








第一节单项选择 (共15小题;每小题1分, 共15分


1. In the USA, _____ students not only need good grades, but also need to get _____ social experience.

A. the; the

B. a; a

C. /; /

D. the; a

2. Have you read the paper today? Train ______ are going up again, and they’re so expensive already!

A. fees

B. fares

C. prices

D. tickets

3. —Thank you for your good advice on how to plan for the future, Mrs. Williams.


A. It doesn’t matter

B. With pleasure

C. My pleasure

D. My happiness

4. The latest online survey, _____ by https://www.360docs.net/doc/7213801447.html,, found that more than 73 per cent of young people want to work as civil servants.

A. to be carried out

B. being carried out

C. carried out

D. having been carried out

5. He was robbed in a lonely street last night, but _______ he didn’t have any money or credit cards in his wallet at that time.

A. fortunately

B. happily

C. finally

D. eventually

6. With homeschooling growing quickly in the United States, nobody is quite sure exactly how many American children

_____ at home.

A. being taught

B. taught

C. are being taught

D. are teaching

7. The police suspected him of carrying drugs so they _____ his bag, but they found nothing.

A. went on

B. went in

C. went across

D. went through

8. Abdulla has enjoyed his life in China, but he says that sometimes he wishes Chinese _____ more about his homeland

in Africa.

A. had known

B. know

C. knew

D. have known

9. I will take my daughter with me when I _________ ShangHai.

A. go to

B. will go to

C. have been to

D. have gone to

10. When I saw Mary, she ________ the violin in the sitting room.

A. is playing

B. plays

C. was playing

D. played

11. I didn't want either of _______ shirts and asked the salesman to show me_________.

A. those, another

B. two, the other

C. all, the others

D. that, others

12. _____________ wants the book may have it.

A. Who

B. Whoever

C. Anyone

D. The person

13. Is this the museum ___________ your brother worked 2 years ago?

A. that

B. which

C. where

D. the one

14. I was doing my homework __________ he was playing the computer game.

A. when

B. while

C. before

D. as

15. She had escaped, __________the ring had fallen off and been damaged in the great heat of the fire.

A. so

B. or

C. but

D. and

第二节完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,共20分


On the last day before Christmas, I hurried to the supermarket to buy the remaining gif ts I hadn’t managed to get earlier. When I saw all the 16 there, I started to say to myself: “It’s going to 17forever here and I still have so many other places to go. Christmas really is getting more and more 18every year. How I wish I could just lie down, go to sleep and only wake up 19 it’s over…”

Nevertheless, I made my way to the toy 20 , and there, I started to complain of the 21 as I wondered if kids really played 22 such expensive toys. While looking around the 23 , I noticed a boy of about five, pressing a 24 against his chest.

He kept 25 the hair of the doll and looked quite 26 . I wondered who the doll was for. Then the boy 27 an old woman beside him.

“Granny, are you sure I don’t have enough 28 ?” She replied, “You know that you don’t have enough to buy this doll, my dear.”

Then she asked him to stay there for five minutes 29 she looked around. She left quickly and the boy continued to 30 the doll in his hand. I walked towards him and asked who he 31 to give the doll to.

“It is the doll my 32 love d most and wanted so much for Christmas. She was so 33 that Santa Claus would bring it to her.”

I told him that maybe Santa Claus would bring it after all, and not to 34 , but he said sadly, “No, Santa Claus cannot take it where she is now. My sister has g one to be with 35 . Daddy says mummy will also go to see God very soon, so I thought that she could take the doll with her to give my sister.”

16. A. gifts B. people C. goods D. children

17. A. take B. stay C. remain D. delay

18. A. pleasant B. discouraging C. annoying D.exciting

19. A. before B. instantly C. immediately D. after

20. A. part B. section C. area D. group

21. A. quality B. sizes C. prices D. colour

22. A. with B. at C. on D. about

23. A. room B. shelves C. crowd D. toys

24. A. toy B. hand C. doll D. chin

25. A. seeing B. touching C. pulling D. taking

26. A. angry B. happy C. excited D. sad

27. A. turned to B. ran to C. shouted at D. called at

28. A. time B. money C. energy D. power

29. A. so that B. while C. until D. the moment

30. A. take B. catch C. hold D. stick

31. A. wished B. asked C. supposed D. believed

32. A. friend B. mummy C. granny D. sister

33. A. painful B. worried C. sure D. moved

34. A. take B. worry C. leave D. move

35. A. mummy B. God C. daddy D. grandma




Maybe your class in school has given a play. People throughout the world like to act in plays. In Japan, actors perform in Kabuki plays. The word “Kabuki” is made up of three Japa nese words meaning song, dance and ability.

Kabuki actors do not look like the actors in American plays. American actors dress and look like real people. In Kabuki plays, the actors wear bright-colored robes and wigs. Their robes are very large, and their wigs do not look like real hair.

American actors wear make-up, but their make-up does not often hide their faces. Kabuki actors paint their faces chalk white. They draw black eyebrows above their real eyebrows. They outline their eyes in black or red. Their mouths are bright red. They look as if they are wearing masks.

An actor performing in an American play must make his face look happy, sad or angry. Make–up helps the Kabuki actor show his feelings. If an actor is going to show anger, he paints dark blue or red lines on his face. His make-up makes him look angry.

American and Kabuki actors perform in different ways. But they both try to please the people who watch them.

36. The underlined word “wigs”in the second paragraph probably means _________.

A. make-up

B. clothes

C. masks

D. articifical hair

37. From the story we may know that .

A. Ame rican actors don’t wear make-up

B. Kabuki actors don’t want to show their real faces

C. actors in America and Japan both hope to make audience happy and relaxed

D. American performances are much better than Japanese ones

38. To show anger, a Kabuki actor paints .

A. dark blue or red lines on his face

B. hair on his head

C. his costume blue

D. his eyebrows black

39. The text is mainly about .

A. how the Japanese sing and dance

B. why actors look sad or happy

C. a kind of Japanese play

D. make-up in plays

40. Kabuki actors wear so much make-up because __________.

A. they do not want anyone to know who they are

B. it helps them show their feelings in a play

C. they think it makes them prettier

D. they want to cover up their true feelings


In spring, the first images that come into mind are of an outing for a picnic or travel. Regardless of what spring has in store for you, you will probably need a bike to do it. If you don't know how to ride one, this week's shopping page will be a little useless for you. How sad, you missed out on one of the best memories of youth. More and more people are interested in building your own bike and choosing its color, appearance, function and accessories. This week, we're showcasing parts:


Making your own bike is not cheap! If you start with this frame, your bill will already be up to 260 yuan - almost the cost of an assembled bicycle. This 21 frame is unmarked and comes in two colors, white and yellow. At 1890g, it's one of the most functional in town.

