
Situational Dialogue 1
就要开始谈判了,Smith 正和 Zhang 谈论议程问题
Smith: So, thank you for coming . It really is a pleasure to see you all here. First , may I suggest we start by taking a look at the agenda I sent you? Are there any comments on this?
Zhang: Yes, I wondered whether we could take the shipment question first. We really need to agree about that before anything else.
Smith: That’s sure, but it’s also a potentially difficult area. That’s the reason I put it last. I thought it might be a good idea for us to start by confirming the points we have in common. We’ll move on to the shipment issue after that.
Zhang: ok, well that seems reasonable.
Smith: sure? Well , then, before we go any further, I’d just like to say how strongly I feel that it’s in both our interests to reach an agreement today. The market’ s becoming ever more competitive and our combined strength will give us some big advantages. Not least in terms of the dealer network. Now , I think Richard would like to say a few words about that

Useful sentences
It is really a pleasure to see you all here.
1. May I suggest we start by taking a look at the agenda I sent you? 我们可以从大家手上的议程表开始吗?
2. I wondered whether we could take the shipment question first。我的意见是我们能否先谈谈装运条款这一项。
3. I thought it might be a good idea for us to start by confirming the points we have in common. 我想或许从我们有共识的地方谈起更好。
4. before we go any further, I’d just like to say how strongly I feel that it’s in both our interests to reach an agreement today. 在讨论其他的问题之前,我想说一点,我强烈地感觉到在今天达成这个协议符合我们双方的利益。
5. The market’ s becoming ever more competitive and our combined strength will give us some big advantages. 市场竞争越来越激烈,我们双方的合作将会带来诸多的优势。

Zhang 和Smith 针对合资公司控股权展开了谈判
Zhang: Mr. Smith, I’d like to get right to the point here. First, we need to talk about how much each company will pay.
Smith: Well, we want to have the largest share. Our company is much larger than yours,and we’ve been in business longer.
Zhang: let’s look at this another way. The major point is the value that we add, not who’s been in business longer, or is bigger.
Smith:what are you thinking about?
Zhang:we do not want to place ourselves in an inferior position. We’re a good, small company—that’s why you’re interested.
Smith: then, what would make you feel more comfortable?
Zhang: if you take a 75% position in the venture, we’d take a back seat to you.

Zhang 试探地就一些代理条件向Brown进行询问
Zhang:we want to have an agent to promote our products in Japan. Would you like to accept the appointment.
Brown: we would be very pleased to rep

resent you, if terms and conditions are right.
Zhang: what’s the annual order you can guarantee?
Brown: to be on the safe side,not less than $100,000 for a start. I needn’t mention that the price you give us must be competitive.
Zhang: of course. Terms for our agents are usually the best ones. Now what is the territory to be covered?
Brown: all of Japan.
Zhang: and the commission you expect?
Brown: 8% on total sales.
Zhang: we can’t go as far as that. We generally allow our agents in this line a commission of 5%.
Brown: could we have some subsidy for sales promotion?
Zhang: I’m afraid we can’t pay for your sales promotion.
Brown: in that case, anything less than 8% is not worth the trouble. You know we have to fight for every dollar we make.
Zhang: maybe we can come back to this later.

rown 和 Wang 在做最后的议程协商
Brown: You sure you don’t want one , Mr.Wang?
Wang: Not for me .
Brown:of courese,I don’t kown Smith at all, but you’ve got to be on your guard with George. I told you about negotiating with him in New York three years ago,didn’t I ?
Wang: I’m sure you did,Brown. Can we just focus on the final package? We mustn’t get stuck on the price. They are going to want to knock us down,but we have got some room to manoeuvre.
Brown: that’s right ,George was head of the Marketing Department.
Wang: what we must keep in mind is a fall-back position if they push us on staff cuts.
Brown: oh, we don’t need to worry about that .Mr. Wang. We’ll just play it by ear.
Brown:we have a special interest in your products. Since our first order in 2000, we have placed a number of repeat orders. I think it’s time for you to enter the market there, Mr. Wang.
Wang: I agree. And we have received a number of inquirie from your country. Some have asked if we have an agent in Chicago.
Brown: that’s exactly what I was going to ask, I’m afraid for such products, an agent is necessary. It might help increase the sales.
Wang: you’re very enterprising.
Brown: thank you. From your brochure I can see that you have a wide range of attractive products. And the quotations are competitive. This has greatly interested me. I think, if everything proves satisfactory , I propose to act as your sole agent in Chicago.
Wang:I’m glad to hear that. But we should like to know your plan for promoting our products.

NO more cheap Chinese products
The strategy of using China to produce low-value products for export has ceased to become a viable(可行的) option due to the escalation (升级,增加)of wages , The StarOnline reported. Over the past 5years, wages in China have risen by 50-120%. Rising labor and land costs mean foreign companies in China must either increase the value-added content of their products to increase profit margins, or sell to the domestic market.
