? Yes, sb. should go to the doctor. As far as I am concerned, sb. should not eat something excitant food. Guys, please turn to page8 and look at Grammar focus. There is something I need to point out. First, the word “should” is like


2020年教师资格证《初中英语》试题及答案(卷二) 一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中选择一个最佳答案,错选、多选或未选均无分。 1. We’ve had a good start, but next, more work needs _____ to achieve the final success. A. being done B. do C. to be done D. to do 2. Don’t worry. The hard work that you do now _____ later in life. A. will be repaid B. was being repaid C. has been repaid D. was repaid 3. Time, _____ correctly, is money in the bank. A. to use B. used C. using D. use 4. Bicycling is good exercise; _____, it does not pollute the air. A. nevertheless B. besides C. otherwise D. therefore 5. Close the door of fear behind you, and you _____ the door of faith open before you. A. saw B. have seen C. will see D. are seeing 6. The place we live in is called house in English but 房子in Chinese. This shows the ______ of language. A. arbitrariness B. duality C. creativity D. displacement 7. In Chinese if someone breaks a bowl or a plate the host or the people present are likely to say sui sui ping an. This language


第二部分基础知识运用(共40小题,计40分) 五、选择填空。(共25小题,每小题l分;计25分) A.从下面方框中选出与下列各句中画线部分意思相同或相近,并能替换画线部分的选项。 (共4小题,每小题l分;计4分) A. at home B. around C. is good at D. look alter 26. My mother usually goes to work at about 7:30 in the morning, 27. John is a clever boy. He does well in all the subjects, 28. Dave' s father was ill two days ago, so he had to take care of him at home. 29. Last night, Tom was not in. He went to a movie with his friends. B.从各题的A、B、C三个选疆中选择正确答案。(共l7小题,每小题l分;计17分) 30. --Maria, here is my new house. --Wow, you have __ beautiful house ! A. a B. the C. 不填 31. Tom usually goes fishing __ Sunday morning. A. at B. on C. for 32. --Peter, is this your pen? --Yes, it' s __. Many thanks. I looked for it everywhere. A. mine B. me C. I 33. --Where did you go yesterday, Rick? -- I went to see a because I had a cold. A. teacher B. doctor C. reporter 34. Lady Gags is very popular, and she by many boys and girls at school. A. loves B. is loving C. is loved 35. --Excuse me, whose Japanese book is this? --It be Tom ' s. In our class, only he is studying Japanese. A. must B. can't C. would 36. It' s interesting that there are many people speak French in Canada. A. which B. where C. who 37. Parents often ask their kids __ their internet friends because the kids may be in danger. A. to meet B. not to meet C. meeting 38. Look! Peter TV happily, but his parents are busy in the kitchen. A. is watching B. watches C. watched 39. --Hey, Tony, You look so tired today. ---I __ until 12 o' clock last night for the math test. A. woke up B. stayed up C. grew up 40. My cousin knows a lot about geography, __ he is only four years old. A. because B. so C. although 41. Some scientists think that it will take __ of years to make robots do most work for humans. A. hundreds B. hundred C. thousand 42. Please keep quiet, everybody! I have important to tell you. A. nothing B. something C. everything 43. This T-shit is not large enough. Please show me a one,


时态介绍 Part 1 一般现在时(The simple present tense) 表示经常性、规律性或习惯性的动作或状态。

Part 2时态结构 Form 1:句子结构为:主语+动词+其他。三人称单数做主语,动 词用三单形式;其他人称做主语,动词用原形。 eg:I like eating apples She likes eating apples 否定式:主语+don't/doesn’t+动词原形+其它 疑问句:Do/Does+主语+动词原形+其它? Form 2:主+系动词/be动词+其他.根据主语人称选择be动词

1 231The earth goes around the sun.(主语+动词+其他)The sun rises from the east and sets from the west every day (主语+动词+其他) 表示客观真理与名言警句Failure is the mother of success.(主+系动词/be 动词+表语)