Available: https://www.360docs.net/doc/7213801447.html, Price: 260 yuan

Winzip disc-brake

Winzip? No, it's not the archiving software on your computer. This Winzip is a bike parts company. This

disc-brake has 160 teeth and costs 250 yuan. Anyone who specializes in cycles can tell you how great disc brakes are. Of course, don't take word for it. Give them a try!

Available: Giant, No 3, Yuetan Bei Jie, Xicheng Price: 250 yuan

KMC-X10 10 speed chain

This KMC chain looks like something some kind of metal monster that might make a snack out of you. If you use this one though, expect a silent ride. A good chain can save you a lot of energy when peddling.

Available: No 49, Bei Sanhuan Zhong Lu, Chaoyang Price: 65 yuan

Alexrims Wheel

"I like to rest my head on the handlebars to listen to the wheels while they crunch the grass and leaves," one boy said. What a lovely image! If you don't want to ruin the scene, buy a set of Alexrims wheels. At 500g, with 6061-T6 material, they will be extremely comfortable. It's worth noting that Alexrims is a top brand.

Available: Armini Bicycle, No 91, Xisi Nan Dajie, Xicheng Price: 160 yuan each

Truvativ-XR handlebars

Handlebars are where you can rest your hands, head, or any other body part. Strike a pose by grabbing your handlebars and pretend you actually know how to ride. Wow! You'll be popular with the girls in no time.

Available: Giant, 101, Building E, Guohengjiye Building, No 7, Bei Tucheng Xi Lu, Chaoyang

Price: 280 yuan

41. This passage is an advertisement for selling ______.

A. computers

B. a software on the computer

C. bikes

D. parts of bikes

42. Which of the following are sold in stores located in the district of Chaoyang?

A. Winzip disc-brake and KMC-X10 10 speed chain

B. Truvativ-XR handlebars and Alexrims Wheel

C. Winzip disc-brake and Alexrims Wheel

D. KMC-X10 10 speed chain and Truvativ-XR handlebars

43. This advertisement is intended to be read by_____________.

A. the parents

B. the elderly

C. the youth

D. the technicians

44. According to the advertiser, _________________.

A. this week’s shopping page will teach you how to ride a bike

B. building a bicycle is more expensive than an assembled one

C. Alexrims Wheels can make loud noises

D. driving a car is more attractive for girls than riding a bicycle

45. Which of the following is the best title of the ad?

A. Enjoy Spring on Two Wheels

B. Spring Is Coming

C. Colorful Bikes Are on Sale

D. Does Your Bikes Need Repairing?


One day last year, there was a sudden knock on the door. Without warning, my nephew had arrived from Turkey! When I had last seen him, he was knee-high to a grasshopper(蚂蚱, with shy eyes, ears like two fans, two front teeth missing, short hair and continually dirty hands. You know, the look that fits every nephew. I liked and was closely attached to him. With that knee-high-to-a-grasshopper size, he used to look up at me as if viewing a telephone pole, his blue eyes smiling and secretly making fun of me. The legs sticking out of his short pants were a little bent. Through his eyes were straight, he appeared a bit cross-eyed. I felt sorry when I looked at him. When we talked, he seemed to have a weight on his shoulders and appeared offended. When he was guilty, his eyes grew wet and his voice softened to where he could hardly be heard. Those who saw him thought him an orphan(孤儿and felt sorry. They felt like putting their hands in their pockets and giving him some spending money or candy. In spite of my hitting my other nephews for any old thing, this one I couldn’t touch. I loved the little son of a gun!

At home, no matter who got angry, our nephew managed to keep his distance. If you spoke to him, he didn’t reply. If he did answer, it was quietly. Even if you hit him, he was quiet. When taking a beating, instead of increasing, his wailing(嚎啕哭号decreased. Thus, the anger of whoever was beating him turned to pity and the boy was saved from further punishment. When talking with others, I observed that our boy had neither crooked legs, cross-eyes nor big ears hanging like leaves. Furthermore, when he got mad, he knew how to shout his head off. It was only when he detected danger that his legs went crooked, his ears grew and his eyes crossed.

46. The author loved the nephew he described because __________.

A. the nephew was an orphan

B. the author loved all of his nephews

C. the nephew looked nice and lovely

D. the nephew’s appearance called forth his love

47. When the boy was beaten at home, ___________.

A. he shouted his head off

B. his decreased wailing made the person beating him show pity on him

C. he tried to run away to escape punishment

D. his eyes grew wet and his voice softened to where he could hardly be heard

48. Why did the author describe his nephew at the beginning of the story?

A. To tell the readers he has more than one nephew.

B. To let the readers get an first impression of his nephew.

C. To show the readers how much he loved his nephew.

D. To describe how cruel the boy’s parents were.

49. Which of the following describes the author’s nephew in his childhood?

A. He was clever enough to avoid annoying the adults in his family.

B. He had bent legs and was always cross-eyed.

C. He never shouted or cried on the top of his voice.

D. He was quite tall for his age and good at joking.

50. What do you think the author will Not tell us in the following paragraph?

A. More information about his nephew nowadays.

B. Why his nephew didn’t give a warning before coming.

C. Why his nephew came to his house.

D. What happened to the nephew’s brother. D UNITED NATIONS – Iran's UN Mission sent a letter Thursday requesting that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad be allowed to speak before the Security Council when it votes on new sanctions(制裁against Tehran for its refusal to delay uranium(铀)development, the council president said. South Africa's UN Ambassador Dumisani Kumalo said he would present Iran's request to the 14 other council members Friday. Under the UN Charter and Security Council rules, if a member state has an issue before the council and requests to appear before its members, "this must be considered." The request from Iran's UN Ambassador Javad Zarif arrived as the council's five vote-wielding members(常任理事国 and Germany agreed on new sanctions to step up the pressure on Tehran to delay development. Iran has refused UN’s demands that it stop development, in sisting its nuclear program is peaceful and aimed at producing energy. The US and its European allies are concerned its real aim is to produce nuclear weapons. Earlier Thursday, Ahmadinejad called the Security Council an "illegitimate" body and said any new

