




1 Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. Crisis resent motion proceed self-evident

Emerge stick feasibility survive owe

Slightly appoint hazard host existence

Influence spring perform hesitate name

Obtain impulse smash widen faint

Reject conflict crash action threaten

1. Many young writers of that time were ____influenced by Hemingway, who they thought had revolutionized the technique of writing.

2. His parents ___named him after his great grandfather, who was a Supreme Court Justice.

3. Racial discrimination in America has led many people to conclude that that all men are created equal is a ___self-evident lie.

4. The plane ___crashed into a building when it was landing. Not a single passenger ___survived the tragedy.

5. The attention of the guests was drawn to the corner of the room where a heated argument had ___spring up.

6. The ___host did not sit down until he was sure that all the guests were comfortably seated in the room.

7. Think twice before you take action. To act on _____impulse is not likely to do you any good.

8. Unexpected weather conditions have made our task difficult to ____perform.

9. The southern states ___threaten to declare independence if Lincoln became President.

10. The chairman of the committee _____rejected the idea as unfeasible.

11. You should not _____resent criticism. It will only do you good if you learn to take it wisely.

12. George Washington ______ appointed Thomas Jefferson to be his secretary of state.

13. _____Conflicting interests drew the two friends apart.

14. Is the elephant the biggest land animal in _____ existence today?

15. _____Action speak louder than words.

16. She has gone out of her way to help me. At least I _____owe her my thanks.

17. I was brought up to think that a person should not ____ hesitate to speak the truth.

18. Since he is unable to _____obtain financial support, going to college remains

a dream for him.

19. When dinner was over, mother ____stuck to me to come closer to her and told me that I could leave the guests now and _____ proceed with my own business.

20. There is a ____faint smell of gas. Let's open the windows.

21. The Yangtze River ______is widened as it flows further east.

22. Many old people in America still have a vivid memory of their life during the economic(经济的) _____crisis of the 1930's.

23. A research group has been set up to work on the ____ feasibility of producing

a pollution-free automobile.

24. We saw the ship _____ emerge in the distance. We could even see its mast(桅杆), which ______was motioning up about three meters at its head.

25. No one is denying now that smoking is a _____ hazard to health.

26. Several windows were _____smashed to pieces during the storm.

27. Don't worry. He is sonly ______slightly wounded.

2 Rewrite the following, sing the words or expressions given in brackets:


Thomas Jefferson steered his ship with confidence and hope, not with fear.

(leave behind)

Thomas Jefferson steered his ship with confidence and hope, leaving fear behind.

1. The professor went to Europe. He told me to work on the project alone.

(leave behind)

The professor went to Europe, leaving me behind to work on the project alone.

2. The only witness(证人)to the murder died shortly afterwards.

Who the murderer was has remained an unsolved mystery. (leave behind, as to) 3. The boy slams the door against anyone he doesn't like. I hope he will quit that

habit as he grows older. (outgrow)

4. He is still young. He will not be so mad about pop singers as he grows older and more mature. (outgrow)

5. You said we had an argument last night. I think discussion is a better word for it. (prefer)

6. The college accepts students in spring as well as in fall. I want to go there in spring. (prefer)

7. The Petersons are looking for someone to babysit for their daughter.They want

a girl who is kind and patient. But most important of all she must be reliable. (above all)

8. He was a writer and a literary (文学的) critic. But most important of all he was a statesman. (above all)

3 Replace the underlined parts in the following sentences with words or expressions you have learned from Units 1-3:

1. The story has two parts.

2. Virginia got its name from the Virgin Queen.

3. I don't think the idea can be put into practice. One reason is that we don't have the necessary funds. Another reason is that we don't have the manpower needed to complete it.

4. He is a man who always does things according to principles(原则).

5. The captain's command was heard loud and clear in the silence of the night.

6. He was wounded in the head two days ago. It will be a long time before he regains consciousness.

7. The boy was sitting in a corner of the room. He ran toward the door as soon as he saw his mother coming in.

8. Bad weather has caused a delay in the launching(发射) of the satellite.

9. Social Darwinism(达尔文主义), as the term suggests, is developed from Darwin's theory of natural selection(自然选择).

10. Ask the other s when they will be free for the conference. As for me, any time next week will do.

11. The police dogs are specially trained to search and find burglary suspects.

12. Something is wrong with the electric heater. It no longer emits heat.

4 Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese into English:

1. You screamed at me . You owe an apology (你得向我道歉 (apology)) (owe).

2. This novel is based on (这部小说的依据是) the life stories of some of my best friends.

3. The moon does not emit heat. It does not emit light either. (它也不发光)

4. It is a good idea for those running for public office to give publicity to the source of campaign fund. (公布竞选基金的来源).

5. The professor proceeded on the lecture (教授继续讲课) after he answered a student's question.

6. As the plane was running low on fuel (燃料), we had no choice but to fly towards the nearest airport. (我们不得不飞向最近的机场.)

7. The boy needs encouragement. Too many criticisms could hinder the development of his intelligence. (过多的批评只能阻碍他的智力发展).

8. The air is unfit to breath so much(空气如此不适宜于呼吸) that some people think we will have to wear oxygen masks soon.

9. If you are unwilling to go to the theater (如果你不愿去剧院), why don't we just wit here and chat?

10. The crowd bust into cheers (人群中传出欢呼声) as people watched the debate between the president and his opponent in the conference hall.

5 Cloze

put in the missing words:

some people argue that , since there are billions of stars in our universe, at least millions of them must have planets. And if there are (__1__) of planets, at least thousands of them will have (__2__). And of these life forms, at least some will (__3__) intelligence(智力). At some point of their te(__4__) development, these intelligent beings will think of communicating with (__5__) on other planets. Some astronomers have (__6__) up a radio telescope at Harvard University. Dr. Paul Horowitz is using the (__7__) to scan (扫视) the skies for any signal (__8__) from

other planets.

I have a plea for these gentlemen: please stop before it is too (__9__)!

For one (__10__), what if these beings that are in existence on other (__11__) do give us a message? What if the message (__12__) that these beings are far superior to us? Will we be (__13__) to survive the knowledge of our own unworthiness and inferiority(低劣)?

For another, what (__14__) these beings tune in and find us? Will they be friendly (__15__) us if they find that we can be worse (__16__) animals and that we are capable of (__17__) except polluting the atmosphere, killing(__18__) other as well as other species, and spoiling everything (__19__) our beautiful planet? Think what they will (__20__) to us, if they are unfriendly!

So, gentlemen, please stop looking for trouble!

6 Translate the following into English:

1.小女孩慢慢长大后就不会再怕宠物(pet animals)了.

The little girl will outgrow her fear of pet animals.


I don’t think you should act on his advice immediately. Think whether or not

there are better alternatives.

3.埃费列特(Everett) 教授携妻子度假去了,留下三岁的女儿由保姆照顾.

Professor Everett has gone away on vacation with his wife, leaving their three-year-old daughter behind with her babysitter.


As far as these mountain villagers are concerned, pollution is not yet a big threat.


The sun gives off light and heat. It is the major source of energy for people living on earth.


Scientists are still unable to come to a conclusion as to the probable cause of the earthquake.


You don’t have to go out of your way to come and see us. But you will be a welcome guest any time.

8.美国宪法起初由七章(articles) 组成,迄今已增加了二十七条修正案(amendment).

The American Constitution, when originally drafted, was composed of seven articles. Since then twenty seven amendments have been added to it.


1 Fill in the blanks with the words given below, Change the form where necessary charge live relax intelligent

vague detail flee trail annoy

contented bother force rise

anticipate arrest best turn

handle unlike possess reveal

split tend err corresponding

style reinforce anyway advance

close dwell

1. What he said ____ reveals an important clue as to who ____ handles the weapon the murderer used.

2. we ____ anticipate bad weather. But we had never thought that it would be a storm like that.

