




I heard by July you’d have been teaching here for ten years.我听说到七月份,你就在这里教了10年书了。


过去完成进行时由“would have been+现在分词”构成。如:

He said that by the end of the spring term he would have been studying English for three years. 他说到了春季学期末,他就学了三年英语了。

I knew by that time he would have been working there for 30 years. 我知道到那时他他就在那儿工作满30年了。

She told me she’d have been teaching in that university for 20 years by that summer.她告诉我到年年夏天她在那所大学教书就满20年了。



I know by this time next w eek you’ll have been working here for 30 years.

→I knew by that time he would have been working there for 30 years.

She will have been teaching in this university for 20 years by this summer.

→She told me she’d have been teaching in that university for 20 years by that summer.



At the time of the accident I was sitting in the back of the car,because Tom’s little boy was sitting beside him in front. If Tom’s boy had not b een there I would have been sitting in front. 事



“would have been+现在分词”结构除用于表示过去将来完成进行时外,有时其中

的 would 也可能是情态动词,具有情态意义,比较表示推测或猜想等。如:“What interesting job have you found?” Helen asked him; he knew she would have

been thinking about it. “你找到什么有趣的工作啦?”海伦向他问道。他知道海伦一定会一直想这件事的。



◇Latterly, they would have been reading Virgin books, watching Virgin videos and Virgin films.

◇New York was swathed in sunlight and the heat would have been stifling had it not been for a gentle easterly breeze blowing in from the Atlantic.

◇Maybe we, it may well be that you were with other people, I wonder what sort of things if you were in a condition of speaking, what sort of things you would have been saying to them.

◇Obviously no expense was being spared to make the night a success, and in different circumstances she would have been looking forward to it, but now, as silence settled over the car, she could feel herself growing tense.


现在完成时 一、定义:表示一个动作在过去发生并对现在产生影响 表示一个动作由过去发生持续到现在有可能停下,也有可能延续下去 表示一个动作从过去开始发生到目前为止已经发生多次。 二、构成:现在完成时是由“助动词have / has + 动词的过去分词”构成的, 其规则动词的过去分词构成与过去式相同,不规则动词的过去分词则需加强记忆。 如:I have just cleaned my clothes.我刚洗过衣服。 My brother has done his homework already. 我的弟弟已经做完他的作业了。 友情提示:在现在完成时的各种结构中,have, has均为助动词,无实际意义,只起构成时态的作用,不可省略。当主语是第三人称单数时助动词用has,其余人称一律用have。 过去分词 1 、规则动词:规则动词的过去分词的构成规则与规则动词的过去式的构成规则相同。 四点变化规则: (1)、一般动词,在词尾直接加“ ed ”。 work---worked---worked ,visit---visited---visited (2)、以“ e ”结尾的动词,只在词尾加“ d ”。 live---lived---lived , (3)、以“辅音字母+ y ”结尾的动词,将"y" 变为"i" ,再加“ ed ”。 study---studied---studied ,cry---cried---cried , play---played---played ,stay---stayed---stayed (4)、重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母,先双写该辅音字母,再加“ ed ”。 stop---stopped---stopped , drop---dropped--dropped 2 、不规则动词: AAA型 原型过去式过去分词 burst burst burst cast cast cast cost cost cost cut cut cut hit hit hit hurt hurt hurt put put put set set set shut shut shut


时态语态总结 说明: 1. 英语有16种时态,其中常见的有10种; 2. 一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、过去将来时四种基本时态均有被动语态。

3. 现在进行时、过去进行时有被动语态,而将来进行时和过去将来进行时没有被动语态。 4. 现在完成时、过去完成时有被动语态,将来完成时和过去将来完成时很少用于被动结构。 5. 完成进行时均没有被动语态(包括现在完成进行时、过去完成进行时、将来完成进行时、过去将来完成进行时)。 注意:填充单元格为不常用时态。 ▲用法及举例: 1. 一般时态的被动语态 一般时态的被动形式都由“助动词be+过去分词”构成(动作发生时间由be表现出来) (1) 一般现在时的被动语态 In China, the railways are owned by the state. 在中国,铁路是国有的。 They are asked to shoulder the costs of the repair. 要求他们承担这笔修理费。 The new drug began to operate not long after it is taken. 这种新药服用后不久就会开始见效。 (2) 一般过去时的被动语态: Each couple was asked to complete a form. 要求每对夫妇填一张表。 The thief was handed over to the police. 这个小偷已经送交派出所了。 He was admitted into the club as a member. 他被接纳为俱乐部的会员。 (3) 一般将来时的被动语态:


现在完成时趣味讲解 现在完成时的含义 可与现在完成时态相连用的常见时间状语 瞬间动词在现在完成时态中的用法 现在完成时的含义 在当今常见的语法书中对现在完成时的定义大多是:现在完成时是指过去发生的至今已经完成或还在继续的动作。在笔者2011年于《海外英语》中发表的《have + -en的构式研究》中曾指出这一说法的稍欠妥之处。因为过去发生的“已经完成”或“未完成”容易让学生产生疑惑:究竟是不是完成时? 笔者认为易仲良教授提出的“式态”的说法以及马承老师提出的“现在完成时表示过去已经发生而与现在情况有关系的动作”这一说法更能让学生理解。事实上,我在初中的教学过程当中也是这样跟学生讲解的,学生们能够较好的理解这一说法,并能自然地将现在完成时与一般过去时区分开来。 常与现在完成时相连的时间状语 在初中阶段,多数考查现在完成时的句子当中都有较为明显的时间状语标志词, 比如以下的这些句子(均摘录自人教版教材):

Have you read Treasure Island yet? I’ve already read it. Have you ever been to a museum? I’ve never been to a science museum. I’ve had this bike for three years. 如果在实际的教学过程当中孤立地让学生记忆这些时间状语标志,无疑会给学生增大学习难度。为了能够提高学生的学习兴趣,我认为可以通过口诀韵律的方式让学生较快地掌握:以前(before)从来不(never)出现,最近(recently)曾经(ever)一两遍(once/twice/many times…), 自从(since+时间点)刚刚(just)for一段(for+一段),至今(so far/up to now)已经(already/yet)很明显。 在实际的教学过程当中,教师可有意识地讲述两个“已经”(already/yet)及(since/for)的区别着重分章节讲解,让学生在有了整体概念的基础上对各个考点进行突破。 瞬间动词在现在完成时中的用法 在人教版的课本附录的语法讲解中,我们可以看到:“某些动词的现在完成时可表示过去某一时间开始并一直持续到现在(包括”现在“在内)的动作或状态,可以和表示延续的时间状语连用。表示持续动作或状态的动词多是延续性动词”。如:


1、概述 一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态,常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如tomorrow, next week, next year等。 Why don’t you put the meat in the fridge? It will stay fresh for several days.为什么不把肉放在冰箱里?它可以保鲜好几天。 -You've left the light on. 你忘了关灯了。 - Oh , so I have. I'll go and turn it off. 噢,那我马上去关。 2、构成 一般将来时由“助动词will/shall+动词原形”构成。will用于第二、三人称,shall第一人称。在口语中,will在名词或代词后常缩写为'll,will not简缩为won’t[wount]。但在美国英语中,各种人称皆可用will。 He will help his sister with her lessons.他将帮助他妹妹做功课。 We won't be free this afternoon.今天下午我们没空。 3、一般将来时的用法 (1)表示未来的动作或存在状态,常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如tomorrow, next Sunday, soon, in a month, in the future等。 We shall leave for London next Monday.我们将在下周一去伦敦。 He will come to see you the day after tomorrow.后天他要来看你。 You will be 20 next year.明年你就二十了。 (2)表示将来反复发生的动作或习惯性动作 We shall come and work in this factory every year.我们将每年来这工厂参加劳动。 The students will have five English classes per week this term.本学期学生每周将要上五节英语课。 4、一般将来时的其他表达法 (1)“be going to+动词原形”表将来 ①这种结构表示打算、计划、决定要做的事或肯定要发生的事。 What are you going to do next Sunday? 下星期天你打算干什么? They are going to meet outside the school gate.他们打算在校门口见面。 ②还可表示说话人根据已有的事实或迹象,认为某事即将发生、肯定会发生或可能出现的情况。 I think I'm going to die. 我想我要死了。(现在生命垂危) Look at the cloud. It’s going to rain.瞧那乌云,天要下雨了。(乌云密布,使我断定天要下雨) The ice is going to break.冰就要破了。 ③这种结构表示“肯定、预测,注定会”。在这种情况下可以和“think, hope, want, believe, like”等表示静态的动词连用。 He failed in the exam; he knew he was going to when he looked at the test paper.他没考及格,他一看试卷就知道考不及格。 The question is going to be very complex.这个问题将会很复杂。 The voters aren’t going to like him.选民们不会喜欢他的。 ④be going to 和will的区别 a. will表示说话人认为、相信、希望或假定要发生的事,不含任何具体的时间,可以指遥远的将来;而be going to 指有迹象表明某事即将发生或肯定发生,通常指很快就要发生的事情。 Listen to the wind. We are going to have a rough crossing.听那风声,我们横渡时一定困难很大。