1232I am a teacher. I am a mother (主/be 动词+表语) She is a shy girl.(主+系动词/be 动词+表语) 表示目前的情况,能力、 性格和状态等We are hungry and thirsty.(主/be 动词+表语)

1233I go to school at 7o’clock every morning .(主语+动词+其他) They often play basketball after shool.(主语+动词+其他) 表示经常性或习惯性的动 作,经常与表示频率的副 词连用。We have six classes every day.(主语+动词+其他)


简答题知识点梳理 作答要求 1.标注序号 2. 要点先行,再解释或举例 3. 4-5点(按要求) 4. 字迹工整,尽量不空 常考要点 一、语言知识教学 @ 二、语言技能教学 三、教学实施 四、教学评价 五、教学法 六、课程标准 (一)语音教学 1.句子重读的教学过程: # (1)学生先听录音,后看书面材料,引导学生思考为何某些单词和句子需要重读。 (2)学生了解何时重读之后,进行重读训练 (3)通过重读训练,教师引导学生知道重读可以表达重要信息(总结) 2. 语音教学的原则 (1)准确性原则 (2)针对性原则 ?

(3)趣味性原则 (4)交际性原则 (5)综合性原则 (6)长期性原则 (二)词汇教学 ?词汇呈现与讲解的方式 (1)借助辅助工具,如:实物、手势、动作表演,利用图片、图表、简笔画、投影仪等直观教具和声光电多媒体。 (2)借助已学知识来呈现和讲解新词,常见的具体方法包括构词法、同义词法等。 } 2. 词汇记忆策略 (1)语境中记忆 (2)联想记忆 (3)词典辅助记忆 (4)谐音记忆法 (5)repeat记忆法 】 (6)搭配法 (7)归类法(词根词缀记忆法) 3. 词汇教学的原则 ?直观性与情境性

?机械记忆与理解记忆相结合 ?文化性与交际性 ?/ ?循序渐进、逐步扩展 ?音形义相结合;词不离句;加强复习,巩固记忆。 (三)语法教学 1. 语法的教学方法有哪些 ?演绎法 教师首先直接讲解语法规则并举例说明,然后让学生进行各种替换练习、句子练习等训练。 (2) 归纳法 。 教师让学生首先接触含有语法规则的语境,然后根据上下文的信息归纳出语法规则。 2.语法的练习方法 (1)机械型练习 强调语法的准确性。 常见练习形式:替换操练(简单的单个单词替换、多个单词替换)、转换操练(把主动语态换成被动语


初中英语教师资格证面试真题 【写作】 1.试讲题目:写作教学试讲【2016年5月】 2.内容: Dear Eudora, I am thinking of going on a camping trip in the Northern Territory. But I’ve heard so much about the dangerous creatures in Australia that I’m a bit scared about going out of the city. Perhaps I’d be better staying in Sydney. I know there are lots of interesting things to see there too. What do you think I should do? Bests wishes, Li Haidi 3.基本要求: (1)朗读所给段落。 (2)配合教学内容适当板书。 (3)针对该语篇的内容,进行相应的书信写作教学活动。 (4)试讲时间:10分钟。 (5)用英语组织教学。 【词汇】 1.题目:词汇教学试讲【2016年5月】 2.内容: My young people today care about the way they look. They often buy “designer”clothes because they think they look cool. People also think designer clothes are better made. For example, many people think the right running shoes will make you running faster or player better. Of course, this is not always true. It’s the training -not the trainer-that improve you speed or you score. Most people dress in a way that shows off their personality. But if some of us buy expensive clothes just to look cool. what does that say about us? Maybe it’s just clever advertising. 3.基本要求: (1)朗读所给课文。 (2)配合教学内容适当板书。 (3)针对所给材料的划线部分,设计短语使用的教学活动。 (4)试讲时间:10分钟。 (5)用英语组织教学。