3. I have a ____ vague impression that he comes from a very influential family.

4. The hat he bought last summer is out of ____ style now.

5. The hotel guests were really ____ annoyed at having to wait so long to make

a telephone call.

6. ____Unlike their fathers and grandfathers, the young people certainly will not remain ____living with a life of isolation in this village. They want to see the world outside and to taste its excitement and opportunities.

7. This photo shows Tom's father at his ____ trail.

8. To ____ err is human. But no ____ intelligent person makes the same error over and over again.

9. We still have some time left before the exam. Why don't we just ____ relax and have a cup of coffee?

10. How could you expect me to remember every ____ detail of the accident? It that would ____ split me.

11. The hostess arranged to have me sit by a ten-year-old boy and asked me if that would ____ bother me.

12. Almost all the black people in that city ____force out on election (选举) day. They were confident that this time they could vote their own candidate into office.

13. It's true that John's joining us ____ reinforces our team, but we would have won ____ anyway .

14. No one is perfect. We have to ____ possess with the knowledge of our own imperfections.

15. The gunman _____ fled at the sight of the ;policemen.

16. Every year at this time people in the surrounding country come in ____ revealing to seek jobs in this city.

17. He has been ____ arrested and will face criminal ____ charge for cheating others out of their money.

18. The situation is growing out of control. We need someone more skilled to ____ handle the crisis.

19. They seem eager to have me work for them. They have even offered to pay me in ___ advance if I promise not to accept any other job.

20. Don't ____be contented on your past achievements, GO and set new goals.

21. He wanted to ask me a question, but his voice ____ turn off when he saw that

I was watching TV with great interest.

22. Unemployment (失业) is on the ____ rise. Will it cause a ____ corresponding rise in crime?

23. The meeting finally drew to a ____ close when the chairman finished his speech.

24. Some people ____ tend to remember the favors they do others and forget the favors they receive.

2 Study the use of the word "case" in the given examples and then use it to rewrite the following sentences:

Examples: This is an emergency case.

A case in point is students in New York State who face criminal misdemeanor chares for possessing and selling advance copies of state Regents examinations.

But in the case of Lincoln , the story is true.

1. Today the doctors will only have time to deal with patients who are seriously ill.

2. Cancer may not be deadly. My friend John, who has survived lung cancer for many years, is a good example.

3. Many intelligent animals can be trained to understand human speech. The pet dog is a good example.

4. Generally speaking, starting a business without any previous experience will involve many difficulties and risks But everything has been fine with me.

5. Many people believe that cheaters will inevitably be caught. But as far as many American politicians are concerned, this does not seem to be true.

3 Study the phrase "come to" in the examples given below and then use it to rewrite the following sentences:

Examples: The American comes to with a start. In India, mild in a bowl means only one thing - bait for a snake.

We were hopeless when it came to identification.

Such stories point out quite clearly that children who lied, cheated or stole came to bad ends.

1. I am sure that he will regain consciousness in an hour.

2. I am not sure what all this empty talk will lead to.

3. In discussing complicated situations or relationships, words are seldom adequate.

4. Our efforts at convincing his as to the feasibility of the plan did not bring us any result.

5. Tom is not much of a scholar. But no one organizes group activities better than he does/

4 Study the sentence pattern in each of the given examples and then use it to rewrite the sentences that follow:

Example: 1: If I wasn't able to avoid a mistake, chances were that no other surgeon could have, either.

a. If nothing goes wrong, he is likely to recover in a month after the operation.

b. We have a better than 50-50 chance to win this time. At least that is how it looks to me.

c. The disease is contagious, He will probably get it.

d. He will probably be found guilty(有罪的). The evidence is against him.

Example 2: It can be argued that such a response may not mean much.

a. There is some reason to think that formal education should not be made a requirement for public office.

b. There is reason to believe that bringing back the death penalty will not help reduce crime.

c. There is reason to think that stiffer sentences will only result in an increase in violent crimes.

Example 3': Signs of dishonesty seem more numerous in recent years. Could it be that we are getting better at revealing such dishonesty?

a. He is late for class again. Is it possible that he is held up by traffic again?

b. The boy has a high fever. Is it possible that he has caught the flu again?

c. Someone is knocking at the door. Is it possible that Sam is returning from school?

5 Complete the following by translating he Chinese into English:

1. War has been threatening these people for decades and they seem to have learned to accept this fact. (他们似乎已学会接受这一现实了).

2. Their friends have little doubt that divorce could be the ending of their marriage. (他们婚姻的结局将是离婚).

3. The commander was so kind that on many occasions I nearly wanted to call him by the first name. (我都几乎想对他直呼其名了).

4. I put up an advertisement in the newspaper for the sale of my car but by now there is no reply. (到目前为止尚无回音).

5. When I was answering the exam questions I was so nervous that my mind was turmoil. (我感到心中七上八下的).

6. The reaction of surgeons for emergency diagnosis (外科医生对急诊的反应) that best shows whether or not he is experienced.

7. _________________(许多人对政府保护环境的运动拍手称好), saying it was the right thing to do.

8. The classroom was almost empty; with one exception, the other students have done to leave the paper. (除一人外其他学生都已做完试卷离场了).

9. Do not delay the matter to your question (不要对你的问题拖延不管). Try to resolve them.

10. We are in a illusion (我们处于一种错觉之中) that we are safe and secure, at least in our homes.

11. According to recent studies(根据最近的研究), human beings are immune to this disease.

12. If they do not listen to us, they are bound to fail (他们必定青年人败).

6 Fill in each of the following blanks with a word from the following list. Change the form where necessary.

Bother latter criticism tend

Matter personal message commit

hesitate gift come accept unaware

Requirement indication against

Compliment anxious performance act

Face honesty express promote

Shortly before Abraham Lincoln left Springfield to be the President of the United States, he sent a (__1message__) to a clothing merchant(商人) in Boston, thanking him for the "valuable" overcoat the (__2 latter __) had given him as a New Year's (__3gift__)There was no suggestion that Lincoln had (__4 hesitated __) to accept the gift. Nor was there any (__5 indication__) that Lincoln was troubled by possible (__6 criticism __) from the public for (__7 accepting __) valuable gifts. On the contrary (相反地), evidence (__8 tend__) to show that Lincoln looked upon gifts from citizens(公民) as a (__9 compliment __) to him and to his office as President. And no (__10 matter__) how busy he was, he always took time to write to those who gave the gifts and (__11 express __) thanks to them. Though the new President was (__12 anxious __) that those who assisted him in the (__13 performance__) of government duties should keep high standards of decency and (__14 honesty __), the morality of accepting gifts does not seem to (__15 bother__) him.

However, as a man deeply (__16 committed__) to honesty and decency in government, Lincoln was not (__17 unaware__) of the question of public morality. He (__18 faced__) it and dealt with it as a realist(现实主义者) and a politician. He was not (__19 against __ ) using power to strengthen his own party. But when it (__20 came__) to using power for (__21 personal__) gains, Lincoln was firm. The (__22 requirement __) he set for himself and for other public officials was always to (__23 acting __) in a way that would (__24 promote __) the public interest.

7 Translate the following into English:


Did you anticipate the difficulties that you are encountering today?


The patient became very nervous when she first learned that she had cancer.

She is quieter now and it seems that she has learned to live with fear. 3.过去某个时候他一定犯了一个使他至今仍后悔不已的大错,但他从不细说,也没人知道


At one time or another he must have made a terrible mistake which he still feels sorry for. But he never dwells on it and no one knows exactly what it is.

4.这都是无事瞎忙,你为何不把时间用得更有意义(meaningful) 些呢?

All this is much ado about nothing. Why don’t you spend your time in a more meaningful way?



