

1. The whole nation watched the two candidates debating the issue of raising taxes on TV.
Argue: (transitive) to state, giving clear reasons, that something is true, should be done etc
Debate: (transitive) to discuss a subject formally when you are trying to make a decision or find a solution

2. It was a proud moment for my cousin when she shook hands with the President.
Proud: feeling pleased about something that you have done or something that you own, or about someone or something you are involved with or related to
Arrogant: behaving in an unpleasant or rude way because you think you are more important than other people

3. Even if you blend oil and water, they will not mix.
Mix: if you mix two or more substances or if they mix, they combine to become a single substance, and they cannot be easily separated
Blend: to combine different things in a way that produces an effective or pleasant result, or to become combined in this way

4. Some people watch television so much that they cannot conceive of living without it.
Conceive: (formal) to imagine a particular situation or to think about something in a particular way
Imagine; to form a picture or idea in your mind about what something could be like

5. As it was an informal dinner, most people were dressed in their comfortable clothes.
Wear: [transitive] to have something such as clothes, shoes, or jewellery on your body
Dress: to put clothes on yourself or someone else dressed in

6. Do you think those young people are idealistic or pragmatic?
Idealistic: believing that you should live according to high standards and principles, even if they cannot really be achieved, or showing this belief
Ideal: the best or most suitable that something could possibly be

7. Filled with great admiration for their integrity and courage, he was determined to be a man like them.
Adulation: praise and admiration for someone that is more than they really deserve
Admiration: a feeling of great respect and liking for something or someone

8. Deep at night, they could still hear gun-fire rumbling in the distance.
Ramble: to talk for a long time in a way that does not seem clearly organized, so that other people find it difficult to understand you; To go on a walk in the countryside for pleasure
Rumble: to make a series of long low sounds, especially a long distance away from you

9. The professor looked over our papers with a hasty glance.
Sight: the act of seeing something
Glance: to quickly look at someone or something

10. Before ordering their dinner, they considered the, relative merits of chicken and roast beef.
Relevant: directly relating to the subject or problem being discussed or considered(强调与一方相关)
Relative: having a particular quality when compared with something else(强调比较)

11. the little boy’s constant noise exasperated his fa

ther, who was busy writing a paper for a symposium.
Exhilarate: to make someone feel very excited and happy
Exasperate: to make someone very annoyed by continuing to do something that upsets them

12. isn’t it noisome to live in a city with so many vehicles passing day and night?
Wholesome: likely to make you healthy
Noisome: very unpleasant

13. He was born in a small town inhabited by about 500 people.
Live: if you live in a place, you have your home there
Inhabit: if animals or people inhabit an area or place, they live there

14. Her desk was all cluttered with old papers, strings, and other odds and ends.
Jumble: to mix things together in an untidy way, without any order(及物动词经常用于被动,不能作表语)
Clutter: to cover or fill a space or room with too many things, so that it looks very untidy(与with搭配)
odds and ends: small things of various kinds without much value(零星东西)

15. He thinks they are extremely idealistic, for all their pragmatism.
Idealistic, ideal: see number 6

16. She made one last appeal to her father for permission to go to the party.
Attraction: a feeling of liking someone, especially in a sexual way(强调双方相互吸引)
Appeal: a quality that makes people like something or someone(强调一方吸引另一方)

17. The girl looked at the doctor terrified. PS:形容人ED,形容事/物ING.
Terrifyingly: extremely frightening; scary(表主动)
Terrified: very frightened; scared(表被动)

18. “If you finish all the homework tonight, we’ll go for a picnic tomorrow,” he coaxed.
Admonish: (formal) to tell someone severely that they have done something wrong
Coax: to persuade someone to do something that they do not want to do by talking to them in a kind, gentle, and patient way

19. He thought their behavior was contemptible, but he didn’t say anything in front of the host.
Contemptuous: showing that you think someone or something deserves no respect
Contemptible: not deserving any respect at all

20. Summoned by the boss, he approached his office full of apprehension.
Apprehension: anxiety about the future, especially about dealing with something unpleasant or difficult; anxiety
Distrust: a feeling that you cannot trust someone

21. He was sincerely sorry for what happened at the party, so people accepted his apology.
Excuse: a reason that you give to explain careless or offensive behavior; a reason that you invent to explain an action and to hide your real intentions
Apology: something that you say or write to show that you are sorry for doing something wrong

22. They were walking in the forest when they heard a terrifying roar, which made their blood freeze.
Terrifying: extremely frightening
Terrific: (informal) very good, especially in a way that makes you feel happy and excited;
very large in size or degree(在尺寸和程度上很大)

23. Obviously they were gettin

g nowhere with the meeting, so he decided to desist from making a final decision that afternoon.
Desist: (formal) to stop doing something (跟from搭配)
Resist: to stop yourself from having something that you like very much or doing something that you want to do (后面直接加动名词)

24. “How can you say that you don’t want to see your grandmother” the father admonished coaxed).
Admonish, coax: see number 18

25. The warrior managed to dodge the arrow that came flying through the air.
Evade: to avoid talking about something, especially because you are trying to hide something(避而不谈); to escape from someone who is trying to catch you(逃避)
Dodge: to move quickly to avoid someone or something

26. They speaker’s last few words were drowned out by the audience’s thunderous applauses.
Drown out: if a loud noise drowns out another sound, it prevents it from being heard
Stop: prevent, not continue

27. Would I be intruding if I joined in your discussion?
Intrude: to interrupt someone or become involved in his or her private affairs in an annoying and unwanted way
Invade: to enter a country, town, or area using military force, in order to take control of it

28. The omission of a full stop at the end of the sentence is a deliberate act by the writer.
Omission: when you do not include or do not do something
Exclusion: when someone is not allowed to take part in something or enter a place

29. The newly-recruited soldiers swore an oath of loyalty to their country
Oath: a formal and very serious promise
Promise: to tell someone that you will definitely do or provide something or that something will happen