中学英语教师证面试speaking 试讲模板

Speaking teaching( Period 1: 第一课时)开场白 Good morning, everyone. My name is XXX. It’s my pleasure to stand here and show you my trial teaching. I hope you will enjoy my performance and have a great time here. Now Let’s get ready for class. Today we are going to learn xxx. At first, let’s review the words and phrases in the last class. …… Very good. Now, let’s go to the reading part. Please turn to page XXX. Step1.Lead-in Look at the picture. What can you see in the picture? Yes. We can see……. Then, let’s talk about XXX. Step2. pre-speaking (individual work) Reading the materials on page XX, and ask me please if you having anything confused. Step3. while-speaking (Pair work) Please make a dialogue with your partner using the sentences in this unit. Step4. post-speaking (talk show) Everyone did a good job. Now I need a pair to come here and do a role play. Who wants to have a try. Don’t be shy, show me your passion please. Step 5. Summary That’s the useful expressions of this topic. Let’s go through these points once again. Step6. Homework Preview the next part. 结束语 That’s all for may trial teaching. I've always dreamed to be a teacher,and if I passed the interview, I will have a chance to go further on this soul's journey. Thanks for your listening. 附: Listening comprehensions 1. Present the students the questions before listening to the text 2.Get the students to listen to the tape and then answer the questions.


2016年上半年中小学教师资格考试真题试卷 《英语学科知识与教学能力》(初级中学) (满分150分) 一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分) 1. ____ a . A. B. C. D. 2. ____;,. A. B. C. D. 3. ’s____,. A. B. C. D. 4. ____, ’t. A. B. C. D. 5. ________. A. ; B. ; C.; D. ; 6. a ,____. A. B. C. D. 7. ? A. ??. B. ??. C. ??. D. ????.

8. “____”. A. B. C. D. 9. “____”. A. B. C. D. 10. “”, ____. A. B. C. D. 11. ____. A. B. C. D. 12.“” a ____. A. B. C. D. 13. a ? A. . B. . C. . D. . 14. a ,____. A. B. C. D. 15. ? A. . B. . C. . D.. 16. “?”, ____. A. B. C. D. 17. ? A. . B. .

C. . D. . 18. a ? A. A . B. . C. . D. A . 19. ____. A. B. C. D. 20. , ____. A. B. C. D. 阅读1,完成第21~25小题。 1 , a . a, , . a , Ⅱ, , , , , . 1998, . , a .“I , , I ,”, 82, “.”, a . , a , . 1993, . 2010, , . , a , . ’s. :, . A , a a . , . . “,” a . , a 500 . “,”. .“. ,”. . 21. a ? A. . B. . C. . D. . 22. “”? A. . B. . C. . D. . 23. a ? A. ’t.


试讲题型:2013年英语中考试题(完形填空) It is often said that eyes can speak. Do you have such kind of 61 ? In a bus you may look at a stranger, but not too, 62. If he notices that he is being looked at, he may 63 uncomfortable. It is t he same in daily life. When you are looked at for several more times, you will look 64 up and dow n in order to 65 if there is anything wrong with you. If 66 goes wrong, you will feel angry with th e person who is looking at you. 67 can speak, right? Looking too long at someone may seem to be impolite. But sometimes things are 68. If you wi sh to draw someone's 69 , you may look at him or her for more than ten seconds. For lovers, they e njoy looking at each other longer to show the love that words cannot 70 . Clearly, eye communicat ion should be done according to the relationship between the two people and the certain situation. 61. A. future B. fear C. experience D. Exercise 62. A. late B. long C. low D. loud 63. A. feel B. smell C. sound D. taste 64. A. itself B. himself C. myself D. yourself 65. A. see B. guess C. hear D. expect 66. A. something B. nothing C. everything D. anything 67. A. Ears B. Eyes C. Mouth D. Nose 68. A. different B. difficult C. tiring D. boring 69: A. direction B. lesson C. attention D. trouble 70. A. write B. print C. read D. express