Seeing the advertisement, I was tempted to walk into the restaurant. But remembering that I needed all the money I had for my textbooks, I stopped and turned away.


They finally came to the conclusion that to improve the environment they needed to clean up their city first.



As chief resident surgeon he no longer dreads making critical decisions, though he admits he is still bothered by doubts and uncertainties.


The headmaster is a kind and friendly person. But when it comes to business he is matter of fact and can even be very hard on us


Test Paper

(for UNIT1-UNIT5)

(to be finished within 90 minutes)

PART I Vocabulary(30%)

Section A

Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with the correct form of the italicized word on the left of each sentence.

1. lock I lost my keys and couldn't lock the box.

2. mystery No one knows where he came from. There is something mysterious about his family background.

3. experience Mary was already an experienced primary school teacher at the age of 25.

4. survive His survival is still uncertain; he has been very badly hurt and may die.

5. practice Your suggestion is a good one, but there are some practicable difficulties in our workshop.

6. threat Their lives were frequently threatened by gas explosion.

7. energy Everyone looked fresh and energetically after the three-day spring break.

8. perform The first American performance of this opera was in 1926.

9. courage It was courageous of Mr. Stone to try and save the drowning man.

10. fortune The boy is fortunate to have had the help and guidance of such a learned uncle.

Section B

Directions: For each of the following blanks, four choices are given. Choose the most appropriate one.

11. Don't ___ to let me know if there is anything I can do for you.

A. reject

B. prevent

C. hesitate

D. refuse

12. Let's hang up some paintings on these ____ walls

A. bare

B. empty

C. blank

D. vacant

13. At the conference he expressed some personal views which later brought him into ____ with the Party leadership.

A. action

B. crisis

C. conflict

D. power

14. They have developed techniques which are ____ to those used in most factories.

A. more talented

B. better

C. greater

D. superior

15. Man must stop ____ the earth's atmosphere.

A. filling

B. emitting

C. polluting

D. wasting

16. No one has yet succeeded in explaining the ____ of how life began.

A. problem

B. cause

C. puzzle

D. logic

17. Unfortunately, very few sheep ____ the severe winter last year.

A. survived

B. endured

C. spent

D. remained alive

18. They discussed the problem three or four times, but could come to no ____ .

A. end

B. conclusion

C. a solution

D. a method

19. Well, let's put our heads together and find ____ to the problem.

A. an answer

B. a way

C. a solution

D. a method

20. The old couple decided to move out of town to a quiet ____ , where they had spent several years immediately after their marriage.

A. space

B. suburb

C. neighborhood

D. area

Section C

Directions: For each of the underlined words or phrases, four choices are given. Choose the one that best explains or defines the underlined part.

21. It took Jane a whole hour to solve this algebra problem.

A. work at

B. work on

C. work out

D. work over

22. His manner was so bright and pleasant that Arthur felt at ease with him at once.

A. easy

B. comfortable

C. confident

D. at rest

23. The market was full of salted fish, giving off the worst smell that you can imagine.

A. sending out

B. sending off

C. sending up

D. sending down

24. The self-important manager didn't seem to attach much importance to my advice.

A. apply

B. consider

C. judge

D. give

25. By then our experiment had reached a vital stage.

A. a profound

B. an ultimate

C. a perpetual

D. a very important

26. The British naturalist went all the way to India so that he could obtain firsthand information about the cobra.

A. find

B. get

C. search

D. learn

27. The bridge club rejected his application for membership.

A. refused to consider

B. refused to use

C. refused to give

D. refused to believe

28. The world market is constantly changing. We must anticipate the changes and make timely adjustments.

A. regularly

B. steadily

C. scarcely

D. always

29. He talked in detail about the feasibility of setting up an experimental school in which each child works at his or her own pace.

A. ease

B. suitability

C. practicability

D. possibility

30. Icy roads and poor visibility(能见度) are familiar hazards in the Midwest.

A. chances

B. Dangers

C. Conditions

D. happenings

PART II Structure (20%)

Section A

Directions: Each of the following sentences is incomplete and followed by four choices. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.

31. They overcame all the difficulties and fulfilled the plan ten days ahead of schedule, ___ was something we had not expected.

A. that

B. this

C. It

D. which

32. Bob tried in vain to trick his little brother _____ some money from their mother's purse.

A. to steal

B. to stealing

C. into steal

D. into stealing

33. I was ____ to find his article on such an ____ topic so ____ .

A. surprised, excited, bored

B. surprising, exciting, boring

C. surprised, exciting, boring

D. surprising, excited, bored

34. It was in 1777 ____ Vermont, threatened with invasion, declared itself an independent commonwealth.

A. when

B. that

C. in which

D. which

35. ____ a professor of physics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Edward Charles Pickering established the first physics laboratory in the United States.

A. while

B. being

C. although

D. he was

36. He didn't ____ and so he failed the examination.

A. work enough hard

B. work hard enough

C. hard work enough

D. hard enough work

37. The two boys had so _____ in common that they soon became good friends.

A. little

B. few

C. much

D. many

38. As fuel prices rose, bus companies raised their fares(票价) and ____ .


实训任务(2011 春) 郭明 2011年02月22日文章浏览次数:54 责任教师联系方式:郭明:guom@https://www.360docs.net/doc/7c16032574.html, 资料来源:北京广播电视大学 实训任务 实训一(ASP编程环境设置)任务书 【实训目的】 1.学会Windows 2000/NT服务器上IIS(Internet服务管理器)的安装与配置; 2.学会创建虚拟目录; 3.学会运行ASP程序 【建议学时】3课时 【项目类型】必做 【实训内容】 实训内容操作提示 在Windows平台上安装服务器软件IIS 在Windows 2000/NT或Windows XP 平台上安装。

【样张】 【实施环境及提供的材料】

1.能正常运行IIS服务器的计算机和操作系统 2.实训素材(与本任务书在同一目录中) 【拓展练习】 通过本实训的操练,同学具备了基本的操作能力,试着脱离指导步骤,独立安装服务器软件、熟练创建虚拟目录并正确运行ASP程序。 【思考题】 1.什么是IIS? 2.怎样安装和设置IIS? 3.是否一定要在 C:\Inetpub\wwwroot 下建立Web应用程序?可不可以放在别的文件夹下? 实训二(HTML标记的使用)任务书 【实训目的】 1.通过编写简单的网页文件,掌握HTML文档的基本结构; 2.掌握网页中图像、超链接、表格、表单等相关标记的使用,并能熟练应用这些标记进行网页设计; 3.了解网页设计中CSS样式的使用。 【建议学时】6课时

【项目类型】必做 【实训内容】 编写一个网页(扩展名为htm),设计如样图所示的表单。 操作提示: 1.打开记事本(或dreamweaver软件),建立html文档的基本结构; 2.使用表格(table标记)进行网页布局:使用表格嵌套,先建立一个3×1的表格,第一行插入图片,第二行嵌套一个11×2的表格,用于设计表单,第三行插入图片并建立 E_mail链接; 3.使用form标记设计表单; 4.使用img标记插入图片; 5.使用a标记建立超链接。 【样图】


网页制作课程设计设计题目:职业技术学院学生会 系别:职业技术学院 班级:09 计网 学号:092114010028 姓名:谯辉 指导教师:徐老师董老师 2011.7.4—2011.7.15

