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take advantage of 利用
rate n.价钱,费用
Do all the parks in this city have a special reduced rate for students? 对学生实行特价 What’s the going rate for computer programmers? 计算机编程人员的一般工资是多少?
Module 7 – Part 1 Busines topic: Products and serives
testimonial n.证明书,推荐书 refer to 提到,谈到
Read the customer testimonials from a produce brochure. Then read the brochure and decide which features the two customers are referring to. 阅读引自产品宣传小册子的顾客感言,然后阅读宣传册,并推断这两 位顾客指的是哪些性能。 days, most houses have appliances that contain some
availability availabe install
Whether we can offer you a job depends on the availability of cacancies. 我们是否能给你提供一份工作取决于有没有职位空缺。 I’m sorry, those shoes are not available in your size. The book you ordered is not available. Is the library available during the summer vacation? v.安装,安置 Things you have to consider when choosing a business school
It was well located,safe and pretty, 10 minutes’ bus ride from the town. 地点很好 Great location. The hotel is located in the city centre. What is your rating for “comfort”?你给“舒适度”评几分? What is your rating for “cleanliness”? 清洁度 What is your rating for “facilities”? 酒店设施 My rating for it is 8. We will definitely not stay here again.我们再也不会光顾这里了。 we;’re definitely going back.我们一定会回来。 He is ranked third in the world. 他排名世界第三。 The magazine ranked 52th among British publications.在英国出版物中排名第 The judges ranked Mary the best in the dancing contest.评委评定…第一名
definitely rank
Their economy has expanded enormously, while ours, in contrast, has declined. in contrast In contrast with her sister, she is very tall. In contrast, last year,the new students put quality of the teaching as the 对比之下 most important characteristics, and career preparation shared the second place with availability of subjects.相比之下,去年的新生把教学质量排在第一 位,而职业准备和可选择的课程并列第二。
Is this seat occupied?这座位有人坐吗? The house is no longer occupied.这房子不再有人住了。 Writing occupies most of my free time.写作占去了我大部分的闲暇时间。 fax n.传真 photocopier n.复印机 skype n.语音即时聊天软件 scanner n.扫描仪,扫描器 laser printer 激光打印机 We provide a luxury service for an exclusive clientele.
personalised spaces 个性化空间
他很快适应了这个国家的炎热气候。 personal preference 个人偏好
setting n.(装置的)调节, 设定(位置)
the control to the coldest setting.把控制器定在最冷点。 This machine has two settings, fast and slow.有快慢两档。 our more sophisticated systems can identify you from your movements, body temperature and other characteristics.更加高级的配置能…识别你 It is said that the most importand characteristic when choosing a business school was career preparation. 选择商业学校最重要的要素是职业准备。
Part 2 business skills: orders and contracts
possession n.所有物, 财产 My favourite possession is an electrical appliance. It is rectangular, 2m high. It sends out cool air. My favourite possession is a semicirlce. Its semidiater is 95cm. It’s soft and warm. I put it on the floor under the teatable.我最喜爱的私人财产是半 圆形的,半径95厘米,柔软而且保暖。我把它铺在茶几下面的地板上。 n. 斜体,斜体字 Use the noun or adjective which is related to the word in italics. triangle三角形 shape形状 rectangle长方形 circle圆形 value n.价值,意义 LCD monitor diameter grey metal inflatable adj.充气的,膨胀的 rental triangular rectangular circular square正方形 oval椭圆形 semicircle半圆形 square oval semicircular

switch lights on and off 开关电灯 Burglar n.夜盗 fire brigade 消防队 be away on holiday 去度假 occupy v.占用,占(空间 或时间) watering system calculate

When you are away on holiday, for example, our system can switch lights on and off, making the house look occupied to potential burglars. And when there is an emergency, the system can call the police or fire brigade. 使可能来偷窃的夜盗觉得你的房子像是有人住。
Control Our
applications in the living room 遥控起居室的电器
system can adjust the heating and lighting settings to that
person’s personal preference.根据他的个人喜好调节暖气和灯光设置 adjust v.调整,调节, 使适合
the chair is too high, you can adjust it to suit you. can adjust the colour on the TV by turning thisknot.
adjusted (himself) very quickly to the heat of the country.

characteristic n.特征,特性
non-peak 非高峰期 electricity rate 电价
ResidentIntel takes advantage of cheaper, non-peak electricity rates,
Leabharlann Baidu
and gives choices for comfort, safety and energy conservation(节能). ResidentIntel充分利用便宜、非高峰期的电价,特别注重舒适、安全和节能。 You should take advantage of the fine weather to paint the fence. Take advantage of this week’s lower prices. People are taking advantage of his position. Don’t let people take advantage of your innocence. He took advantage of people’s good nature.
浇水装置 v.计算
clientele n.顾客,主顾
submarine n.潜水舰,潜舰
averaget family 普通家庭 Maintemance n.维护,保持 running cost 运转费 live show
A true sumamrine holiday experience.
Not for the average family budget, I suspect. The hotels are not cheap to build, and maintenance and running costs are higher than for hotels on land. 现场直播的表演 there is a theatre with live shows every night.
level of remote control.带有遥控性能的电器
remote control
the future, with our unique ResidentIntel domotics system, you can
extend this remote control to all parts of your home.将来,有了我们独 一无二的家居智能化控制系统,你就能将遥控延伸到家里的每一个角落。
Acadimic reputation of the school 学校的学术声誉 Tuition fees 学费 Procimity to home 离家近 Quality of the teaching 教学质量 Timetable flexibility 课程表的灵活性 Attractiveness of the school buildings 学校校舍的吸引力 Variety of subjects on the curriculum 开课计划中课程种类 Business experience of the lecturers 教师的商业经历 Percentage of graduates in work 毕业生的就业率 Preparation for a career in business 对从商的职业准备 Percentage of graduates in executive positions 担任主管的毕业生比例 Percentage of graduates earning over $100,00 per annum 年收入超过10万美元的毕业生比例