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Design of vehicle controller for electric vehicle

Abstract:Due to the increasingly prominent environmental problems and energy problems, the use of electric vehicles has become a trend, the use of electric vehicle hub motor is very extensive, but the development and use of electric vehicle controller is not perfect, this paper design is a wheel motor as the power of electric vehicle controller. Through the analysis and research of the control system of pure electric vehicle, combined with the type and function of the vehicle controller input and output signal, the requirements of the pure electric vehicle controller design, determine the pure electric vehicle controller design. This paper first selects mc9s08dz60 chip as pure electric vehicle controller, using software protl99se to design the hardware of the vehicle controller of pure electric vehicle. Then combined with the layered design idea and modular design idea, the software architecture and software main program of pure electric vehicle controller are designed, the function and function of each module of pure electric vehicle controller.

Key words: pure electric; Protl99se; Wheel hub motors; Controller


摘要........................................................................................................................................... I Abstract. ................................................................................................................................... II 目录...................................................................................................................................... I II 1绪论 . (1)

1.1纯电动汽车发展现状 (1)

1.2纯电动汽车关键技术 (2)

1.3纯电动汽车的电子控制系统的研究现状 (5)

1.4本文的主要工作内容 (9)

2 纯电动汽车控制系统的方案设计 (10)

2.1 纯电动汽车行驶工况分析 (10)

2.2各工况控制策略研究 (10)

2.3纯电动汽车结构特点分析 (12)

2.4纯电动汽车控制系统总体设计 (14)

2.5纯电动汽车控制器设计方案 (16)

3 纯电动汽车整车控制器硬件设计 (19)

3.1整车控制器MCU选型设计 (19)

3.2最小系统设计 (19)

3.2.1 供电电路 (19)

3.2.2时钟电路 (20)

3.3信号处理电路 (21)

3.3.1开关信号处理电路 (21)

3.3.2踏板信号处理电路 (21)

3.3.3通讯接口电路 (22)

4 纯电动汽车整车控制器软件开发 (25)

4.1控制器软件架构总体设计 (25)

4.2控制器底层软件开发 (27)

4.2.1初始化子程序 (27)

4.2.2 信号采集处理子程序 (28)

4.3 通讯接口子程序 (31)

参考文献 (33)

致谢 (34)
