
Chinese cuisine (中國菜) originated from the various regions of China and has become widespread in many other parts of the world

Regional cultural differences vary greatly amongst the different regions of China, giving rise to the different styles of food. There are eight main regional cuisines, or Eight Great Traditions (八大菜系): Anhui, Cantonese, Fujian, Hunan, Jiangsu, Shandong, Sichuan, and Zhejiang. Occasionally, Beijing cuisine and Shanghai cuisine are also cited along with the eight regional styles as the Ten Great Traditions (十大菜系).



Anhui cuisine (徽菜) is derived from the native cooking styles of the Huangshan Mountains region in China and is similar to Jiangsu cuisine.

Anhui cuisine is known for its use of wild game and herbs, both land and sea, and simple methods of preparation. Braising and stewing are common techniques. Frying and stir-frying are used much less frequently in Anhui cuisine than in other Chinese culinary traditions.

Some famous dishes include:

?Stewed soft shell turtle with ham

?Steamed stone frog

?Bamboo shoots cooked with sausage and dried mushroom

?Li Hongzhang Hodge-Podge








Cantonese (Yue) cuisine draws upon a great diversity of ingredients with many imported foods and ingredients. Besides pork, beef, and chicken, Cantonese cuisine incorporates almost all edible meats, including organ meats, chicken feet, duck and duck tongues, snakes, and snails. Many cooking methods are used, steaming, stir-frying, shallow frying, double boiling, braising, and deep-frying being the most common ones in Cantonese restaurants, due to their convenience and rapidity, and their ability to bring out the flavor of the freshest ingredients.


Fujian cuisine (闽菜) is derived from the native cooking style of the province of Fujian, China. Fujian style cuisine is known to be light but flavourful, umami, soft, and tender, with particular emphasis on showing off and not masking original flavour of the main ingredients.

The techniques employed in the cuisine are complex but the results are ideally refined in taste with no "loud" flavours. Particular attention is also paid on the knife skills and cooking techinque of the chefs. Emphasis is also on utilizing soup, and there is a sayings in the region's cuisine: "One soup can be changed in ten forms" (-湯十變) and "It is unacceptable for a meal to not have soup"(不湯不行).

popular dishes

"Buddha jumps over the wall" (佛跳墙), a complex dish making use of many ingredients, including shark fin, sea cucumber, abalone, and Shaoxing wine.

yenpi (燕皮), a thin flour wrapper made with large proportions of lean pork. This wrapper has a unique texture due to the incorporation of meat and has a "bite" similar to things made with surimi. Yenpi is used to make rouyen (肉燕), a type of wonton.





l yenpi(燕皮),一个瘦面粉包装器由大比例的瘦肉。这个包装器有一个独特的结构由于掺入的肉和有一个“咬”类似的事情由鱼肉酱。Yenpi是用来制造rouyen(肉燕),一个类型的馄饨。

Hunan cuisine, sometimes called Xiang cuisine (湘菜) is well known for its hot spicy flavor, fresh aroma and deep color. Common cooking techniques include stewing, frying, pot-roasting, braising, and smoking. Due to the high agricultural output of the region, ingredients for Hunan dishes are many and varied.

A special hot pot called (鸳鸯火锅yuān yāng hǔo gūo) lover's hot pot is famous for splitting the pot into a spicy side and a milder side.

?Dongan chicken

?Mao's braised pork

?Changsha vermicelli

?Steamed fish heads in chili sauce

?Orange beef

?Hot and peppery chicken

?Spare ribs steamed in bamboo

?Changsha-style stinky tofu

?Mashed shrimp in lotus pod

?Xiangdu roast duck

?Sizzling rice soup

?Lotus Seeds in rock sugar syrup

?Pumpkin cake

?Spicy frog leg

?Oxtail porridge


一个特殊的火锅叫(鸳鸯火锅yuān yāng hǔo gūo)情人的火锅是著名的分裂成一个辛辣的一侧的锅和一个温和的一面。
















Jiangsu cuisine (苏菜) In general, Jiangsu cuisine's texture is characterized as soft, but not to the point of mushy(糊状的)or falling apart. For example, the meat tastes so soft but would not separate from the bone when being picked up. Other characters includes the strict selection of ingredients according to the seasons, emphasis on the matching color and shape of each dish and emphasis on using soup to improve the flavor. Suzhou cuisine: emphasis on the selection of material, stronger taste than Nanjing cuisine, and with a tendency to be sweeter than the other varieties of the cuisine.


Shandong cuisine (鲁菜) Shandong cuisine consists of two major styles:

Jiaodong style: This style encompasses dishes from Fushan, Qingdao, Yantai and surrounding regions. It is characterized by seafood cooking, with light tastes.

Jinan style: This style encompasses dishes from Jinan, dezhou, Tai'an and surrounding regions. It is famed for its soup and utilizing soups in its dishes.



Sichuan cuisine (川菜) is famed for bold flavors, particularly the spiciness resulting from liberal

use of chilis and "numb" or "tingling" flavor (Chinese: 麻) of the Sichuan peppercorn (花椒). Szechuan cuisine often contains food preserved through pickling, salting, drying and smoking, and is generally spicy. The Sichuan peppercorn is commonly used; Broad bean chili paste (豆瓣醬)is also a staple seasoning in Sichuan cuisine.

Common preparation techniques in Sichuan cuisine include stir frying, steaming and braising, but a complete list would include more than 20 distinct techniques. Beef is somewhat more common in Szechuan cuisine than it is in other Chinese cuisines, perhaps due to the widespread use of oxen in the region.

Kung Pao chicken 宮保雞丁

Twice Cooked Pork 回鍋肉

Fuqi Feipian夫妻肺片






Zhejiang cuisine (浙菜) Food made in the Zhejiang style is not greasy, having instead a fresh and soft flavor with a mellow fragrance.

The cuisine consists of at least three styles, each originating from a city in the province: the Hangzhou style is characterized by rich variations and the utilization of bamboo shoots, the Shaoxing style specializes in poultry and freshwater fish, and the Ningbo style specializing in seafood, with emphasis on freshness and salty dishes.Some sources also include the Wenzhou style as a separate subdivision, characterized as the greatest source of seafood as well as poultry and livestock.

Ningbo cuisine is regarded as rather salty.

Dongpo rou, Jiaohua ji (beggar's chicken) and Xi Hu cu yu (West Lake fish in vinegar)