30. The suspect was accused of withholding some important evidence from the court.
Prevent: to stop something from happening, or stop someone from doing something
Withhold: to refuse to give someone something(隐瞒)

31. Whether or not he is the best person for the promotion is arguable.
Debatable: things that are debatable are not certain because people have different opinions about them
Arguable: not certain, or not definitely true or correct, and therefore easy to doubt

32. He has established himself as a credible businessman.
Credible: deserving or able to be believed or trusted(可形容人或事)
Believable: something that is believable can be believed because it seems possible, likely, or real(只能形容事)

33. His story of having discovered the treasure buried by some pirates seemed incredible to everyone
Incredible: too strange to be believed or very difficult to believe
Incredulous: unable or unwilling to believe something

34. “But the piano is out of tune”, she said in a disappointed tone.
Tone: the way your voice sounds, which shows how you are feeling or what you mean
Tune: a series of musical notes that are played or sung and are nice to listen to

35. Her friends expressed great sympathy to her when

her mother died.
Sympathy: the feeling of being sorry for someone who is in a bad situation(表具体)
Empathy: the ability to understand other people's feelings and problems(表抽象)

36. They are now enjoying a short vacation at the seashore.
Vocation: the feeling that the purpose of your life is to do a particular type of work, especially because it allows you to help other people(尤指一种能够帮助他人的职业,比如说教师等)
Vacation: a holiday, or time spent not working

37. A t contented person is one who is happy with what he has.
Content: happy and satisfied(因为别人的原因而使你感到满意)
Contented: happy and satisfied because your life is good(因为自己的原因而使你感到满意)

38. All the streets will be illuminated tomorrow evening for the celebration.
to completely get rid of something that is unnecessary or unwanted(有除掉敌人或淘汰比赛对手意思)
Illuminate: to make a light shine on something, or to fill a place with light(原意为照亮,另有阐明的意思)

39. Her persistence in wearing that old-fashioned hat surprised her husband.
Perseverance: determination to keep trying to achieve something in spite of difficulties(坚毅)
Persistence: determination to do something even though it is difficult or other people oppose it(坚持或固执)

40. The effect of the officer’s speech was such that the army recovered it’s morale at once.
Moral: relating to the principles of what is right and wrong behavior, and with the difference between good and evil(道德)
Morale: the level of confidence and positive feelings that people have, especially people who work together, who belong to the same team etc(士气)

41. South Africa used to be a country where black people and white people were segregated.
Separate: to divide or split into different parts, if something separates two places or two things, it is between them so that they are not touching each other
Segregate: to separate one group of people from others, especially because they are of a different race, sex, or religion(尤指种族隔离)

42. The letter from her sister so agitated her that she stayed awake half the night, trying to think of a way to get back at her.
Embitter: angry, sad, or full of hate because of bad or unfair things that have happened to you
Agitate: (formal) to make someone feel anxious, upset, and nervous(使不安,另有煽动的意思)
Get back at sb.: to do something to hurt or harm someone who has hurt or harmed you

43. You haven’t seen him for over a year?” he sounded incredulous.
Incredible: too strange to be believed or very difficult to believe(表示一种怀疑的态度)
Incredulous: unable or unwilling to believe something(表示虽然不愿相信但承认事实)

44. No matter what he said, the only response he got from him was a noncommittal “I see”
Noncommittal: deliberately not e

xpressing your opinion or intentions clearly(不明朗的)
Tentative: not definite or certain, and may be changed later(暂时,试验性的)

45. That plan was too unrealistic to be adopted.
Untrue: not based on facts that are correct
Unrealistic: unrealistic ideas or hopes are not reasonable or sensible

46. When people looked at him too (intently, tentatively), he felt very uncomfortable.
Intently: giving careful attention to something so that you think about nothing else
Tentatively: not definite or certain, and may be changed later(暂时,试验性的)

47. Since she didn’t know anybody in that city, she was rather (hesitant, tentative) when accepting the job offer.
Hesitant: uncertain about what to do or say because you are nervous or unwilling
Tentative: done without confidence(这是tentative的第二个意思)

48. “Do you really think he will give up the position?” he (scoffed, scold).
Scoff: to laugh at a person or idea, and talk about them in a way that shows you think they are stupid; make fun of
Scold: to angrily criticize someone, especially a child, about something they have done

49. She told the children about her life on the farm all those years ago, how she (got used to, used to) get up at four every morning to milk the cows.
Get used to: to have experienced something so that it no longer seems surprising, difficult, strange etc
Used to: if something used to happen, it happened regularly or all the time in the past, but does not happen now

50. The teacher told the boys first to (pour, splash) some water on the floor before mopping it.
Pour: to make a liquid or other substance flow out of or into a container by holding it at an angle
Splash: to make someone or something wet with a lot of small drops of water or other liquid CF: sprinkle

51. When he was discovered, the pick-pocket (waved, flapped) a knife to threaten the people around him.
Wave: to raise your arm and move your hand from side to side in order to make someone notice you
Flap: to move quickly up and down or from side to side, often making a noise

52. The eagle suddenly (drifted, swooped) down and snatched the piece of meat.
Drift: to move slowly on water or in the air
Swoop: if a bird or aircraft swoops, it moves suddenly down through the air, especially in order to attack something

53. With the help of the specially trained dogs, they were able to (rescue, save) ten people buried in the snow.
Rescue: to save someone or something from a situation of danger or harm(强调营救的过程)
Save: to make someone or something safe from danger, harm, or destruction(强调安全)

54. His feet were numb with cold; as soon as he got into the room he started (rubbing, stroking) them vigorously.
Rub: to move your hand, or something such as a cloth, backwards and forwards over a surface while pressing firmly
Stroke: to move your hand gently over something
Numb means unable to feel anything

