






批改网如何粘贴英语作文 如果进JS修改,对小白来说密密麻麻的代码简直像天书,这里 有一个更加简单的方法: <1>打开批改网写作文的页面,点击F12,出现代码编辑区 <2>点击菜单栏最后一行的“Console”,把 “$('#contents').unbind();”复制粘贴到下面的代码区,敲回车,搞定 再次复制粘贴试试 妈妈再也不用担心我的学习 这个更加简单粗暴,把需要粘贴的内容先复制粘贴到标题栏里(标题栏批改网是不禁用粘贴功能的),然后control+A全选,直接 用鼠标拖拽到正文栏,搞定 Nothingsucceedswithoutastrongwill.没有毅力则一事无成。 thehumoroussaying,'Quittingsmokingistheeasiestthinginthe world.I'vedoneithundredsoftime.'tellsusthatwithoutastrongwi ll,nothingsucceeds,peopletrytoquitsmothingforhundredsoftime sbutendupwithfailurejustbecausetheylaceofastrongwill.Astron glisimportanttousifwewanttoachieveourgoals.everysuccesswill meetmanydifficultyandsetbacks.soweneedtoovercomethemwithour strongwill.ifwesticktoourgoalswithastrongwillandnevergiveit up.atlastwewillbesuccessful.weallbelievethatwithastrongwill ,everyonecansucceed. 看过批改网如何粘贴英语作文的人还看了:


英语作文错误批改符号 作为英语教师,批改学生的作文是一项令人很头疼的工作,如果掌握一些批改符号,对于这项工作可以事半功倍。下面是一些笔者根据一些资料和实际工作经验,整理、编辑,创造的一些批改符号,希望能对同行们有所帮助。 abbr --- error in abbreviation 缩写错误 C --- error in conjunction 连词错误 cap --- should use capital letter 应该大写 CE --- Chinese English 中式英语 col --- error in collocation 搭配错误 comp --- error in comparison 比较错误 D --- error in diction 措辞错误 div --- error in word division 断词错误 frag --- sentence fragment 不完整句 G --- error in grammar 语法错误 ll --- faulty parallel structure 平行错误 log --- error in logic 逻辑错误 mm --- misplaced modifier 限定词错 no cap --- should not use capital letter 不应大写 nsw --- no such word 没有此词 num --- error in mumbers 数词错误 P --- error in punctuation 标点错误 plu --- should use plural form 应用复数 pron --- error in pronoun 代词错误 red --- error in redundancy 累赘错误 rep --- error in repetition 重复错误 run-on --- run-on sentence 断句错误(该用连词或分号、句号等)sin --- shoul use singular form 应用单数 sp --- error in spelling 拼写错误 sv --- subject-verb agreement 主谓一致 vt --- error in verbal tense 时态错误 vf--- error in verbal form 动词形式 vo --- error in voice 语态错误 wc --- error in word choice 选词错误 wo --- error in word order 词序错误 ╳ --- some error here 某处有错 (用于某处不易用符号解释的错误) ∧ --- should add a word 应加某词 ( ) --- optional 可以不要 ┓ --- another paragraph 另起一段 / --- should be deleted 应删某词 ~ --- error in sentence order 语序调换 ? --- meaning unclear 意义不明 ︱--- should be seperated 应当分开 — --- should be connected 应当连接