时态详解:过去将来完成进行时 一、过去将来完成进行时的用法 过去将来完成进行时表动作从过去某一时间开始一直延续到过去将来某一时间。动作是否继续下去,由上下文决定。如: I heard by July you’d have been teaching here for ten years.我听说到七月份,你就在这里教了10年书了。 二、过去将来完成进行时的构成 过去完成进行时由“would have been+现在分词”构成。如: He said that by the end of the spring term he would have been studying English for three years. 他说到了春季学期末,他就学了三年英语了。 I knew by that time he would have been working there for 30 years. 我知道到那时他他就在那儿工作满30年了。 S he told me she’d have been teaching in that university for 20 years by that summer.她告诉我到年年夏天她在那所大学教书就满20年了。 三、间接引语与过去将来完成进行时 在间接引语中,若主句为过去时态,则用于宾语从句中的间接引语则要把将来完成进行时改为过去将来完成进行时。如: I know by this time next week y ou’ll have been working here for 30 years. →I knew by that time he would have been working there for 30 years. She will have been teaching in this university for 20 years by this summer. →She told me she’d have been teaching in that university for 20 years by that summer. 五、过去将来完成进行时的情态意义 “would have been+现在分词”结构除用于表示过去将来完成进行时外,有时其中的 would 也可能是情态动词,具有情态意义,比较表示推测或猜想等。如: “What interesting job have you found?” Helen asked him; he knew she would have been thinking about it. “你找到什么有趣的工作啦?”海伦向他问道。他知道海伦一定会一直想这件事的。


现在完成时态讲解及练习 一、现在完成时的构成 肯定句:主语+have/ has + done (过去分词)+其它 He has lived in Shenzhen for 4 years. 一般疑问句:Have/ Has +主语+ done (过去分词)+其它 Has he lived in Shenzhen for 4 years? 否定句: 主语+have/ has+ not + done (过去分词)+其它 He has not finished his homework. 过去分词的构成方法如下 : 1.一般情况下,直接在动词原形后面加 –ed. work---worked answer---answered obey---obeyed want---wanted 2.以不发音的 -e 结尾的动词只加 –d. Move---moved hope---hoped divide---divided 3.字尾是辅音+y 的动词。则将y 改i 加ed. study---studied tidy---tidied satisfy---satisfied 4.以重读闭音节结尾的词,这些词的末尾只有一个辅音字母时,双写这个辅音字母,再加 –ed. stop---stopped regret--- regretted drop---dropped 不规则动词过去式与过去分词分类记忆表 一、AAA. (原形,过去式和过去分词一致) 二、ABB (过去式和过去分词一致) 3) 过去式、过去分词-t 替换原形-d 6) 过去式、过去分词改为-elt

二、现在完成时标志词: recently; recent years; these days/ years; lately; since; for+时间段;in the past few years; ever since; in the last five months; up to now; since then; so far; ever; never, yet; once; twice; already; before; just already (已经): 用于肯定句 I have already posted the letter . yet(已经): 用于否定句,疑问句 He hasn’t done his homework yet. just(刚刚)