sanctions forced on his country would only encourage it to be self-sufficient (able to satisfy one’s own needs and further develop nuclear technology. Acting US Ambassador Alejandro Wolff, reacting to that comment and the possibility of the Iranian president addressing the council, said: "I find it ironic that a president who's quoted today saying that he tears up Security Council resolutions and has no respect for what the council does, is interested in coming and speaking to the council." 51. Which of the following is the main idea of the passage? A. Iran’s president hoped to speak before the Security Council for its nuclear program. B. Iran’s president tried to explain Iran’s nuclear program. C. Iran has refused UN’s demands about its nuclear program. D. The UN will vote on new sanctions against Tehran for its uranium development. 52. We can infer from this news that________________. A. the US Ambassador Wolff doesn’t believe the sincerity of Ahmadinejad B. there is no doubt that Iran’s unclear program i s peaceful C. Germany is one of the five vote-wielding members D. the US and its European allies aren’t concerned with Iran’s real aim of nuclear program 53. The underlined word “ironic” in the last paragraph probably means __________. A. strange B. shocking C. hard D. bitterly funny 54. Iran's UN Mission sent a letter to the Security Council because

_________________. A. Iran intended to apologize for its uranium development B. Ahmadinejad wanted to address the Security Council C. Iran wanted to become a Security Council member D. the UN had required Iran to do so 55. Where can this passage be probably taken from? A. A guidebook B. A fashion magzine C. The Internet D. A novel 6

第Ⅱ卷(共 35 分)得分评卷人第三部分: 选句填空。根据文章内容在方框内 6 个选项中选择 5 个恰当的句子,使文章完整,并将其编号按顺序填入文章后的横线上。(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,共 5 分) A. Take care of yourself. D. Make time for yourself. B. Share your stress. E. Try physical activity. C. Be on a diet. F. Make a list of things to do. While it is impossible to live completely free of stress, it is possible to prevent stress as well as reduce its effect when it can’t be avoided. The US Department of Health and Human Services offers the following suggestions for ways to deal with

stress. ·1. ________________ When you are nervous, angry or upset, try releasing the pressure through exercise or physical activity. Running, walking, playing tennis, or working in your garden are just some of the activities you might try. Physical exercise

will relieve your anxiety and worry and help you to relax. Your body and your mind will work together to ease the stress in your life. ·2. ________________ It helps to talk to someone about your anxieties and worries. Perhaps a friend, family member, teacher or even your leader can help you a better view of what’s troubling you. If y ou feel your problem is serious, you might seek professional help from a psychologist or a doctor. Knowing when to ask for help is an important step in avoiding serious problems later. ·3. _________________. You should make every effort to eat well and get enough rest. If you easily get angry and cannot sleep well enough, or if you’re not eating properly, it will be more likely that you will fall into stressful situations. If stress repeatedly keep you from sleeping, you should consult a doctor. ·4. __________________ Schedule time for both work and entertainment. Don’t froget, play can be just as important to you as work. You need a break from your daily routine to just relax and have fun. Go window- shopping or work on a hobby. Allow yourself at least a half hour each day to do something you enjoy. ·5. ___________________ Stress can reslut from disorganization and a feeling that “there’s so much to do, and not enough time.” Trying to take care of everything at once can be too much for you and as a result, you may not achieve anything. Instead, make a list of everything you have to do, then do one thing at a time, cheking off each task as it is completed. Set out to do the most important tasks first. 1. ______ 2.

_______ 3. ______ 4. _______ 5. _______ 得分评卷人第四部分 : 综合填空根据文

章内容及所给单词的首字母,写出文中所缺单词,使文章完整、通顺。将完整的单词按序号写在文章下面的横线上。(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,共 15 分) Lots of 1. w______ is needed in large cities. Some cities get water from 2. w_______. Some get water from lakes or rivers 3. n________. But some cities have to get water from lakes or rivers far away. Water is usually 4. b______ to a city from a place higher than the city itself. 5. W______ water is found only in a 6. l_______ place, it must be pumped up to

the city. Then it is sent to each home. Dams are often 7. b_________ in a river to keep the water 8. f_______ flowing away. Then a new lake is formed. People know how much water they need, and 9. a__________ extra water to flow away below the dam. In this way the city stores water for its 10. u________. 7

There is usually a building near the dam, 11. w________ much important work is done. For example, the water is tested 12. b_________ it is piped to the city. We must make the water clean before we 13. d_______ it, sometimes things must be taken away from it, sometimes must be added to it. Machines mix these 14. a_________ things with the water. In this way, it is made drinkable. In 15. m__________ hotels, you usually find three taps. One is for cold water, another is for hot water and the third is for iced water. 1.____________ 2. __________ 3. ____________ 4. _____________ 5. ____________ 6. ___________ 11. __________ 得分 7. __________ 8. ____________ 12. __________ 13. ___________ 9. _____________ 10. ____________ 14. ____________ 15.