让英语教学与大数据同行——作文教学与批改网 ——献给Janice和那些被作文批改所折磨的英语同行们 Runner 2015-11-04 22:27来自QQ空间日志 很长一段时间以来,我都没有勇气给学生布置课外的写作任务了。因为我知道,学生的作文如果收上来后没有被我以极大的决心及时批改的话,它们可能几个星期,几个月或者一个学期都会躺在我的办公桌上,直到上面落满了厚厚的灰尘,然后在期末考试前分发给学生,或者被我心怀歉意扔进垃圾堆里。(原谅我吧,我亲爱的同学们!)于是在2014年时我就想,会不会有一种方法或者软件能帮助我们批改作文,把我们广大的英语教师从这个mission impossible 中解放出来?去网上搜索了一下,我发现了一个叫句酷批改网的网站,注册后,进网站浏览了一下,觉得很是新奇,但当时忙于班主任工作且高考日益临近,无暇去进行教学的尝试。转眼到了2015年8月,从我的好朋友Janice(Thanks a lot, Janice)那里淘来了一本《大数据时代》。在将这本书束之高阁了一个多月后,终于有一天,心情烦闷的我翻开了这本注定要改变我教学方式抑或我的人生轨迹的书。(在此也向大家强烈推荐这本书,大数据时代的扛鼎之作。) 在那醒目的书名《BIG DATA》下面这样写道:A REVOLUTION THAT WILL TRANSFOMR HOW WE LIVE, WORK AND THINK。当时我想,这些年我们听说过的REVOLUTION也太多了,真正发生的似乎又寥寥无几。轻轻的翻过封面,读完宽带资本董事长田溯宁、知名IT评论人谢文、电子科大教授周涛的三篇序

言后,我便再也不舍得放下这本书了。一口气读了100多页,心中顿觉豁然开朗,这不正是我在一年前苦苦追寻的问题的解决之道吗?原来英语作文教学的救赎之道,在悄然来临的大数据时代早已被我们握在手中,只是我们浑然不知。我突然意识到,一年前我注册的句酷批改网不正是大数据在教学实践中的一种运用吗,于是又在网上搜索了一番,开始重新了解这个一年前与之失之交臂的作文教学利器。 2010年,一次偶然的机会让批改网的创始者们发现了高校英语老师的需求。批改网在向南京大学推广英语学习综合平台时,南京大学的老师告诉他们,这样的平台对当前的高校英语教学帮助甚微,高校实行大班制,每位老师带一百多名学生,教师批改作文,花费时间太长,1分钟一篇,仅仅看完就需要两小时,而老师最痛苦的地方还在于学生在写作中反复出现的错误。此外,学生写作文,如果老师反馈及时,学生才会有写作的动力。但是,由于各种原因,老师的反馈一般要隔一周或两周,甚至更长,所以高校老师最大最迫切的需求是改善作文的批改环节。 2011年9月,在江苏省的一个学术会议,批改网这一在线英语作文批改平台开始面向广大的高校英语教师推广。刚开始推广地点选择了重点高校比较多的北京和江苏。渐渐地,批改网被清华、北大及复旦、上海交大等高校所接受,并在此基础上形成了著名的中国高校英语写作教学协同创新联盟。 批改网批改作文的原理是,作文提交后,网站将作文从“词汇”、“句子”、“篇章结构”、“内容相关度”4个大类192个维度进行拆分,每个维度都会与批改网建立的英语本族语 语料库 (即国外英语文章的素材)作对比。语料库越丰富,对比的客观性就越高,机器批改与人工批改的一致率就越高。为了测试机器批改与人工批改的基本一致率,批改网在2011年尝试批改了南京大学的1456份英语作文,在将批改结果与人工批改结果对比后发现,两者基本一致率为92.05%,高于美国ETS的 E-Rater 公布的基本一致率92%。这次尝试使得这个在线英语作文批改平台获得了挑剔的一线英语教师们的认可。 2015年4月16日至5月31日,批改网联合清华大学、北京大学、南京大学、复旦大学、中山大学五所高校发起“百万同题英文写作”活动,本次活动由清华大学负责命题,题目为:“We Are What We Read(阅读造就你我)”,最终,共计109万人参加了这次百万人写同一篇文章的写作活动。这个本来为大学英语4级、6级,TOFEL、GRE 英语作文教学而设计的平台也在这次活动中延伸到了全国