一般将来时时态用法讲解Last revision on 21 December 2020

一般将来时时态 1. 一般将来时的定义 一般将来时表示在现在看来即将要发生的动作或存在的状态。常用时间副词tomorrow, soon或短语next year / week / month, in a few days, in the future, sometime 做状语。如: What will you do this afternoon 你今天下午干什么 We will have a meeting tomorrow. 我们明天要开会。 He is going to study abroad(到国外) next year. 明年他要出国学习。 2. 一般将来时的结构及应用 (1) shall / will + 动词原形。表示即将发生的动作或存在的状态。特别是表示客观性的事情或在某条件下要发生的事情,只能用此结构。如: What shall we do if he doesn’t come 如果他不来,我们该怎么办 Will you be free this evening 今天晚上有空吗 I think he will tell us the truth(真相)。我想他会告诉我们真实情况的。 (2) be going to + 动词原形。表示已经计划或安排好了的事情,也可表示有迹象表明肯定要发生的事情。如: We are going to have a meeting to discuss (讨论)the matter this evening. 今天晚上开会讨论这件事情。 Look at the black clouds over there. I think it is going to rain soon. 看一看那边的乌云,我想天要下雨了。 There is going to be an English evening this week. 本周要举行一个英语晚会。 (3) be +现在分词。表示即将发生的动作或存在的状态。这个句型中动词主要是瞬间动词:come, go, leave, arrive, begin, start, stop, close, open, die, join, borrow, buy等。如: Go ahead, and I’m coming. 走前面一点吧,我就来。 The dog is dying. 那条狗要死了。 Hurry up. The shop is closing. 快点,商店就要关门了。 (4) 一般现在时。表示一种严格按照计划进行的动作。比方说,上课、飞机起飞、火车离站等。如:


一[将来时态的5种句型]16种英语时态的详细讲解汇总|英语时态表 本专题为大家讲解了16种英语时态的用法,为大家总结了英语时态表,方便同学们更好的英语时态的结构.英语的基本时态由三种“时”(时间),四种“态”(状态)交叉构成。三种“时”过去现在将来四种“态”常态进行态完成态完成进行态一般时进行时完成时完成进行时现在 study be studying have studied have been studying过去 studied be studying had studied had been studying将来 will study wil be studying will have studied will have been studying过去将来would study would be studying would have studied would have been studying 时态(Tense)是表示行为、动作和状态在各种时间条件下的动词形式。因此,当我们说时态结构的时候,指的是相应时态下的动词形式。Ⅰ现在时态四种1.一般现在时态表示现存的状态(be动词),经常做的动作I do it. 我(经常)做这件事。2.现在进行时态表示正在进行的动作I am doing it. 我(现在)正在做这件事。3.现在完成时态表示现在已经完成,对现在产生影响,形成结果I have done it. 我(现在)已经做完这件事了。4.现在完成进行时态表示一直在进行的动作(字面意思已经在进行)I have been doing it. 我(现在)一直正在做这件事。Ⅱ过去时态四种5.一般过去时态表示过去存在的状态(be动词),经常做的动作I did it. 我(过去经常)做这件事。6.过去进行时态表示过去正在进行的动作I was doing it. 我(过去的某个时间)正在做这件事。7.过去完成时态表示过去已经完成,对过去的某个时间产生影响,形成结果I had done it. 我(过去的某个时间)已经做完这件事了。8.过去完成进行时态表示一直在进行的动作(字面意思已经在进行)I had been doing it. 我(到过去的某个时间)一直在做这件事。Ⅲ将来时态四种9.一般将来时态表示将来存在的状态(be动词),将来经常做的动作I will do it. 我将要做这件事。10.将来进行时态表示将来正在进行的动作I will be doing it. 我将要正在做这件事。11.将来完成时态表示到将来的某个时间已经完成,对那个时间产生影响,形成结果I will have done it. 我(到将来的某个时间)已经做完这件事了。12.将来完成进行时态表示将来一直在进行的动作(字面意思已经在进行)I will have been doing it. 我(到将来的某个时间)将一直在做这件事。Ⅳ过去将来时态四种(平时根本用不到,只在讲故事或小说中出现)13.一般过去将来时态表示对过去的某一时间来讲的将来存在的状态(be动词),将来经常做的动作,对现在来讲已成过去I would do it.14.过去将来进行时态表示对过去的某一时间来讲的将来正在进行的动作,对现在来讲已成过去I would be doing it.15.过去将来完成时态表示对过去的某一时间来讲的到将来的某个时间已经完成,对那个时间产生影响,形成结果,对现在来讲已成过去I would have done it.16.过去将来完成进行时态表示对过去的某一时间来讲的将来一直在进行的动作(字面意思已经在进行),对现在来讲已成过去I would have been doing it. 这里有16种英语时态的详细讲解,学习更多请看英语时态表: 一般现在时 现在进行时