55. The kitchen floor has to be (scrubbed, scraped) every other day.
Scrub: to rub something hard, especially with a stiff brush, in order to clean it
Scrape: to rub against a rough surface in a way that causes slight damage or injury, or to make something do this

56. Every night before he went to bed, he (made a point, made a plan) of checking all the doors and windows.
Made a point: to do something deliberately, even when it involves making a special effort
Made a plan: plan to do something

57. Students of English are required to (remember, memorize) the listed 2000 words.
Remember: to have a picture or idea in your mind of people, events, places etc from the past
Memorize: to learn words, music etc so that you know them perfectly

58. You should not be (intolerable, intolerant) of different religious beliefs.
Intolerable: too difficult, bad, annoying etc for you to accept or deal with(句子主语表示动作的对象)
Intolerant: not willing to accept ways of thinking and behaving that are different from your own

59. He tried to (infuse, fill) the awkward situation with humor.
Infuse: (formal) to fill something or someone with a particular feeling or quality(表抽象)跟with搭配
Fill: if a container or place fills, or if you fill it, enough of something goes into it to make it full(表具体)

60. We have a sense of working towards a (common, ordinary) goal.
Common: common aims, beliefs, ideas etc are shared by several people or groups(这是common特有的意思表示共同的)
Ordinary: average, common, or usual, not different or special

61. The virus can only be transmitted through (familiar, intimate) contact.
Familiar: someone or something that is familiar is well-known to you and easy to recognize
Intimate: relating to sex(在本句中的意思) ;Private and friendly so that you feel comfortable

62. It suddenly (happened, occurred) to him that he had worked for twelve hours without eating anything.
Happen: if you happen to do something, you do it by chance
Occur: if an idea or thought occurs to you, it suddenly comes into your mind

63. The students waited in (respectable, respectful) silence for the Noble Prize winner to make his speech.
Respectable: someone who is respectable behaves in a way that is considered socially acceptable
Respectful: feeling or showing respect

64. The children suffer most when their parents (divide, separate).
Divide: if something divides, or if you divide it, it separates into two or more parts
Separate: if two people who are married or have been living together separate, they start to live apart

65. The teacher (allotted, divided) the children into several small groups for the trip to the Palace Museum.
Allot: to use a particular amount of time for something, or give a particular share of money, space etc to someone or something
Divide: if something divides, or if you divide it, it separates into two or more parts


Around mid-night, she received a (mysterious, miraculous) phone call from someone she did not know of.
Mysterious: mysterious events or situations are difficult to explain or understand
Miraculous: very good, completely unexpected, and often very lucky

67. Do you think soil samples are (obtainable, absorbable) from the Mars by an unmanned aircraft in the near future?
Obtainable: able to be obtained

68. She was so dear to him that he still kept her picture in a (preeminent, prominent) position on his desk.
Prominent: something that is in a prominent place is easily seen

69. Soft background music will (enhance, increase) a delicious meal.
Enhance: to improve something
Increase: if you increase something, or if it increases, it becomes bigger in amount, number, or degree
70. He was so disappointed when the manager said that his plan was completely (dismissible, disposable).
Dismissible: not deserving to be considered
Disposable: intended to be used once or for a short time and then thrown(一次性) available to be used(可再生的)

71. The baby-sitter kept the kids (accompanied, company) until we got back from the theater.
Accompany: to go somewhere with someone
Company:固定搭配keep… company= be with her so that she doesn't feel lonely与谁做伴

72. Will the financial (reverse, adverse) prevent you from taking a holiday this summer?
Reverse: the exact opposite of what has just been mentioned
Adverse: not good or favorable

73. The (distribution, allotment) of funds to these universities is decided by the Ministry of Education.
Distribution: the act of sharing things among a large group of people in a planned way(普通的分配)
Allotment: an amount or share of something such as money or time that is given to someone or something, or the process of doing this(尤指上下级之间的分配)

74. The employees are openly (contemptuous, contemptible) of their corrupt manager.
Contemptuous, Contemptible: see number 19

75. The gardener was asked to cut the bushes (even, equal) with the fence.
Even: flat and level, with no parts that are higher than other parts (作形容词表示与持平的)
Equal: the same in size, number, amount, value etc as something else

76. His handwriting was so tiny that it was hardly (readable, legible).
Readable: interesting and enjoyable to read, and easy to understand(因有趣味而可读的)
Legible: written or printed clearly enough for you to read(因书写印刷清晰而可读的)

77. The (shameful, shameless) family secret was brought to light.
Shameful: shameful behavior or actions are so bad that someone should feel ashamed(形容行动或事件)
Shameless: not seeming to be ashamed of your bad behavior although other people think you should be ashamed(只能形容人)

78. The bus came to a (quick, abrupt) stop, and some passengers lost their balance.

Quick: lasting for or taking only a short time
Abrupt: sudden and unexpected

79. Mary aired her (grievances, grief) at not being treated fairly by the salesperson.
Grievances: a belief that you have been treated unfairly, or an unfair situation or event that affects and upsets you(委屈,冤情)
Grief: extreme sadness, especially because someone you love has died

80. He felt (daunted, discouraged) by the enormous difficulties involved in completing the construction of the airport in one year.
Daunt: to make someone feel afraid or less confident about something
Discouraged: no longer having the confidence you need to continue doing something

81. There is a (contrariness, contradiction) between what he says and what he does.
Contrariness: someone who is contrary deliberately does different things from other people (contrary特有的意思)
Contradiction: a difference between two statements, beliefs, or ideas about something that means they cannot both be true

82. It was in the (dark, dim) light of the early dawn that I saw a man moving towards me.
Dark: if it is dark, there is little or no light
Dim: fairly dark or not giving much light, so that you cannot see well

83. The poor, sick man is (abused, tormented) by the policeman’s endless interrogation.
Abuse: to treat someone in a cruel and violent way, often sexually(虐待尤指性方面的); to deliberately use something for the wrong purpose or for your own advantage(滥用)
Torment: to make someone suffer a lot, especially mentally
Interrogate: to ask someone a lot of questions for a long time in order to get information, sometimes using threats