____________ 评卷人第五部分: 书面表达(共 15 分)假如你是初三学生李华,要参加班里竞选班长的活动;请根据下列表格中的提示,写一篇 100 字左右的英语

竞选演讲。年龄经历主要成绩具备的能力当选后的打算担任英语课代成绩优秀,老师赞扬,有组织能力,善于交际, 15 表2年同学喜欢爱好多样? 8


数学:全国数学竞赛或联赛的题要做,黄东坡的《培优竞赛新方法》的竞赛内容。物理:省赛水平,力电为主,去年光声都没考。 语文:古文要注意,作文关注社会热点。 英语:看高中词汇,做高考阅读和完型填空。 化学:去年没考,建议天原杯的原题。 面试:10个科普,一个一分钟回答,一个动手能力操作,一个团队合作项目,再问你什么事情让你成长最多。面试时要努力争取发表意见的机会但不要让人觉得你爱出风头过于张扬,要把握一个度。 科普:书香门第是什么意思?被蚊子叮了为什么痒?兔子上山快还是下山快为什么?NBA单场最高得分是多少? 一分钟:砖块的用处?空城计被识破了会怎么样? 团队合作:每人在一张纸上画一笔,并起一个名字。 动手:如何把一张纸变得最长,要有创意。 数学是最难的一门,甚至有好多高中奥赛的题,千万不要指望都做出来,重要的是心态,不要慌,能做多少做多少就行了。 语文重要的是阅读量,都是初中生没看过的,如果你平常看的课外书比较多,应该不成问题。 英语吗,我英语比较好,当时考了全河北省第一,所以觉得比较简单,呵呵,给不出什么建议,抱歉啦。 物理不难,要做一本叫《初中生物理培优教程》,有大量原题。 面试要落落大方,大胆些,抢到说话的主动权,无论发生什么紧急状况,千万不要怵,因为那是评委给你设的套! 题目很多,我是去年的,我们先是自我介绍,然后专家会根据你的介绍向个人提问题。不过,呵呵,有的会问提前写好的问题,我们那一组有两道题挺好“如果照相时摄影师没有安排你位置,你会选择坐在哪里?”,“你如何看待学校里阴盛阳衰(女生比男生强势)的问题?”反正,我觉得这种题,你最好答的成熟一些,比如我前面有个人答第一个题,她竟说在最边上!当时我觉得她就挂掉了。不过因人而异,表达自己就好,专家通常能看出你是不是很真实,最忌讳虚假!!!然后就是看了一幅图片,我记得当时是一只母鸡喂养一只小狗,然后写下自己的感想,然后依次发言,我的建议,写的不要太详细,关键字写上就好,这样发言时自由空间比较大。然后是动手操作,我知道两道题:用一个纸杯,一根吸管,胶带,一根牙签(好像是),一个组做一个能下落时间最长的飞行器,一个组我记得是做能从斜面上滑下能直线运动且运动最远的模型。反正你只要做得比同组人做的好就行了。比较式的那种呵呵,你比同组强就行了。我是女生,我觉得女生其实挺占优势,至少我们做得差不多就行了,不过最后的环节,他们问你可不可以实验一下,一定要实验哦,否则我个人认为你的主动性得分就会大打折扣。还有最简单有效的模型有时就比奇异形状好。既省时间,又好想。最后一个环节,我们是集体合作将一个字改成画,“旮”。我们组做得超级好。因为我们提前就商量


西安交通大学2015年博士研究生入学考试英语试题 The technological dimension of innovation process has been extensively commended on. Market innovation processes._____(1)has remained underexplored both theoretically and empirically. Our starting point was that the conception of market innovation depends strongly on our ____(2) Of markets. Two different approaches to markets were contrasted: one epistemologial orientation ____(3) generating the right knowledge about markets,and one ontological orientation emphasizing their active production. Drawing on the latter, we defined “market”innovation ____(4)changes in the way business is done. In this respect, the contribution to this special issue are ____(5) by the idea that market innovation is not something that envelops market from the outside (like technological innovation or regulatory change).____(6)something that comes from changing the very components that make up markets, ____(7),recent theorizing about markets from a practice prospective suggests markets are continuous outcomes of on-going efforts.____(8)change the rule and stability the exception. In line with this, the markets repeatedly illustrate efforts at directing and /or preventing change rather than promoting it. This leads us to suggest that market innovation. Face the balancing act of capturing opportunities____(9) change through stabilizing efforts that produce innovation rems. Such stabilizing efforts were noted in two special areas: establishing and maintaining a bounded network of buyers,sellers,goods, etc. And configuring this network in particular ways____(10)channel interaction between entities. These stabilizing efforts were parsued in four ways: Internationalizing norms and rules; building devlees and technical infrastructures,generating and Dissemination images, models,and representation and ____(11) practices, routines and habits. Despite stabilizing efforts,however, stability is hard to achieve,____(12)due to competing political project about how a market should work, herein wu argue,____(13)the key dynamic of market innovation processes. While market innovation seek stability,____(14)also strive for dynamic transformation. While stability id=s sought ,instability offers stack ____(15)allows markets to develop and pursue new opportunities. Actors trying to reconfigure markets ____(16) sufficient predictability to anticipate potential rents, yet thrive on the opportunities of of market in flux____(17),efforts to eliminate market slack,e.g,through extensive marked rationalization, is not only difficult but also undersirable. ____(18)brings us to our final removal. We ____(19) that market innovation processes designed above play a significant part in what has been said to characterize a well functioning market,namely the ability to handle its own overflows. To further develop action-oriented insights commingle such processes, one would do well to return the comprehensive and dynamic perspective offered by conceiving of markets as service Eco-system, social-material networks, or tech-lednical enhancements____(20) exemplifed in the subsequent articles. 1.A to be specific B however C therefore D on the other hand


交大少年班历届考试题目和有关事项 50 [ 标签:,交大,少年班 ] 交大少年班历届语文、数学、英语、物理考过什么题目,面试容一般是什么?考试时有什么注意事项等等?知道多少,回答多少,多多益善!了! Kaka回答:2 人气:116 解决时间:2009-02-07 11:55 满意答案 好评率:87% 1.一矩形分成四个小矩形,在每个小矩形种四种不同的花,相邻小矩形种的种类不同,共有__种不同的种法。(2008年交通大学少年班数学试题) 2.在三角形ABC中,BE为AC边的中线,D、F为BC的三等分点。BE与AD、AF分别相交于点M、N,求BM:MN:NE。(2006年交通大学少年班数学试题) 面试容包括科普知识、人生、社会、心理等综合容。 2006交大面试题,希望对大家有用 1、假如你知道你在学校所学的知识到了社会工作时全都没有用,你作何感想? 2、有一家国有企业和微软同时邀请你,你去哪一家? 3、请对近日国外大事举一例,并解读。 4、你对医保有什么看法?你认为国家应采取什么措施? 5、所有老师中你最喜欢与最不喜欢的是怎样的老师?不喜欢的老师的课,你会上得好吗? 6、根据四个英语单词twins,identilal,doctor,fun编一个故事。 7、就社会上的学术造假发表你的看法 8、和别的考生相比,你有何优势? 9、网络黑客算不算创新? 10、高校自主招生,我们考察的是什么?