前言 都是可以通过网络来获得。但是什么为这所有的一切提供平台的呢。我们又是通过什么来获取这些消息的呢——对就是网页。现如今,数以万计的网站以网页的方式提供了丰富、精彩的信息。在人类社会进入信息时代的时候,在网络成为通信的主要手段的时候,在计算机网络普及的今天,网页也在它自己的岗位对于现在的社会,科技的飞速发展已经成为社会发展的标志。其中计算机的发展可谓快中之快,而在计算机的发展中计算机网络的发展又是首当其冲的。计算机网络从为我们所知,到现在才经历的短短的几年时间,在这几年中随着计算机网络的广泛应用,特别是Internet的普及和发展,网络已经成为了不可或缺的通信手段。不论是最新的新闻信息、新产品的出台、新游戏的发布、最新的各种IT 动态,包括等候就业人才的个人简历,我们上做出了突出的贡献。网页是我们在网络上的“代言人”。我们将什么样的信息传达给浏览者,要讲述什么样的事情,网页在这里起着重要的作用。 企业网站在企业的网络营销当中占有及其重要的地位,只要是涉及网络宣传的企业,都应该建立属于自己的个性企业网站。他不仅能够让企业在网络上展示自己的产品,促进实际销售的增长,更能够通过一根网线,向目标客户展示企业自身的形象。 对于企业网站设计的观点,偏重网站的形象设计,即在功能务实、体系完善的情况下,重点结合企业理念打造网站的形象。Logo就能很好的表现企业的形象。企业标志(Logo)是指用于代表企业形象的独特的、有意义的图案,是企业形象识别当中最核心的环节,可用于与企业形象相关的所有环节。由于企业标志所处的特殊地位,决定了其不能够随意更换,因此能否设计一个有内涵、有文化、便于识别的标志,并建立相关的应用系统,关乎到企业长远的发展,不容小视。 建设网站的一般过程包括:前期内容确立、网站架构搭建、创意策划、设计、网站建设。网站的功能版块一般分为首页(含引导页)、新闻部分、产品部分、信息交流部分、定制系统、零散页面等。根据不同的企业需求,各网站的功能版块数量、布局、结构各异。 要做一个有特色的网站,我们首先要熟练的掌握Dreamweaver、Photoshop 和flash等多种制作网页的工具,我们在掌握它的基础上要善于合理的利用这些工具,这样我们相才能做出一个让人看了后感到舒服的网页。


完成 获得3.00分中的3.00分 题干 HTML的颜色属性值中,RED的代码是() 选择一项: A. ″#808080″ B. ″#FF0000″ C. ″#0000FF″ D. ″#00FF00″ 反馈 正确答案是:″#FF0000″ 题目2 完成 获得2.00分中的0.00分 题干 把窗口分割成上下两个框架,高度分别为40%和60%,正确的代码是()。选择一项: A. B. C. D.

正确答案是: 题目3 完成 获得2.00分中的2.00分 题干 HTML标记中只能有一个属性值。 选择一项: 对 错 反馈 正确的答案是“错”。 题目4 完成 获得2.00分中的0.00分 题干 主体标记中的BACKGROUND属性是设置页面的背景颜色。 选择一项: 对 错 反馈 正确的答案是“错”。 题目5 完成 获得2.00分中的0.00分

题干 HTML文档中的标记不能多于一个,但标记可以放在任意位置。选择一项: 对 错 反馈 正确的答案是“错”。 题目6 完成 获得2.00分中的2.00分 题干 一张图片可以拥有多个超链接,方法是创建图像映射。 选择一项: 对 错 反馈 正确的答案是“对”。 题目7 完成 获得3.00分中的0.00分 题干


网页设计与制作构思 姓名:刘海梅 学号:20080514106 专业:08级电子商务 首先是网页的整体布局:因为是网页的自我介绍,所以采用了最简单的格式来布局。网页的左边用的是文字的介绍,右边就是自己的图片,将文字和图片结合起来能更形象的展现自己。 其次,网页整体是体现一个人的风格和思想,展现一个人的想法。而我想要突出的是一种希望,一种追求,一种宁静的生活,在漫无边际的黑夜,有着几颗明亮的星星,天空显得很宁静,但是当黑夜过后,黎明回来到,也就是一种希望,所以我选择的是黑色的背景颜色,然后添加了满天星星的小程序。 然后是自我介绍,自我介绍采取的是渐进的方式,跟着读者的眼球一点一点的往下播放,这个也是我自己根据一些小程序改编的。在自我介绍小面有一首谜底,因为自己喜欢和别人交流,所以是谜底的最后一句话添加了邮件地址,访问者可以点击“想知道答案”然后发

送邮件给我和我交流。网页的开头我设定了时间日期,时间会根据系统自己来调节。右边是我自己的照片,照片我用photoshop进行了色彩的调整,使其和网页的背景相符合。照片上面是一句“梦想随心飞”的动态图案,这句话是体现我的思想,就是有梦想是很好,但是心要向着梦想的方向努力,才能实现自己的梦想。在照片的下面插入了一个表格,分成3行,分别讲了有关于爱情、星座、神话的一些小故事,这些我添加了想左滚动的代码,使文字有序的向左滚动,并调整了滚动的次数、滚动速度等等,加入这些小故事也体现了我的个人爱好,在平时的生活中自己喜欢收集一些小故事,所以拿出来和大家一起分享,也体现对美好事物的追求。自己的照片也是一个超链接,链接到我的另一个网页“梦幻世界”,讲的是一个很唯美的小故事。在主页网站的下面有几张图片,这是为了使网页看起来不那么沉闷,可以说是为了美化网页添加上去的。这几张图片都是我精心挑选的,其中有动态有静态的图片,动态图片“很不错哦,支持一下”是希望大家喜欢我的网页,同时也是对自己的鼓励,希望自己努力! 最后,在网页底部图片的上面添加了超链接“返回”,这是为了能很快的返回寝室的主页。我的个人介绍网页大体就是这样根据自己的思路而一步一步来展现的,其中的文字、图片都是经过自己的思考和挑选的,这样才能体现出我自己的想要表达的思想和自己喜欢的一些事物。

Web动态网页课程设计 题目及要求

Web动态网页课程设计 (总学时数:16课时) 一 Web动态网页 课程设计性质:本课程是一门计算机相关专业实践性环节。以HTML和CSS为基础,全面学习网页设计制作有关的知识,让学生通过实践理解Web基本工作机制,并使学生具有一般网页制作的能力。与此同时,通过对Web页制作技术和制作工具的学习,使学生对网页设计中所涉及的相关知识有一个全面的了解。 二课程设计目的 通过对ASP对象的使用,实现对WEB数据库的访问。通过本课程的学习,使学生全面了解网站建设与网页设计的基本概念、基本理论及业务运作模式,了解网站建设与网页设计的特点及工作过程,掌握网站的建立及网页设计制作的方法,能够完成一般性网站的建设。同时学会Web数据库系统开发的基本方法与过程并能够实现B/S结构的数据库管理系统。 三课程设计地点 公共基础实验室3(A504) 四课程设计内容 本次课程设计题目方案如下:

题目1:基于Web的实验室信息管理系统 题目2:网络商店(见web程序设计课本案例) 题目3:学生自拟(需经过教师审核) 内容要求: (1)掌握Web网页常用的开发工具Deamweaver或.Net的使用; (2)学会IIS的配置,或者netbox的安装与设置; (3)学会Html、CSS、Javascript、VBscript或C#的简单开发和应用 (4)学会B/S模式下,asp与数据库的连接,建议采用Access 数据库。动态新闻管理系统。在系统中,必须完成文章的添加,删除、修改、文章内容显示、题目列表显示 五课程设计时间安排 第一周 安排计划 第二周 数据库的设计 第三周 完成HTML静态页面和 CSS设计; 第四周开始至第六周 开始JavaScript、Javascript、VBscript或C#的程序代码设计