AIDS is the threat of entire society What is AIDS? AIDS is a serious infectious disease that can cause people to death. The AIDS virus which is also call human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) invades the human body then destructs body's immune function. It can make people suffer from various incurable infections and tumors. The full name of AIDS is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. From its name we can know three specific definition, Acquired means the cause is acquired rather than innate; Immune Deficiency means in the aspects of pathogenesis, it is mainly caused by the body's immune system and lead to reduce the damage or loss of the protective function of the immune system; Syndrome means In the clinical symptoms, complex symptoms due to various system immunodeficiency caused by infection and tumor. The origin of AIDS is Africa and mainly comes from developing country. Transmission and pathogenesis of AIDS The AIDS virus mainly exists in the various body fluids of the AIDS virus infection and has strong infectious. The main route of infection of the AIDS virus are sexual transmission, blood transmission and mother to child transmission. From HIV infection to develop into AIDS patients has four stage: The first phase is acute stage, The second stage is the asymptomatic period, which is called the incubation period, too.The third stage is the pre AIDS.The fourth period is full period of AIDS or AIDS in the late, which is the most complex. The treatment and prevention of AIDS AIDS is a serious infectious disease with high fatality rate, there is still no cure for drugs and methods, but can be prevented. Drug therapy can be divided into three categories: Anti HIV drugs, immunomodulators and anti infective Drugs. AIDS is a threat to every person and every family, the prevention of AIDS is the responsibility of the whole society. Many daily behaviors cannot infect AIDS virus. To comply with sexual morality is the fundamental measures for the prevention of the sexual transmission of AIDS. Sharing syringes, drug taking is a major channel for the spread of AIDS, therefore, we should refuse drugs and cherish life.


My Opinion of Online Teaching and Learning In recent years, the technology of online teaching has brought an army of convenience and benefits on students and instructors. Although it's not a main current of us to get knowledge, it developed quickly and really helped a lot.However, this year is the most different and difficult year for education in last decades. Because of the novel corona virus, we have to accomplish tasks at home by online studying. It is a controversial topic to students which have brought us some problems. Now I will talk about my opinion of online teaching and learning. In my point of view, online teaching is not so efficient and helpful as offline teaching. It is known to us all that each coin has two sides, online teaching is no exception. Nevertheless, I think it has more disadvantages than advantages.Here are some of my arguments. From the aspect of students, your attitude and capacity of self controlling can be the most important element to determine the result of the study and determine your grades. For the students who can't control themselves well, undoubtedly it is a terrible disaster of their study careers. Virtually, there are too many things to disturb us at home. Lack of the interaction between students and teacher, online teaching can be boring and hard to understand easily for some students. The most important thing is that without the studying atmosphere, it is hard to concentrate on studying for a long time. Therefore, some students will miss some important knowledge points. If students are getting bored with the studying, no matter what kinds of information can distract them from online studying. Otherwise, if the knowledge is too hard to understand, some students will be nervous and desire to escape from the difficult tasks instinctively. If they escape from the class, it will be more difficult to understand the next knowledge points. Gradually, those students will lose the passion of learning completely. For the students who can manage their time easily, it is a great method for them to study by themselves because it can be convenient to learn a variety of knowledge. Compared with the students who can't control themselves, those students will make progress easily and the gap between them will be bigger and bigger. From the aspect of teachers, online teaching can be a new challenge for them. Because during online teaching, it will be difficult to know the situation of how well do students master the knowledge. Additionally, older teachers will be difficult to use the online equipment fluently. There are also quite a few problems to disturb the teachers such as their naughty children will make trouble and so on. In conclusion, online teaching and learning are definitely a good way to study in the course of the epidemic situation. But it can never take the place of offline teaching absolutely.