初中英语动词时态和语态讲解 动词的时态和语态 (一)动词是谓语动所表示的动作或情况发生时间的各种形式。英语动词有16种时态,但是常用的只有9种:一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、现在进行时、过去进行时、现在完成时、过去完成时、过去将来时、现在完成进行时。下面分别介绍。 1、一般现在时的用法 1)表示经常性、习惯性的动作;表示现在的状态、特征和真理。句中常用often, usually, every day 等时间状语。例如: a. He goes to school every day. b. He is very happy. c.The earth moves around the sun. 2) 在时间状语从句和条件状语从句中,用一般现在时表示将来。例如: a. If you come this afternoon, we’ll have a meeting. b. When I graduate, I’ll go to countryside. 3) 有时这个时态表示按计划、规定要发生的动作(句中都带有时间状语),但限于少数动词,如:begin, come, leave, go ,arrive, start , stop, return, open, close等。例如: a. The meeting begins at seven. b. The rain starts at nine in the morning. 4) 表示状态和感觉的动词(be, like, hate, think, remember, find, sound 等)常用一般现在进行时。 a. I like English very much. b. The story sound very interesting. 5) 书报的标题、小说等情节介绍常用一般现在时。 2.一般现在时的用法 1)表示过去某时间发生的事、存在的状态或过反复发生的动作。 a. He saw Mr. Wang yesterday. b. He worked in a factory in 1986. 2)表示过去经常发生的动作,也可用“used to “ 和“would + 动词原形”。I used to smoke. During the vacation I wouldm in the sea. 注:”used to “ 表示过去常发生而现在不再发生的动作或存在的状态。“would + 动词原形”没有“现在不再……”含义。另外“to be used to +名词(动名词)”表示“习惯于…..” a. I am used to the climate here. b. He is used tomming in winter. 3.一般将来时的用法 一般将来时表示将来的动作或状态。其表达形式除了“ will 或shall + 动词原形”表示即将发生的或最近打算进行的事。 It is going to rain. We are going to have a meeting today.


一般现在时:V(含单三) 被动:be P.P = be P.P ●一般过去时及其被动语态 一般过去时:V-ed 被动; be P.P = was/were P.P ●一般将来时及其被动语态 一般将来时:will/shall Vr 被动:be P.P = will/shall be P.P ●现在进行时及其被动语态 现在:V 进行:be V-ing 现在进行时:be V-ing 被动:be P.P = be being P.P

现在:V 完成时:have/has P.P 现在完成时:have/has P.P 被动:be P.P = have/has been P.P ●现在完成进行时及其被动语态 现在:V 完成:have/has P.P 进行:be V-ing 现在完成进行时:have/has been V-ing 被动:be P.P = have/has been being P.P ●过去进行时及其被动语态 过去:V-ed 进行:be V-ing 过去进行时:was/were V-ing 被动:be P.P = was/were being P.P

过去:V-ed 完成:have/has P.P 过去完成时:had P.P 被动:be P.P = had been P.P ●过去完成进行时及其被动语态 过去:V-ed 完成:have/has P.P 进行:be V-ing 过去完成进行时:had been V-ing 被动:be P.P = had been being P.P ●将来进行时及其被动语态 将来:will/shall Vr 进行:be V-ing 将来进行时:will/shall be V-ing 被动:be P.P = will/shall be being P.P