11、分析烟酒奶粉等出现造假现象的原因,并提三条解决意见。 12、谈谈应试教育和素质教育的关系。 13、给我介绍一个你的朋友。 二、考生认为最难的问题 1、省会在哪里? 2、你对雷锋怎么看? 3、交大的校训是什么? 4、昨天的新闻有些什么容? 5、步行器电机功率是多少? 6、你的综合能力体面在哪些方面? 7、你知道国家的十一五规划吗? 8、你对房屋规划中的房屋间隔问题了解吗? 9、你是否知道矛盾论?请运用矛盾论解题。 10、如果你在政府部门身居要职,有公司因第一次审批不合格,就暗中塞钱给你,你又因结婚、搬家等事急着用钱,反之,现在不收钱,这个企业也会把质量搞好,但要等个把月,你的选择是? 11、有人觉得探月计划劳民伤财,不适合中国国情,你怎么看?简述三条理由。 12、中国迟迟没有新闻立法,为什么? 13、你怎么与父母沟通?尤其是在意见分歧的时候? 答案补充 别忘了感我哦!!~


一、单选题(共26 道试题,共52 分。)V 1. 资本周围速度()、 A. 与周转时间成正比,与周转次数成反比 B. 与周转时间成反比,与周转次数成正比 C. 与周转时间成正比,与周转次数成正比 D. 与周转时间成反比,与周转次数成反比 标准答案:B 2. 把剩余价值看成是全部预付资本的产物,剩余价值就转化为()、 A. 成本价格 B. 利润 C. 生产价格 D. 利息 标准答案:B 3. 社会资本简单再生产的基本实现条件是()、 A. I(c+v+m)=I(c+△c)+II(c+△c) B. I(v+m)>IIc C. I(v+m)=IIc D. I(v+m)<IIc 标准答案:C 4. 划分固定资本和流动资本的根据是()、 A. 生产资本不同部分在价值形成中的作用不同 B. 生产资本不同部分在剩余价值生产中的作用不同 C. 生产资本不同部分的价值转移方式不同 D. 生产资本不同部分的价值周转方式不同 标准答案:D 5. 我国在发展对外经济关系中必须坚持的根本方针是()、 A. 独立自主自力更生 B. 自筹资金没有外债 C. 大量进口不怕逆差 D. 自给自足剩余出口 标准答案:A 6. 生产关系的基础是()、 A. 产品归谁所有 B. 人们在生产中的地位及相互关系 C. 生产力 D. 生产资料所有制 标准答案:D 7. 农业雇佣工人创造的剩余价值中,土地所有者获得的是()、 A. 全部剩余价值 B. 租金 C. 平均利润 D. 超额利润 标准答案:D 8. 社会主义制度的经济基础是()、 A. 股份制

B. 国家所有制 C. 多种经济形式 D. 生产资料公有制 标准答案:D 9. 资本主义经济危机的实质是()、 A. 生产绝对过剩 B. 生产相对不足 C. 生产相对过剩 D. 资本主义基本矛盾 标准答案:C 10. 国家垄断资本主义的实质是()、 A. 国家政权同私人垄断资本相结合 B. 国家直接掌握垄断资本 C. 国有资本和私人资本在企业内、外部的结合 D. 私人垄断资本利用国家机器来为其服务的手段 标准答案:D 11. G-W…W`-G`是()、 A. 货币资本循环公式 B. 生产资本循环公式 C. 商品资本循环公式 D. 流通资本循环公式 标准答案:A 12. 垄断资本主义阶段,资本主义对外经济关系的一个重要经济特征是()、 A. 商品输出 B. 原料输出 C. 资本输出 D. 劳动力输出 标准答案:C 13. 社会主义按劳分配的对象是()、 A. 生产资料 B. 个人消费品 C. 社会总产品 D. 生存资料 标准答案:B 14. 垄断资本主义阶段,价值规律发挥作用的形式是()、 A. 商品价格围绕价值上下波动 B. 商品价格采取垄断价格形式 C. 商品价格围绕生产价格上下波动 D. 价值规律已经不再起作用 标准答案:B 15. 职能资本家使用借贷资本所获得的平均利润可以分割为()、 A. 利息和企业利润 B. 产业利润和商业利润 C. 利息和超额利润


西安交通大学考博英语试题及其解析 I.In each question,decide which of the four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Put your choice in the ANSWER SHEET,(15points) EXAMPLE: I was caught_the rain yesterday. A.in B.by C.with D.at ANSWER:(A) l.Those two families have been quarrelling__each other for many years. A.to B.between C.against D.with 2.There are many things whose misuse is dangerous,bur it is hard to think of anything that can be compared___ A.in B.with C.among D.by 3."How often have you seen cases like this?"one surgeon asked another."Oh,__times,I guess,"was the reply. A.hundred of B.hundreds C.hundreds of D.hundred 4.Give me your telephone number__I need your help. A.whether B.unless C.so that D.in case 5.You sang well last night.We hope you'll sing__. A.more better B.still better C.nicely D.best 6.Those people__a general understanding of the present situation. https://www.360docs.net/doc/7213801447.html,ck of B.are lacking of https://www.360docs.net/doc/7213801447.html,ck D.are in lack 7.Alone in a desert house,he was so busy with his research work


西安交大少年班选拔考试试题 满分:100分 时量:90分钟 姓名_________ 得分_________ 一、选择题(每小题2分,共30分) 1、如果1-<++<+-m x x m x 110 4的解集是4>x ,则 ( ) (A )29≤m (B )5≤m (C )29 =m (D )5=m 4、已知0221≠+=+b a b a ,则b a 的值为 ( ) (A )-1 (B )1 (C )2 (D )不能确定 5、如图,四边形ABCD 中,∠A=∠C=90°, ∠ABC=60°,AD=4,CD=10,则BD 的长等于 ( ) (A )134 (B )38 (C )12 (D )310 6、已知三角形的三条边长分别8x 、x 2、84,其中x 是正整数,这样的互不全等的三角形共有( )个. A .5 B .6 C .7 D .8 7、一个样本为1,3,2,2,a ,b ,c 。已知这个样本的众数为3,平均数为2,那么这个样本 的方差为 ( ) A.8 B.4 C.87 D.4 7 8、若实数a ,b 满足2 1202 a a b b -++=,则a 的取值范围是 ( ). (A )a ≤2- (B )a ≥4 (C )a ≤2-或 a ≥4 (D )2-≤a ≤4 9、运算符号?的含义是,,a a b a b b a b ≥??=?