全国教师资格考试面试——初中英语试讲真题 1.题目:听力教学试讲 2.容: Ann: So, tell me about your trip to Egypt How high are the pyramids? Steve: They are huge! One of them-the Great Pyramid of Khufu is 137 meters high. Ann: How far are the pyramids from Cairo? Steve: They are very close. Just a few kilometers to the west of Cairo. Ann: And how old is the Great Sphinx? Steve: It is more than 4500 years old. Ann: Wow! How high is it? Steve: It is more than 20 meters high! Ann: How 1ong is the Nile River? Steve: I's 6671 kilometers long. 3.基本要求: (1)朗读所给对话。 (2)配合教学容适当板书。 (3)针对所给材料容 ,设计记录关于数字的信息。 (4)用英文试讲。 (5)试讲时间: 10 分钟。 1.题目:《New school life》

2.容: How about your school life in New York? I think I didn't feel very well in Beijing.I'm tired and didn't enjoy the school life because I have too much headaches.I'm stressed out because my Putonghua isn't improving.I study late every night,but it is still not improving.I didn't feel well because I have got a cold.Oh,by the way,my host family is very nice! 3.基本要求: (1)请完整的朗读这篇听力材料 (2)全英语试讲 (3)适当配以板书 1.题目:《Charity》 2.容: I'm talking to you from the Hilltop School Skating Marathon.Here,students are skating to raise money for charity.For every hour they skate,each student raises ten yuan for charity.The skating marathon has been going for five hours now,and several skaters are still skating.Alison was the first one to start and has been skating for the whole five hours. Next is Sam,and he has been skating for four hours.Lu Ning has been skating for four hours too.And Li Chen just started an hour ago. 3.基本要求: (1)朗读一遍材料; (2)适当的设计板书; (3)听说课。


一、 1.题目:语音教学试讲2018年1月6日 2.内容 Here are, in front of Peking University, the most famous university in China. The campus is also known as “Yan Yuan”, the garden of Yan. It’s close to the Yuanming Garden and the Summer Palace. The university opened in 1898 during the Qing Dynasty and it was the most important educational institution in the whole of China then. 3.基本要求 (1)朗读所给段落; (2)配合教学内容适当板书; (3)针对所给材料的内容,设计训练连读的语音教学活动。 (4)用英文试讲; (5)试讲时间,10分钟。 语音教学试讲教案 1. Teaching aims 1) Knowledge aim Students will be able to master the rules of liking. 2) Ability aim Students can train their listening and speaking skills. 3) Emotional aim Students can be more confident in learning English.. 2. Important and difficult points 1) Important point Students will be speaking the linked words correctly. 2) Difficult point Students can use the rules of linking in a real situation. 3. Teaching and learning methods Communicate teaching method; task-based teaching method;group work method; cooperation study method; independent study method 4. Teaching procedures Step 1: Warming up I will present a English song “Valder Fields”  Step 2: Presentation 1)Students will listen to the tape to get the main idea of the passage 2)Students will listen again and understand the whole passage sentence by sentence. 3)Students will listen to the tape and imitate the pronunciation and intonation of the passage 4) Students will find out the rules of linking: Like a bridge, joining the words together is called linking. We can join the final consonant of one word with the initial vowel of the following word. Step 3: Practice


2015年下半年中小学教师资格考试 英语学科知识与教学能力试题(初级中学)(精选) 注意事项: 1.考试时间120分钟,满分150分。 2.请按规定在答题卡上填涂、作答。在试卷上作答无效。不予评分。 一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中选择一个最佳答案。请用28铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案字母按要求涂黑。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.Which of the following correctly describes the English phoneme/θ/? A.A voiceless dental fricative. B.A voiceless alveolar fricative. C.A voiceless dental plosive. D.A voiceless alveolar plosive. 2.Which of the following consonant clusters may not serve as the beginning of a word? A./spr/ B./skw/ C./str/ D./swt/ 3.The gold medal was _________to Ms.Barrette for her excellent performance in the drama. A.distributed B.contributed C.awarded D.rewarded 4.The visitors had made so much_________that Mr Water had to spend several days cleaning up afterwards. A.trouble