一般将来时时态 1. 一般将来时的定义 一般将来时表示在现在看来即将要发生的动作或存在的状态。常用时间副词tomorrow, soon或短语next year / week / month, in a few days, in the future, sometime 做状语。如:What will you do this afternoon?你今天下午干什么? We will have a meeting tomorrow. 我们明天要开会。 He is going to study abroad(到国外)next year. 明年他要出国学习。 2. 一般将来时的结构及应用 (1) shall / will + 动词原形。表示即将发生的动作或存在的状态。特别是表示客观性的事情或在某条件下要发生的事情,只能用此结构。如: What shall we do if he doesn’t come? 如果他不来,我们该怎么办? Will you be free this evening? 今天晚上有空吗? I think he will tell us the truth(真相)。我想他会告诉我们真实情况的。 (2) be going to + 动词原形。表示已经计划或安排好了的事情,也可表示有迹象表明肯定要发生的事情。如: We are going to have a meeting to discuss (讨论)the matter this evening. 今天晚上开会讨论这件事情。 Look at the black clouds over there. I think it is going to rain soon. 看一看那边的乌云,我想天要下雨了。 There is going to be an English evening this week. 本周要举行一个英语晚会。 (3) be +现在分词。表示即将发生的动作或存在的状态。这个句型中动词主要是瞬间动词:come, go, leave, arrive, begin, start, stop, close, open, die, join, borrow, buy等。如: Go ahead, and I’m coming. 走前面一点吧,我就来。 The dog is dying. 那条狗要死了。 Hurry up. The shop is closing. 快点,商店就要关门了。 (4) 一般现在时。表示一种严格按照计划进行的动作。比方说,上课、飞机起飞、火车离站等。如: Don’t hurry. The meeting starts at a quarter past eight. 不要匆忙,回忆八点过一刻开始。 The bus goes back at four thirty. 汽车四点返回。


时态语态总结 说明:

1. 英语有16种时态,其中常见的有10种; 2. 一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、过去将来时四种基本时态均有被动语态。 3. 现在进行时、过去进行时有被动语态,而将来进行时和过去将来进行时没有被动语态。 4. 现在完成时、过去完成时有被动语态,将来完成时和过去将来完成时很少用于被动结构。 5. 完成进行时均没有被动语态(包括现在完成进行时、过去完成进行时、将来完成进行时、过去将来完成进行时)。 注意:填充单元格为不常用时态。 ▲用法及举例: 1. 一般时态的被动语态 一般时态的被动形式都由助动词be+过去分词”构成(动作发生时间由be表现出来) (1) 一般现在时的被动语态 In Chi na, the railways are owned by the state. 在中国,铁路是国有的。 They are asked to shoulder the costs of the repair. 要求他们承担这笔修理费。 The new drug bega n to operate not long after it is take n. 这种新药服用后不久就会开 始见效。 (2) 一般过去时的被动语态:

Each couple was asked to complete a form. 要求每对夫妇填一张表。 The thief was handed over to the police. 这个小偷已经送交派出所了。 He was admitted into the club as a member. 他被接纳为俱乐部的会员。 (3) —般将来时的被动语态: The hotel will be closed during repairs. 那家饭店在整修期间将停业。 Light refreshme nts will be served after the meet ing. 会议之后有简单茶点招待。 If you don ' t gcare to your work, you will be fired. 如果你不细心工作,你会被解聘的。 (3)过去将来时的被动语态: He knew he would be puni shed for it. 他知道他会为此受到惩罚。 They were afraid the city would be bombarded. 他们担心城市会受到轰击。 He hoped that he would be assig ned a more suitable job. 他希望能分配他更合适的工作。 2. 进行时态的被动语态 进行时态的被动形式都由助动词be+being+过去分词”构成: (1) 现在进行时的被动语态: He is be ing treated with a new drug. 他正在接受一种新药的治疗。 The studio is bei ng wired for sou nd. 这个播音室正在安装音响设备用的电线。 The search for a cure for this freque nt disease is being fun ded by the gover nment. 政府正提供资金以探索这种多发病的治疗方法。 (2) 过去进行时的被动语态:


般将来时时态 1. 一般将来时的定义 一般将来时表示在现在看来即将要发生的动作或存在的状态。常用时间副词tomorrow, soon 或短语n ext year / week / mon th, in a few days, in the future, sometime 做状语。如: What will you do this afternoon ? 你今天下午干什么? We will have a meet ing tomorrow. 我们明天要开会。 He is going to study abroad (到国外) next year.明年他要出国学习。 2. 一般将来时的结构及应用 (1) shall / will + 动词原形。表示即将发生的动作或存在的状态。特别是表示客观性的事情 或在某条件下要发生的事情,只能用此结构。如: What shall we do if he doesn '如果他不?来,我们该怎么办? Will you be free this evenin g? 今天晚上有空吗? I think he will tell us the truth (真相)。我想他会告诉我们真实情况的。 (2) be going to +动词原形。表示已经计划或安排好了的事情,也可表示有迹象表明肯定要 发生的事情。如: We are going to have a meeting to discuss (讨论)the matter this evening. 今天晚上开会讨论这件事情。 Look at the black clouds over there. I think it is going to rain soon. 看一看那边的乌云,我想天 要下雨了。 There is going to be an En glish evening this week. 本周要举行一个英语晚会。 (3) be +现在分词。表示即将发生的动作或存在的状态。这个句型中动词主要是瞬间动词:come, go, leave, arrive, begi n, start, stop, close, ope n, die, jo in, borrow, buy 等。如: Go ahead, and I ' m con走前面一点吧,我就来。 The dog is dying.那条狗要死了。 Hurry up. The shop is closi ng.快点,商店就要关门了。 (4) 一般现在时。表示一种严格按照计划进行的动作。比方说,上课、飞机起飞、火车离


现在完成时的讲解和练习题 一、构成:主语+ have/has + 过去分词+其他 否定式:主语+ haven't/hasn't + 过去分词+ 其他。 疑问式:Have /Has + 主语+ 过去分词+ 其他? 简略答语: (肯定)Yes, 主语+ have/has. (否定)No, 主语+ haven't/hasn't. 二、用法:现在完成时既涉及过去,又联系现在 (一)表示过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果,也可表示过去已经开始,一直延续到现在的动作或状态 常与just(刚刚),already(已经),never(从来没有),ever(曾经),before(以前),yet(仍然,还),once(一次),twice(两次),many times(很多次),how many times(多少次),so far(迄今为止),up to now ,till now 等时间状语连用。如: ※副词的位置:①just常用于肯定句中,放在have / has后,He has just come . ②never表示否定,放在have / has后, He has never visited the Great Wall. ③ever用于疑问句中,句型为: Have / Has+主语+ever+过去分词?“…曾经……过吗?”用于询问某人 过去的经历。Have you ever been to the farm? (二):表示过去已经开始,一直延续到现在的动作或状态。时间状语有: ①for+表示一段时间的词语I have taught English for 19 years。 ②since+表示过去时间点的词语He has been at this school since 1986. ③since+表示过去的时间状语从句I have lived here since I was born. ④since+一段时间+ago. I have known him since 20 years ago. 三、现在完成时态中可以和表示一段时间状语(for,since,how long, all one’s life)连用的动词必须用延 续性动词(肯定句)。如:be,have,know,live,work,study,learn,teach,keep,speak,talk,draw,wait,wear,walk,sleep,drive,write,do,clean等。非延续性动词,又叫瞬间动词,短暂性动词如begin, start, die, buy, leave, come等,表示动作的发生与结束于一瞬间完成,不能再延续,所以它的现在完成时不能和表示延续的时间状语连用 Eg. I have been a teacher for nearly 20 years. How long has he lived here? He has died. 常见终止性动词和延续性动词的相应转换形式如下: 1、borrow / lend→keep, 2、buy→have, 3、finish / end→be over,