西安交通大学课程考试侵权行为法作业考核试 题 集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-

一、单选题(共 30 道试题,共 60 分。) V 1. 患者在诊疗活动中受到损害,医疗机构及其医务人员有过错的,由()承担赔偿责任。 A. 医务人员 B. 医疗机构 C. 医疗机构负责人 D. 医务人员和医疗机构 满分:2 分 2. 受害人和行为人对损害的发生都没有过错的,() A. 受害人自行承担责任 B. 行为人承担责任 C. 可以根据实际情况,由双方分担损失 D. 由受害人和行为人平均承担责任 满分:2 分 3. 劳务派遣期间,被派遣的工作人员因执行工作任务造成他人损害的,由()承担侵权责任;劳务派遣单位有过错的,承担相应的补充责任。 A. 劳务派遣单位 B. 被派遣的工作人员 C. 当地人民政府 D. 接受劳务派遣的用工单位

满分:2 分 4. 侵害他人财产的,财产损失按照()的市场价格或者其他方式计算。 A. 提出请求时 B. 判决生效时 C. 损失发生时 D. 财产生成时 满分:2 分 5. 请求赔偿精神损害必须是造成他人()。 A. 严重精神损害 B. 一般精神损害 C. 精神损害 D. 身体残疾 满分:2 分 6. 因抢救生命垂危的患者等紧急情况,不能取得患者或者其近亲属意见时,经谁批准可以立即实施相应的医疗措施() A. 经治医生批准 B. 所在临床科室的主任批准 C. 医疗机构负责人或者授权的负责人批准 D. 医疗机构职工代表大会批准 满分:2 分 7. 药品不合格导致患者损害时,患者可以向谁索赔()

西安交通大学现代远程教育 大学英语 答案版

现代远程教育 2012年专升本大学英语 入学考试复习题 (一) 注;答案一律写在答题纸上,做在试题上无效 I. Grammar Structure and Vocabulary Section A ( 1.5 marks each) Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a pencil. 1. Not long ago, a person whom I know very well was ___ an accident. A. related to B. involved in C. included in D. subjected to 2. We want him to retire but he won’t ___ to it. A. accept B. admit C. agree D. allow 3. He doesn’t enjoy ___ fish, you know. A. eat B. to eat C. eating D. to eating 4. The girl didn’t go to bed ___ her parents came home. A. until B. unless C. when D. as 5. In the newspaper, we can learn ___ is going on in the world. A. that B. which C. what D. who 6. The bridge was named ___ the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people. A. after B. with C. by D. from 7. I wish I ___ a doctor. A. have been B. am C. were D. will be 8. We are going to ___ up for our lost time by taking a short cut. A. make B. take C. find D. put 9. No sooner had we returned home ___ it rained. A. then B. than C. when D. as 10. I can’t afford ___ a new dress. A. buying her B. her to buy C. buy for her D. to buy her


西安交大少年班考生家长致询西安交大的相关问题 我们是参加西安交通大学2020年少年班考试的考生家长,对该校今年少年班招生录取工作,特别是突然取消复试、剥夺考生复试资格、无视诸多考生长时间进行的努力准备及合法权益,表示强烈反对,并提出如下10个问题。希望得到贵部关注及指导帮助。 1.西安交大对这样涉及广大考生及其家庭切身利益的事项,在事后调整重大政策有没有经过“三重一大”事项的审慎研究?研究决策之前为什么没有征求广大考生及家长的意见?这是科学的决策吗?有没有法理依据?符不符合程序正义? 2.这样单方面的决策,过程中是否存在舞弊行为,是否需要各级纪检监督部门进行检查?是否需要给公众尤其是广大考生及家长一个交代? 3.涉嫌违反程序,通知里明确说的是四月底公布录取政策调整,结果4月中句就产生了录取名单。录取名单居然在调整政策之前,这是什么行为?这难道不是糊弄考生与家长的恶劣行为吗?而且还暗地里进行电话摸排,组织志愿者对家长的疑问和咨询统一口径进行回复,这难道不是提前预谋好的了么? 4.少年班招生简章中有“因不可抗力原因不能组织复试,将以初试成绩作为录取依据”这样的说明吗?如果没有,简章的法律效力何在? 5.我们都是按照交大公布的招生简章,报考参考的,交大单方面

终止后续考试,此次招生是不是不合法、是不是应该终止?! 6.难道学校不准备组织开学吗?如果能够组织开学,为什么就不能组织复试呢?咨询过西安防疫部门,明确答复,没说不让高校组织考试! 7.复试时间为什么没有继续推迟,哪怕推迟到暑假中去组织,有何不可?只要还有考生愿意参加复试,就应保障考生的合法权益,而不是粗暴剥夺,就应该保障他们复试的资格和机会! 8.交大信守承诺吗?让广大考生签订承诺书,难道仅仅是对考生的约束,对学校就没有约束力了吗? 9.校方在家长说明会上信誓旦旦说初试成绩不带入复试,结果直接变成为录取,诚信何在,颜面何在?这种行为,要么是思想懒惰不作为,要么是无视规定要求、无视考生家长利益的乱作为。 10.2018年11月浙江高考英语科目加权赋分事件,也是考试结束之后对相关政策进行调整,调查结果显示是一起因决策严重错误造成的重大责任事故,决策依据不充分、决策严重错误,在具体操作中,又没有进行充分的技术论证,导致结果不公正、不合理。此次西安交大在没有充分论证、充分听取意见,没有预先说明、事后单方面进行决策的行为,在性质上是否与浙江高考英语科目加权赋分事件有相类似的地方,是否应该有人出来担责? 2020年4月17日