1.请列出三种TCP/IP网络中所使用的协议,并说明它们哪些类型的终端之间的,例如,网络管理站(SNMP)是用于中央网络管理站和网络之间的。 参考答案: (1)HTTP:超文本传输协议,用于WEB服务器和WEB客户机之间; (2)SMTP:简单邮件传送协议,用于邮件客户机和邮件服务器之间; (3)TELNET:远程登录协议,用于客户机与终端之间。 2.现给出一个网址如下:https://www.360docs.net/doc/7c16032574.html,/planetwide/select/selector.html,请你根据所学的URL分析该网址各个部分的含义。 参考答案: //前的http表示访问信息采用的是超文本传输协议,并且文件在WWW服务器上; https://www.360docs.net/doc/7c16032574.html,表明了WWW服务器的位置; planetwide/select/selector.html表明最终要访问的文件所在的位置。 3.访问类型即访问信息的链接方式,它决定了文件所在的位置,请问常用的链接方式有哪几种,并举出实例。(列出三种即可) 参考答案: (1)file:如file:\\D:\作业\作业\主页.htm(前面的file:\\一般可省略)就是打开本地D盘下的一个网页;(2)ftp:如ftp:\\https://www.360docs.net/doc/7c16032574.html,(此处也可输入IP地址); (3)http:如https://www.360docs.net/doc/7c16032574.html,/; (4)News:news:\\可以查看IP地址192.168.1.7的可用新闻组; (5)telnet:telnet:\\就可以运行远程登录IP地址192.168.1.7; 4.我们要进入紫霞的公众网,网址如下:telnet://https://www.360docs.net/doc/7c16032574.html,,请你实际操作进入该网站,并列出三种以上进入该TELNET网站的方法。 参考答案: (1)在浏览器中登录:启动INTERNET EXPLORER,在URL地址栏中输入“telnet://https://www.360docs.net/doc/7c16032574.html,”;(2)“开始”→“运行”→“输入telnet”→“确定”→在命令行输入“open https://www.360docs.net/doc/7c16032574.html,”命令并回车; (3)“开始”→“运行”→“输入cmd”→“确定”→在命令行输入“telnet https://www.360docs.net/doc/7c16032574.html,”命令并回车; (4)“开始”→“运行”→“输入c md”→“确定”→在命令行输入“telnet211.157.100.8”命令并回车。 5.如果远程登录失败,请问原因可能是什么? 参考答案: (1)计算机地址拼写错误(主机名或IP地址错误); (2)远程计算机暂时不能使用; (3)你所指定的计算机不在Internet上。 6.实践:启动INTERNET EXPLORER浏览器,修改其INTERNET选项,并观察其效果。 您的答案: 答:将https://www.360docs.net/doc/7c16032574.html, 设置为INTERNET选项的首页后,只要打开INTERNET EXPLORER 便直接登录到该网站的主页 1.个人网站有哪三种基本风格? 参考答案: (1)主题图形式; (2)信息发布式; (3)介于两者之间的风格。


第一部分应知考试题库 2.1.2网页制作基础 1.填空题 (1)网页一般分为()网页和()网页。 (2)HTML是()的缩写,意思为()。(3)网页主要由()、()、()、超链接等基本元素构成。(4)常用的制作网页的专门工具有()和()。 (5)如果属性面板被隐藏了,可以通过执行()菜单下的“属性”命令来打开。2.选择题 (1)下面文件属于静态网页的是______。 (2)属于网页制作工具的是______。 A.photoshop B.flash C.dreamweaver D.cuteFTP (3)用于调整编辑窗口中被选中元素的属性的面板是_____ A.插入面板 B.属性面板 C.设计面板 D.文件面板 (4)在网页中经常用的两种图像格式是_______。 A.bmp和jpg B.gif和bmp C.png和bmp D.gif和jpg (5)下列说法正确的是_____。 A.动态网页使用应用程序解释器但不使用后台数据库 B.动态网页不使用应用程序解释器但使用后台数据库 C.动态网页不使用应用程序解释器也不使用后台数据库 D.动态网页使用应用程序解释器也使用后台数据库 2.1.3网站的创建与管理 1.选择题 (1)如果正在编辑的文件没有存盘,系统在文件名上加上____符号提示用户。 A.! B. C.# D.* (2)在“资源面板”中没有列出的资源是______。 A.文本 B.图像 C.颜色 D.脚本 (3)保存网页文档的快捷键是__________。 A.Ctrl+A B.Ctrl+S C.Ctrl+W D.Ctrl+N (4)下列哪一种视图不属于“文件面板”中视图列表中的视图类型 A.本地视图 B.地图视图 C.远程视图 D.大纲视图 (5)定义站点时,存放网页的默认文件夹为__________。 A.C盘根目录 B.D盘根目录 C.我的文档 D.没有默认文件夹,必须由用户指定 2.1.4页面的整体控制 1.选择题 (1)打开页面属性对话框,使用_______功能键。 A.Ctrl+K B.Ctrl+J C.Ctrl+M D. Ctrl + F (2)下面的颜色中,____表示黄色。 A.#FFFF00 B.#FFOOFF C.#00FFFF D.#00FF00 (3)当网页既设置了背景图像又设置了背景色,那么_____。 A.以背景图像为主 B.以背景色为主


课程设计报告 课程名称《网页设计》 课题名称南岳衡山旅游网页制作 专业信息管理与信息系统 班级信管1301 学号201303110125

姓名肖宏亮 指导教师余新宇、赵锦元、谢雅 2015年6 月10 日 湖南工程学院 课程设计任务书 课程名称《网页设计》 课题南岳衡山旅游网页制作 专业班级信管1301 学生姓名肖宏亮 学号201303110125 指导老师余新宇赵锦元谢雅 审批 任务书下达日期2015 年 6 月10 日 任务完成日期2015 年6 月27 日

目录 1设计的思路 0 2网站总体风格 0 3网站的分析与设计 (1) 4总体设计图 (1) 5详细设计 (2) 5.1各页面的内容 (2) 5.2首页的布局 (2) 5.3制作二级页面 (4) 5.4制作三级页面 (6) 5.6特效 (10) 6错误调试 (11) 7总结 (12) 8心得体会 (13) 9评分表 (14)

第一部分:课设目的 21世纪是一个信息时代,Internet已经进入人们生活与工作的各方面,而网页作为Internet信息传递的重要载体,其重要也日趋突出。所以实训的目的就是要我们更好的掌握好这一学期的网页知识和提高自己的动手能力,并且上传到网上去,让更多人认识我,更好的宣传自己。 个人网站的总体规划和步骤 1设计的思路 我的个人网站主要是以蓝色基调为主,使人一看就了然,很容易一看就形成系统的逻辑,而且与我们南岳衡山的旅游风景相衬显得十分融洽。 2网站总体风格 我设计的这个网站使用蓝色基调主要是给人舒服,能够一目了然,而且能够吸引人的眼球,更重要的是这期主题是南岳衡山,大体基调使用蓝色与大山的图片颜色相当协调。 网站的总体风格主要是以蓝色为主,以淡色为辅,充满活力,生机。具有个性色彩。 网站的布局其实并不复杂,主要是先规划还一个大致布局,可以参考很多旅游网站他的大体布局,但不能照搬全抄,要结合自身网站的特点做一些较之其他网页相对有特色的东西,这样才能更吸引人,在网页顶部,我们必须做一个能代表我们网站的LOGO,所以做好一个模版,模版做好框架了,那网站就初步先采用ps技术设计好自己网站的LOGO,然后创建导航栏,再根据导航栏制作其他的页面。在整个网站的制作过程中我们必须得切记整体风格必须一致,这样才会给人形成一个整体舒服的感觉,否则会显得很唐突。 绿色网站的内容结构也很简单,分类清楚。页面链接的层次也很明确,访问