84. Too much food (induces, tempts) sleepiness.
Induce: (formal) to persuade someone to do something, especially something that does not seem wise; formal to cause a particular physical condition(这是本句的意思)
Tempt: to try to persuade someone to do something by making it seem attractive;

85. He (wondered, mediated) for a whole week before making that important decision.
Wonder: to think about something that you are not sure about and try to guess what is true, what will happen etc
Mediate: to try to end a quarrel between two people, groups, countries etc(在本句中表示思量考虑)

86. A (n) (literal, exact) translation is not always the best.
Literal translation: a translation that translates each word exactly instead of giving the general meaning in a more natural way
Exact: completely correct in every detail

87. The author declares that the plot and characters of the novel are (imaginary, imaginative).
Imaginary: not real, but produced from pictures or ideas in your mind(虚拟的,虚构的)
Imaginative: containing new and interesting ideas or good at thinking of new and interesting ideas(富于想象的,爱想象的)
CF imaginable: used to emphasize that something includes every possible example of something(可以想象到的)

88. We walked for mile

s along the (twisted, crooked) path in the forest.
Twisted: something twisted has been bent in many directions or turned many times, so that it has lost its original shape
Crooked: bent, twisted, or not in a straight line

89. We advise girls below twenty not to marry, because they are still emotionally (naive, immature).
Naive: not having much experience of how complicated life is, so that you trust people too much and believe that good things will always happen
Immature: someone who is immature behaves or thinks in a way that is typical of someone much younger - used to show disapproval

90. Her feelings (fluctuated, changed) between excitement and fear.
Fluctuate: if a price or amount fluctuates, it keeps changing and becoming higher and lower(与WITH搭配)
Change: to become different, or to make something become different

91. The police will not hesitate to use (force, compulsion) if they bank robbers still refuse to surrender.
Force: violent physical action used to get what you want
Compulsion: a strong and unreasonable desire to do something

92. After twenty years of antagonism, the two countries were finally (reconciled, friendly).
Reconcile: if you reconcile two ideas, situations, or facts, you find a way in which they can both be true or acceptable(和解)
Friendly: behaving towards someone in a way that shows you like them and are ready to talk to them or help them

93. To call the air strikes against Yugoslavia peace-keeping is a (downright, thorough) lie.
Downright: used to emphasize that something is completely bad or untrue
Thorough: including every possible detail

94. “As red as blood” is a (metaphor, simile)
Metaphor: a way of describing something by referring to it as something different and suggesting that it has similar qualities to that thing(隐喻)
Simile: an expression that describes something by comparing it with something else, using the words 'as' or 'like', for example 'as white as snow(明喻)

95. The sight of the snake gave me the (trembling, shivers).
Trembling: shaking slightly in a way that you cannot control, especially because you are upset or frightened
Shiver: give sb. The shivers=informal to make you feel afraid(固定搭配,除此以外trembling和shiver同义词)

96. Although the children found the fables most (readable, understandable), they sometimes missed the messages of the stories.
Understandable: seem normal and reasonable because of the situation you are in

97. The office buildings with their (desirable, desired) locations are very much in demand.
Desirable: something that is desirable is worth having or doing(正式用法)
Desired: to want to have sex with someone(文学上特指这个意思)

98. Driving after drinking Whiskey (is about, is apt) to cause traffic accidents.
Be about to: if someone is about to do something, or if something is about to happen, they will do it or it will happen very soo

Be apt to: to have a natural tendency to do something

99. I don’t want the (actual, literal) meaning of the word, I’m asking you its figurative sense here.
Actual: used to emphasize that something is real or exact(强调确切的,事实的); used to introduce the most important part of an event or activity(强调实质上的)
Literal: the literal meaning of a word or expression is its basic or original meaning

100. In that part of the world the summer weather is so (varied, variable) that even when the sun is shining brightly you never can be sure if it is going to rain in an hour’s time.
Varied: consisting of or including many different kinds of things or people, especially in a way that seems interesting
Variable: likely to change often

101. He said he would go to the dress rehearsal, (unless, provided) he was not too busy.
Unless: used to say that something will happen or be true if something else does not happen or is not true
Provided that: used to say that something will only be possible if something else happens or is done

102. Something has been wrong with their marriage for a long time, although she makes (pretenses, excuse) that it is not.
Pretense: a way of behaving which is intended to make people believe something that are not true
Excuse: to be or give a good reason for someone's careless or offensive behavior

103. The Suzhou Style embroidery (requires, acquires) very exquisite skills.
Requires: if you are required to do or have something, a law or rule says you must do it or have it
Acquires: to obtain something by buying it or being given it

104. A lot of retired people play chess to (kill, spend) time.
Kill time: to spend time doing something which is not important while you are waiting to do something important or waiting for something else to happen(固定搭配)(强调事情的不重要性)
Spend: to use time doing a particular thing or pass time in a particular place(不论事情的重要性)

105. He knows that his parents have to work very hard in order to provide for his education, so he never (spends, squanders) money.
Spend: to use your money to pay for goods or services
Squander: to carelessly waste money, time, opportunities etc

106. He wanted a (transcript, manuscript) of the report to show to his friends.
Transcript: a written or printed copy of a speech, conversation etc(打印稿,手抄稿,强调可以复制成多份)
Manuscript: a book or piece of writing before it is printed(手稿,原稿,强调只有一份)

107. The workers were filled with (indignity, indignation) when they discovered that they were secretly watched during working hours.
Indignity: a situation that makes you feel very ashamed and not respected
Indignation: feelings of ang

er and surprise because you feel insulted or unfairly treated

108. People should (clean, purge) their minds of too strong a desire for money.
Clean: to remove dirt from something by rubbing or washing(指清洁物质世界的东西)
Purge: (literary) to remove bad feelings(专指净化,清除思想上的东西)