英语教学心得体会之英语作文的批 改与点评 英语教学心得体会之英语作文的批改与点评 一篇作文交给老师后要一个多星期后才能拿到,等拿到手,学生早已忘掉当初是怎样写的了。再看看从头到尾的红圈圈和各种标记,学生对自己的写作能力总是表示怀疑,积极性大受挫伤,

进而也对英语作文失去了信心和兴趣。,怎样批改和点评学生作文才能激发学生的写作热情,增强他们的自信心,并使他们及时了解自己作品的缺陷,通过修改和纠错来使自己掌握写作的基本技巧,复习语言运用知识,最终达到提高写作能力的目的,这些就是我在教学过程中一直思考的问题。 一、确立以肯定为主的评价风格,着力挖掘优点,激发学生的写作热情。 1、兴趣与自信对英语学习的作用是众所周知的。而二者的产生和保持在一定程度上依赖于付出努力后所获得的成就感。因此,学生每完成一篇作文,我

们都应尽量发现其可取之处,给予恰当的表扬并提出中肯的意见,让学生期待下一次完成得更好。每一次肯定、欣赏的评价,都是帮助学生挖掘其内动力的最好的催化剂。所以,在评价学生作文时,我主要采取朋友式的交流方式,探讨学生文章立意的的新颖之处、思想的深度、结构是否清晰、段落是否分明、语言表达是否准确生动。 2、每一次习作后我都选择几篇文体规范、结构完整、段落分明、语言流畅的作文作为范文在全班朗读并展示。选择时,我不受分数的局限,只要有特色就行。讲评时我大力表扬并宣读他们的

作品,从构思、谋篇布局到语言运用诸方面充分肯定作文的优点,指出他们在分析审题、谋篇成段、语言运用等方面的过人之处,并以此归纳总结这一类主题作文中常用的结构、句型和习惯表达。这样不但可以使学生多接触优秀的范文,还可以激发被选中学生的积极性,并促进未入选者。事实证明,许多学生你追我赶,甚至暗中叫劲,都想让自己的作品成为下一次的范文。 3、除了优秀学生的作文展示,我还特别注意基础较差学生的每一次进步。他们只要在结构、段落、思想或用词用句上有较好的表现,我都给他们以“笑


浅谈英语作文的有效批改与讲评 【摘要】英语写作教学是高中英语教学中的重要环节之一,有效的批改和讲评对提高学生的写作能力至关重要。本文就作文批改和讲评中存在的现状和弊病提出了有效的 批改技巧和讲评策略,旨在改进英语写作教学、提高学生写作技能。 【关键词】英语作文,批改,讲评,有效性 《英语课程标准》明确提出:英语课程评价的目的是促进每位学生综合语言应用能力的发展,促进教师水平的提高和学生的发展,使评价过程成为促进发展和提高的过程。教师通过评价,帮助学生发现个人的学习成就和意义,指导学生检查和反思学习过程,激励学生更有效地开展学习。这种评价不仅关注学生的学习结果,更要关注学生学习的整个过程。就写作教学而言,教师不应只关注写作的结果,应该更重视写作的过程。因为有效的批改和讲评既能调动学生写作的积极性,又能使教师的讲评更具针对性。 一:作文批改与讲评的现状和弊病 英语写作教学是高中英语教学中的一个重要环节,作文的批改和讲评对促进学生写作水平起着举足轻重的作用。但一直以来,很多教师忽视作文批改和讲评的有效性。有些教师花了大量的时间批改学生的习作,但学生的写作能力却没有多大的提高。长此以往,不仅教师怕上写作课、怕批改学生的作文,学生也对提高自身的写作能力失去了信心。 观察部分教师的作文批改与讲评的方法,我们不难发现这么几大误区:第一:批改面面俱到。教师往往采用“包办”法,不辞辛苦地标出学生作文中每个错误,包括单词、词组、标点、句子结构等,有些教师还帮学生把这些错误一一改正过来。第二:轻作文讲评。很多教师为了节约讲评时间,不去分析学生错词、错句的成因,也不去督促学生修改作文,而是在改完学生习作后给学生提供一下范文了事,因此作文讲评课就成了范文听写课或抄写课。这样一来,多数学生拿到作文本时的第一反应不是细看老师或圈或改的错误、不细究自己的错误,而是等着听写或抄写范文。也有一些教师专门把学生作文中出现的错误拎出来讲评,把一堂作文讲评课上成了改错课。但学生还会不断再犯老师指出并改正了的错误。周而复始,学生写作技能提高缓慢,甚至停滞不前。 那么究竟怎样才能减轻教师批改作文的负担、减少师生无效劳动,又能及时进行作文讲评、反馈信息,提高学生的书面表达能力呢?为此,笔者根据自己多年的教学经验及新课改教学实践,就如何采用合理、有效的作文批改和讲评方法谈几点认识与体会。 二:批改方式多样化 1. 全批、抽样批改和面批相结合 在批改作文时,教师可以采用形式多样的批改方式,如全批、抽样批改和面批等,切忌“一刀切”。为了找到学生所犯的典型性错误,教师可抽取具有代表性的作文作为本次批改的重点。在批改作文时归纳出这些典型错误, 抓住学生的通病, 找到问题的症结, 从而做到对症下药。教师可把这些作文作为集体讲评时的材料,使没有得到重点批改的同学也能从中比较出自己作文的优缺点, 从而得到有益的启迪。另外,教师可将批改过的作文作为样板,引导学生自评和互评。当然,学生的能力各有差异,批改作文时,教师不能以一个标准去衡量所有学生,应注意因材施教的原则,对差生应多鼓励多指导。对于写作能力薄弱的学生,教师可采用面批法对这些学生进行最直接的单方面的指导。在面批时,教师不可一味地强调拼写、标点、语法等方面的问题而忽略了文章内容、结构、语言、衔接等整体布局上的问题。教师还应对学生作文字迹是否工整、卷面是否整洁等作相应的要求,培养学生良好的书写习惯。以上方面对学生作文是否能得高分也有一定影响。 2. 学生互相评改


