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Scoring of serial 7’s
CMMSE…test of memory
Items 3 and 5 examine short-term and long-term episodic memory respectively.
Item 4 evaluate评估working memory (i.e. memory functioning together with the functioning of information processing).
Attention Sensory impairments Mood Motivation
Beware of the impacts of these factors that may lead to an inaccurate 不准确 interpretation 解释 of memory functioning
memory Problems with temporal orientation and
topographic orientation (Hasse, 1997)
Person An internal awareness of self within a person’s surrounding (Dietz, Beeman & Thorn, 1993) Retrograde memory loss of autobiographical information
Mental state Executive function Memory Attention
Screening test of mental state
简短智能测试 (Chinese version of MiniMental State Examination,CMMSE)
文伟光 副教授 香港理工大学 昆明医学院客座教授
To analyze分析structure结构of a screening test on mental state
To study cognitive assessments评估used in OT practicein the following areas:
Cut-off score of original MMSE was 23/24 (Folstein, 1975) Local study show the cut-off score is 19/20. why the local one was lower than the original one? Level of educational attainment was found associating
with CMMSE scores, so optimal cutoffs for HK elderly people (Chiu et al, 1998) are:
<22 (more than 2 years of schooling) <21 (1-2 years of schooling) <18 (illiterate文盲)
简短智能测试是由以下各项认知评估结合而成 Orientation Short-termmemory long-term memory Working memory Calculation Language Visuo-spatial ability
To conclude总结
Intelligence is not of a single dimension, but has multiple dimensions
Which type of intelligence is stronger in you?
Structure and scoring of CMMSE
Items 6-8
Items 9-10
CMMSE…test of language语言
Ability of naming, word-finding, and repetition重复
Items 1 and 2
Time of day
Day 日 Date 日期 Month 月份 Year 年份 Season 季节
City 城市 District Street 街道 Building 大厦 Floor 层数
CMMSE…test of orientation
Time and Place Problems with new learning or anterograde
Item 3 & 5
Read out three unrelated objects 无关 “apple苹果, newspaper报纸, train火车”
Item 4
Serial subtraction (Serial 7s) •Subtract减 7 from 100, and then 7 until for the 5th time (连续减5次).
What is a screening筛选
test ?
Screening tests are not designed to be diagnostic but are sensitive to detect cognitive abnormalities 认知不正常 for further assessments
Screening tests are generally short and fast Screening tests usually have a cutoff 界线 score
to indicate normal / abnormal functioning
Folstein et al., 1975