一般将来时 一般将来时(The future indefinite tense) 一般将来时主要有以下几种表现形式: 由助动词shall或will加动词原形构成,shall 用于第一人称,will用于第二、三人称。除英国外的说英语的国家,在陈述句中,即使在第一人称一般也用will,在英国也有这种趋势。在口语中,常用shall, will的缩写形式为’ll, 如:I’ll, you’ll等。Shall not的缩写式为:shan’t, will not 的缩写式为:won’t. 肯定句:I/We shall/will go. You/He/She/They Will go. 否定句:I/We shall/will not go. You/He/She/They Will not go. 疑问句:Shall I/we go? Will you/he/she/they go? 什么叫做一般将来时 (1)一般将来时表示将要发生的动作或情况。 例如:I will(shall) arrive tomorrow.我明天到。 Will you be free tonight? 你今晚有空吗? We won’t (shan’t) be busy this evening. 我们今晚不忙。 (2)在一般将来时的句子中,有时有表示将来时间的状语,有时没有时间状语,这时要从意思上判断是否指未来的动作或情况。例如: Will she come? 她(会)来吗? We’ll only stay for two weeks. 我们只待两星期。 The meeting won’t last long. 会开不了多久。


将来完成进行时练习题 1. By the end of this year ,I ____enough money for a holiday. A will save B will be saving C will have saved D have saved 2. I have been studying here for four years,by next summer _D___-. A shall graduate B shall be graduated C shall be graduating D shall have graduated 3. I hope her health _______greatly by the time we come back next year. A improves B improved C will be improved D will have improve 4. “Are yougoing to Richard”s birthday party?? “Yes.By then I ______my homework..” A had finished B will have finished C would have finished D finished 5. I suppose by the time I come back in ten years? time all these old house______down. A will have been pulled B will be pulling C will have pulled D will be pulled 6. I hope that they _A_____the road by the time


Exercise: I. Fill in the blanks with the proper form.

1. I____ already ____ (see) the film. I ________ (see) it last week. 2. _____ he ____ (finish) his work today Not yet. 3. My father ____ just ____ (come) back from work. He is tired now. 4. Where’s Li Ming He __________ (go) to the teacher’s office. 5. I __________ (work) here since I ______ (move) here in 1999. 6. So far I _______________(make) quite a few friends here. 7. How long ________ the Wangs ______________(stay) here For two weeks. 8. I ________ just ___________ (finish) my homework. 9. He ________ (go) to school on foot every day. you ______ (find) your science book yet 11. If it ____ (be) fine tomorrow, I'll go with you. 12. The students ____________ (read) English when the teacher came in. 13. Look! The monkey __________ (climb) the tree. 14. My mother __________ (come) to see me next Sunday. 15. I've lost my pen. _________ you ________ (see) it anywhere 1. have, seen, saw 2. Has, finished 3. has, come 4. has gone 5. have worked, moved 6. havemade 7. have, stayed 8. have, finished 9. goes 10. have, found 11. is 12. were reading 13. is climbing 14. is coming 15. Have, seen II. Choose the best answer. 1. How long have you _______ here A. come B. got C. arrived D.been 2. My grandpa died _________. A. at the age of my 2 B. for 2 years C.when I was 2. D. my age was 6. 3. Jane has _____ toBeiJing. She will come back tomorrow. A. been B.gone C. went D. never been 4. It is ten years _____ I last saw her. A. after B.since C. for D. that will go to the station to meet Lorry --I will. I _____ her several times. A. met B.have met C. had met D. will meet 6. --What a nice dress! How long _____ you _____ it --Just 2 weeks. A. will, buy B. did, buy C. are, having D.have, had you knowLydiavery well --Yes, She and I _____ friends since we were very young. A. have made B. have become C.have been D. have turned 8. The Smiths _______ inChinafor 8 years. A. has lived B. lived C.have been D. live 9. --Hello, this is Mr. Green speaking. Can I speak to Mr. Black -- Sorry. He ______ theBainiaoPark. A. has been to B.has gone to C. went to D. will go to