109. The policemen risked their lives in order to (preserve, protect) the children.
Preserve: to save something or someone from being harmed or destroyed(挽救正在被破坏,受害的人或物,另还有维持(和平),保存(食品)的意思)
Protect: to keep someone or something safe from harm, damage, or illness(使人或物免于受到破坏,伤害)

110. In the past year, quite a few (dormant, unimportant) women’s organizations became active again.
Dormant: not active or not growing at the present time but able to be active later(休眠状态的)
Unimportant: not important

111. The newspaper’s (mistake, distortion) of the incident needs to be looked into.
Mistake: something that has been done in the wrong way, or an opinion or statement that is incorrect
Distortion: to report something in a way that is not completely true or correct

112. The heroic deeds of the firefighters should be (glamorized, praised).
Glamorize: to make something seem more attractive than it really is
Praise: to say that you admire and approve of someone or something, especially publicly

113. She sensed (intrinsically, instinctively) that somebody is following her.
Intrinsically: being part of the nature or character of someone or something(本质地)
Instinctively: based on instinct and not involving thought(本能地)

114. She is (occupied, preoccupied) with some urgent work and can’t see you today.
Be occupied with: busy doing something
Be preoccupy with: thinking about something a lot, with the result that you do not pay attention to other things

115. When the twins wear the same kind of clothes, they are almost (indistinct, indistinguishable).
Indistinct: an indistinct sound, image, or memory cannot be seen, heard, or remembered clearly(模糊的)
Indistinguishable: things that are indistinguishable are so similar that you cannot see any difference between them

116. The (instinctive, intrinsic) quality of a person is more important than his/her appearance.
Instinctive: based on instinct and not involving thought(本能的)
Intrinsic: being part of the nature or character of someone or something(本质的)

117. (As long as, in so far as) human beings can’t live completely and harmoniously, according to Huxley, men and women will never be beautiful.
As long as:只要; In so far as: (formal) to the degree that (到….的程度,在…..范围内)

118. They improved their pronunciation by (imitating, mimicing) their teacher.
Imitate: to copy the way someone behaves, speaks, moves etc, especially in order to make people laugh
Mimic: to copy the way someone speaks or behav

es, especially in order to make people laugh

119. The way in which TV can (affect, effect) a person’s thinking should never be overlooked.
Affect: to do something that produces an effect or change in something or in someone's situation
Effect: to make something happen

120. She said that she would (preserve, reserve) the right to take the issue to a higher authority.
Preserve: SEE NO.109
Reserve: (formal) if you reserve the right to do something, you will do it if you think it is necessary - used especially in notices or official documents

121. That year he published his first book, which was a (spacious, huge) success.
Spacious: a spacious house, room etc is large and has plenty of space to move around in
Huge: extremely large in size, amount, or degree; enormous

122. The company is seeking to (recruit, register) young managers.
Recruit: to find new people to work in a company, join an organization, do a job etc
Register: to put someone's or something's name on an official list

123. “Hong Kong Morning” is an (biographical, autobiographical) novel that depicts all types of people in Hong Kong and the author’s own struggle with himself.
Biographical: a book that tells what has happened in someone's life, written by someone else
Autobiographical: a book in which someone writes about their own life, or books of this type

124. He cut stone with a knife and (blunted, blurted) the edge.
Blunt: to make the point of a pencil or the edge of a knife less sharp
Blurt: to say something suddenly and without thinking, usually because you are nervous or excited

125. The US economy is still growing at a spectacular (ratio, rate), but there are hidden problems with it.
Ratio: a relationship between two amounts, represented by a pair of numbers showing how much bigger one amount is than the other
Rate: the number of times something happens, or the number of examples of something within a certain period

126. The parents received only $3000 as a (reward, compensation) for the loss of their son killed in a car crash.
Reward: something that you get because you have done something good or helpful or have worked hard; prize; benefit
Compensation: money paid to someone because they have suffered injury or loss, or because something they own has been damaged; 法律上叫damages

127. The strength of domestic (demand, command) was the main engine of growth in both countries.
Demand: the need or desire that people have for particular goods and services
Command: an order that should be obeyed

128. In order not to hurt her feelings, he just (played down, play along) with her suggestion, although it was not what he really wanted.
Play down: to try to make something seem less important or less likely than it really is(淡化)
Play along: to pretend to agree to do what someone wants, in order to avoid annoying them or to get an advantage(假意作某事)



1. It took him three years to pay off all the debts (occurred, incurred) by buying that new house.
Occur: to happen
Incur: if you incur a cost, debt, or a fine, you have to pay money because of something you have done, or you do not make money

2. The boy gave an (ingenuous, ingenious) account of what had happened, concealing nothing.
Ingenuous: an ingenuous person is simple, trusting, and honest, especially because they have not had much experience of life
Ingenious: someone who is ingenious is very good at inventing things or at thinking of new ideas

3. He gave such (implicit, explicit) instructions that everyone understood them.
Implicit: suggested or understood without being stated directly
Explicit: expressed in a way that is very clear and direct

4. The two brothers (compliment, complement) each other; one is impulsive, the other, cautious.
Compliment: to say something nice to someone in order to praise them
Complement: to make a good combination with someone or something else(相辅相成,结合得很好)

5. The little boy (stimulated, simulated) illness not to go to school.
Stimulate: to encourage or help an activity to begin or develop further
Simulate: to make or produce something that is not real but has the appearance or feeling of being real

6. Sitting alone in his room, he (wondered, brooded) over his failure to get a job after a whole year of trying.
Wonder: to think about something that you are not sure about and try to guess what is true, what will happen etc
Brood: to keep thinking about something that you are worried or upset about

7. She has had a (grudge, malice) against me ever since I turned down her unreasonable request.
Grudge: a feeling of dislike for someone because you cannot forget that they harmed you in the past
Malice: the desire to harm someone because you hate them