西交大少年班英语考试试题及答案 西安交通大学2009 年少年班选拔英语试题 注意:第一卷的试题请答在答题卡上,答最亲爱试卷上一律无效。 第I卷(选择题共65分) 第一部分:知识运用(共两节,35分) 第一节单项选择(共15小题:每小题1分,共15分) 1. Tom __A____ to Chinese food now. A. is used B. used to C. is using D. uses 2. You can take as many as you like because they are free of __A___. A. charge B. fare C. money D. pay 3. — I have decided to take the entrance examinations to college. —Wish you ____C__. A. a luck B. a good luck C. luck D. a success 4.— Jim!Do you have a PC? — Yes,I have ___C___. And I bought ______ last month. A. it, that B. it, one C. one, it D. one, this 5. This news sounded ___C__, and all of us were ______ by it. A. encouraging, encouraging B. encouraged, encouraging C. encouraging, encouraged D. encouraged, encouraged 6. The new D-type trains can run at speeds of 200 to 250 kilometers __B___ hour. The trip from Shanghai to Beijing only takes 10 hours now. A. a B. an C. the D./ 7. — What do you think of his lecture? —I think it is ____C__, but someone thinks it’s much too _____. A. wonderful enough, bored B. enough wonderful, boring C. wonderful enough, boring D. enough wonderful, bored 8. The boy with two dogs __B____ in the yard when the earthquake rocked the city. A. is playing B. was playing C. are playing D. were playing 9. —How well Anna dances! I can’t believe my eyes!


西安交通大学课程考试计算机应用基础作业考 核试题 集团标准化办公室:[VV986T-J682P28-JP266L8-68PNN]

西安交通大学18年3月课程考试《计算机应用基础》作业考核试题 试卷总分:100 得分:100 一、单选题 (共 20 道试题,共 40 分) 1.以下说法正确的是()。 A.在Word中新建文档会替代原来的窗口 B.每次选择“保存”命令都会打开“另存为”对话框 C.使用Alt+F4组合键可以关闭Word窗口 D.以上都不对 正确答案:C 2.在Excel工作表第4行第D列交叉位置处的单元格,其绝对单元格名应是()。 A.D4 B.$D4 C.D$4 D.$D$4 正确答案:D 3.下面以()为扩展名的文件是不能直接运行的。 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7213801447.html, B..BAT C..SYS D..EXE 正确答案:C 4.在Excel单元格中输入负数时,可以用“-”开始,也可以采用()的形式。 A.用[ ]括起来 B.用括起来 C.用()括起来 D.用{ }括起来 正确答案:C 5.个人计算机(PC)属于()类型。 A.微型计算机 B.大型计算机 C.小型机 D.超级计算机 正确答案:A 6.下列属于音频文件扩展名的是()。 A.WAV B.MID C.MP3 D.以上都是 正确答案:D 7.对于Excel数据库,排序是按照()进行的。 A.记录 B.字段

D.工作表 正确答案:B 8.下列关于“快捷方式”的说法中,错误的是()。 A.“快捷方式”是打开程序的捷径 B.“快捷方式”的图标可以更改 C.删除“快捷方式”,它所指向的应用程序也会被删除 D.可以在桌面上创建打印机的“快捷方式” 正确答案:C 9.在PowerPoint2003中,要使幻灯片在放映时能够自动播放,需要为其设置为()。 A.超接链接 B.排练计时 C.动作按钮 D.录制旁白 正确答案:B 10.Windows XP 任务栏不能设置为()。 A.自动隐藏 B.时钟显示 C.总在最前 D.总在底部 正确答案:D 11.在Windows系统中,下列不属于对话框的组成元素的是()。 A.标题栏 B.菜单 C.输入框 D.按钮 正确答案:B 12.在PowerPoint2003中,按()键可以停止幻灯片播放。 A.Ctrl B.Shift C.Esc D.Enter 正确答案:C 13.在Word中,要选定全文,可用的快捷键为()。 A.Ctrl+S B.Ctrl+V C.Ctrl+A D.Ctrl+C 正确答案:C 14.以下()不是常用的声音文件格式。 A.JPEG文件 B.WAV文件 C.MIDI文件


西交大少班英语考试试 题 文件编码(008-TTIG-UTITD-GKBTT-PUUTI-WYTUI-8256)

西交大少年班英语考试试题及答案 西安交通大学2009 年少年班选拔英语试题 间120分钟。注意:第一卷的试题请答在答题卡上,答最亲爱试卷上一律无效。第I卷(选择题共65分) 第一部分:知识运用(共两节,35分) 第一节单项选择(共15小题:每小题1分,共15分) 1. Tom ______ to Chinese food now. A. is used B. used to C. is using D. uses 2. You can take as many as you like because they are free of _____. A. charge B. fare C. money D. pay 3. — I have decided to take the entrance examinations to college.—Wish you _____. A. a luck B. a good luck C. luck D. a success 4.— Jim!Do you have a PC — Yes,I have ______. And I bought ______ last month. A. it, that B. it, one C. one, it D. one, this 5. This news sounded _____, and all of us were ______ by it. A. encouraging, encouraging B. encouraged, encouraging C. encouraging, encouraged D. encouraged, encouraged


西交大少年班初试 时间:2016年元旦,1号上午数学和文综,下午英语和理综,2号上午心智测试 地点:西安交通大学兴庆校区(西安市咸宁西路28号) 科目:1、文化课:数学(100分,按1:1.3计分)、英语(100分)、文综(语文70分、地理15分、历史15分)、理综(物理85分,化学15分) 2、心智测试:心智测试(心理808量表),主要测智商、情商和综合素质,非智 力因素测试,主要看学生的人格因素、情商、智商等构成的精神品质,借鉴国际上对该年龄段少年通用的评价方法和规则,由西交大聘请专业机构以测验量表形式对考生智力发展水平以及综合心理素质进行评定,重点考察考生概念形成能力、分类判别能力、推理表象能力等智力特征和潜能。 (摘自西交大贴吧:心智测试。今年在初试就加入了难度极高的心智测试系统。在每一部分前都会播放指导语,给你讲解题目要求。注意!由于题目要求的复杂程度会越来越大,并且题目不会呈现在试卷里,只会在指导语中提出要求,因此它要求学生的注意力集中程度很高,必须完全听懂指导语才能做好题。千万不要急着去做题,一定要认真听讲,理解好题意。另外要冷静,内心不要有私心杂念胡思乱想。心智测试的成绩分为智力因素和综合能力。这两项都具有一票否决制!! 只要有一项的成绩低于规定的分数线,直接淘汰不予录取。当然它也可以一票通过,即这两项有一项取得前十名,可以直接通过初试,不用考虑笔试成绩。) 难度:1、数学、物理:中考压轴题+竞赛, 2、其他科目:中考难度,英语没有听力 3、心智测试很重要,一票否决! 人数:参加初试全国约2000人,通过初试约500人进入复试,最终录取约130人。 (复试:1、数学、物理:现学现考(数理思维、创新潜能),2、体能测试(实心球、立定跳远、800/1000米),3、心理测试,4、面试)