动态网页制作作业 姓名:常小梅

动态网页制作作业 一、选择题(每小题2分,共40分) 1.请判断下列语句执行完毕后,a、b、c的值(B) <% a="1" + 1 b="1" + "1" c="1" & "1" %> (A) "11","11","11" (B) 2,"11","11" (C) "11",2,"11" (D) "11","11",2 2.执行完语句a="2",a的类型为(B) (A) 数值型(B) 字符串型(C) 布尔型(D) 日期型 3.执行完如下语句后,a的值为:(D) <% Dim a a=3 a=a+1 %> (A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 3 (D) 4 4.执行完如下语句后,Sum的值为:(C) <% Dim a(5),Sum Sum=0 For I=0 To 5 a(I)=I Sum=Sum+a(I) Next %> (A) 0 (B) 5 (C) 15 (D) 20 5.执行完a=5 Mod 3 语句后,a的值为:(B) (A) 0 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 5 6.执行完a=5>3 And "a"<"c" 语句后,a的值为:(A) (A) True (B) False (C) 1 (D) 0 7.下面a=Trim(" vbscript") & Rtrim(" good") 语句后,a的值:(B) (A) " vbscript good" (B) "vbscript good"

(C) " vbscriptgood" (D) "vbscriptgood" 8.下面哪个函数可以返回当前的日期和时间:(A) (A) Now (B) Date (C) Time (D) DateTime 9.对于利用Dim a(4,5) 语句定义的二维数组,Ubound(a,1)将返回(B) (A) 0 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6 10.对于Request对象,如果省略获取方法,如Request(“user_name”),将按什么顺序依次检查是否有信息传入:(B) (A)Form、QueryString、Cookies、Server V ariables、ClientCertificate (B)QueryString、Form、Cookies、Server V ariables、ClientCertificate (C)Cookies、QueryString、Form、Server V ariables、ClientCertificate (D)Form、QueryString、Cookies、Server V ariables、ClientCertificate 11.下面哪条语句可以返回访问者的IP地址(A) (A) Request.ServerV ariables("REMOTE_ADDR") (B) Request.ServerV ariables("REMOTE_IP") (C) Request.ClientCertificate("REMOTE_ADDR ") (D) Request.ClientCertificate ("REMOTE_IP ") 12.执行完如下语句后,页面上显示的内容为:(A) <% Response.Write "A" Response.End Response.Write "B" %> C (A) A(B) AB (C) AC (D) ABC 13.请问下面程序段执行完毕,页面上显示内容是什么:(C) <% Response.Write “新浪” %> (A) 新浪(B) 新浪 (C) 新浪(超链接)(D) 该句有错,无法正常输出 14.Session对象的默认有效期为多少分钟?(C) (A) 10 (B) 15 (C) 20 (D) 应用程序从启动到结束 15.请问下面程序段执行完毕,页面上显示内容是什么:(B) <% Response.Write Server.HTMLEncode(“新浪”)


《网页设计与制作》课程标准前言: 《网页设计与制作》是理实一体化课程,是计算机专业(软件与信息服务、数字媒体、计算机应用专业)的一门重要的专业必修课。本课程定位于WEB技术开发工作岗位。它是WEB前端技术开发的必备课程,在整个课程体系中具有重要的作用, 一、课程的说明: 通过本课程的学习,使学生了解网页设计技术的起源和发展、常用的网页制作软件及HTML语言,掌握运用Dreamweaver(以下简称DW)网页制作软件制作网页的方法,通过运用Photoshop图像处理软件和Flash动画制作软件,三个软件互相配合,完成网页设计与制作任务的方法。为今后从事网页设计与制作、网站开发和管理奠定基础。在网页设计的实践中重点培养团队协作、沟通交流能力,培养自主学习能力和探索创新能力。 二、课程内容与基本要求: 该课程涉及的知识是网页设计人员必备的基本技能,职业活动与课程内容的对应关系如下:

三、教学目标 1、职业关键能力目标 (1) 掌握使用Photoshop进行图像处理的基本方法及操作技能 (2) 掌握DreamweaverCS5的基本知识及操作技能 (3) 掌握建立与管理站点的方法 (4) 掌握制作主要内容为文本的网页的方法 (5) 掌握在网页中插入与编辑图像的方法 (6) 掌握在网页中插入多媒体元素的方法 (7) 掌握表格处理与网页布局的方法 (8) 掌握创建超级链接的方法 (9) 掌握使用框架制作旅游网站的方法 (10) 掌握创建和使用模板的方法 (11) 掌握创建和使用库的方法 (12) 掌握在网页中添加AP Div的方法

(13) 掌握在网页中使用行为的方法 (14) 掌握HTML基础知识及通过代码修饰网页的方法 (15) 掌握使用CSS样式表修饰网页的方法 (16) 掌握动态网页的概念及简单动态网页的制作方法 2、职业专门能力目标 (1) 通过完成相关的项目,掌握网页设计的基本工作流程。 (2) 通过完成相关的项目,掌握网页设计常用工具的使用方法。 (3) 通过完成相关的项目,掌握网页布局及美化的基本方法。 (4) 通过完成相关的项目,掌握简单网页交互的制作方法。 3、方法能力目标 形成一定的学习能力、沟通与团队的协作能力,形成良好的思考问题、分析问题和解决问题的能力,养成良好的职业素养。遵守国家关于软件与信息技术的相关法律法规,形成关键性的软件开发与应用的能力。 四、教学内容 第一章网页制作基础知识(4学时) 教学目标: 网页与网站基本概念、网页基本组成元素、常用网页制作软件 主要教学内容: 网页制作基础知识 网页的基本构成元素 网页制作常用软件和技术 第二章 Dreamweaver CS6轻松入门(2学时)


网页设计课程设计报告 系别:计算机科学系 班级:09级计师二班 姓名:邓桂香 学号:200914340229 指导教师:李发英 成绩: 日期:2011年5月

网页设计课程设计报告 一、网站设计目的和任务 一学期的网页设计理论和实践课程都结束了,根据老师的要求及指导,我设计了此网站,本网站属于小型个人网站,目的在于简单的介绍一下个人状况,可以使老师和同学们更进一步的了解我现在以及部分过去的情况,加强老师和同学们对我的认识,深化我们大家的情谊,有利于以后在学习、工作生活当中的团结协作。 此外,这不仅是为了肩负学生的责任而去完成老师交给我的任务,更是对过去学习的知识的温习巩固,是一个把理论转化为实践的过程,是一个把自己的设计思想转化为实物的过程,是一个发挥自己创造力和想象力的过程。 再者,这是对自己在一学期内该学习科目以来的成果的检查,这是一个自我审视的过程:检测我该学期的学习成果,衡量一期以来的收获,更为重要的是扬长避短,发现自己的问题与缺点,使自己及时改正,发觉自身的优点和长处并坚持发扬,有利于我以后的学习和发展。 二、网站主题 本网站以个人从小到现在的大概情况介绍为主题,阐述喜好,表现本人的性格特点。

三、网站规划思想 当今社会,靠什么成功?很多成功人士都说过这样一句话:“成功来自百分之八十的人际关系和百分之二十的自身天分和努力。”据此可以发现,扩大人际关系网是十分重要的一项活动,因此就需要一条联系两方的桥梁,这条桥梁是满载信息的大流量的通道,在这信息时代,于是网络成为了这当之无愧的桥梁。我设计这个网站的思路就来源于此。 怎样让更多人了解你?怎么使别人更了解你?怎样扩大自己的接触面?当代是繁忙的一代也是讲究高效率的一代,当今面对这些问题,这时候的内敛不会被认为是好的,最好的解决办法我认为是把自己推销出去,我想通过网络把自己的概况晾晒,方便别人更快捷更省事地得到相关信息,通过这种方式,也可以交到志同道合的朋友,可以一起研究探讨,相互促进,达到共赢。 既然这样,那么网站的风格自然是温和、高雅、柔美的,这样才能达到更高的亲和力效果,同时也应该具有喜悦性、创新性、活泼开朗性,展现个人品格及魅力。最重要的是要呈现一个真诚的自我在大家面前,树立可信性、诚实性,消除虚拟因素,获得大家的真诚对待和好感。 在内容和结构上,具体如下: 整个网站分为九个页面,分别为:主页面、基本信息、个人照片、成长阶段概况(童年、中学、大学)、兴趣爱好(文学、书法、