8. After graduating from the business school, he went to work in a big corporation and proved to be quite a (shrewd, cunning) businessman.
Shrewd: good at judging what people or situations are really like
Cunning: someone who is cunning is clever and good at deceiving people in order to get what they want

9. (Invariably, Unchangeably) strict with himself, he went over the accounts yet another time.
Invariably: if something invariably happens or is invariably true, it always happens or is true
Unchangeably: not likely to change, or changing often

10. Many people are worried by what they think is (unaccustomed, undesirable) scenes on TV for the children.
Unaccustomed: not used to something
Undesirable: something or someone that is undesirable is not welcome or wanted because they may affect a
Situation or person in a bad way

11. It is impossible to sort out all the (squabbles, debates) among the children. Sometimes one just has to ignore them.
Squabbles: to argue about something unimportant
Debates: to discuss a subject formally when you are tryin

g to make a decision or find a solution

12. It is such a (pitiful, sympathetic) sight to see the elderly people sitting on park benches, lonely and expressionless.
Pitiful: someone who is pitiful looks or sounds so sad and unfortunate that you feel very sorry for them(直接修饰人)
Sympathetic: caring and feeling sorry about someone's problems(可跟人或物或动作)

13. The party over, the guests gone, she looked at the empty rooms and sank into (anguish, melancholy).
Anguish: mental or physical suffering caused by extreme pain or worry
Melancholy: a feeling of sadness for no particular reason

14. He (stumbled, tumbled) on the pavement and twisted his ankle.
Stumble: to walk in an unsteady way and often almost fall
Tumble: to fall down quickly and suddenly, especially with a rolling movement

15. What happened to them on the trip was a nightmare, which left them (unspeakably, pitifully) furious for weeks.
Unspeakably: unspeakable feelings are so extreme that it is impossible to describe them
Pitifully: very bad in quality(作副词只表示这个意思) (上述为形容词解释)

16. The vulgar commercial which followed broke the (spell, appeal) of the film.
Break the spell: to make someone stop paying all their attention to something, or to make a time stop feeling special
Appeal: an urgent request for something important(作为名词的其中一个意思)

17. His six-year experience gave him a big (advantage, strength) over the other applicants for the job.
Advantage: something that helps you to be more successful than others, or the state of having this
Strength: the physical power and energy that makes someone strong
18. These rules and regulations not only apply to the graduate students, but to the school (on the whole, as a whole).
on the whole: used to say that something is generally true(大体上,基本上)
as a whole: used to say that all the parts of something are being considered together(从总体上来考虑)

19. We (met, encountered) a serious setback in the battle when our supplies were intercepted by the enemy.
Meet: to go to a place where someone will be at a particular time, according to an arrangement, so that you can talk or do something together
Encounter: to experience something, especially problems or opposition(遭遇); to meet someone without planning to(偶遇)

20. I was very sick and was (confined to, limited to) bed for over two weeks.
Be confined to: to exist in or affect only a particular place or group(限制)
Be limited to: to exist or happen only in a particular place, group, or area of activity(限于)

21. The local newspaper gave an extensive (coverage, reporting) of the trial.
Coverage: when a subject or event is reported on television or radio, or in newspapers
Reporting: the activity of writing about news events for a newspaper or telling people about them on television or on the radio

22. The singer was fully (justifiable

, justified) in suing the newspaper for slander.
Justifiable: actions, reactions, decisions etc that are justifiable are acceptable because they are done for good reasons
Justified: having an acceptable explanation or reason(be justified in doing固定搭配)

23. This magazine is intended to (attract, appeal to) millions of college students in China.
Attract: to make someone interested in something, or make them want to take part in something
Appeal to: if someone or something appeals to you, they seem attractive and interesting

24. Jamaica (functioned, worked) as a center of the American slave trade in the 18th century until the abolition of slavery in 1833.
Function as: if something functions as a particular thing, it does what that type of thing normally does, or is used as that thing(起某物的作用或功能)
Work: if something such as a fact, situation, or system works in a particular way, it has a particular effect on someone or something(起作用,不与as连用)

25. These underground pipes are (interrelated, interconnected).
Interrelate: if two things interrelate, they are connected and have an effect on each other
Interconnected: if two systems, places etc are interconnected, or if they interconnect, they are joined together

26. Nuclear power is (inherently, naturally) both dangerous and powerful.
Inherently: a quality that is inherent in something is a natural part of it and cannot be separated from it
Naturally: use this to say that something is normal and not surprising

27. The (one-time, once) bus driver is now a famous pop singer.
One-time: former
Once: on one occasion only

28. The film is (based, established) on a novel by Lu Xun.
Be based on: to use something as the thing from which something else is developed
establish: to start a company, organization, system, etc that is intended to exist or continue for a long time(不与搭配on)

29. Spoiled children will not manage to live against (difficulty, adversity).
Difficulty: if you have difficulty doing something, it is difficult for you to do(不可数解释)
Adversity: a situation in which you have a lot of problems that seem to be caused by bad luck(逆境)

30. He got the job by (false, fraudulent) means; he said he had ten years of working experience.
False: not real, but intended to seem real and deceive people
Fraudulent: intended to deceive people in an illegal way, in order to gain money, power etc

31. Mental problems of all ages are not totally (untreatable, incurable).
Untreatable: a treatable illness or injury can’t be helped with drugs or an operation(不可治疗的)
Incurable: an illness that is curable can be cured. (无可救要的)

32. The students are advised to (conserve, preserve) water and electricity.
Conserve: to use as little water, energy etc as possible so that it is not wasted(这个意思是独有的)
Preserve: to protect something and prevent it from changing or bein

g damaged(conserve也有这个意思)

33. She took the skirt out of the suitcase and found it terribly (pleated, wrinkled).
Pleated: a pleated skirt, dress etc has a lot of flat narrow folds
Wrinkled: skin or cloth that is wrinkled has small lines or folds in it