批改网高分作文 Who Are Teachers’ Pets, Boys or Girls? 1) Nowadays, a growing number of people tend to think about a question: who do teachers like more? Reading this table, we can get some information and analyse the result via the figures. Obviously, teachers favor girls over boys in primary school. As far as I concerned, the most indispensable reason is that girls are quiet, smart and well-behaved during that age. While in junior middle school, hat might seem to be no difference between boys and girls. In a word, there is no prejudice and gender discrimination at that time. Nevertheless things are getting change when coming to senior high school. The most reasonable explanation is that girls are superior to boys in math and physics up to the age of ten, fall behind from then on. under that circumstance, teachers is shown to call on male in class far more than female students. While in college, teachers seem to have no preference in student because of the less attention and unawareness 2) It is obviously that the answer of such question changes frequently as students growing up and here is my analyze according to the chart. First of all, girls, in my opinion, are much more welcomed in primary school. Over two-thirds of students believe that female students are teacher's pet in primary school. Second, however, conclusion in senior middle school is quite different because half of students hold the view that it was boys that are teacher's pet. Thirdly, the circumstance in junior middle school as well as In college is between two extremes which means neither boys nor girls have advantage to be pets of teachers. What conclusion can I draw is that the chart indicates us girls are more welcomed by teacher at low grades because they are not only quite gentle and quiet but also boys are naughty at the same time. As time goes by, though, such difference gradually disappear which lead to


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on the lonely life of aged people. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Please give the old more concern and love In the picture above,an old lady is sitting in front of the mirror alone,saying ‘my son is busy with his job and grandson is taking classes,leaving me home lonely.’ As is described in the picture,the phenomenon can be seen everywhere in the society.There are more and more empt-nest elderly in china.Most of our parents compose this group.They have been busy in supporting our family angd contribute to the society grately.They derseve a happy and peaceful twilight years.So it is our duty to give them more care and love. For one thing,the community can organize a variaty of activities to make their life meaningful and colorful.For another,as son or grandson,we adults should spend as much as time accompanying our parents,making them delighted and joyful.In conclusion,the elderly shouldn’t be ignored but cared of considerately.