Web网页课程设计 (总学时数:1周,学分数:1) 一Web网页课程设计性质 本课程是一门计算机科学与技术及相关专业实践性环节。以HTML和CSS为基础,全面学习网页设计制作有关的知识,让学生通过实践理解Web基本工作机制,并使学生具有一般网页制作的能力。与此同时,通过对Web页制作技术和制作工具的学习,使学生对网页设计中所涉及的相关知识有一个全面的了解。 二课程设计目的 通过对ASP对象的使用,实现对WEB数据库的访问。通过本课程的学习,使学生全面了解网站建设与网页设计的基本概念、基本理论及业务运作模式,了解网站建设与网页设计的特点及工作过程,掌握网站的建立及网页设计制作的方法,能够完成一般性网站的建设。同时学会Web数据库系统开发的基本方法与过程并能够实现B/S结构的数据库管理系统。 三课程设计地点 计算机机房 四课程设计内容 (1)掌握Web网页常用的开发工具Frontpage或Deamweaver的使用; (2)学会IIS的配置,或者netbox的安装与设置; (3)学会Html、CSS、Javascript的简单开发和应用 (4)学会B/S模式下,asp与数据库的连接,建议采用Access数据库。 动态新闻管理系统。在系统中,必须完成文章的添加,删除、修改、文章内容显示、题目列表显示(学生可根据自己的情况,自拟题目也可)。如图: 文章添加

文章题目列表 文章修改 五课程设计时间安排 第一天完成HTML静态页面和 CSS设计;完成基本JavaScript和数据库的设计 第二天完成动态添加和动态列表显示两个页面; 第三天完成内容显示和删除两个页面; 第四天完成课程设计报告。 六评分标准 成绩包括两部分:考勤和课程设计报告。 课程设计完成后必须提交打印的纸质课程设计报告,这是成绩评定的主要依据。报告必须按照指定格式,详细写出设计过程,并且截取系统运行图片(4张基本图片),附加相关重要代码,最后写出心得体会。页数不得少于10页。 七课程设计要求 课程设计严肃认真,不得无故迟到、缺席。报告书写规范正确,如有抄袭,一律按照不及格处理。


《网页设计与制作》课程教案 一、课程定位 本课程是计算机应用技术专业的一门专业基础课程,该课程的学习能够提升他们对网页制作的兴趣,让他们学习网页制作的基本技能,为后继课程打下基础,同时扩展其就业面,为就业做好准备。 本课程的目的和任务是让学生学会Dreameaver CS6、Flash和Fireworks 的使用方法,并能够使用这3款软件制作出美观实用的网页。 二、课程总目标 掌握网页制作的基本方法和技能,掌握网站建设的流程,能够运用所学知识建设常用的网页和网站,同时能够美化网页,设计人性化、艺术化的网站静态页面部分。 (一)知识目标: 1.熟悉网页制作的基本元素; 2.掌握Dreamweaver CS6软件的基本操作方法; 3.掌握在网页中插入文字、图片、声音、flash等的方法; 4.掌握常见的网页布局方法,学会使用CSS美化网页; 5.掌握在网页中使用表单和制作网页特效的方法; 6.掌握简单图形图像的处理,能够制作符合网页主题的图片和简单动画 并巧妙地和网页中内容搭配起来。 7.掌握建设一个功能相对完善的网站的方法并能制作常用的网站的静 态页面部分。 (二)职业能力培养目标 1. 能够根据网站开发需求,去寻找网页设计和网站开发所需要的文字、 图片、动画、声音、视频等素材并作美化处理; 2.能够制作出符合主题色彩的网页,网页要求美化、被绝大多数浏览 者接受和喜爱;

3.能够设计企业网站、政府门户网站、学校网站等常见网站的基本静态 页面。 (三)素质目标 1.具有勤奋学习的态度,严谨求实、创新的学习精神; 2.具有良好的心理素质和职业道德素质; 3.具有高度责任心和良好的团队合作精神; 4.具有运用理论知识发现问题、分析问题并解决问题的能力,同时能够 不断学习,不断创新,让自己的设计越来越完善,有止于至善的精神。(四)职业技能证书考核要求: 可以根据自身情况考取“全国计算机信息高新技术资格证”,“网页设计制作员”,“网页设计师”等职业技能证书。 三、重点、难点章节及内容 1.重点章节: 1.2 网页、网站相关术语简介 1.6 网站建设的基本流程 2.3 Dreamweaver CS6的工作环境 3.2 创建本地站点 3.4 使用站点 3.5 网页设计中的规范 4.1 网页文件的基本操作 4.3 插入文本 4.4 插入水平线 4.5 插入其他基本元素 4.6 创建列表 5.1 超级链接概述 5.2 创建超级链接 5.3 使用dw制作各种超级链接


《HTML网页设计技术》 教案首页

注:表格内容统一用5号宋体填写。 教学设计

教学内容 一、概述 (一)课程性质(课程性质和价值) 本课程是高职计算机软件技术专业的一门主干专业课程。通过本课程的学习,要求学生掌握网页设计的基本概念,学会使用常用的网页设计工具和常用脚本语言,能够设计制作常见的静态和动态网页,具备网站的建立和维护能力。同时通过本课程的学习,培养学生的综合职业能力、创新精神和良好的职业道德。 (二)课程基本理念 本课程的设计“以能力为本位、以职业实践为主线、以项目课程为主体”,教学时各模块既有独立性,又有关联性。独立性是指各模块设计案例、组织教学、突出重点时应该相互独立,学生应该一个模块一个模块地掌握其知识点;关联性是指各模块间存在相互关系,在重难点设计上应该加以配合,如HTML语言模块着重基本代码的熟记和编写,对于较难编写代码的“框架”、“层”、“数据链接”等内容则放到DreamWeaver的使用模块中重点介绍。 《HTML网页设计技术》课程与计算机基础、Flash动画、PhotoShop图像处理、计算机网络技术、数据库等课程互相联系、互相补充。本课程作为软件技术专业的一门主干专业课程,此时学生已经具备一定的计算机基础知识和动手能力,能较快地掌握网页设计的各种知识,并运用所学知识做出具有特色的网站,使学生能够得到全面的培养,成为社会所需专用人才。 (三)课程框架结构、学分和学时分配、对学生选课的建议 本课程的设计“以能力为本位、以职业实践为主线、以项目课程为主体”,打破了传统的学科体系的模式,将网页设计职业岗位能力中用到的知识如:网页基础知识、DreamWeaver的使用、HTML语言、JavaScript脚本语言、Flash、Fireworks进行整合并模块化。教学时各模块既有独立性,又有关联性。独立性是指各模块设计案例、组织教学、突出重点时应该相互独立,学生应该一个模块一个模块地掌握其知识点;关联性是指各模块间存在相互补充关系,按理论实践一体化要求设计,强调动手做,强调解决问题。它体现了职业教育“以就业为导向,以能力为本位”的职业教育理念。 课程框架结构、学分和学时分配、对学生选课的建议 二、课程目标 总目标:使学生掌握常用的网页设计工具,熟练运用多种网页设计技术,具备Web网页设计、制作及站点管理的基本知识和基本技能,学生能够独立制作中小型的网站。 (一)教学目标: 1. 了解、HTML、CSS的定义、概念和作用; 2. 理解服务器、客户端、浏览器的概念和作用; 3. 理解HTML语言中的各种文本格式、字符格式、段落设置、列表、标记的作用; 4. 熟练操作DreamWeaver; 5. 理解CSS样式表的作用和意义; 6. 深入理解HTML语言的各种功能和应用; 7. 深入理解表格、框架、表单的作用; 8. 深入理解层的作用;