34. The owner of the house came back and discovered that his house had been broken into during his absence. He (snooped around, checked) to see if anything valuable had been stolen.
snoop around: to try to find out about someone's private affairs by secretly looking in their house, examining their possessions etc(调查, 窥探)
Check: to do something in order to find out whether something really is correct, true, or in good condition

35. Since their father lost his job, their mother was hard up and always bought them (shabby, cheap) clothes.
Shabby: shabby clothes, places, or objects are untidy and in bad condition because they have been used for a long time
Cheap: not at all expensive, or lower in price than you expected

36. He needed the money, so he said he didn’t (care for, mind) the long working hours as long as he was well paid.
Care for: to look after someone who is not able to look after themselves; to do things that keep something in good condition
Mind: [usually in questions and negatives] to feel annoyed or upset about something

37. He lost interests in the debate, merely sitting there totally (unconcerned, unbent).
Unconcerned: not worried about something because you think it does not affect you
Unbend: to relax and start behaving in a less formal way

38. While you are in the bookstore, please (keep an eye for, look at) dictionary that I have been looking for.
Keep an eye for: to watch carefully so that you will notice when someone or something appears
look at: to turn your eyes towards something, so that you can see it(其中的一个意思)

39. The elderly couple always avoids parties and gatherings. They are the kind of people who (keep from, keep to) themselves.
keep from: to prevent someone from doing something or prevent something from happening to prevent someone from knowing something, by deliberately not telling them about it (隐瞒,阻止)
keep to oneself: to live a very quiet private life and not do many things that involve other people (不交际)

40. He knew there was (no use, no need) going back to the market place to look for the pocket book, but he went anyway to make her feel better.
Be no use doing: used to tell someone not to do something because it will have no effect
There’s no need for sb.to do sth: used to say that someone does not have to do something

41. She (held back, held forth) her criticism on the plan because she needed more time to think about it.
hold back: to make someone or something stop moving forward(阻止,抑制)
hold forth (on): to give your opinion on a subject, especially for a long time(滔滔不绝,大谈特谈)

42. Marry had an uneasy feeling that som

ething terrible was going to happen. Was she becoming (ignorant, superstitious)?
Ignorant: not knowing facts or information that you ought to know
Superstitious: influenced by superstitions
Superstition: a belief that some objects or actions are lucky or unlucky, or that they cause events to happen, based on old ideas of magic

43. Ron said he would always (remember, have on his mind) the wonderful trip to the great wall.
Remember: to have a picture or idea in your mind of people, events, places etc from the past
Have on his mind: if something is on your mind, you keep thinking or worrying about it; if something is on your mind, that is what you are thinking about

44. The glass fell from the shelf and (went, broke) to pieces.
Go to pieces: if a person or what they do goes to pieces, they are so upset or nervous that they cannot live, work, or perform as they should(瓦解,身体垮掉)
Break to/into pieces: if you break something, you make it separate into two or more pieces, for example by hitting it, dropping it, or bending it (成为碎片)

45. I like Walter and have always enjoyed his (pleasant, pleasantry) company.
Pleasant: enjoyable or attractive and making you feel happy
Pleasantry: things that you say to someone in order to be polite, but which are not very important(打趣的话)

46. “I-I-didn’t-“ clearly the kid was frightened and (faltered, wavered) out the answer.
Falter: to speak in a voice that sounds weak and uncertain, and keeps stopping
Wavered: to become weaker or less certain

47. “The boy has been doing his homework for over an hour now and is (nervous, fidgety), why don’t you tell him to go out and play for a while?”
Nervous: worried or frightened about something, and unable to relax
fidgety: unable to stay still, especially because of being bored or nervous(烦躁的)

48. He was caught giving (covered, covert) glances at the textbook during the examination.
Covered: having a roof; having a layer of something on top
Covert: secret or hidden

49. Ever since he recovered from his heart attack, he realized he had to (feel like himself, take things easy).
Feel like himself: feel himself fit and healthy
Take things easy=take it easy: to relax and not do very much

50. They had to (scrub, brush) the floor after the party was over.
Scrub: to rub something hard, especially with a stiff brush, in order to clean it
Brush: to clean something or make something smooth and tidy using a brush

51. He (flicked, plucked) the dust from his hat before entering the house.
Flick: to make something move away by hitting or pushing it suddenly or quickly(轻弹)
Pluck: to pull something quickly in order to remove it(拨毛,摘花等)

52. Sensing that someone was approaching him from the back, he (twiddles, whirled) around suddenly.
Twiddle: to move or turn something around with your fingers many times, especially because you are nervous or bored
Whirl: to

turn or spin around very quickly, or to make someone or something do this

53. The child was shy. She kept (plucking, picking) her mother by the sleeve to drag her away from the word.
Pluck: to pull something quickly in order to remove it(拨毛,摘花,扯,猛拉等)
Pick: choose something; remove a flower etc; remove something

54. He just sat there (turning, twiddling) his thumbs, showing no interest in the discussion.
Turn: to move your body so that you are looking in a different direction
Twiddle one’s thumbs: to do nothing while you are waiting for something to happen

55. He doesn’t like his job, but he (keeps at, keeps) it before he can find something better.
keep at: to force someone to continue to work hard and not let them stop(坚持)
keep: to stay in a particular state, condition, or position, or to make someone or something do this(维持)

56. The boys (tossed, threw) a coin to decide who should make the first move.
Toss: to throw something, especially something light, with a quick gentle movement of your hand
Throw: to make an object such as a ball move quickly through the air by pushing your hand forward quickly and letting the object go

57. Don’t (put down, put off) him by his appearance; he is actually quite a charming person.
put down: 不赞成,羞辱
put off: 阻止, 搪塞