英语作文自动批改网 篇一:英语作文批改网 AIDS is the threat of entire society What is AIDS? AIDS is a serious infectious disease that can cause people to death. The AIDS virus which is also call human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) invades the human body then destructs body's immune function. It can make people suffer from various incurable infections and tumors. The full name of AIDS is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. From its name we can know three specific definition, Acquired means the cause is acquired rather than innate; Immune Deficiency means in the aspects of pathogenesis, it is mainly caused by the body's immune system and lead to reduce the damage or loss of the protective function of the immune system; Syndrome means In the clinical symptoms, complex symptoms due to various system immunodeficiency caused by infection and tumor. The origin of AIDS is Africa and mainly comes from developing country. Transmission and pathogenesis of AIDS The AIDS virus mainly exists in the various body fluids of the AIDS virus infection and has strong infectious. The main route of infection


初中英语作文批改范文批改初中英语作文 1.课堂上限时完成作文 每周的作文课,本人先创设能够激发学生兴趣的场景,如孩子们感兴趣的一首歌或者喜欢的某个时尚明星,要求学生在规定的时间内完成作文,并且鼓励学生到黑板上写下他们的劳动成果。 2.委婉的评改学生们的劳动成果 完成黑板上的例文后,在老师的指导下,请同学们对黑板上的例文进行评改,可以从单词评写,语法规则,短语运用,内容涵盖,过度是否自然等等方面着手。当堂批改例文,不仅仅让例文的作者有了直接深刻的认识,也让在座的其他学生对作文的要求有了更深层次的认识。教师在总结归纳的时候也不忘发掘该文章中的闪光点,要尽量做到语气委婉,适当的时候要给予鼓励的言语和评价。 3.自我修改作文 通过对例子文的批改,同学们大体知道了怎么样批改一篇作文,可以先让同学们说一说一篇优秀的作文该从哪几个方面着手:作者的观点是否明确;各个段落是否符合该观点的论述; 段与段之间的过渡是否自然;语言的表达是否流畅; 结尾是否做到了首尾呼应或深化

主题, 或提出了解决问题的建议等。再让学生对照标准, 评价自己的作文。这样做的目的在于让学生明白作文评分要从内容( 思想和材料) 、语言和结构。从而,让自己有一个深刻的认识以及获得最直接最快速的反馈。 英语写作有多方面需要注意,当然可以从简单的几个大方面入手。1.标点符号及大小写。2.单词的选择与搭配。3. 文章的逻辑和结构安排。4. 语法方面的关注,时态语态等等的运用。 In English class, we need to treat it seriously. First of all, it is very important to follow our teachers' instructions. If you miss a class, you will find it difficult to keep up with the next lesson . When you have some questions related to the missed lesson, you need to work them out with the help of your teacher or classmates. Otherwise, it will keep appearing until you figure them out. Second of all, we should take part in activities about English after class. We can still speak English in the public. We do not need to be afraid of making mistakes. It


英语作文批改评语 篇一:基础写作方法及作文批改评语范例(精心整理版) 基础写作方法及作文批改评语范例(精心整理版) ?写人写景写事状物作文的写作方法 ?一、写人作文 在记叙文中,写人作文占有重要地位。写人的目的,就是通过具体事例,主要表现人物的性格、精神、品质。写人作文的类型一般有一事写人、几事写人两种。一事写人就是通过一件事来反映人物的精神品质;几事写人就是通过几件事(一般是二或三件事)来反映人物的一个精神品质或多个品质。因此,写人的作文,应通过对事件的具体描述和对人物的外表(外貌、神情、动作、语言)、内心的描写来表现人物的精神品质,着重刻画人物在事件中是怎样体现自己的精神品质的。 写人作文的基本写法: 1、①介绍人物及人物外貌。 ②直接描写人物外貌,带出要写的人物及其品质。 2、按事情发展的顺序有详有略地写清人物在事情中的表现。(若是几事写人的,重点事例要放在前头写,具体写;次要的事例后面写,略写。) 3、①总结全文,点明人物品质。