西安交大少年班相关介绍(2019版) 一、少年班培养目标: 西安交通大学从1985年开始招收“少年班”大学生。其目的是不拘一格选拔智力超常、德智体综合素质优秀的少年,实施创新教育与素质教育相结合的创新人才培养模式。培养具有广博精深知识、良好思想品德与创新精神,能在未来跻身于世界一流科学研究和创新发明的卓越人才。在全国范围内选拨年龄小于15周岁、智力超常、身心健康、具有发展潜质,德智体俱优的应届初中毕业生,实施因材施教的培养创新人才。 二、少年班培养模式: “预科—本科—硕士”贯通培养。其中,预科两年(第一年委托西安交通大学附属中学、江苏省苏州中学或天津南开中学培养,第二年起在大学培养),本科四年,硕士两年,实行“预科+基础通识+宽口径专业+创新能力”的培养模式。 三、招生信息: 1、招生地区:面向全国招生。 2、招生对象:德智体全面发展,学习成绩优异,智力超常,具有创新潜质的年龄在十五周岁以下(2004年1月1日以后出生),身心健康的应届初中毕业生。 3、招生人数:约130名。每年报考人数大约为3000人左右。 4、招生程序:中学负责产生推荐学生名单,审查学生户籍信息和初中阶段学籍材料,并将推荐学生名单及相关材料在中学公示一周。 四、考试信息: 1、初试时间及地点:2019年1月1日,西安交通大学兴庆校区(西安市咸宁西路28号); 形式及内容:心智测试与笔试(数学、英语、文综(语文、历史、地理)、理综(物理、化学))。 2、根据初试成绩,择优选拔大约500人进入复试。 3、复试时间及地点:2019年2月21日,西安交通大学兴庆校区(西安市咸宁西路28号); 形式及内容: 笔试:现学现考(由原来的视频改成文字资料。数理思维、创新潜能); 测试:心理测试与体能测试(实心球、立定跳远和中长跑(400米)); 面试:小组比较型面试法,主要考察考生的人文素养、科学素养、心理素养及综合表现。 4、符合下列条件之一者,取得少年班复试资格: 西安交通大学2019年少年班选拔实施“两阶段、五模块”的多元测试考核模式,采取“学业优秀,体能达标,心理健康,素质优良”的综合评价与选录取原则。经学校招生领导小组研究决定:同时符合下列4项条件者,录取为西 1


西交大少年班英语考试试题 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题两部分。第Ⅰ卷1至7页。第Ⅱ卷8-9页,共100分。考试时间120分钟。注意:第一卷的试题答案请答在答题卡上,答在试卷上一律无效。 题号第一部分第二部分第三部分第四部分第五部分总分 得分 评卷人 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共65分 第一部分:知识运用(共两节,35分 第一节单项选择 (共15小题;每小题1分, 共15分 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1. In the USA, _____ students not only need good grades, but also need to get _____ social experience. A. the; the B. a; a C. /; / D. the; a 2. Have you read the paper today? Train ______ are going up again, and they’re so expensive already!

A. fees B. fares C. prices D. tickets 3. —Thank you for your good advice on how to plan for the future, Mrs. Williams. —__________. A. It doesn’t matter B. With pleasure C. My pleasure D. My happiness 4. The latest online survey, _____ by https://www.360docs.net/doc/7213801447.html,, found that more than 73 per cent of young people want to work as civil servants. A. to be carried out B. being carried out C. carried out D. having been carried out 5. He was robbed in a lonely street last night, but _______ he didn’t have any money or credit cards in his wallet at that time. A. fortunately


西安交通大学16年3月课程考试《社会学概论》作业考核试题 试卷总分:100 测试时间:-- 一、单选题(共 30 道试题,共 60 分。) 1. 帕森斯提出社会行动有三个要素,即(C ) A. 动机、情境和规范 B. 动机、规范和制度 C. 目标、情境和规范 D. 目标、情境和制度 2. 符号互动论的主要倡导者是(B) A. 米德 B. 布鲁默 C. 库利 D. 戈夫曼 3. 在社区研究中,全貌研究就是(C) A. 分析“社会”和“社区”两种对立的社会联系形式的类型 B. 综合性的记录调查,较少理论分析 C. 描述社区的各个不同部分并解释这些不同部分的相互关系 D. 把社区视为人类聚居生活的特殊的空间现象 4. 体现统治阶级意志,最具有强制力的社会行为规范被称为(C) A. 习俗 B. 道德 C. 法律 D. 宗教 5. 价值冲突理论认为,造成社会问题的根本原因是(C) A. 个人社会化的失败 B. 社会解组 C. 社会价值崩溃 D. 文化价值或兴趣上的冲突

6. 在20世纪初的美国,开拓了现代城市社区研究,使社区研究进入了一个新阶段的是(A) A. 芝加哥学派 B. 哈佛学派 C. 地理学派 D. 功能学派 7. 通过收集现存的以文字、数字、符号、画面等信息形式出现的文献资料,分析和探讨各种个人与社会的关系及社会现象的一种研究方法,被称做(D) A. 问卷调查 B. 实地研究 C. 社会实验 D. 非介入性研究 8. 社会制度或社会政策失调诱发的社会问题,被称为(A) A. 结构性问题 B. 制度性问题 C. 规范性问题 D. 政治性问题 9. 以善恶评价的方式来评价和调节人们行为的观念和规范,是人类自我完善的一种价值标准,这指的是(B) A. 习俗 B. 道德 C. 法律 D. 宗教 10. 以与社会主流或主导文化所不同的文化表现出来的偏差行为,被称为(C) A. 偏差行动 B. 偏差习惯 C. 偏差文化 D. 偏差心理 11. 要把社会问题的防治放在全球环境中进行考察,这是社会问题防治的(C) A. 长期性思想