《动态网页设计与制作》作业 一填空题 1.Internet的三个基本元素为(服务器)、(客户机)和(网络)。 2.在HTML标记中用(A)标记标注超链接,超链接的种类主要有(文件链接)、(锚链接)、和(邮件链接)。 3.ASP中文件存取组件主要包括(FileSystem)对象、(TextStream)对象、(File)对象和(Folder)对象。 4.可以与ASP结合使用的脚本语言主要有(VBSCRIPT)和(JA V ASCRIPT)。 5.下图为WWW的基本组成,请补充完成。 客户机 7.网页列表包括(有序列表)、(无序列表)、(定义列表)、(定义列表)和(目录列表)。 8.在FONT标记中COLOR属性表示(文字的颜色),SIZE属性表示(文字的大小)。 9.在HTML中,用于标注框架的标记主要包括(Frameset)和(Frame)。 10.ADO组件对象主要包括(Connection)、(Connection)和(Recordset)。 11.ASP常见的内置组件中,(ADO)用于数据库操作,(ADROTATOR)用于广告轮显。 12.在表格定义中,(table)用于定义表格,(TR)用于定义一行表格,(TD)用于定义单元格。 13.Internet的网络协议为(TCP/IP协议)。Internet的三个基本元素为(服务器)、(客户机)和(网络)。 14.ASP常见的内置组件中,(Counters)可用于设计计数器,其对象实例创建标记字符串为(Mswc.Counters),(Content Rotator)组件用于网页内容轮显,其对象实例创建标记字符串为(Mswc.Contentrotator)。 15.HTML中,用于标注框架的标记主要包括(Frameset)和(Frame)。 16.在HTML中,有序列表定义的标记符为(ol)和(li)。 二简答题 1.简述ASP的构成及其主要组成部分的功能。 答:主要有内置对象和内置组件构成 内置对象:Request:获取客户端的信息、Response:根据用户的请求,向客户端输出信息、Server: 实现对服务器端的设置、Session:用于对某一特定的客户端信息进行记录和管理、Application:用 于记录所有客户信息。 内置组件:广告轮显器用于广告轮换显示、文件存取组件用于文件操作。文件超链接组件用于超链 接管理。 2.简述ADO的构成及其主要组成部分的功能。 答:ADO主要由三个对象:Connection、Command和Recordset。Connection:主要用于数据 库的链接;Command对象借助于SQL命令对数据库进行操作,把操作结果返回Recordset对 象;Recordset对象用于返回一个对数据库操作后的数据集合记录。


课程设计 课程名称:HTML5开发技术课程设计 专业班级:计科1201 学生姓名:伍志强 学号: 201216010506 指导教师:刘宏月 学期:2013-2014学年第一学期

HTML5开发技术专业课程设计任务书 说明:本表由指导教师填写,由教研室主任审核后下达给选题学生,装订在设计(论文)首页

1 需求分析 本课程设计为一个商业网站,大的框架为整个网站分为5个页面,分别为:主页面、公司的业务面,公司产品问题咨询面,公司产品的技术支持面,校园招聘界面。各个页面间都是相互连接的,方便读者更快捷地找到想了解的信息。在每个界面拥有的公司logo ,登陆界面,和一些视频的宣传和校园招聘网页的背景音乐,友情链接,插入的各种静动态图片,搜索栏。每个界面链接的公司的最新各种动态,和基本的各种文字说明,采用的是中英双板模式书写。 网站的目录结构如下: 伍志强------网站根目录 Css ------存放外置CSS文件 Images ------存放图片文件 Music ------存放背景音乐 JS------存放的javascript代码 .project------编译时建立的一个工程 Index系列------存放的网站的各个网页 2 概要设计

3 详细设计 页面的布局和风格 DIV+CSS的基本过程是先布局,对网页进行总体设计,再设计内容,对布局的每一部分进行设计。 DIV+CSS对内容的设计也体现内容和表现相分离的思想。对内容的表现的描述都在CSS中,内容可以应用CSS样式,不需要额外的HTML标签进行内容的修饰。 CSS网页布局的原理,就是按照HTML5代码中对象声明的 body { background:#131b20; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:100%;


湖南文理芙蓉学院个人主页课程报告 201703考试批次 《网页制作》结课作业 学生姓名学习中心 学号考号 专业年级层次 北京语言大学网络教育学院

《网页制作》结课作业 注意: 本学期所布置的结课作业,请同学一律按照以下要求执行: 一、学生必须预约才能在学生平台看见相关课程的“结课作业”按钮; 二、提交路径:个人平台首页--学习中的课程,点击该课程名称--点击“结课作业”--点击“浏览”按钮,选择要上传的文档后点击“提交作业”即可。 三、结课作业提交起止时间:2017年1月21日--3月20日。(届时平台自动关闭,逾期不予接收。) 四、提交的文档格式必须为word文档,截止日期前可多次提交,平台只保留最后一次提交的文档; 五、严格按照课程名称提交相应课程结课作业,提交错误的结课作业,按0分处理。 一、设计题目(请在以下网页设计作品中任选其一,最后整理一份网站设计与实现的报告即可,具体要求如下。总分100分) 1、制作个人主页 2、制作公司网站主页 3、制作环保网站网页 4、制作BBS注册网页 5、制作购物网站 6、制作班级主页 7、制作家乡介绍网页 8、制作汽车世界网页 9、制作销售书店网页 10、制作美食天下网页 二、网站设计与实现具体要求 1、设计题目: 选择一个你最感兴趣的主题,进行网站设计与开发,网站内容具有实用价值。 2、开发环境: 综合使用Dreamweaver CS、CSS、HTML、Flash CS、Fireworks CS、VBScrip(JAVAScript)等工具和语言,但动态网页制作不做硬性规定。 3、内容要求: ①内容不限,但要求主题思想明确; ②具体的设计所需素材,可在网上查找,但不得有严重侵权行为,一经发现按零分处理。 4、技术要求: ①选用Div、表格、框架、层等若干技术设计和布局网页;


《动态网页设计与制作》作业参考答案 一填空题 1.服务器、客户机、网络 2.A、文件链接、锚链接和邮件链接 3.FileSystem、TextStream、File、Folder 4.VBSCRIPT、JAVASCRIPT 5.Web浏览器、HTTP协议、HTTPserver、HTML文档、CGI程序 6.背景图案、背景色 7.有序列表、无序列表、定义列表、菜单列表、目录列表 8.文字的颜色、文字的大小 9.Frameset、Frame 10.Connection、Command、Recordset 11.ADO、ADROTATOR 12.table、TR、TD 13.TCP/IP协议、服务器、客户机、网络 14.counters、mswc.counters、Content Rotator、mswc.contentrotator 15.Frameset、Frame 16.ol、li 二简答题 1.内置对象:Request:获取客户端的信息、Response:根据用户的请求,向客户端输出信息、Server:实现对服务器端的设置、Session:用于对某一特定的客户端信息进行记录和管理、Application:用于记录所有客户信息。 内置组件:广告轮显器用于广告轮换显示、文件存取组件用于文件操作。文件超链接组件用于超链接管理。 2.ADO主要由三个对象:Connection、Command和Recordset。Connection:主要用于数据库的链接;Command 对象借助于SQL命令对数据库进行操作,把操作结果返回Recordset对象;Recordset对象用于返回一个对数据库操作后的数据集合记录。 三个数据集合:Fields、Parameters、Errors;Fields数据集合用于字段的管理;Parameters用于确定在存贮命令中的参数;Errors数据集合包含因运行命令而引起的错误的详细内容。 3.与INTERNET的永久链接、IP地址和域名、服务器硬件、WEB服务器软件。 4.