②照应开头,自我勉励。 (说明:开头、结尾的①与①相对应,②与②相对应。下同。) ?二、记事作文 记事作文与写人作文一样,在记叙文中占有重要地位。记事的目的,一般是通过具体描述的事情,表现事情的教育意义或蕴涵的思想感情。记事的作文,应交代清楚事情发生的时间、地点、人物、事情的起因、经过、结果,着重描述事情的具体过程,注意事情发展中人物的外表和心理描写,从中揭示事情的教育意义。 记事作文的基本写法: 1、①交代事情发生的时间、地点及人物。 ②抓住作文要求,开门见山点明要写的事情。 2、重点具体叙述事情的经过,注意对人物的描写。 3、①交代事情的结局。 ②照应开头或揭示中心。 ?三、写景作文 写景,就是对自然景象、建筑工艺等景物的描写。描写景物,要有条理,就要按一定的顺序进行观察,或从远到近,或从近到远,或从整体到部分,或从部分到整体,或按游览景物的线路,或按景物的类别,或按观察点的变换顺序等依次观察,有条理地描写。因此,我们进行写景作文时,要交代观景的时间、地点,尤其要抓住景物的特点进行具体地、细致地、有条理地描写,同时注意景物的动态和静态,恰当地进行合理想象,表达出自己对景物的思想感情。


龙源期刊网 https://www.360docs.net/doc/621074756.html, 浅析句酷批改网对英语写作学习的影响 作者:王荣荣 来源:《亚太教育》2015年第31期 摘要:写作对英语学习者来说是一项重要的技能,对学生的英语综合能力也有很大影响。由于写作是输出性技能,所以提高学生写作能力的最好方法就是勤练习。然而,批改作文对教师来说是一项繁重的工作,因此传统的英语课堂为学生提供的练习机会非常少。在这种情况下,作文自动评分系统应运而生,它力求在减轻教师工作量的基础上满足学生最写作学习的需求。本问将通过对句酷批改网的分析,力图帮助学生充分利用句酷批改网,并就教师的英语写作教学给出建设性意见。 关键词:句酷批改网;英语写作学习;英语写作教学 中图分类号:G40 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2095-9214(2015)11-0112-01 一、作文自动评分系统概述 随着科技的进步,在语言测试中,计算机技术已经被广泛应用。客观题自不必说,有关作文的批改也开始实施自动评分。第一个机器自动评分系统是Ellis Batten Page于二十世纪六十年代研制的PEG(Project Essay Grader)作文评分系统,后来由于种种实际困难在七十年代至八十年代初受到冷落,进入了“休眠状态”。到了八十年代末,PEG系统进入了“重新觉醒期”,并获得了新的机遇。九十年代以后,出现了IEA(Intelligent Essay Assessor)、E-rater (Electronic Essay Rater)和IntelliMetric等主流作文自动评分软件。E-rater已经商业化,美国教育老师服务中心用其对GMAT(Graduate Management Admission Test)、AWA(Analytical Writing Assessment)中的作文进行评分没事一个比较成熟的作文自动评分系统。2008年,Writing Roadmap系统被研发。 在国内,作文自动评分系统是舶来品,有关这方面的研究不是很广泛。梁茂成借鉴国外作文自动评分系统的优点,同时根据中国学习者的特点研发了一套作文自动评分系统。如今,冰果英语智能作文系统和句酷批改网(简称批改网)是高校中使用的比较广泛的两种。 二、句酷批改网的工作原理 网络自动评分系统综合了自然语言处理技术、语料库技术和教育测量技术,其中语料库是评分系统的主要工作原理。程晓堂和孙晓慧认为“语料库是一个储存在电脑里的文本集合。”语料库提供了大量真实的语言材料,批改网一共有15个语料库,而这些材料就成了自动评分系统的参考依据。批改网会把每篇作文分为6个维度(词汇、句子、结构、内容相关性、搭配和流畅度)来评判。这6个维度有可以细分为192个小维度,教师可以从这192个小维度中挑选