58. At the seminar some scientists discussed heroic new experiments on the (intact, innate) human heart.
Intact: not broken, damaged, or spoiled
Innate: an innate quality or ability is something you are born with

59. We (contribute, attribute) Edison’s success to intelligence and hard work.
Contribute: to give money, help, ideas etc to something that a lot of other people are also involved in
Attribute: to believe or say that a situation or event is caused by something

60. A wise man (preserves, reserves) some money for use in rainy days.
Preserve: =save
Reserve: to keep part of something for use at a later time during a process - used especially when describing how to cook something

61. The reckless driver got his just (deserts, desserts) when his driver’s license was suspended.
Desert: a place where there is no activity or where nothing interesting happens
Dessert: sweet food served after the main part of a meal
62. The captain (demanded, commanded) the soldiers to fire.
Demand: to ask for something very firmly, especially because you think you have a right to do this
Command: to tell someone officially to do something, especially if you are a military leader, a king etc

63. The photos sent back from the satellite support the (theory, hypothesis) that possibly there is life on Mars.
Theory: an idea or set of ideas that is intended to explain something about life or the world, especially an idea that has not yet been proved to be true
Hypothesis: an idea that is suggested as an explanation for something, but that has not yet been proved to be true

64. There is

some (resemblance, similarity) between the accounts of the fire, but all the important details are different.
Resemblance: if there is a resemblance between two people or things, they are similar, especially in the way they look(强调某一方面是相似的)
Similarity: if there is a similarity between two things or people, they are similar in some way(强调某几方面是相似的)

65. Western businessmen come in (droves, groups) to invest in light industry in China.
Groups: several people or things that are all together in the same place

66. The assassination of Martin Luther King did not quench the civil rights movement. It made the black leaders more (warlike, militant).
Warlike: liking war and being skilful in it(作好战斗准备的)
Militant: a militant organization or person is willing to use strong or violent action in order to achieve political or social change(好战的)

67. It is not (customary, habitual) in South China to eat dumplings on Lunar New Year’s Eve.
Customary: something that is customary is normal because it is the way something is usually done; usual
Habitual: done as a habit that you cannot stop

68. These certificates and awards are enough to (prove, qualify) him as an excellent engineer.
Prove: to show that something is true by providing facts, information etc; proof
Qualify: if something qualifies you to do something, you have the necessary skills, knowledge, and ability etc to do it

69. The boss (demonstrated, manifested) a total indifference to the safety of the workers.
Demonstrate: to show or prove something clearly
Manifest: to show a feeling, attitude etc

70. Just (follow, obey) his instructions and you will succeed.
Follow: to do something in the way that someone has told or advised you to do it
Obey: to do what someone in authority tells you to do, or what a law or rule says you must do

71. The commander-in-chief (was thinking of, was reflecting on) a massive frontal attack against the enemy.
Be thinking of: to use your mind to solve something, decide something, imagine something etc
Be reflecting on: to think carefully about something, or to say something that you have been thinking about
Frontal attack: a direct attack on the front of an army

72. It is a (regrettable, regretful) fact that our health declines, as we grow old.
Regrettable: something that is regrettable is unpleasant, and you wish things could be different
Regretful: someone who is regretful feels sorry or disappointed

73. China has the ability to pay off the debts (incurred, occurred) in acquiring foreign technology.
Incurred: Occurred: See No: 1

74. Consumer demands are changing and are becoming more (modern, sophisticated), which drives the need for technology to meet this market demand.
Modern: having very recent attitudes or ways of behaving
Sophisticated: having a lot of experience of life, and good judgment about socially important things suc

h as art, fashion etc(久经世故的)

75. The dramatic depreciation of the currency caught even some economists (on, off) guard.
On guard: to be paying attention to what is happening in order to avoid danger, being tricked etc (警惕)
Off guard: to surprise someone by happening when they are not expecting something or prepared for it(不提防)

76. The two sides (differentiate, differ) greatly about the wording of the contract.
Differentiate: to recognize or express the difference between things or people
Differ: to be different from something in some way

77. The ad says the (minimum, optimum) requirements for the job are a Bachelor degree and two years’ experience. You don’t stand a chance without working experience.
Minimum: the minimum number, degree, or amount of something is the smallest or least that is possible, allowed, or needed
Optimum: the best or most suitable for a particular purpose or in a particular situation

78. The company (excels, surpasses) in developing an intimate relationship with its customers.
Excel in: to do something very well, or much better than most people
Surpass: [transitive] to be even better or greater than someone or something else

79. Doctors (contribute, attribute) the fall in the number of death from heart disease to improvements in diet.
Contribute: Attribute: See No: 59

80. Believe it or not, the manager is also (adapt, adept) in working out crossword puzzles.
Adapt: to gradually change your behavior and attitudes in order to be successful in a new situation(与to搭配)
Adept: good at something that needs care and skill; skilful

81. There is a long history of (hostility, rivalry) between Cambridge and Oxford.
Hostility: when someone is unfriendly and full of anger towards another person
Rivalry: a situation in which two or more people, teams, or companies are competing for something, especially over a long period of time, and the feeling of competition between them; competition

82. His (greed, acquisitiveness) drove him to (keep, hoard) more food than he needed.
Greed: a set of beliefs or principles(信条)
Acquisitiveness: wanting to have and keep a lot of possessions(占有欲)
Keep: if food keeps, it stays fresh enough to be eaten(其中的一个意思)
Hoard: a collection of things that someone hides somewhere, especially so they can use them later

83. On her deathbed, she told her children that she had nothing to (repent of, regret).
Repent of: to be sorry for something and wish you had not done it - used especially when considering your actions in a religious way(忏悔)
Regret: to feel sorry about something you have done and wish you had not done it(后悔)

84. An (immense, great) amount of money has been put into building the dam to control the river.
Immense: extremely large; enormous
Great: very large in amount or degree

85. Crop rotation has prevented the soil from (poverty, impoverishment).
Poverty: no
